Summary: On an outing at the mall with Lindsey, Catherine is
abducted leaving only one witness. Her daughter. Gil is called to
investigate, the case. Why was Catherine abducted and what does it
have to do with Sam Braun?


Gil pulled into the driveway half an hour later.
Lindsey was bouncing with excitement about seeing her mom and finally being back home.

She jumped out of the suv and was the first inside the house.

"MOM!" he called running through the living room and up the stairs. "MOM!" she yelled once more.

Not getting any reply she grabbed the handle to Catherine's bedroom door and burst inside. " Mom?" she lowered her voice when she saw the lights out and the room dark. " Mom you in here?"

Lindsey flipped on the light and found the room empty. Her next stop was the bathroom but she could tell from afar that it too was empty.

Lindsey shrugged it off and ran back downstairs and toward the kitchen.

Gil was bring in Lindsey's bags when he heard the scream for help.

He dropped everything and ran in the house.

The first thing he saw was Harrison's body and a pool of blood surrounding him, then there was Catherine.

Gil pulled Lindsey away from the scene and took her outside. Her body was trembling and she as trying not to cry but she worried about her mother.

"Lindsey? I need you to do something for me" Gil began.

Through the sniffles Lindsey nodded

"I need you to take my phone and call Brass, tell him we need him to come really fast okay?"

Lindsey nodded and Gil turned and headed back inside.

He reached the kitchen and ran to Catherine's side. At the feel of his touch her eyes fluttered open but she still seemed lost.

Catherine?" he whispered gently taking her face in his hands. " to me."

Catherine didn't say a word.

Gil looked in her eyes. He couldn't see her, Catherine was gone.

.Three days later.

Gil was sitting in the waiting room like he had been for the past three days. The doctor had come talked to him every few hours, But he was refusing to let Gil in the room or near Catherine.

Gil decided that this time when the doctor came back he was going to demand to see the women he loved.

Gil paced back and forth for almost another hour before he saw Dr. Brenner heading his way.

Gil raced up to him " How is she when can I see her?"

The doctor led him to a chair and motioned for him to sit.

Gil refused " I have been sitting out here for three days you let me see her!" he demanded

The doctor sighed " She has requested no visitors sir."

Gil was taken aback.They had all told him she was in deep depression and still wasn't speaking. " What do you mean she told you, you said she wasn't talking!"

The doctor nodded, she was..she is but she can communicate and she gave word that no one was to see her.

Gil sighed in frustration " Well when can I see her , When can she come home?"

Doctor Brenner shook his head " She's not leaving this hospital, only if it is to be transferred to a facility where she can get extensive therapy and counselling."

"NO" Gil was shaking his head furiously "She's not going to any facility, she's coming home with me and her daughter and we can help her."

The doctor sat down " Sir, with all due respect she doesn't want to go home with you! Staying in the hospital or being transferred was her idea. Why do you think she has been telling us not to let you in?"

Gil just stared at him " You're lying, your trying to keep her from me and I want to know why, "

Dr. Brenner stood up to confront him " Sir, I know.."

"Dr. Brenner?" a female nurse came to his side and whispered into his ear.

He nodded and thanked her and waited until she walked away to tell Gil what she had said.

"Ms Willows is asking for you."

Gil nodded" That's what I thought" he snapped and brushed past the doctor.

When Gil entered her room she was being helped back into her bed.

As soon as the aid was gone Gil was by her side.

Catherine looked into his eyes and could see the questions he had for her and she could see the hurt he was feeling . She knew that he knew he was lied to.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, trying to avoid any eye contact " I shouldn't have told the doctor to lie to you."

"I have been sitting out there for three days, worried sick about you! They told me you're so traumatized, so sick that you went back to not eating or communicating or even sleeping!"

Catherine nodded and dropped her head " I am sick Gil" she replied " I need help and you have a life, I am not going to put that burden on you."

Gil shook his head " No, you know that I love you and that I would take care of you no matter what!"

Catherine snapped her head up and glared at him " That's right, I know that, and when you left me, you knew that but you went anyway and I had to deal and now it's your turn to deal."

Gil scoffed " That's what this is about, You are pushing me away because I left?"

Catherine shook her head " NO, this is about me and what I need, I can't go on like this , I can't eat, I can't sleep, I'm scared Gil and all I keep thinking about are the horrible things that happened to me and all I keep seeing in my head is my father with that gun and Harrison just lying there."

Gil took her hand in his " I can help you, Lindsey and I can help you"

Catherine pulled away " I can't raise Lindsey, not when I'm like this, I need you to promise me you'll be there for her and if she is to much for you, Nancy said she'll take her off your hands, or you can let the state put her in care but I know you won't do that, and I wouldn't want that for her."

Gil took her hand back and this time didn't let her pull away " Why won't you let me be there for you?"

Catherine felt the tears coming and ignored his question " I also need you to promise that you won't come see me until I am better!"

Gil looked at her stunned

"I hate that you see me like this, like this weak and helpless person I have become. Please promise me."

Gil nodded choking back his own tears " I promise" he whispered

Catherine sniffled as a single tear escaped "This is my decision Gil and I know you will respect it"

Gil shook his head and wiped away his own tears " What about us? Maybe I am being selfish but what about you and I..I love you"

Catherine nodded " I don't expect you to wait for me, I don't want you to stop living because I am not there."

"I won't love anyone else you know that" he replied

"Then will you wait for me?" Catherine whispered

Gil nodded " I've been waiting for twenty years. What's one more?"

Catherine didn't reply as she felt his grip loosen and her hand fell to the side. She closed her eyes and the tears fell furiously. " I love you Gil" she whispered as he walked out of the room.

In the hallway Gil was as emotional as Catherine as his tears trailed down his face. " I love you" he whispered as he turned and walked out of the hospital


This is probably not how you expected this fic to end but, you bet that a sequel is in the a 1 year later type thing...