RS: Hi everybody! Waves enthusiastically
Zander: Yo… ok, I have no idea what happens in this fic. I just woke up here… care to fill me in?
RS: Well… it's not The Winx Club, but your still not gonna like it…
Zander: suspicious… Oh?
RS: Your gonna think it has way too much romance.
Zander: Well, that wouldn't be a problem if you didn't any romance.
RS: Oh, who asked you?
Zander: I think you did.
RS: Whatever… look, this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh! fiction. I haven't even seen that many episodes, so characters are mostly based on other fanfictions I've read. This story will start out rather in descriptive and fast paced, and that may or may not change. Here is a more in depth summary and the pairings:
Summary: Tea is kidnapped and taken to another world. It's up to Kaiba, Mokuba, Yami, Yugi, Bakura, Ryou, Malik, Marik, Tristan, Joey, Mai, Serenity, Duke, and Isis to rescue her. Why did they all show up? Well… they didn't really have a choice. And now the only way to get out of this mess is to help find Tea. Trouble is around every corner, and it's impossible to tell whom you can and cannot trust. Pent-up feelings are released and everyone is learning that things aren't always what they seem.
(Ryou crush)
MokubaxSerenity (Mokuba crush)
Yugi/YamixTea (Past
Yugi/Yami crush)
Yami MarikxTea (Yami Marik crush)
Bakura (Harukichi crush)
Zander: ok, I've seen just as much of this show as you have, but I've never heard of Azumamaro or Harukichi.
RS: I was getting to that. Look, the villains are OCs, with actual Japanese names. The pairings may be changed if you give me good reason to do so. However, don't say 'It should be DukexSerenity 'cause TristanxSerenity sucks!' That's just stupid. Supply me with a good reason and maybe I'll look into it. Anyway, let the story begin.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!… I do own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do own Yu-Gi-Oh! Lawyers with machine guns pop out Ehehehe… I mean ahem: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter 1
A Strange Morning
BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEE- ah, the beauty that is silence. Téa Gardner is NOT a morning person. Rolling over, she shut her eyes and sighed contently. 'Who knew my bed was so damn comfortable?' She was slowly lulling back to her blissful slumber. She was almost there…
"Téa! Get Up!" Her mom threw open the door and ripped the covers off of her. Of course, shock factor was forgotten. Hence, the confused look Téa received, when she hit the ground with a loud thump.
"I'm up! I'm up!" The teenaged girl battled her heart, willing it to slow down and stop trying to explode from her chest. Looking up, she glared at her mother, "Must you?" She received only one word as an answer.
"School." And with that, her mother left the young girl's bedroom. Téa quickly pulled on her risqué uniform and entered the bathroom. After she finished, she ran downstairs and nibbled the breakfast her mother had prepared for her: two pieces of buttered toast and a makeshift mocha chino, which was really coffee, milk, and chocolate syrup.
"Téa! What are you still doing here? It's time to go!" Her mother chastised her from the stairs and sent the brunette flying out the door, after grabbing her backpack of course. Téa ran down the sidewalk and skidded to a stop. She couldn't just waltz into oncoming traffic, you know. Suddenly, a sleek black limo pulled up in front of her. The passenger rolled down the window. 'Of all the people to run into, why did it have to be him? Ok, calm down Téa. It's just an itty-bitty crush. It'll go away soon… I hope.'
"If you're searching for your pet Chihuahua, you're doing horribly. The mutt probably went running after an ice-cream truck." 'Grrr… that jerk! Gorgeous or not he still has no right to be so… ugh!'
"Who asked you, Kaiba? And Joey's not a Chihuahua." Téa spat back. He only smirked in return before putting on a face of mock innocence.
"I was only trying to help." She just ignored him and walked past the limo. Of course, at that point in time the wind decided to give a hearty blow and her skirt lifted itself even higher, if that were possible. The multimillionaire took the opportunity to inspect her gracefully long legs. He may have been cold, but he was still human, male, and straight. He was now appreciative as well. Kaiba ordered his limo to take him the rest of the way to school. As he pulled away, the boy threw one last remark before rolling up his window, "Better hurry, Gardner, or you'll be late." She glanced down at her watch.
"Shit!" And with that she took of running, even faster than before. The CEO chuckled as he watched her disappear from sight through the tinted glass. His face soon straightened into a slightly sad one. His heart gave a slight pull. 'Grrr… get it through your thick head! You do not like Gardner. She's an annoying, self-righteous cheerleader and you want nothing to do with her. You. Do. Not. Like. Her.' He turned his attention to the school that was now coming into view. As the limo slowed to a stop he took a deep breath. Kaiba exited and walked through the thick doors of the school, throwing cold glares at anyone he could. As he pulled the metal handle he witnessed a young girl come speeding into the schoolyard and mentally chortled. 'She's fast when she has initiative.' And, with that thought, the door swung closed. (An: I am fully aware of OOCness, but it's necessary, sorry.)
The girl Kaiba had witnessed threw her back against a tree as air filled her burning lungs. And to think, she still had… 'TWENTY MINUTES?!?!?!?! What a great time for my watch to be fast. No wonder this place seems so empty. The guys won't be here for at least another ten minutes, maybe fifteen…'
"Good morning, Téa." The brunette jumped a foot into the air and returned to the ground hyperventilating. She was greeted by lighthearted chuckling.
"Ryou, you scared me!" She gave him a playful swat on the shoulder, "Please don't do that again. What are you doing here this early? School doesn't start for another nineteen minutes."
"I'm always here this early. What's your excuse?" The albino joked as she held up her wrist and shook it.
"My watch ran fast this morning." Téa gave him a cheeky grin.
"Ah, so that explains it. So, what's up?"
"Not much. How 'bout you?"
"The same as usual… Shut-up!"
"Um… I didn't say anything… is it Bakura?"
"Yes." Ryou gave a solemn nod, "He doesn't seem to think I should be 'wasting my time with the likes of you', no offense."
"None taken."
"Hey guys, wassup?"
"Hey Tristan! I was just talking to Ryou. Why are you here this early, it's so unlike you guys."
"Well… I don't really know."
"Yo, guys! Sup?"
"Hi Joey." The threesome chorused to the blonde.
"Hiya Yug!" Joey greeted his best friend enthusiastically.
"Hey, what about me?"
"Hi Duke." Téa welcomed as the final member of their quaint little group arrived. Unbeknownst to them, three sets of dark eyes followed their every move.
The first set was a deep blue, cobalt color that shone with envy. He wanted what they had. He wanted to be carefree, to have fun, like his brother. He also wanted her, even if he refused to fully admit it. 'Can I really blame myself?' he mused, 'She's undeniably attractive, every guy in the school keeps at least one eye on her. She's definitely fun to be around… not that anyone else will ever know I think that.'
The second pair was amethyst. And they fell upon the group with deep desire. He loathed them all, except for her. He liked her. A lot. 'She should be with me, not those detestable losers. One day, soon, she will be. I'm sure to find someway to convince her.'
The final pair did not just watch the group. They glowed brightly as they fell on each boy with a burning hatred. Their red color deepened with a boiling rage as she through her arms around two of the boys' necks in a joking fashion and continued to speak. His lust caused his blood colored eyes to shine as he watched her. He wanted her, deeper than either of her other two suitors. But, he wanted her for all the wrong reasons… He was the only one who knew there were more eyes watching her every move. 'They shall soon regret their actions. She belongs to me. She is my property. They have no right to watch her in such a way as they are. They will pay dearly.'
End Chapter
RS: I know, I know. I'm off to a super slow start. But, this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh! fic and it is rather difficult to write fanfiction. Kaiba kind of has to be OOC in my story, sorry guys.
Zander: This story really did suck.
RS: Oh, who asked you? Anyway, leave reviews, please. Flames… could be accepted, I suppose. But, try to put your criticism nicely. That will be all, latas!