Disclaimer: Stan Lee has created this wonderful world, not me, I just like to play in it.
"They're Pinky and the Brain. Yes, Pinky and the Brain."
"On the unentertained side of things today, Jubilee?"
Jubilee paused her cartoon theme to grin up at the furry blue mutant who had just appeared in the doorway, "I'm keeping myself amused. What brings you up out of the bat cave Hank?"
"I am attempting to find our beloved comrade Robert as I have depleated my hoard of twinkies rather preemptively."
"Uh, out of twinkies, huh? You lookin' for the Popsicle as a suspect or are you planning a midnight run?"
"Barring the mansion's destruction or a dimensional shift or young Robert committing to a serious healthy relationship…"
"Hey!' Bobby popped into the rec room, having been passing by at the mention of his name, "I represent that remark." He stuck his tongue out at Jubilee who was unsuccessfully trying not to laugh. "So, what is that depends on me being my normally wonderful self?"
"The fact that I am in dire need of a twinkie run."
Bobby's eyes widened delightedly, "Ooooh…twinkies…" He let out a small giggle, "Lemme know when, Hankster," and he was gone as quickly as he had arrived.
"So, uh, Hank," Jubilee put on her best suck up grin, "would you and the Icecube mind grabbing me a box as well?"
"Only one?" Hank grinned, then bowed at the waist, "My dear, I would be delighted to. Anything to help take over the world by means of twinkie addiction." He winked and strolled out of the room singing to himself, "One is a genius, the other's insane…"