You Darkness by Vyncent

This story contains GRAPHIC violence, sexual content and rape! You are WARNED

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor any of the associated characters. But it ain't because I don't want or wish to do so.

You Darkness - by Ranier Maria Rilke Selected Poems of Ranier Maria Rilke New Directions Publishing Corp.

You Darkness that I come from,
I love you more than all the fires that fence in the world,
For the fire makes a circle of light for everyone,
and then no one outside learns of you.

But the darkness pulls in everything;
shapes and fires, animals and myself,
how easily it gathers them!
powers and people

and it is possible a great energy is moving near me.

I have faith in nights.

Chapter 1 - The Dark!

Current Time - Modern Day Tokyo - Somewhere

The day had been long, and overcast. The threat of rain hung in the air like a sickening pawl, but never fell. It was like it was waiting for something. Something that seemed to linger waiting for the dark. The dark where the shadows could offer their companionable silence and cover a wealth of sins until the light of day.

She paused to catch her breath. It was late. Too late. She had been visiting one of her friends, who lived not far from her family's shrine. It was a pleasant evening, despite the fact that they were doing school work together. She had finally gotten caught up on all of her missed assignments, and even had managed to do some extra credit work and in a couple of her worst subjects, no less. She had even done a couple of extra chapters to get a little bit ahead.

It was hard to keep her school work even remotely up-to-date. There just was not enough time for it all. Studying, trying to make up for lost assignments, doing makeup tests, and having time to spend with her mother, brother, and Ojii-san.

But that was not even the tip of the iceberg. No! There was so much more. There was the ever present search for the Shikon no Kakera, the shards of the Jewel of Four Souls. Sometimes for days, even weeks, she would spend time in Sengoku Jidai traveling with her 'family', in an effort to fix what she had broken, and to bring justice to the world by defeating their hated enemy Naraku.

It had gotten a bit easier in the past month, only because they had finally beaten the evil hanyou and obtained the shards in his possession. But there were still a few of the shards needed to complete the Jewel and she had vowed to continue her quest and be true to her vow to protect and keep pure the Sacred Jewel.

She was supposed to meet up with Inuyasha at the old Bone Eater's Well at sun down, but the chance to get caught up on her school work for the first time in months was just to good to ignore. Unfortunately, she had stayed way too long, and now it was dark and she was still a couple of blocks from home.

The shrine was in sight, for which she was grateful, but the last couple of blocks were the hardest part of the trip. Only half of the street lights on both blocks were actually working and even those did nothing to push back the threat of the darkness. Despite the fact that there was a full moon tonight, the cloud cover from the day still lingered and the heaviness of the air for the threat of rain, was oppressive almost to the point of suffocation.

Cursing herself for not having asked Ayumi's father for a ride home, or asking Hojo to walk her to the steps, she vowed that she would let Inuyasha yell at her and call her every name in his vocabulary if she could just get home without incident.

Taking a deep breath, she gripped her books tighter and started to run. She didn't want to linger for a moment over the last hundred yards or so, she just wanted to get home safe. With the bottom most steps in clear view, and being now in the last half block, she sighed in relief knowing that she was almost there. It was the darkest of the entire distance, the last area where there were no lights at all. Even the nearest houses were boarded up, run down, abandoned boxes that no one had lived in for years.

Still, she pressed on. She was strong, brave, and could do this. She just needed to run that last short distance to the steps at the front of the shrine, and she was home. But the Fates had other ideas on this dark and scary night.


Ojii-san - Grandfather Shikon no Kakera - Shikon Shards Shikon no Tama - Jewel of Four Souls Miko - Shrine Maiden