A/n: ok so I have about four reasons for not having posted soon enough. Three of them are decent excuses

1, I move back and forth between uni and home so on my way home I misplaced the disk on which I keep my fiction… been looking for it for ages and it just turned up last week wooo

2, so if it turned up last week, why didn't I post then? Having watched the Naruto movie noticed a few things I wanted to add into the latest chapter. Therefore I added more stuff into it

3, I'm a lazy bugger, takes me sooo much effort to get motivated. Reviews are what get me working and I'd like to thank you all for having done so1 it's keeping me into this! I'll finish this story I promise!

4, most important reason and most valid. Servers have been overloaded, so I've been unable to access my account to upload my latest chapter.

Thanks to everyone for having reviewed you have spurred me on to write onward and just for you I have this nice longish chapter, I know it's not brilliant in quality but I hope you will enjoy it all the same.

Lots of Neji Sasuke and Hinata in this one, Naruto is a novel cameo so to speak in this chapter

So then without further adu! Lets go, a 4000 word chapter all just for you wonderful people!

Disclaimer: Naruto is sole property of Kishimoto Masashi

0 0 0

Clockwork. It was a very appropriate word for Hyuuga Neji. It was the way he was. Clockwork. And just like that he was at the Hyuuga main house ready to speak to his uncle about the proceedings of the family business. After having settled his differences with his father's brother, Neji had been appointed as the junior advisor to the company. It was a bold move, but no one dared question Hyuuga Hiashi's decisions. It was a position Neji had not expected to receive and it was likely that when he graduated university, he'd take on the job full-time. After all, he was the best. There had been talks of him inheriting the company, but even if it was offered to him, Neji would not accept. It was not in him to dishonour his cousin, the rightful heir, that way.

In that way he loved Hinata, and the closer he got to the top in the Hyuuga Company, the closer he got to Hinata, so that he could keep his eye on her. To Neji, Hinata had always been the little sister he should have had. He didn't love Hanabi any less, but there was an attachment between Hinata and himself that was unique. It probably stemmed from the jealousy that had previously consumed him which had then transformed into pity then painful understanding of Hinata's true position. He'd learnt to rediscover the love he'd had for her when they had been children.

Neji didn't know why he was thinking of these things. He hoped this dramatic monologue in his thoughts wouldn't continue in the future, or else he may have to fear for his own sanity.

Entering the CEO's main office, Neji bowed respectfully to his uncle and walked in to discuss the clan's preparations for the upcoming annual multi-clan gathering. Besides strengthening relations and connections between the noble clans of Konoha, the annual gathering served its purpose in displaying the talent in each of the clans in arts, crafts, traditional trades and martial arts, the latter being a huge favourite. Between some of the most prestigious clans, business negotiations were often discussed. Neji was currently being over worked due to this exact reason. The Hyuuga were going to be undergoing serious negotiations with the Uchiha clan and businesses. The Uchiha's had been a sort of derivative of the Hyuuga's. Even though both businesses had been booming, rivalry was inevitable, and in order to keep relations good, trade options were being discussed. Uchiha and Hyuuga were historically tied after all. Bad blood was to be avoided at all times.

Bad blood…

It was difficult enough for Neji to keep that out of his internal family as it was. Bad business conflicts with a neighbouring city's main company in the past had lead to his father's death. But he'd put that behind him, Hiashi had done more than enough to atone, after all it had been his own father's choice in his attempt to defy the ages long system of the noble clans…

Again with the dramatic monologue…

'Seriously Neji you need to see yourself a shrink' he thought to himself. He was becoming far to self centred for his own liking. 'Wallow about this and that but fail to see the fact that you have it damn good…'

"Good morning Neji…" his uncle's voice broke into his train of thoughts.

"Good morning Hyuuga-dono."

"Have the preparations been made? The match schedules confirmed? The events planned?"

"Of course, everything is prepared. Only the invitations remain, I have yet to correspond with the other advisors to arrange the meeting between the clan leaders."

The match schedules… Neji had to talk to Hinata about that.

"As long as it is done by this weekend its fine, you still have your studies. I want you to succeed while this is all fresh and new to you. You are young Neji, but you're child no longer. Also I would think it wise for you to settle after your study is complete." Neji barely hid a grimace. No doubt that as his legal guardian, Hiashi would be looking for a suitable match for Neji at the gathering. It was one of the things Neji was not looking forward to. Being targeted as a potential groom. Despite his reserved, strict and serious manner, did they really believe that he was not capable enough to choose his own bride? More frustrating, what made anyone think that he didn't already have someone?

Indeed this was going to be tiresome.

"I believe that the advisor and organiser for the Uchiha's is Uchiha Sasuke. He's about your age, a child prodigy not unlike yourself. I suggest you arrange the meet with him as soon as possible."

Ah, maybe it would be more interesting than he had originally thought. Neji had heard a lot about this Uchiha Sasuke, he'd even gained the top entrance score for Konoha University this year; just as Neji had done the year before. He was a naturally gifted martial artist, a flawless student and class president. Naruto often talked of this Sasuke. Two birds with one stone. He'd be able to catch up with Naruto and see if he could meet this Uchiha Sasuke…

Interesting indeed.

0 0 0

Sasuke sighed as he sat down on his usual seat in the lecture theatre and took out his books for the day.

"Good morning Sasuke-san." Sasuke almost jumped in his seat and yelped… almost. Looking over to see Hinata sitting beside him he relaxed and nodded.

"Morning…" people didn't often notice the slight girl but the way she slipped about unnoticed, more than caught his attention… he was far too used to doing it himself not to notice.

"I hear that the lecturer will be late today…" she said quietly, her head buried in her notes. Sasuke raised a brow and looked at her pointedly. "I don't know why or how long if that's what you're wondering." She explained before he could ask. There was something he'd been meaning to ask her… that was rare enough but why couldn't he remember right now?

That's it…

"There's a multi clan gathering in about a fortnight, will you be going?" Sasuke asked. It was amazing he'd forgotten it. Besides the fact that he was supposed to be a key organiser for his clan, it was one of the biggest annual events in Konoha town 1 and probably the only thing that he had in common with the Hyuuga girl. Hinata looked slightly shocked when he asked this and regarded him with a strange expression before her lips melted into a small shy but somewhat sad smile.

"Of course. You should know Sasuke-san…. I don't really have a choice." Sasuke nodded grimly. Such were the troubles of being the heir to your clan… you were practically the subject of the events. The inter-clan martial arts contests were good entertainment for the rest of the clans, for Sasuke and Hinata they were the cause of inner family conflict.

"Do you fight this year?" he asked.

Hinata giggled at that, and an alien look crossed her face… a grin. Did she just make fun of me? Sasuke thought in shock. He was so surprised that he hadn't realised that he was staring.

"I fight every year." Sasuke probably should have noticed. That showed how much attention he paid to the events. In inter-clan matches, Sasuke always won. He was a very talented martial artist, his record would have been unblemished if it hadn't been for his brother. Sasuke lost only to one man and that was Itachi. He didn't resent Itachi for it; Itachi had always been the best, amongst all the clans, it was just the way it was.

"Sorry…" Sasuke wasn't sure what he was apologising for, for not remembering or for staring.

"Good luck this year. We should both try our best." She said with a smile. She seemed sincere enough, but something in her smile looked false, as if she didn't believe her own words.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." He muttered awkwardly. Sasuke had never been one to comfort people, he wasn't good at it. His shoulder wasn't made for crying on. But despite the rumours, Sasuke still liked to believe he was human, he had some amount of compassion in him and oddly enough his minimal words of encouragement seemed to bring a light behind her pale eyes.

"You weren't well in the last lecture were you? Did you get all the notes down? We have an end of semester test on that topic." Hinata said. Sasuke swore under his breath and bit his lip. He'd have to get the notes somehow and try to understand everything. He couldn't afford to do badly. There went his perfect attendance score down the drain. He was sure that it'd be overlooked; he was Uchiha Sasuke after all. But it nagged at his conscience; Sasuke really hated being treated differently to everyone else.

"I missed the seminar afterwards too… I'll ask sense-.."

"Um… you know…You can borrow my notes if you like… I can go through the seminar with you too." She offered awkwardly. "That way I can recap the lesson too." Sasuke nodded, it'd be much easier and save him a lot of hassle.

"I'd appreciate that. Thank you." Sasuke gave her a warm and genuine smile. He was honestly grateful and plus, hadn't Naruto said he needed to be more sociable? Where better to start than with his own 'friends'.

"You're welcome."

0 0 0

Sasuke should have known from the beginning that it would turn out to be a strange afternoon. He'd been at Kiba's garage earlier with Naruto, practicing a few tunes for a show Sakura had coaxed them into playing for. Kiba always had strange habits and the pot they'd somehow managed to come across was playing many strange tricks on his mind. This was one of the worst decisions Sasuke had made in his life. Even now many hours later, after having showered to get rid of the smell and tried to 'sober up' so to speak, he was still not acting his full self.

Sasuke had arranged to meet Hinata at his flat the day after to cover the work he'd missed. Hinata being Hinata, brought a packed lunch for them both. Sasuke didn't know whether to be grateful or offended. Was she trying to say anything he cooked wouldn't be good enough? Or was she just being kind. Sasuke suspected the latter. Hinata just wasn't a spiteful type of person. Plus on a side note Sasuke was kind of glad. He himself couldn't really cook well. His mother was an excellent cook, but he was terrible. Having grown up in such a rich family he'd never needed to learn to cook for himself. Thus the reason he lived off rice and simple fried vegetables in Uni.

It was going to be an interesting evening. Sasuke wasn't usually a sociable type of person. He was willing to try though. More to win his argument with Naruto than anything else. Sasuke was not boring… he refused to believe that he was quite that detached. It was a strange feeling when Hinata came over though. Sasuke didn't usually try to do anything; it was supposed to come naturally. Thus he didn't anticipate the strange way in which he would act when his attempt to try to socialise was combined with his slightly stoned temperament.

But that was beside the point.

They got started quickly. Papers spread across the floor. Hinata was quite a good teacher when she was in her element, Sasuke realised. Out from under the scrutinising eyes of onlookers, Hinata was quite pleasant. This was a side of her he never thought he'd see.

"So you'll need to cover the general topic on macro economy… don't forget all the policies too, monetary, fiscal… it's really nothing very complicated that you'll need to know for this section, it should come to you naturally, baby stuff. You work with your family don't you?" Sasuke nodded in affirmation. She was so good at explaining, that they covered all the work in less than two hours, with plenty of time to spare. Even though he suspected his own ability at in-taking information like a sponge did water, Sasuke was still awed by the usually reserved girl's enthusiasm in teaching.

"What?" she asked awkwardly as he stared.

"You always seem so quite and reserved in class… why? You seem like such a different person here." Sasuke said with a perplexed expression on his face, truly baffled. Hinata smiled.

"I don't know; people make me nervous I guess. Back in the old days, people from our clan were respected because of our eyes. I guess our generation seems to think it's weird. I was teased a lot when I was a kid. I stuttered and kept to myself. It follows me like a shadow. It's only different right now because I know you. In a strange way, I've known you longer than most people in our group… maybe even longer than Kiba and Shino." Sasuke frowned.

"You know, between our clans…" she explained.

"Ahh yeah. I guess so."

"Anyway, you're one to talk. You're a lot nicer when you're not around everyone else. Is the cold distant act a defence mechanism or somethi…?"


Hinata clamped her mouth shut and pressed her hands to her mouth when she saw the frown form on Sasuke's face, fearing she may have said too much. This certainly was a very strange situation… there seemed to be no walls around either of them that were usually set firmly in place.


And just when it seemed an awkward silence would settle between them. Hinata put aside all the papers and brought out the box she'd brought with her.

"Hungry?" Sasuke was appreciative. It seemed they could read each other's moods well.

"Starving." He said with a smile.

"Sasuke-san, you like omusubi right?" he nodded. "I filled some with some sun dried tomatoes for you."

"How did you know…?" Sasuke asked, his mouth gaping at her. Hinata giggled in response.

"Naruto always tells me things like that. He always compares what he likes to what you like…" there was a slight glow to her face when she spoke of Naruto, her eyes shined oddly. Sasuke knew immediately her feelings for Naruto. Oddly enough that seemed like a good thing.

That he could find a friend in this uncanny shy girl.

He took one of the omusubi and bit in.

"Is it good?" she asked. And the answer he gave was true evidence that sometimes Sasuke couldn't help but pick up bad habits from being around Naruto so much.

With his mouth full and an uncharacteristic grin he replied…


0 0 0

"Hinata-sama, are you even paying attention?" Neji asked with a raised brow. Hinata smiled and nodded. She turned the page of the book in her lap and studied the diagram carefully.

"I'm just reviewing all the key points. No point on the practical if I don't understand the theory." She reasoned.

"Fair enough, but we don't have very much time left Hinata-sama… this is natural to you, you're just getting paranoid."

"You know, Ni-san, I've asked you not to call me that."

"It not for me to call you otherwise…" he said sternly and calmly pulled his loose hair back into a tight low ponytail. "Stand up Hinata." She did as she was told and reviewed the diagram one final time before Neji closed the book and fell into a stance. She followed suite and watched him intensely; Hinata could practically feel the veins around her eyes throbbing in concentration just as Neji's were. Neji reached out to strike at her shoulder, his middle and index fingers slightly extended… Neji missed by a hair's width of the attack, as Hinata pulled her shoulder away just in time, trying desperately to remember the pressure point she was aiming for herself.

The Hyuuga family were expert acupressure and acupuncture therapists. Naturally in the old days the arts had been adapted for use in combat. Though acupuncture was no longer used due to its dangerous nature, acupressure techniques were still used and taught to the most skilled members of the Hyuuga family. Neji was exceptionally skilled, and as Hinata's guardian he had decided to teach her. Technically it was her father's task to instruct her in the art of 'jyuuken' but that was a touchy subject.

Hinata tried again to picture the diagram of the human body she'd just been studying. She was supposed to aim for the shoulder, and points in the inner elbow… in that time she'd barely managed to avoid three more strikes from Neji,. She knew that she wouldn't be quite so lucky in the following attacks. He was gradually increasing the speed and Hinata was barely dodging, never mind attacking. Her father's words echoed in her head and Hinata's senses flared, she drew back her right shoulder and focused on the correct pressure point. She went for a sudden burst of speed to bring the attack as a surprise, landing her fingers directly on the aimed pressure point.

She would have been proud of herself if Neji didn't have his fingers pressed to her solar plexus.

"That was good, but you didn't anticipate the possibility of a faster attack."

"I'm sorry, I'll try harder." Neji wasn't convinced.

"Hinata-sama, this isn't going to work for the whole of your life. You can't just say that you'll try and then give up when the time comes. I will not allow you to throw any of your matches this year. For your sake I will not allow it." He growled. Hinata knew he was right. There wasn't anything she could say to defend herself. "Now promise me this year you will try. For me even. Or have I wasted my time with you, am I wasting my existence looking after you? Understand that besides the fact that it's my duty as a branch member to ensure your safety, it's more so my duty as your older brother…"

Hinata didn't know whether to be more ashamed of her deliberate losses or to be happy about being accepted. She really did love Neji; it was nice to know that he shared those sentiments; though Neji had the tendency to play the overprotective sibling too well.

"I promise!" she laughed; mixtures of both happiness and awkward embarrassment causing the strange reaction. "I'll do my best this year!"

Was that a smile tugging at Neji's lips?

"Again…" he said shortly before she could determine it.

0 0 0

"I can't stay too long today. My mother wants me home early so I can start helping Itachi out with the gathering stuff." Sasuke said as he and Naruto pushed through the entrance of the dojo.

"No worries, I have an assignment I need to work on anyway. You're probably going to be sparring more with your brother for the next few weeks' right?"

"You're kidding right? Since when has Aniki2 ever had time Naruto? Nah he'll have work in the business and the clan, especially now with the gathering coming up. You're my punch buddy as usual…"

Naruto did not look impressed but held his tongue. When they entered the main part of dojo they were surprised to find that it was not empty as it usually was at this time of day. The two people in the dojo were sparring using a type of martial art Sasuke did not recognise. It was obvious that both users were very skilled though one seemed to have the obvious advantage. Before Sasuke's mind could even register who they were, Naruto's voice cut in.

"Yo! Hinata-chan! Neji!" and right enough Hinata was one of the two people that had been sparring moments ago. Sasuke did not know the tall man that stood in the room. He was only vaguely familiar, obviously Hyuuga, Sasuke noted from the white eyes.

"Naruto-kun, Sasuke-san!" Hinata looked equally surprised to see them. She bowed politely and Sasuke did the same. It was an unconscious act, manners that were ingrained into their lives from early childhood. The effects of having been brought up in such noble clans. It was instinct. The stranger greeted Naruto with a calm nod and short bow, just as Hinata and Sasuke had done. Naruto on the other hand waved him off and chattered animatedly instead.

"How've you been Neji? It's been aaaages since I saw you last. You're never around when we come down to your flat on Mondays."

"I'm at the main house on Monday evenings…" Neji replied softly, glancing over Naruto's shoulder absently.

"Oh yeah sorry, Sasuke, this is Neji, Neji this is Sasuke…" again as his upbringing had required him, Sasuke bowed politely and introduced himself, as did the stranger, Neji.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke, pleased to make your acquaintance; I hope you will take to me well…"

"I'm Hyuuga Neji, pleased to make your acquaintance; I hope you will take to me well…"

"Ahhh you bunch of old fashioned freaks." Naruto said with a look of mock annoyance on his features. But they didn't seem to be listening. Neji had his eyes focused on Sasuke intensely. Sasuke stared back wearily. This Neji was pretty intimidating. His skin was pale, his dark hair pulled back tightly. He looked smart and sharp even dressed in his martial arts Gi. His pearl eyes were intense, Sasuke wondered if people felt this unnerved when he stared at them.

"Uchiha… Sasuke? It's about time..."

"…" Sasuke couldn't help but respond with a confused frown.

"I've heard a lot about you, you entered Konoha University with the highest scores in the entire year…"

"What of it…?" Sasuke was really trying not to be rude, but his suspicion got the better of him. Neji didn't seem offended though, instead a small smile graced his lips. Sasuke got the impression that Neji did not smile often.

"Uchiha Sasuke, the Uchiha clan's prodigy part time junior advisor and this year's number one rookie, I'm honoured." He said without a hint of sarcasm to his voice and bowed again.

Ok he hadn't expected that.

Hinata who had watched the entire exchange nervously let a breath out that she had not realised she'd held.

"That's right, you were last year's number one rookie as well, right Neji-ni-san? Sorry if this is over your head Sasuke-san, Ni-san is our Hyuuga Company's junior advisor too, just like you."

"Yeah he's probably glad he can talk to someone on his own level, hell knows I don't understand half the shit he talks about." Naruto said offhandedly and smirked at Neji who just smiled and shook his head.

"Still the same Naruto I remember. Tell me Uchiha-san, does he still talk endlessly about his ramen and massive shuriken collection."

Sasuke grinned and relaxed. Hinata had been worried momentarily knowing that Sasuke and Neji were so alike in manner that they would either clash violently or balance out well. She was glad to see that the outcome of their meeting seemed positive.

"Forget that, be glad he doesn't talk to you about girls."

"Oi you! mind your mouth." Naruto scowled.

"Uchiha-san, we must arrange a meet soon, to organise the meeting for the clan leaders."

"Sure, no problem. As quick as we can get it out of the way." Sasuke said. It seemed like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. But Hinata was sympathetic from what Neji had always told her. The other clan correspondents were far older than Neji and Sasuke, and they didn't seem to take them very seriously. At least together they could work on a similar wavelength. And from what she had seen them do, Sasuke and Neji were far better at what they did than any of the older equivalents in other clans, even with their advantages of experience; they could not match raw talent and genius.

Yes this meeting seemed likely to turn out positive.

She was glad.

0 0 0

1 town - Konohagakure no machi (usually you hear Konohagakure no satoo, which means the village of Konoha… machi mean town, and seeing as this Konoha is modern I thought it was more appt for it to be a town)

2 Informal affectionate form of brother

Authors note: please read this part before attempting to murder me for Sasuke's horrible OOC in this chapter…

Sasuke is acting very strangely and VERY OOC in the scene between him and Hinata revising. This is not an 'omg I'm in love with this shy stranger….' No not at all. Yes there will be sasuhina to follow. But it's just the start of a friendship. Remember Sasuke does not usually meet many girls that don't see him as a piece of hawtness on legs… thus why he is glad she likes Naruto. It means her kindness towards him is genuine nice-ness. Also mainly Sasuke is OOC because he's partially stoned… yes… stoned. Sasuke is a perfect student, and perfect son and a downright boring goody two shoes. But he's still an adolescent looking for ways to break free. So if that means he can let go of his by-the-book life for just for an hour or two then I guess he'll do just that.

Character speech traits…

Neji and Sasuke- "pleased to make your acquaintance, I hope you will take to me well." This second bit sounds strange doesn't it? Its cause there is no real translation for 'dozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu' which is an extremely polite introduction phrase. Seeing as they are both noble and well mannered they use this. I was going to write, 'please look after me', because I think that's closer, but it sounds…. Horribly wrong…

Hinata says 'you know' a lot in my fics. It's mainly because when I write these fics I think of them speaking in Japanese, but I tend not to use too much Japanese vocab in the fic itself… so I translate as best as I can. (also because if I use the Japanese constantly it sounds too cliché… I like to deviate a lot of times) so when Hinata says 'you know…' it's the same as when she says 'ano'. That's not a direct translation as such, it's more of an equivalent.

I don't know how to translate datte bayo… lol it's too complicated.

Naruto refers to Sasuke as Teme… which initially just means you… but somewhat informal and impolite… so no "oi bastard!" So much in the fic from this point… just a lot of "Oi you!"s.

Other random shite

Neji's hair is not how it is usually shown. Refer to Naruto manga main title page of issue 85 labelled 'Konoha's finest' with Naruto, Sasuke, Lee and Neji in suits. Neji has his hair slick back into a tight low ponytail most of the time.