Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. The only thing I do own is the plot. But that's just boring :p.

I have been re-reading this fic and made some slight, really slight changes. I didn't change anything that would change the plot or the course of the story so don't worry. I've just been making it seem less "debutant" and correcting some mistakes ".

For those of you the have never read this Fic: This is the first fic that I;ve submitted on This fic is about how Matt found out he had feelings for Tai and Tai didn't react very well and Matt tries to sort out his problem throughout the story, while more problems take place and then everyone has to deal with everything. Some decisions are made that affect more than one person and once again, they have to cope with loss, deception, etc.

Chap 1: My first revelation

My name is Yamato Ishida but my friends call me Matt. I am 17 years old. I live with my parents and my little brother Takeru. Actually, I would say that I live alone with my brother because my parents are never around. My mom doesn't care about either of her children and my dad is dying of cancer. I have to take care of my brother all alone and my life is a living nightmare. I'll explain to you why…

''Hello?'' Answered Tai Just as the phone rang.

''Hey Tai! What're you up to? '' Said the voice at the other end of the line.

''Nothing really. You?''

''Nothing either. So hey! You wanna come over and hang out? Tk is out with your sister so we can invite the others and… well… you know do stuff and umm…''

''Sure! I'll Be righ over.''

He was nervous at the thought of Tai coming over. Sure! He was Tai's best friend and all but just a few weeks ago he had found out something that made him have doubts about some things. No. He was not doubting his friendship with Tai… well actually… maybe he was. A few weeks ago, Matt found out that he was bisexual. THAT made him doubt. Plus the fact that he had no real family. Everyone in his family just doesn't give a damn about others and that pushed him to being a really cold person.

Matt didn't really want to invite anyone else than Tai. Mostly because he kinda wanted to make sure if he felt something towards Tai. He wanted to know if he felt something more than just friendship. Ever since he came to the revelation of his gayness, he kinda thought that the reason he came to that conclusion was that he was in love with Tai. But before he made any hasty decisions or actions he wanted to make sure.

The doorbell rang and Matt guessed it was Tai. He walked towards the door and was surprised to see Daisuke.

''Is Tk there? Is he out with a girl or a guy? Or is he... is he here?''

''No he's not here but he's been gone a while and should be back soon. So why don't you wait for him.''

Daisuke was now waiting in the living room when the doorbell rang again. This time it was Tai. Matt tried not to do anything stupid and tried not to blush as he saw the brown haired boy standing in front of him. He started to think even MORE that he had feelings for Tai.

''Well I'm here! Where is everyone?''Tai actually had a feeling that there wasn't going to be anyone.

''Well. I haven't called anyone but…'' Matt was rudely interrupted as Davis jumped out of nowhere to come and see his idol.

''Hey Tai! Long time no see huh! Wow you've changed a lot…'' he went on saying nothing of importance.

Just then, Tk opened the door and Daiske just shut up and looked at him with a flirty look. Tk was happy to see his "friend" and a smile appeared on his face.

''Hey Dai!'' Said Tk with a great big smile.

Tk then went further into the house and was followed by Daisuke. They whispered inaudible things to each other and went to the living room. Matt then dragged Tai to his bedroom and they just stood there doing nothing. After a while, they put a on some music and watched TV.

Tk was laying on the sofa and Daisuke was sitting down close to him looking at him with a weird look. Tk then grabbed the young boy by his shirt and pulled him closer to his face. Right when there was barely any distance between them, they began to kiss passionately.

Daisuke puled away and then sat on top of Tk and started to plant kisses all over the blonde's neck. Tk softly moaned out of pleasure. He then started to unbutton Davis' shirt and Davis undid Tk's pants. Takeru then stopped.

''What if my brother and Tai come out of the room? What if they catch us?'' Tk moaned once more as Davis took his erected manhood out of Tk's pants.

''They wont catch us. We'll hear them opening the door and walking if they come out of the room don't worry.''

Daisuke then started to softly rub Tk's now harder erection and Tk kissed the boy's chest and neck while the other picked up the pace.

''I love you Daisuke!'' Said Tk as he squirted all over Daisuke's hand.

''I love you too.'' Responded the young boy now licking his boyfriend's sticky fluid from his hands. ''And I want to be yours. Only yours.''

Back in the room, Matt and Tai were still listening to music when Matt finally decided to talk to Tai about what he thought he felt. He hesitated a bit and then turned towards Tai. The latter smiled for a while but then saw Matt's serious look.

''What's wrong Matt?'' Asked the tanned beauty with a worried look upon his face.

''Well… ummm.'' Matt hesitated and decided that it was too hard to say it so instead, he pressed his own lips against his friend's.

Tai then pushed away and looked at Matt, surprised and shocked. He then got up and walked faster then he had ever walked. He dashed trough the door with his hand on his lips. Tk and Daisuke were still making out when Tai passed by them not even caring about what they were doing. Matt ran after him.

''Tai wait! I didn't mean. Come back!'' Matt yelled after him trying to make him come back.

Tai walked for hours not knowing what to think. He then sat down on a bench in Odaiba park. He sat there until it was around 10 o' clock before getting up and heading home. He was halfway there when his cell phone rang. It was his sister.

Well. i hope you liked. Please review. I really need to know if people like my story. If you have any suggestions for the sequel just let me know.

Please review. I'd really appreciate it .
