Chapter Three

By: Ree

Series: The Winx Club

Location: Magix, Red Fountain, Cloud Tower, Alfea School

Pairings: Too numerous to name

Warnings: Rape, male/male pairings, female/female pairings, swearing, battles, and much more.

Summary: Life at Alfea, Red Mountain, and Cloud Tower goes on as usual. That is, until the arrival of a brother and sister duo from the kingdom of Holy Light, Imirano. Crown-Prince Luka at Red Mountain and his half-sister, Huntra, who is currently at Cloud Tower, are about to stir things up a bit. With drama, romance, adventure, and so much more, life in Magix isn't going to be the same again.

Disclaimer: The Winx Club is not mine. Not mine at all and I do not claim the rights to them. Huntra and Luka are my original characters created for this fan fic. Please do not steal them.


Sunlight streamed into the window of the open room as Luka sat and pondered the letter in his hands. His father…wanted to see him? Even though he'd received the letter three days ago, it still didn't change the fact that this had shocked him. Why would his father want to see him? Mom, I guess I'm coming home for a while. But he wasn't going alone. Luka had asked Brandon to come along with him as a safety precaution. Things had been rocky between himself and Riven for the past few days and he didn't want to take the other teen. Riven was just so aggressive and so possessive that it really got on his nerves and made him wonder what he'd ever seen in the guy. He knew what it was though. The Darkness that called to him within Riven's soul was enough to make him go weak in the knees like a little girl. Like Queen Gwenllian had always said, the Darkness had called to the very center of his being. So it was only natural that he fall prey to it. But Luka didn't want to fall prey.

"I'm going to be strong. For my mother and for myself."

That was his promise. Luka placed the letter back in its envelope and bent over his bed, resuming his packing for the moment. His mother meant the world to him and he hoped that he wasn't being called home because there was imminent danger to her. That would be heart-breaking for himself and for the people of Imirano. It would be as though their heart has been stolen. And no one would stand to live in Imirano as long as that happened. He knew that for certain and he sighed as he picked up the silver-framed picture. Pale blonde hair fell to Gwen's waist in lush waves. Her ice blue eyes, so like Luka's, were alight and smiling. She was extremely petite, no taller than Luka's chest and it showed. He would do anything to protect his mother. Gwenllian was always smiling, laughing, and filled with joy.

"She deserves much more than that bastard of a man she married," he muttered as he placed the photo back on his nightstand.

"Hey Luka, are you almost ready?"

He looked up and smiled as his blonde-haired friend entered the room. Brandon walked with such ease and confidence, one would think he should have been born a prince rather than a squire.

"Just about. I just have to make sure I have a few extra things before we leave," Luka answered with a grin as he tossed in a white bag.

"What's in there?"

Brandon sat down on the bed next to Luka's suitcase. The white-haired teen smiled a bit and opened the pouch. Inside was a variety of medicinal supplies as well as a few splints for emergencies.

"Why do you need all of that stuff, Luka?"

"When you meet my father, Brandon, then you'll know. Trust me, you'll know," he answered solemnly.

Brandon frowned in confusion as the slighter teen hefted his bag over his shoulder and headed out. There was something Luka wasn't telling him and not knowing made him crazy. I thought we didn't keep secrets, Luka. He paused for a moment and then shook himself. Where did that come from? It sounds like he's my boyfriend or something! But that was impossible. Brandon was happy with Bloom. She was always so sweet and understanding and that was one of the things he loved about her. Following after his friend, Brandon remained quiet as he thought about the twists that life had taken since Luka had arrived at Red Fountain. He may have been small, but Luka did his best to keep up with the other guys or he almost killed himself trying. Something fueled that spirit and Brandon hoped that he would find out what. Once the bus arrived to take them into Magix and from there to the transport station, Brandon began to feel a little worried. Would the Queen recognize him as the royal prince of Eraklion? I guess I'll know when we get there.

The transport journey went smoothly and before Brandon knew it, he heard Luka saying,

"Welcome to Imirano."

Rubbing his blue eyes as a result of the flash of light that had accompanied them, Brandon's eyes widened. The kingdom of Imirano spanned hundreds of miles, with fields covered with white and pale blue blossoms. Children were running barefoot in the streets, playing ball as their parents shopped. The marketplace was bustling with the latest deals being shouted by the sellers, people arguing over prices, and all around there was laughter. In the far reaches of the hills was nestled a small castle. From a distance, it looked rather like a large house than a castle. Constructed primarily of white marble, it seemed to shine with its own light amongst the green hills. It spoke to Brandon of a peace he'd never felt before. It felt as though he had stepped from one world into another one, made up only of serenity. I guess it's the powers of Imirano's holy light at work, he reasoned and followed Luka up the main street.

Despite the many advances that technology and society had made, the road was dirt and cobblestone, giving it a feel of being back in the old ages. Brandon's shoes were getting scuffed up because of the rough stones, but it didn't seem to bother Luka any. The slighter male was just worried with getting to the castle as soon as possible. But Brandon couldn't help notice that whenever Luka passed, no one made a show of bowing to him. No one took the time to greet their future ruler as befitting the "common" class, as his father would have called them. That confused Brandon further until he realized that as Luka passed, he nodded to the other people, as if he was paying his respect to them. Imirano sure is different from Eraklion. I don't think I've seen another kingdom quite like it. Catching up with his friend and blowing blonde locks out of his face, Brandon smiled.

"So why do you nod to people as you pass and yet they don't greet you, even though you're their prince?"

"It's very simple. Imirano wouldn't be here without people to work the fields, to sell their goods, to basically do all of the work behind the scenes while the royals sit up there in that big stone fortress and act important. We're just figureheads, Brandon. A council governs the people, but my mother has any final say involving new laws passed and legal arguments that are settled."

"What about your father?"

Luka looked at the ground and walked faster. "My father is not an acting member of this kingdom, nor of his family."

"Whoa, slow down there Luka," Brandon reached out and grabbed his friend's shoulder. "What's the story between you and your dad? I mean, I know you two have gotta have your differences, but this…"

"Do you really want to know Brandon?"

Without waiting for an answer, Luka walked over to a nearby bench and set his bags down. Then, he went and bought two sweet rolls from a vendor and brought one over to Brandon before sitting down. Confused, but intrigued, Brandon joined his friend and helped himself to the bun.

"It's time you finally knew, I guess. You see, my father is actually my stepfather. My real father was the former King of Imirano and he married my mother, a maiden he met here. Even though they were from two different worlds, they loved each other and nothing was going to stop them from being together. After they had me though, my father became very sick and eventually passed away when I was one. My mother found solace in the arms of another…but she didn't marry him. I don't even know what happened to him actually. He was from the kingdom of Anterossa, which is the kingdom of hunting. Anyway, after that, my mother was courted by a man from a kingdom far away. He won her heart but…"

"But what, Luka?" Brandon took another bite and waited.

At first it seemed as though the young man wasn't going to say. But then he bit his lip and looked at Brandon straight in the eye.

"But he beat her, Brandon. He still does and when I was old enough, he started to hit me too. You see, I was a reminder of the old king and he wanted his own child to inherit the throne. Not me. That's when I decided I would go to Red Fountain School for Heroics and Bravery. I thought that it would make me stronger so that I could protect her. My mother is all of my family that I have left, Brandon! I don't want to lose her like I lost my father!"

Frustrated, Luka threw his bun to the ground and pounded his knee with a fist. He was always too weak, always. He couldn't stand up to Eramus. And Gwenllian was left alone without anyone to protect her when he went to school! What if she was already gone? I have to get to the castle! Before nightfall! Picking up his bag, Luka took a deep breath and looked back at his friend.

"Now do you understand, Brandon? I have to be strong, for my mother. It's the only way I'll be able to stop that bastard once and for all!"

And he began to run towards the castle. Brandon, abandoning the sweet roll, chased after him. Luka…I had no idea…were you always hiding this from us? Did Codatorta and Saladin know? Did the other guys? Pushing those thoughts from his mind, he followed Luka through the streets of the town and up to the palace gates. Panting heavily, he watched as his friend pounded on the doors.

"Let me in! It's Prince Luka, I demand to be allowed entrance!"

"Your Highness! You're back from school! Open the gates! Now!" one of the guards hurried down to greet them.

Brandon watched as Luka stood before the door, waiting for it to open. Finally, it creaked open enough to allow the two of them entrance. Luka stormed to the castle without looking left or right as the guard scrambled to catch up with him. Already he could feel the darkness creeping around the castle, a large portion of it focused in his mother's room.

"We didn't expect you back so soon, Prince Luka. We thought-"

"Silence! Where is my mother and Eramus?"

"Why they're in the Queen's bedchambers of course. Where else would a husband and wife be?"

Luka's bag dropped with a thud and he sprinted as fast as he could towards the royal chambers. Please, please, don't let me be too late!

"Luka! Luka, wait!"

Brandon chased after his friend and grabbed him by the collar. This effectively stopped Luka, but he began cursing.

"Damn it, Brandon, let me go! My mother's in trouble!"

"Calm down, you know that anger is the surest way for an enemy to win. Now you've got to keep a cool head on your shoulders! Damn it, stop struggling and listen to me!" and he slammed Luka against the wall. "You're not going to help your mother if you get hurt too."

"Let go of me, Brandon. If you try and stop me-"

"I'm not trying to stop you, I'm trying to help you. Now listen to me. You can't go charging in there without a plan. If your stepfather's in there, then we'll take him by surprise if we can. But if he spots us, then you get your mother to safety while I distract him."

Luka paused in his thrashing and looked at Brandon with deep respect and gratitude in his eyes. Brandon was right. If he allowed his anger to control him, then Eramus had already won. He nodded once and Brandon let his friend go. With that, the two of them ran through the stone halls of the palace and finally reached the bedchambers. Faint cries could be heard bouncing off the walls, along with the sound of a hand connecting with skin, hard. You'd better start praying for mercy, you bastard. Quietly, Luka and Brandon slipped into the rooms, looking around for the source. Coming upon the bathroom, Luka's eyes widened in shock. King Eramus was standing over Gwenllian, his fist coming down on her again and again, completely ignoring the woman's cries or her pleas for him to stop.

"Ready?" Brandon whispered.

"You know it."

After a count of three, both Brandon and Luka jumped onto Eramus' back, effectively catching him off-guard and dragging him to the floor. Eramus hit the tile with a loud crash, knocking over containers and cracking his head against the floor. His bellow of rage was heard by everyone in the castle. It rattled them to their bones and caused even the marketplace to stop its hustle and bustle. As Brandon worked on restraining Eramus, Luka turned back to where his mother lay. Eramus was cursing and struggling with his friend, but Luka wasn't paying attention to that. He was kneeling over his mother and moved her carefully to inside of the spacious pearl tub.

"You'll be safe now, Mother. I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore," he whispered, touching her cheek.

"…Luka…you came…"

She reached up, her hand shaking, and touched his cheek. Luka turned his head and kissed her palm, fighting the urge to hold her tight against him. He didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was. Brandon cracked the man's skull against the floor again and used the chance while Eramus was still reeling to bind his hands and feet. He removed his sword from his jacket pocket, formed the blade, and placed it at the man's neck.

"Don't move or you won't have your neck anymore."

The young man's voice was filled with warning and he glanced back to make sure that the Queen and Luka were all right. After making sure that his mother wasn't too seriously hurt, Luka turned back to his stepfather, pulling out his own sword and allowing the white blade to form. Eramus glared up at his stepson, knowing that if it wasn't for the fact he'd had a friend with him, Luka would never have been able to stop him. The boy was still too slender, too weak to do so.

"So, now that you have me, what are you going to do to me, Luka?" Eramus taunted, straining against his bonds.

"There are so many things I would like to do to you, Eramus. However, I think I'll be merciful and allow you a chance to live. Just long enough so you can stand trial under my judgment."

"You're not old enough."

"No, but without a King to proceed over the trial, then the next male heir must take his place. Me."

Eramus paled drastically as Luka's smile turned feral and he knelt down in front of the man.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm, Eramus. I will see you tried and then I will see you punished. Guard!"

At his shout, three men scurried in. "Yes, Prince Luka!"

Gesturing to his stepfather, Luka glared contemptuously at the man. "Take this man away and throw him in the strongest dungeon we have. Post a guard 24 hours of the day and set up a trial as soon as possible. I want him tried as a traitor to the crown on the first available date."

"Yes Sire!"

With that, Eramus was dragged off to the dungeons. But as he went, he screamed at his stepson that he would have his vengeance. And Luka had no doubts that the man would try every trick in the book to get out of this in order to return and seek his revenge. However, there were more important things to worry about and one of them was laying in the tub. His expression softened and Luka went over to his mother, feeling her feverish forehead.

"She's not well. Brandon, can you put her to bed while I go and fetch the doctor?"

"Of course."

Luka rose from his kneeling position, the anger and adrenaline draining out of him rapidly. He had never threatened anyone like that before. Nor had he ever had such a desire to see someone else die. But this was the man who had hurt him for years, hurt his mother for years, and he had to pay. But he will have a fair trial first. That much would be certain. Luka would not have an unfair trial, no matter how much he wanted to sabotage it. Still, truth spells would be used to uncover the evidence and it would be two against one. They would be all right now.

When Luka left the room, Brandon picked up the petite Queen and brought her over to her bed. Once he set her down, he began to dig around in the bag that Luka had brought, bringing out bandages and antiseptic. Sitting down next to her, Brandon began to clean some of the bleeding cuts, careful not to get any of the medicine in her eyes. They're Luka's eyes through and through. The ice blue shade was the exact shade as his friend's and Brandon smiled. This woman was even smaller than Luka, which he had trouble comprehending at first. But to endure all that she had for so long…it spoke of great strength. He was so lost in thought that he almost missed when she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Oh, you're awake. Queen Gwenllian, I'm Brandon, a friend of Luka's. Don't worry, he'll be right back, he just went to get the doctor."

She nodded slightly, sighing. "It will do him little good. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to stay in this world. Years of Eramus' abuse have taken their toll and I'm not as young as I once was…"

"But, but you can't leave yet! Luka loves you so much, you're all the family he has left. At least give him the chance to say goodbye and you should get the chance to see Eramus behind bars."

Gwen smiled sadly and reached up to touch his cheek. You have so much light in you, Brandon. It's a shame that your heart is so conflicted. You love someone else and yet your heart yearns for my son as well. Taking a shaky breath, Gwen lowered her hand and closed her eyes. She could feel the goodness in Brandon and hoped that he would come to understand his own heart in time. That perhaps…while he may love a woman now…there could always be room in his heart for someone who truly needed him after she was gone.

"Queen Gwenllian?"

"…Brandon…you have such a wonderful heart. Please…if I'm ever gone…could you take care of my boy?"

Flushing darkly, Brandon was struck speechless for a moment. Take care of Luka? But he could always take care of himself. Still, it was hard to deny the Queen her request. And so, Brandon nodded.

"I'll do my best, Queen Gwenllian. I give you my word."

She smiled and nodded. "Just don't let Luka know I asked you. He can be rather stubborn when he wants to be."

"Now just who are you talking about, mother?"

Luka's voice jerked Brandon back to reality and he backed away as Luka guided the doctor inside. But the elder woman shooed both boys out of the room so she could take a look at the ailing woman in private. Brandon's mind was still trying to wrap around the promise that he had made. But for the life of him, he really wanted to look after Luka because for some reason, the guy just needed someone to keep an eye out for him. Luka can sometimes be a little reckless not to mention a lot stubborn. He won't even listen to me about Riven. Taking a deep breath, Brandon went over and placed a hand on the other male's shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry man. Your mom's going to be ok. The doctor will make sure and fix her up."

When Luka turned around though, Brandon didn't feel quite so confident. Brimming in the young man's eyes were tears. Tears that Luka had been trying to hide ever since he'd seen his mother in such a state. Seeing her like that though was the last straw and he buried his head in his arm to hide how ashamed he felt. Crying just like a girl…and he cursed under his breath. Brandon didn't say anything, he just placed his hand on Luka's shoulder and waited. He knew that his friend was too proud to ask for any sort of emotional help, but he wanted to help. He didn't want to see Luka in so much pain, especially after all of the good times they'd had at Red Fountain. You're trying so hard, Luka. Why don't you let someone help you? You don't have to go through this journey alone…

"I'm here."


Startled that he'd spoken aloud, Brandon cleared his throat and smiled. "I meant that I'm here for you, Luka. You don't have to try so hard to be strong, ya know? You've got good friends who are going to stick by you through thick and thin, not to mention your mom's going to be around too."

It did make sense after all. Brandon was his friend and obviously wanted to try and make him feel better. Luka smiled a bit and swiped at his eyes. The thing was…his mother meant so much to him and if he lost her, Luka wasn't sure what he would do. Because then he'd be all alone.

"Your Highness, your mother wants to see you now."

"Thanks again, Brandon, for everything."

And Luka got up and went inside. He was only gone a few minutes before he stumbled back out, looking white as a sheet and about as lost as a ghost. Brandon was shocked and he went over and helped support his friend.

"Luka, what happened? Is it your mom, is she all right?"

"No…she's fine…it's just…" and Luka looked straight into Brandon's eyes with a disbelieving expression on his face. "She told me that…that I have a sister…"

"You do? Where is she Luka?"

He looked up at his friend with desparation in his eyes. "...Cloud Tower..."


Sorry about not updating, but I had a recent bout of homelessness that lasted about two months while I searched for a job and a place to live. I didn't have time for much of anything, let alone writing, and I was too upset to do so. But guess what, Huntra's going to make an appearance soon! And I'm not going to break up Brandon and Bloom just yet. After all, Luka's gotta break up with Riven so he can go find comfort with Musa. I have many plans for this story, so I'll update again soon!
