Hello all,

I'm sorry to disappoint you with no update…but simply a very long author's note. It's been a long time since the last time I have updated Somewhere I Belong and it pains me because many things have changed to make me come to this final decision.

First off, you have no idea how grateful I am to all the patient and loving reviewers and readers. You guys were the ones who kept me updating. But I've come to the point where I can finally see it...I can finally see: Somewhere I Belong is nothing but a hastily done piece of fanfiction. It has no taste, no personality, no memorable moments, no originality...it is simply a story that has many readers following after it, in hopes of big things. Why on earth? I can't fathom why you would want to continue reading this...but I am happy to know some of you do enjoy it. I always had high hopes and goals for this story but like a very renowned author told me, it's not at its fullest potential and I agree with all my heart. Something must be done about it. But alas, the fact of the matter is that I personally don't enjoy it anymore. I'm not proud of it. I'm scared of what will become of it if I continue. I don't know where it's heading anymore.And that leads me to a very unfortunate rut: what should I do?

My dear readers and reviewers: please forgive me. I am going to give you a few choices and I would be grateful if you let me know what option sounds best to you. Once you have all reviewed with your votes, I will try to go in the direction that most of you have voted for. I hope that's alright.

Without further ado – the options are:

A) Put Somewhere I Belong on hiatus until I can finally get back on my feet and realize where it's going and how I should get it there.

B) Put a complete stop to the story; discontinue

C) Let me very slowly and gradually try to edit and fix up all the chapters so it suits my standards, and hopefully yours too. After fixing chapters, I should be able to write again. But this option would take an immensely long time…and I'm not a very patient person

D) Ignore all the previous stupidly written chapters and just post the new chapters I have written (but am not satisfied with) to see the reaction…and go from there. This may very well end in a horrible mess.

I have to say though, none of these options completely please me. But let me know what YOU would like. And let me warn you, even if one option wins and I decide to follow your votes, I cannot guarantee anything. But I promise I will try my hardest!

Now, I have one final question for you, basically out of curiosity. What made you read and pursue this story? (eg. was it the plot, the writing, the title, the author's penname?) I would appreciate it so much if you could answer me this one question with your choice of either A, B, C or D.

Thank you so much for your patience and love, reviewers. You all rock!

> Mocha Dragon