A/N:My first attempt at this, hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine, but I wish BW was !!!

Blame Aristotle

"This can't be happening. It just isn't possible."

This would become Josh's mantra for the moment. Okay, maybe the day.

Sam had a description for this kind of situation, what was that again?

Oh, yeah, now I remember – a confluence of events of Aristotelian proportions.

Let's review:

The President is currently in the throes of an advanced MS attack and he just happens to be in China for a very important summit;

An asteroid large enough to wreak planetary havoc has just passed us by;

Donna's not here, she's not here.

Yep, that about covers the highpoints – Aristotle, your work here is done.

I know I can't do anything for the situation in China, and the asteroid did take care of itself, thank God.

But why couldn't I talk to Donna like she asked? Why did I just keep blowing her off?


I know why.

I know what she needed to say. And why she needed to say it…

I just didn't want to admit…

I don't want her to leave me, and not just because she keeps me and my office in line. I need to see her, to hear her voice and know that there is still someone around here that still believes in me…

Which is exactly what she wants from me.

I do believe in her, I've just never told her that.

I need to tell her, I know I do.

I need to tell her all things I've never said to her, all the things I'm proud that she has accomplished.

Hey, she managed to save Social Security, figured out Stackhouse's agenda, saved….


Rosslyn, Christmas, the diary…

I've never really, truly told her how much I appreciated all that, and more…I really should have, I really should do it.

Reality check, dumpkiss – I need to tell her more than that, don't I?

Yes, I do.

I just have one problem – She's not here, Donna's not here.

I have to find her, find her and straighten everything out.

Oh, God – please let me be able fix this, I have to make this right, I just have to….

Aristotle, you really know how to mess up a guy's life, don't you?

More may follow, we'll just have to see.