Disclaimer: And again I say to you: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING.

A/N: Finally an update!

Chapter Ten: Written in Blood

The following night, a lone car could be seen driving through the empty streets of Sunnydale. It was smooth sailing until it passed by an old winery shrouded with trees on the left side of the road. Two figures dressed from head to foot in pitch-black robes emerged from the aging chateau, and stopped several feet in front of the speeding car.

"Oh goddess!" Willow gasped, her foot slamming on the brakes. But as they drew closer and the figures became clearer to her. She reversed her actions and stomped on the accelerator.

The dark-haired woman beside her shot her a shocked look. "Red! What the hell are you doing?"

"Bringers," she answered, her emerald-green eyes widening as the car sped faster and faster towards the creatures. Willow cringed as they rammed headlong into them. The windshield cracked from the impact, and the deafening crash that sounded above them told the two passengers that one of the Bringers had landed on the roof of the car.

"Swerve the car, Red!" Faith instructed with a shout. "Swerve it!"

Willow did as told and the creature fell from the hood and a pale, skeletal hand shot out from its sleeve and grabbed at the car's side mirror, making it its sole anchor. The brunette took one look at the hand and let out a string of profanities. Willow continued to veer the vehicle from left to right in an attempt to shake off the ugly creature.

It banged against the car several times, each with a sickening thud before taking the two passengers completely by surprise when its free hand shot through the window, smashing the glass into a million pieces. It tried to grab Faith, but the Slayer had taken its skeletal hand in a firm grip and had started to twist it around.

It was then that she noticed that it was clutching something. As if on cue, it dropped the piece of yellowing paper onto Faith's lap and let go of its hold on the mirror.

The Slayer huffed irritably.

"Nice way to welcome a girl back," she muttered crossly.

Everyone who was gathered in the Magic Box that night doing research (as usual, much to Draco's dismay), were all particularly startled when the front door slammed open and a redheaded witch came rushing in followed closely by someone they all had not expected. Except for Giles, maybe.

The silence was deafening, the only sound coming from the tiny bell above the entrance door, tinkling furiously from the sudden arrival of the two women.

"Faith?" Buffy asked, almost disbelievingly. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, B." Faith said sarcastically.

"She's here to help," Willow replied firmly, shooting the blonde Slayer a warning glance.

Buffy nodded curtly. Dawn, however, took none of it. The young Summers girl stood up from her seat and stormed out of the room. Her elder sister watched her leave and decided that it was wise not to follow her. Dawn knew everything that had happened between the two Slayers in the past, but that was just that. The past.

Faith watched her go impassively.

Willow cleared her throat nervously, trying to dissolve some of the tension. "We were uh, on our way home when these two Bringers crashed into our car. One of them managed to slip us this." She held up the rumpled piece of paper.

"A piece of garbage?" Draco observed in a lazy drawl.

Faith's sharp gaze swung towards him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Later," Buffy replied for him, her eyes fixed firmly on the dark Slayer. "Faith, Willow. Sit."

They did as told. Willow handed her the paper in which she immediately opened and read. Hazel-brown eyes widened imperceptibly, making the witch's curiosity peak all the more. And with the expressions that every one else was wearing, it was obvious that they too, were eager to know what was written on the small note.

"Spit it out, Slayer." Draco ordered.

Buffy didn't say anything, but she did toss the paper into the center of table where it instantly became the center of attention. Scrawled in childish handwriting were the following words…

I have something of yours.

It was written in blood.


A/N: Uber-short chap, I know, I know. I'm almost done with the next one so CHILL! Review please!