Big thanks to: Chris, Daphne and Epoch95 for your reviews!

Chapter 18: The New King


"I want Jack Skellington to be the Pumpkin King!"

The mayor was pacing around his office. It was the manic side that said that. He pounded his fist into his hand.

"But…we can't do that. What if he finds out about….What if someone tells him…" the worried face spun around.

"He won't find out about it. He can't! He's new! No one would tell him. They're all too afraid," said the manic face. "He could be the one! The one to save Halloween, to bring the citizens of Halloweentown back to their former glory!" The manic face looked determined, and rubbed his hands together.

"But what if some thing happens to him?" said the worried face, wringing his hands. "After what happened to Gabriel Devlin…"

"No! Don't bring that up," said the manic face. He was forcing his smile now. Even the manic side was starting to feel worried.

"But…what if Oo…" the worried face started to say.

"Don't say his name!" hissed the manic face. "We don't have a choice. I am going to ask Jack Skellington to be the next Pumpkin King. He will save Halloween. He has to!" the Mayor said desperately.

For once it seemed both sides of the Mayor were in agreement.

They were both worried.


Meanwhile back in his tower Jack was getting ready. Today was the day they were going to give everyone their Halloween assignments. He was excited to see what everyone thought of his ideas. He gathered up his book of notes and he and Zero walked to Town Square. Everyone he passed smiled and waved. The Undersea Gal popped up out of the fountain and batted her eyes at him.

"Hellooooo Jack," said with her most fetching smile.

"Hey, Gal! Good to see you," Jack said with a little wave, seemingly oblivious to her flirtations.

Disappointed, she slid back into the fountain.

Jack's mind was on other things. His plan. Sally. Halloween. Sally. No matter what, his thoughts just kept coming back around to the pretty little rag doll. He was relieved to know that she wasn't married to Dr. Finkelstein. But he was equal parts disappointed that she "belonged" to the mad scientist. He wondered if the Dr. would let him date her. He wondered if she would even want to date him. She was so shy, it was hard to tell. He wondered if she would be at the meeting…

Such were his thoughts when he ran smack into the Mayor, who had just pulled up his little car and had gotten out to try to catch Jack before he went into Town Hall.

Jack's book of ideas went flying and both he and the Mayor ended up on their backsides on the cobblestone ground.

"Oh! Mr. Mayor, I'm sorry!" Jack said, flustered. He scrambled up and helped the Mayor to his feet, and then gathered his book. Zero tilted his head at Jack. He knew something was up with his master, but he just wasn't sure what.

"Oh, no, Jack my boy, it was completely my fault. I walked right in front of you!" the Mayor said, grinning as he rubbed his backside. "Listen, Jack, I was hoping we could talk before the meeting."

"Oh. Oh, sure," said Jack. He glanced at the skeleton face watch on his bony wrist. He didn't need to do much to set up, so he had time.

"Hop in the car, my boy," the Mayor said, motioning Jack to the tiny car.

Fortunately Jack was skinny. He barely managed to fold his long, skinny self into the car before the Mayor took off, leaving Zero in a cloud of exhaust. With a yap the little ghost dog flew after the car.

They pulled up in front of Town Hall and Jack followed the Mayor up to his office. Once again he sat in the Electric Chair. He was only slightly unnerved by the fact that he was getting used to such things.

"So, Jack. I had a little something I was hoping to run by you. Before the meeting. Heh, heh," the Mayor said. He still had a manic grin on his face, but he was trying mightily not to let Jack see how nervous he was.

"Okay, sure. What is it?" Jack said, just as Zero flew in through an open window. He gave the Mayor a dirty look before settling down at Jack's feet. Absently Jack reached down and scratched Zero's head. Jack's trusting nature made him entirely unprepared for what the Mayor said next.

"I have a proposal for you," the Mayor said. "You see, Jack. Halloweentown is in dire need of a Pumpkin King, and, my boy, YOU are perfect for the job."

Zero jumped up and yapped, remembering what Sally had said. Jack was startled and didn't know what to say. "Um. Erm. Pumpkin King you say?"

"Yes, yes. Halloweentown has been without a Pumpkin King for far too long!" the Mayor said, grinning.

"Oh?" Jack said. He was trying to think, trying to remember everything that Sally had told him. He wondered what the Mayor would tell him. "Why is that?"

The Mayor froze, eyes wide, mouth agape. "Well," he said, thinking fast, "There's just not been anyone up to the task. You know, we just need fresh blood. Erm. So to speak."

"Fresh blood, eh?"

"Heh, heh, heh!" The Mayor laughed, trying to cover up his nervousness. He was starting to sweat, and it was all he could do to keep his nervous side at bay. "It's just that you're from the Real World, Jack. You know what's what in the human world! You're the only one that can save Halloween! And as The Pumpkin King you will be the main man, the one everyone looks up to! Jack, you ARE The Pumpkin King!"

Something in the back of his mind told Jack that something was wrong, but he was just so flattered that he ignored it. He had spent his whole life trying to fit in, trying to feel like he wasn't an outcast. Now, for the first time ever, he had a chance to be someone. And not just anyone, The Pumpkin KING! Jack felt a grin spread slowly across his face. Jack Skellington, The Pumpkin King. Zero was floating next to his face, yapping, but Jack wasn't paying any attention.

"I'll do it!" Jack shouted, leaping out of his chair. "I WILL be The Pumpkin King!" He laughed his creepy skeleton laugh.

The Mayor wiped a hand across his sweaty brow and fell back into his chair with a sigh of relief. "Jack, my boy, this is great news!" he rubbed his hands together, thinking of what a boost this would be to the town, to the townspeople and their flailing Halloween spirits. "We'll announce it at the Town Meeting," the Mayor said. "And then we'll give everyone their assignments. It'll be great!"

Jack, riding on the high of the idea of being The Pumpkin King, jumped up from his seat. "Yes! Let's go!"

He gathered up his book of ideas, patted the worried Zero on the head, and followed the Mayor downstairs to the auditorium where the townsfolk were starting to gather. They were mumbling excitedly and the Mayor was ecstatic. It was the first time in years that the townsfolk actually looked excited about anything.

When it was time for the meeting to start the Mayor climbed up onto the podium and cleared his throat a few times. When the townsfolk had quieted down he started to speak.

"Citizens of Halloweentown welcome!" he said, grinning manically. "Before I turn the meeting over to Jack, I have a very important announcement."

The audience murmured.

"As you all know, Halloween is not what it used to be. It used to be a time of terror and fright, of things that went bump in the night. But for the past several years, Halloween has been losing its scariness. The children in the Real World are becoming harder and harder to scare. Halloween has become a time for children to dress up and get candy. NOT a time for them to be scared. THIS HAS TO STOP! What will become of us if we don't have anyone to scare on Halloween?"

There was more mumbling in the audience, murmurs of agreement.

"How long has it been since children have been afraid of the dark? Since they cowered in terror of the monster in their closet or under their bed? TOO LONG!" said the Mayor, thumping his fist on the podium.

"The problem is that Halloweenland has been without a Pumpkin King for too long! Back in the days of fear and terror we had The Pumpkin King to look up to for guidance. It's time for us to take back Halloween!"

The crowd was excited now, murmuring and cheering.

"So, without further adieu, I give you ….Jack Skellington, The Pumpkin King!"

The crowd roared and cheered. A couple of hats (sometimes with head still attached) were tossed in the air. Jack stepped forward at the Mayor's urging and stood behind the podium. He was tempted to feel nervous, but pushed it back. He laughed his most scary, eerie laugh. The reaction of the crowd filled him with exhilaration.

"Citizens of Halloweentown! I am happy to accept the position of The Pumpkin King! I promise you that I will do everything that I can to put the fear back into Halloween! We will make this the best, the scariest, the most….HORRIBLE Halloween ever!"

The crowd roared again and Jack grinned. For the first time ever people were looking up to him! Gone were the days when kids picked on him. He scanned the grinning, cheering crowd. He felt great….until he saw Sally, standing at the back of the crowded room, hands clasped in front of her. He caught her eye. She looked a little bit scared, and a lot disappointed. Jack's heart sank to the vicinity of his bony feet as she looked down and then turned and walked quickly out of the auditorium.