What we (Chimalmaht, etcies, and myself) were going for when writing this was to go back to the simpler times, but still maintain a modern level of sophistication and education. We DO realize that under this form of government, many of the things we take for granted will disappear. That was kinda the point. You don't see any Jellicles driving cars, or using a credit card now do you? We also realize that we pretty much created our own country, but the boundries of the assignment prevented us from calling it a country.

I know some of you are thinking that the Government is whack. A hybrid of Socialist, Fascism, Democracy, and Monarchy? Well, it actually works. What we did was combine some of the best features of each form of government. The Democratic part had to be put in because, well, the State is part of the USA. But it's an important part. In the US, the citizens take great pride in the fact that they elect their leader (who should actually be called a representative), and they can impeach him/her if they become a tyrant. If this facet of government was not there, the public would revolt and riot, and wage war. The Monarchial part was also a weird decision, we know. But when you think about it...children are quite impressionable, and most end up emulating their parents. So, if a good family is elected into office, they're children would most likely end up filling that position well too. If not, they get impeached. Socialist is in the Requisitioning and (as my friends have said) the elimination of currency. If you think about it...money is practically the root of greed. You get more money, you get more stuff. By eliminating money, you eliminate greed. At least a good chunk of it. The fascist part is strictly in law enforcement, utilizing the Code of Hammurabi. Under his rule (a LONG time ago...we're talking B.C.), there was nearly no crime. That's because he invented the saying: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Why would you want to steal and or murder, if you knew that the same thing would be dealt back? You kill, you get killed. You steal, you get stolen from. A bit brutal, but it works. Also, with the whole requisitioning thing, there's almost no point in stealing anyway.

Some people may be a bit confused about the requisitioning thing. Basically, there's a big ware house full of stuff. You order what you need, and you get it. Chimalmaht, etcies, and I realize that there will be people who take advantage of this system. It will be quite obvious that, by the quantities and how often requisitioning occurs by the same person, that they're not pulling their own weight. For example, instead of growing your own corn, you requisition all your corn needs from a ware house. It takes a lot of corn to get someone through a year, and if they order a year's supply of corn, it's obvious. An investigation of the premises would then take place, and it would be determined if the person has a legitimate reason for wanting that much corn. We also took into account that natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, etc.) May cause someone to need that much corn. That's why 25-50 percent of surplus goes to the ware houses, to provide for such an incident.

How does this resemble what a Jellicle government would look like? Simple. We're the first ones to do a nation for the Jellicles, and so what we're doing is automatically right. LOL. Just kidding. We can explain that too. Ok, the government. It seems that all of Old Deuteronomy's decisions ultimately relies on the Jellicle's approval. After all, Cat's don't do something they don't want to. That's pretty much what Democracy's all about. The monarchial part is because Old D has selected Munkustrap to rule in his stead, when he passes on (most assume Munkustrap is Old D's son or some kind of relative). The whole requisitioning/ no money was because Cats are well equipped to provide for themselves. Requisitioning is just in case something goes wrong. Last but not least, why such strict (and to some, inhumane) laws? As I said previously, there would be almost no crime. Also, the way the government's set up, citizens (or should I say Jellicles) are free to pretty much do as they please. However, they may feel the repercussions to stupid decisions later. It allows Jellicles to be cheerful and playful, but also gives them a strong code of ethics.

That pretty much covers it...if you have further questions, or something you would like added/changed in the constitution, please put it in your review and I'll add it to either this chapter or the Constitution. And in case your wondering, Chimalmaht, Etcies, and myself got 36/38 on this assignment...and we were only docked those 2 points because of typos, and grammatical errors. And if you think our 'state' is weird, some called for slaughter of everybody more than 1/16th Canadian (I'm so sorry, Krissy4!). Sick.