Author's Note: I know that was an unnaturally long amount of time that passed. I'm very sorry about that, and I hope there are still readers left. Heh heh. My internet was down the first 4 months I didn't update, and I had serious issues writing this after that. I just wasn't happy with how it was turning out, and I hope this chapter is alright.


Kagome M.K: Thanks, and I'll update as soon as possible...of course if your reading this I suppose I updated.

Anime-lover-forever2007: Glad I made you laugh! ;D (((peace sign)))

Nod: Thanks, and I shall!

Inulover4391: Thanks, I was unsure about how to end it at first, so I'm glad it worked out.

Midnightangel16: Uhm...probably about destorying something would be my guess o.o And thank you, I'm glad you like it.

Fire: Thanks for the laughs! (((Thumbs up)))

MisSs05: The ending is a ways off, and I'm glad it didn't suck. Phew! Thanks for your review.

Bunny-chan-the#1reveiwer: Aw, thank you (((Blush)))

Sleep-deprived101: Luckily, I am an authoress hell-bent on posiitive reviews, not encouragement. Glad you find the story amusing

I-Can't-Escape-This-Hell: I'm glad you've stuck with me!

Gaby: Thank you for the compliments! That's what I've been trying to do, so I'm happy to know I'm succeeding. (((Grin)))

CutePsycoNHyper: ((Sigh)) ah, yes. Reviewers are never satisfied with an update. I'm the same way. I'm a faithful reader of a certin pairing in Naruto. I hope this update was speedy! And don't kill me, or the update will never come. (((Smile)))

Anime freak 318: I agree. Those cross dressers just don't get the publicity they deserve. If you like cross dressers, you should watch Tokyo Godfathers, it's a great anime movie. Thank you for the review.

KitsuneFoxChild: I'm glad you found it funny!

Kagome 1322: Arigatou! I'm so glad my story makes people laugh.

lil-angel-fairy: Don't worry. This is an Inu/Kag story for sure.

Inugrldemon: Sorry about the very slow update, and thank you for the review!

Inu Girl For Life: I'm glad to hear this story is unique. I hoped it would be. Thank you very much!

Sharm226654: Ah, gomen nasai! But I've updated now! (((sweatdrop)))

Darkhanyou27: Thank you, I'm glad you found it funny! (((Grin)))

Words To Know For This Chapter:

Kusu: Shit/Damn

Chapter 12: TheNext Day

When Kagome had arrived back at her dorm with Miroku, Inuyasha was sound asleep. I wonder if he got the picture from Naraku's room, I'll ask him tomorrow, Kagome thought with a yawn. But why is he in our room? And MY bed? Gr!

"I claim the shower," Kagome whispered, glaring pointedly at Miroku, who was eyeing the bathroom door.

Miroku slumped onto his bed in silent submission.

It had been one Hell of an evening. Kagome had been dropped off at the hospital by a wary Inuyasha, and she entered the emergency room to find Miroku sleeping like a baby across four chairs.

"Miroku!" Kagome hissed.

"Nya...?" Miroku wiped the drool off his mouth. "Kag...ami...?"

Kagome sighed and ripped off her wig. An elderly couple (They're everywhere!) gasped, having never seen a 'Drag Queen' before.

Miroku sweat dropped. "Oh...right."

"How's Kouga?"

Miroku shrugged.

"Is he alive?"

"He'd better be."

"Arrg! Miroku, I demand you find out his condition."

Miroku yawned lazily. "Later, I'm tired."

"...Your so much more productive when your panicking." Kagome clenched her fists. "Miroku, you just ran over a popular guy at your school. When he gets better...if he's alive...he will murder you."

"Maybe he won't remember that I hit him."

"And maybe pig will fly out of my ass with wings."

Miroku's lower lip trembled. "But...maybe...he won't..."

"If he doesn't, then one talk with me will clear all that up."

Miroku shot up and followed a pretty nurse down the hall. "Oh, nurse! Yoo hoo! I have an inquiry about a dear of friend of mine who was in a tragic accident!"

Luckily, Kouga had been alive. And luckily for Miroku, he didn't remember a thing.

"Kouga, oh dearest friend of mine, I couldn't help but-"

"Shut...up..." Kouga wheezed. "My hurts..."

"Oh," Miroku continued in a softer tone. "Yes, of course. As I was saying, I couldn't help but see as some insane, drunk driver ran into you...even though it was a green light and you were being an idio-"

"YES, YES, The driver was a MADMAN," Kagome interrupted, glaring pointedly at Miroku. "He belongs in a cell."

Miroku touched his heart, as if wounded.

"...I saw an angel. Her name was Kaga-something. She saved me." Miroku and Kagome laughed nervously. Kouga looked over at Kagome and frowned. "Kag?"


"Why is a dress..."

"Me?" Kagome squeaked, forgetting her wig was still clutched in her hands. "I don't know a Kag, heh heh."

Miroku dropped a metal tray on Kouga's head. Kouga's head drooped onto the pillow, as if asleep.

"MIROKU! What are you doing?" Kagome screeched.

"We can't let him find out you dressed as a girl, because then Inuyasha will find out and slaughter me."

"Haven't you ever heard of LYING? As in a non-violent way to solve your problems?"


"That's it, I'm taking you to an anger management class."

"...Say, Kagome?"

"What, Miroku?" Kagome seethed.

Miroku grinned. "He doesn't remember I ran him over."

"...Good for you."

"Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"Having flying pigs shoot out your ass?"

Kagome twitched in annoyance at the memory as she entered the shower. Being at this school was more stressful than being at her other school. Why had she come to this male-infested hellhole in the first place? Hmm…why indeed.

Kagome dried her hair with a towel, removing the fog from the mirror caused by the hot shower with her elbow.

Yura's face with her 'Ho ho ho ho!' laugh entered Kagome's mind, and she magically remembered why she was there. At least she had Jaketsu.

She slowly dressed in her pj's, the stress from that night finally weighing her down. Miroku was a good guy, once you got to know him, he just wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, or the brightest crayon in the box. He was like the deformed fin of that little fish, Nemo. Well…he was taking honors classes…butt who knew what went on in that brain of his other than re-runs of porn?

She climbed into her bed and dozed off. At least she could sleep in tomorrow.


Something wasn't right. Something was amiss.

Maybe it had something to do with the manly screams assaulting her ears and the pillow assaulting her face.

Yeah, that was it.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man?" Inuyasha yelled again.

"…huh?" Kagome sat up, pushing the pillow away. "What kind of guy hits his friend with a freaking pillow? I'm not a spider."

Miroku chuckled again. "You were all cuddled up to eachother when I woke up this morning. How precious."

"Eh?" Kagome wasn't quite comprehending the situation.

"HE was cuddling ME, he's the freak! This is what you get for hanging out with Jaketsu, he's made you gay. Get away from me, pervert!" Kagome blinked at him.

"What were you doing in my bed, sick-o?"

"…That is not the point!"

"Ooh, the tables have turned!" Miroku jeered from the sidelines.

"You know, Inuyasha, if you've watched those romantic comedies, this is what happens when you share a bed with someone. It was late and I was tired, so how should I know you were randomly sleeping in my bed. If anyone here is a freak, its you." Kagome finished by sticking her tongue out and stomping into the bathroom.

"Hey, I just got tired waiting for your slow asses to get back! Where were YOU anyway?"

"I was with Miroku." She slammed the door shut.

Inuyasha turned his glare on Miroku. "And what happened to you? Kag's sister said you had 'buisness to attend to'."

"You have no idea, man, just don't ask." Miroku rubbed his temples.

Behind the bathroom door, Kagome leaned against it, fiddling with one of her P.J. sleeves. I can't believe I was cuddling Inuyasha, that's gross! I wish I was awake when it happened, though, or at least woken up first. How embarrassing! Now he thinks I'm a weirdo! Okay, I sort of am.

"Kag, hurry up already, you hogged the shower last night," Miroku snapped.

"R-Right! Sorry!" Kagome squeaked apologetically.

"…Did he just squeak?" Inuyasha pointed towards the bathroom with his thumb. Miroku shrugged. "By the way, your sister is weird."

"Yeah, well, she thinks your weird, too, asshole!" Kagome snarled.

Inuyasha blinked, a bit taken back by the ferocity of those words. Miroku laughed into his hand again.


Kagome looked at Jaketsu's nails in envy. He was putting on a second coat of red nail polish, humming as their teacher droned on about how he once saw the Mona Lisa inside the swirls of one of his vases when he was their age. Kagome looked at her chewed, colorless excuses for nails and pouted. The world just wasn't fair sometimes.

"Sooooo…" Jaketsu began in such a way that Kagome knew she was in the for the daily Inuyasha Question Extravaganza. "How's-"

"He's fine."

"…I didn't know your club had a gender." Jaketsu raised his eyebrows. "I was going to ask how your archery club was going. Have you got someone on your mind?" A grin.

Kagome gave her friend a look, and retorted with a crisp, "No."

"Has Inuyasha said anything about that family dinner thing?"

"Family dinner thing?"

"Oh, hasn't he mentioned it?" Jaketsu put the cap back on his nail polish and slipped it in his bag. "He's forced to go to it every year. Some reunion."

"Oh," Kagome answered dumbly with downcast eyes. "He hasn't told me anything about it."

"I'm surprised. I thought you were best friends or something."

"I…I guess we're pretty good friends," Kagome tapped the pencil on her chin thoughtfully. "I'd never really thought about it."


On her way back from her dorm after an extremely boring day, Kagome passed Kouga, leaning on crutches, bandages around his head and one arm. School was barely out of the day, and the girls surrounded him, cooing and asking if it hurt.

How disgusting. Kagome made a face, continuing on her way. She began to turn the doorknob, but stopped at the sound of Inuyasha's annoyed voice.

"He won't believe that I have chicken pox!"

"…Didn't you have them when you were three?"

"He wouldn't remember that!" A pause. "And Mom wants to meet my friends. Hah, right."

"She'd be happier if you brought a girl," Miroku snickered.

"I'd rather die."

"Why don't you bring Kagami?"

Kusu!" Shut up, Miroku! Shut up, Miroku! Shut up-

"Over my dead body."

…Thank God. Wait a second; what the Hell is wrong with Kagami? He'd be lucky to take my, that son of a-

"How about Kikyo? You seem to like her."

Kagome gulped as silence ensued. He liked...Kikyo, huh? She suddenly felt an unusually strong loathing for the girl, though she couldn't imagine why.

What did Kikyo have that Kagome ,er, Kagami didn't?

Beauty, elegance, smarts…she's probably very polite. She probably doesn't yell at him, and pours tea and speaks softly and doesn't curse. I'm nothing like her.

"…I don't like her." That was the LONGEST pause Kagome had every frigging heard! She had had a revelation in the time it took that jerk to answer.

"Right. Of course you don't."

"I-I don't!"

And that was when Kagome decided to admit to herself that she liked Inuyasha.

But only when he wasn't opening that big mouth of his.

And only a little bit.


AN: Arigatou for reading! Its finally making some progress in the way of romance, since I figured I'd delayed it long enough. I will try to update as soon as possible, and get rid of this lazy habit I've fallen into.

Who will Inuyasha take to the dreaded family dinner?

Reviews are most appreciated, and encouraging!
