Never Bet on Love

By pmochizuki

Author's Note: I've finally got this story back on fanfiction! Due to my holding a casting call, fanfiction deleted my story from the site. So I'm putting this back up, this time with NO casting call!

Disclaimer: Belongs to Disney and the movie "Newsies". Character which you don't recognize belong to either me or my readers who have loaned me their characters. In each chapter I'll put a list of character not belonging to the movie "Newsies".

Characters featured in this chapter and who they belong to:

Darlene Prichard – pmochizuki
Dentist - pmochizuki

Special thanks to reviewers at the bottom of the chapter

Chapter 1: What Do You Say Gentlemen?

Jack Kelly looked around the dance hall in annoyance. Throngs of newsies from all over New York were gathered in there that night, making the enormous hall seem small and crowded. Everyone was talking, everyone was having a good time. One of Medda's performers was playing Christmas music on the piano with some of the newsies singing along in somewhat off-key voices. But the object of Jack's annoyance was not in the room, nor with the crowd of newsies. It was with his date.

Jack had only met Darlene Prichard that morning, for she had just started working in the bakery where the newsies bought (and more than occasionally stole) some food. They had seemed to instantly hit it off right, and Jack had asked her if she'd like to join him at Medda's to hang out.

Yet now, less than an hour since they had arrived, she had already left him to join one of the Harlem newsies. Jack gritted his teeth as Darlene laughed at something the other newsie said.

"Heya Jack, you ok?" Jack turned to face Kid Blink, concern written all over the other's face.

"I'm fine," Jack said with a sigh. There was an awkward silence until Racetrack spoke up.

"Yeah right."

Mush elbowed Racetrack, his only reply a 'what-did-I-say?' expression on his face.

Jack ignored the looks the other poker players were giving him and concentrated on his cards. "Let's get back to the game, shall we?" he said and thankfully, everyone nodded, and the game continued.

Jack had never really been a poker player, yet one of the reasons he had joined his friends' games was because of the way his date deserted him. He had no wish to lose money on top of losing Darlene.

"All right gentlemen, show your cards," Racetrack said, the only dark haired, dark eyed newsie in the group.

Mush was first and he had only a pair of fours which he displayed with a sigh. The curly dark haired teenager, the youngest of all who were sitting at the table, gave the pile of money at the center of the table a sad look.

Though only one of his eyes was visible, Kid Blink's wince was very noticeable. The eye patched, brown haired newsie didn't even show his cards as he put them down with a huff.

"And what do ya have, Skittery?" Racetrack asked, the beginnings of a grin on his face.

"Beat that, you undersized Italian!" Skittery said with a triumphant smile on his face, showing his cards. It was a full house, and Jack groaned. There was no he was winning this game.

Mush was watching Racetrack intently, neither speaking nor blinking his eyes. Race had a serious expression on his face, the only movement was of him chewing the cigar in his mouth absentmindedly. Then suddenly, he smiled and showed his cards. Three, four, five, six, seven. All of them hearts.

"A straight flush," Skittery said in disgust, his traditional glumness taking over his previous cheerful attitude.

"Never bet against the king of gamblers my friends," Racetrack said with a twinkle in his eyes as he raked in his winnings. "And don'tcha eva call me 'undersized'." But before he started depositing the money into his pockets, his hand stilled for a moment. A smirk played upon his lips as he slyly looked towards where Mush was sitting. "Which reminds me..."

More than a little curious over Race's strange words, Jack saw with astonishment that Mush had turned ashen. "Mush? What's wrong?" Jack asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," Race said, waving his hand distractedly. "I just made a little side bet wit Mush dat I would win this hand."

Mush blushed as he dug out a dime from his pocket, then handed it to Race.

Kid Blink smacked his hand against his forehead. "Mush! How could ya?"

Skittery shook his head. "You shoulda known better den to let him get the best of ya."

"But more den anything," Kid said while glaring at Racetrack, "you shoulda known better den to take advantage of 'im."

"What'd I do?" spoke the Italian, his hands raised in mock surrender. "It was a responsible bet, I was teaching Mush about learning the odds. And the odds I would win this game was five to one. You see? Very good odds!"

Jack sighed, rolling his eyes. There was no arguing with Race's reasoning. He rose up from his seat to leave. "Ise gonna get a drink." But the other four ignored him as they began fighting over the term 'responsible bet'.

Jack had to go around and between other poker tables set up for the countless other newsies to get to the bar set up towards the front of the dance hall. It also didn't help that since he was the leader of the Manhattan newsies, everyone knew his name and wanted to say hi to him. It also didn't help that he was instrumental in heading the strike which had taken place that summer.

Finally he reached his destination and saw that Medda herself was tending the bar.

Medda Larkson was a gorgeous woman with a mass of hot red curls, and though she was a much older woman, she still looked like she was in her prime. Many men and boys loved her for her great figure, but they loved her even more for her smile. Jack had to admit, the smile she aimed at him right now could melt the coldest of hearts.

"Hello, kid!" she said with a wink, having already given her Christmas greeting. Medda seemed to enjoy calling him kid though he was already seventeen. Yet Jack mused that he would always forever remain her 'kid'.

"Hiya Medda. And how's me favorite woman in the woild?" Jack said. It was a custom for them to always start a conversation with a little friendly flirting.

"Aww, Kelly, you're too kind. So, what would ya have?"


The woman wagged a finger at him. "I'll get you a root beer." Jack chuckled as Medda got out a root beer and proceeded to pour a glass out for him. He hadn't really wanted a whiskey, but he liked to tease Medda whenever he ordered a drink from her.

Medda, being the sweet and charitable woman she was, knew that the newsies had basically nowhere to go in the evenings during the winter. Bars were closed to the under aged newsies, so it was either stay at home or sneak into a not-very-closely-guarded barroom.

So Medda had been kind enough to open up her dance hall twice a week for only the newsies. All of the kids had likened to the idea and very rarely was Medda's place devoid of kids on those special occasions. Especially on this day, the day after Christmas.

None of the newsies had a family, except for the rare few like Jack's friend, David. Christmas… a time for family. Yet what about those without family? The homeless, the orphaned, the deserted? But to Jack, the newsies were his family. And Medda was their aunt, always taking care of them, even through the roughest of times.

Yet rules were rules. Medda had forbidden alcoholic beverages to be sold in the bar she set up for the newsies. Of course that didn't stop some of the older kids from bringing in some 'drinks' of their own.

Though Medda turned a blind eye as long as the drinking didn't get out of hand and only involved the older children, she absolutely prohibited smoking. And since there was no way to hide cigarette or cigar smoke in the hall, that was the one rule which the newsies couldn't and didn't break. The newsies would either smoke outside in the cold or not at all. Racetrack had chosen not to smoke, but more out of habit he kept his traditional cigar in his mouth, unlit.

"So, kid," Medda said as she placed the glass in front of him, "how have you been amusing yourself this evening?"

"Playin' poka wit me pals. I lost."

She laughed, and having the beautiful voice she had, her laugh was a pleasant sound to all in hearing distance. "You'll never win playing with Racetrack, you know that."

Jack didn't remember telling her who he had been playing with, but shrugged the thought away. Medda had a way of knowing most everything that went on.

Her next words convinced him even more of the fact. "And where's that pretty girl you brought here this evening? Don't tell me you've left her with that Harlem fella?"

He tried to be nonchalant though inside he was cringing. "I think she decided he's betta lookin' den me." He took a swig of his drink and tried to forget Darlene. And to forget that thieving, dirty, underhanded Harlem newsie.

"There's nothing wrong with you. Well, partly." She said the last words matter-of-factly, then started innocently wiping some empty glasses.

"What do ya mean, 'partly'?" Jack was flabbergasted.

Medda put down the glass with a sigh. "You know, I think the real problem is that you're too good-lookin' and too sweet. You'll get any girl you want with one charming smile. But that don't mean you got the right one."

Jack immediately felt offended and totally confused. She had managed to both compliment and insult him at almost the same time, and he didn't know how to exactly react.

Seeing the bewildered look he was giving her, she spoke. "You can't expect every single girl with a pretty face or body to be the right girl for you. And most importantly, the right kind of girl. You gotta go out with a girl you like for who she is, and that girl had better like you for who you are, too."

"But Darlene and I hit off so nicely."

"And how long have you known her?"

She probably knew the answer already, so Jack just looked sullenly down into his glass. He felt a gentle pat on his hand.

"Someday you'll find her, I guarantee it. You've just got to look better, and then take an even closer look." Medda gave him a kind smile then her eyes averted as someone else caught her attention.

"'ello Miss Medda, beautiful than ever." Jack turned around to see Spot Conlon coming towards them. The leader of Brooklyn took Medda's hand, which was lying on the counter, and kissed it after giving her a wink.

"Find yourself a younger girl, Spot," Medda said with a chuckle, patting the teenager on the cheek.

"Ah, but never will I find me anyone lovelier."

"Flatterer. Would you like a drink?"

Spot brought up the bottle he had been holding in his hand. "I hope you don't mind, I brought me own drink."

Jack had no doubts to what exactly was in the bottle. But he kept his mouth shut, as did Medda who only gave Spot a mock glare. But no one, not even adults, could handle looking into the firm blue eyes of the Brooklyn leader. So Medda only shook her head and laughed, then went to serve some other newsies.

Before too long, Jack had those same blue eyes fixed on him. "So. Jackie boy. I thought you was bringing a goil?"

Deciding to counter the question with another, Jack asked, "What 'bout you?"

"I'd rather play poka den worry about a date. Answer da question."

Jack jerked an annoyed thumb towards the Harlem area.

There was some silence broken when Spot spoke up. "You mean da brunette's who's walking out the door on Dentist's arm?"

Wincing, Jack turned and sure enough, there was Darlene clinging to the Harlem newsies arm, apparently having forgotten entirely about who she had arrived with. Jack tried to hide his disappointment by snorting in disgust. "Dentist? What kind of a name is dat?"

"Cause every kid he's fought wit has had ta visit da dentist, dat's why," Spot answered with a noncommittal shrug.

"You eva fight 'im?"

Spot just gave one of his grins which lit up a wicked gleam in his eyes. He was known for his red hot temper, and Jack wouldn't have been surprised if Spot and Dentist had gotten into a 'physical argument'. Though for a fact Spot was just shy of medium height was not at all a broad shouldered teenager, he possessed a lithe and fast body, and he sure packed one killer punch.

"Listen Jackie boy, you just can't let dat thug walk away wit yer goil. It ain't right."

"If she wants to go wit the 'Dentist', she can."

The Brooklyn leader's eyes widened. "Dat don't mean nothing. And when does it matter what she wants? Ain't you got any pride?"

His words sparked some pent up anger and Jack snapped. "Well, what would you have done?"

The shorter newsie smirked. "I wouldn't have gotten into dat kind of situation in da foist place." With a nod of dismissal, Spot left to find someone else to talk to, leaving Jack feeling very depressed.

Finishing his drink, Jack went back to the table where to his amusement, his friends were still on the same topic of conversation.

"You see Mush, it's all in the odds. If the odds are in your favor, the bet falls into the category of a 'responsible bet'. Now if the odds were bad, then there's no reason to make the bet, right?" Racetrack said to Mush as if speaking to a little child. He may as well have been talking to one for Mush was only looking at the short Italian with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact THAT YOU WON!" Kid Blink, always on the defense for his younger friend, pointed an accusing finger at Race.

"So?" Race said with a straight face. "In betting, you've got ta lose once in a while."

"Take your own advice," said Skittery as he fingered the walking stick he always carried around.

Race caught sight of Jack. "Jack, you gotta talk some sense into dese fellows," he pleaded. "They just don't appreciate the true craft of gambling."

"You mean the kind where you make up the rules up as you go along?" Everyone at the table laughed except for Race who leaned back in his chair with a huff. Chewing on his cigar, he muttered under his breath.

He suddenly brightened though. "Spot, come on 'n' join us!"

The Brooklyn leader, who had been visiting the some newsies at some other table, heard Racetrack's call and sauntered over. He tapped the shoulder of a newsie seated at the next table and motioned the kid to get up. Heaven forbid if the newsie should go against the great Conlon so the unfortunate kid stood quickly to give up his seat. Spot took the chair with a nod of thanks and brought the chair over to Jack's table.

"Hiya, my fellow newsies," he said with his traditional smirk, earning several welcoming words from those at the table.

"How bout a game of poker." Race reached out for the deck of cards while the Manhattan boys groaned.

"No tanks, I've earned enough to last me a month." His words elicited looks of envy from the others, though they knew he was probably exaggerated. But probably not by much. Spot was an excellent player, and it was always a sight to see when he played against Race. Race had the greatest of luck, while Spot's poker face was the envy of any serious poker player.

"Ah, my favorite boys all at one table!"

Medda came to their table and proceeded to say hello to each of boys. To Mush she gave a peck on the cheek, making everyone laugh at his red face. Kid Blink stood up to bow before the hostess, and Medda curtseyed to him with good humor. Skittery, not much for showing much emotion, gave her a small smile. To the infatuated Race, she blew him a kiss from across the table. The newsie, pretended to catch the kiss, then went into a swoon of pure bliss.

"I came over to tell you I'm planning to have a New Year's party for you boys."

Shouts of hurray was heard from all around them, for who couldn't help but listen in on anything the beautiful Medda said? She laughed as she looked around to see all the newsies in hearing distance begin talking of the upcoming party.

"Tanks Medda, you're an angel," Jack said, walking over to kiss her on the cheek.

"Of course you're all very welcome to bring a lady friend."

"Who're you bringing, Jack?" Spot tried to look innocent yet the meaning came across and Jack blushed.

"I'll find me someone."

"Yeah, you can count on it," Race piped up. "Jack can find anyone, anywhere, anytime."

"You thinking of keeping her 'round til midnight?" Spot smirked as Jack glared at him. Sometimes, the Brooklyn leader was just too annoying.

Trying to change the subject, Medda addressed the other boys. "And who are you all bringing?"

Skittery spoke. "I'll probably ask Janine. She might be free."

"I don't really know." Race chewed his cigar some more. "Probably whats-her- name at Tibby's."

Kid Blink shook his head. "I doubt I can convince Ginnie or Brooks to come." He sighed. "But I don't feel like inviting dem anyways. What 'bout you Mush?"

Race laughed. "You know Mush can never get the noive to ask out a goil!"

Mush sullenly played with his fingers, for everyone knew it was true. The kid was just too shy and it was only through his friends was he able to secure even one dance at any party.

Medda was frowning the whole time. As they were quietly contemplating who to ask out, she spoke up. "Haven't you boys found even one girl who you really like?"

Immediately they all began protesting. "Of course I like... her," Race said. "She's got to be one of the prettiest goils in all Manhattan."

"I like both Ginnie an' Brooks, dey both likable in different ways."

"That's not what I asked," Medda said with a shake of her head.

"Well, what's the use of havin' only one goil?"

Medda wacked Spot on the head, earning a friendly glare.

"Who're you bringin' dis time, Spot?"

"Haven't decided yet," Spot answered, leaning back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head. "What's da rush, I'se got five days."

"You saying you can find a goil in dat short time?" Kid Blink said incredulously.

"Piece of cake. With me good looks and charm, no problem."

Throughout the conversation, Jack had been thinking of finding a date until Spot's last words which had him snap to attention. He remembered Medda's words she had spoken earlier to him. 'You know, I think the real problem is that you're too good lookin' and too sweet. You'll get any girl you want with one charming smile. But that don't mean you got the right one.'

He looked at Medda who had a look of concentration on her face. Abruptly her face changed, as if she had hit upon a revelation. "I have an idea, boys."

At the sound of her voice, everyone silenced.

"New Year's parties always create such a mess afterwards that it's always such a problem to clean up afterwards. I was thinking of asking you boys to help..."

They all groaned. Cleaning up was not a happy prospect after a late night.

"I'm not quite finished," Medda continued even after the interruption. "I know how much you would dislike doing it. So I propose a bet."

Jack saw Racetrack's ears literally perk up. "A bet? What kinda bet?"

"You all have to bring a date to my New Year's party."

"Dat's it?" Spot said in disbelief. "Dat's not an interesting bet..."

"In five days, you have to find a girl who to all it must be obvious that you like her. More importantly, she has to like you back. Whoever accomplishes this is excused from the cleanup the day after."

The teenage boys looked back and forth to each other, slightly stunned by the bet. An engaging and very interesting one to be sure. Racetrack was the first to speak. "What're da rules?"

Spot chuckled. "How bout the newsie has to escort his girl back home or the bet's off." Clearly he was pointing out the fact that Jack's date had left without him. Jack glared knives and daggers to Spot but the Brooklynite pretended not to notice.

Medda meanwhile was contemplating the rules. "The girl has to be someone you've never met before," she finally said, eliciting wide eyed looks from everyone at the table.

"We have to find 'er in five days?" Kid Blink's voice slightly wavered at that rule. Jack was getting more worried by the minute. Was Medda really serious? It was no difficulty to find a girl, but to find one in five days AND win her heart?

"Think about it. You all seem devoid of girlfriends at the moment. This is the chance to win a bet, and besides that, find a special girl where you and she really like each other. In either case, you win."

"Yeah, except if we can't find a girl," Skittery pointed out glumly.

Ignoring the newsie's dire words, Medda cocked her head. "So, what do you say gentlemen?

Author's Note: So, did you like it? More of the rules about the bet will be explained in the next chapter.

Please review, I'd like to know if anyone who donated their characters are still reading this fic! I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible!