Ahaha, I have no internet. Beyotch. And my headphones aren't working. But I know what someone smells like, and that makes me happy enough. Yay! For the White People Festival.

I'm very, very sorry this took so long to get out.

Chapter in loving memory of Chelsea Gerbitz, and also Daisy Dog Rinke. May they both rest in peace.

Kagome ran into the well house, hurling herself over the edge of the well, and starting to climb up the side of the well as soon as the blue-violet swirl of the time warp disappeared. Just as she lifted herself over the side, Inuyasha appeared with a blue shine of light, which motivated Kagome to start sprinting through the forest in which ever direction seemed to close the space of the clearing in the closest. This ended up being towards the east.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha screamed, but Kagome didn't look back. She just kept running, tears running down her face all the way. After a minute or so, the girl tripped over a random tree branch that was down. Kagome cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, the dirt showing no mercy as Kagome's body collided with the hard earth. Crying out again, unable to move, she sank to the ground and cried, laying there.

"Kagome…" Inuyasha whispered, staring at her.

"NO!" She screamed, still not moving. Inuyasha froze, his hand out stretched, wanting to hold her, especially after she had fallen and surely twisted her ankle, if not broken it. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME NEAR ME! GET AWAY!" Kagome screamed, gasping for air, still having not moved.

"Kagome, listen to me. You don't underst-" Kagome simply screamed out a sob that silenced Inuyasha.

"I do too understand!" The girl cried, now hunched over on the ground, holding her throbbing right ankle. "I understand that you had strong feelings for me at the time, and you love Kikyo again. It makes sense. You can leave me here. Please, JUST LEAVE!" Kagome screamed, as Inuyasha shook his head.

"I'm your mate, Kagome. I don't care if we never talk to each other again, I have to be near you. Not want to, HAVE TO." Inuyasha finally screamed back, charging forward and scooping the sobbing girl into his arms. At first, she struggled, but then finally cried into his chest, clutching his haori. "Kagome, I need you. You really don't understand me, do you?" Inuyasha asked calmly, looking down at her.

"Inuyasha…take me to Sango. I need some time to myself." The girl whispered, still crying, after a few minutes when she had finally gained use of her voice. Inuyasha shook his head in refusal.

"No, Kagome. I won't have my damn mate staying angry with me. If I can't be mad at you, then you sure as HELL can't be mad at me." Inuyasha growled, still holding the girl against his chest. "I forgive you for the Koga thing. Your mom explained." Inuyasha whispered into her ear, closing his eyes. Kagome unleashed an entirely new wave of tears, clutching Inuyasha's hands and hair now, not just the haori. Inuyasha sighed, wrapping his hands around her back and pulling her flush against himself, kissing her on the top of the head.

"I'm…so…sorry." Kagome choked out through her crying, as Inuyasha nodded and pulled her chin up so he could look her in the eyes.

"I love you, and only you, Kagome. Get it straight. I never even had the urge to mate Kikyo. Never even knew what it was. When I woke up, and saw you, and learned your name, and smelled your scent for the first time, my only instinct, my only thoughts were to mate this girl. And I didn't even know you. This must be how Sesshoumaru feels for Rin. I knew what I had to do, Kagome, and I couldn't hold it off for much longer. I love you…damn it." Inuyasha ended up whispering into her ear, as she nodded, the only tears running down her face were now silent ones.

"The same goes for you." She managed to whisper out, trying to add onto it, but couldn't seem to get her breath enough before crying more once again. "Not Koga, or Houjo, or anyone. Inuyasha, and only Inuyasha." She said quietly, resting her hands at the sides of his face, wanting to kiss him, but not knowing if now was the right time.

After 'Shimonu' had explained the reason why he had 'stolen' Kirara's room, they ended up cuddling on his bed.

"You really missed me that much that you wanted to be in a room where my scent dominated everything?" Kirara asked quietly, as Shippo nodded, kissing her neck softly, nicking her once in a while with his fangs, although he wanted to do much more.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" He asked quietly, looking around the room silently, smiling at the fact that her scent was overriding everything that he had undone.

"That's probably the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me." She whispered, looking him in the eyes. Shippo smiled and hugged her, resting his chin against her neck, his back pressed up against the wall of the small room. The single small oak door in the opposite corner was shut and had a matching oak desk in front of it, 'in case the dog started to snoop.' The way Shippo had worded it had made Kirara laugh so hard she ended up with tears in her eyes. The small rectangular room had a small closet with sliding mirror doors, and a wall mounted TV, no doubt with all the features inside.

"Really? It's one of the least romantic things I've ever done." Shippo laughed, smiling down at her. Kirara smiled at him, then looked away, staring at the mirror doors. It was at that point that she realized how horrible she looked. Her eyes were too close together, and she was way too chubby…and her hair was even horrid. Nothing a bit of dieting and hair dye can't change. She thought contently, as she looked back up at her new lover. It struck her. They were together. Not officially, but they might as well have been. Friends didn't cuddle on other friends' beds. Well… Kirara sighed. She had been in America for quite some time, and could barely remember Japanese 'courting'…rules, if you will.

"When will Kagome and Inuyasha be back?" Kirara asked almost silently, as Shippo smiled and ran his fingers through her neon red hair which he loved. It was what made Kirara…well, it was what made her Kirara.

"They should be back soon. They went to go and visit Sesshoumaru in the past, and nothing's going to happen for at least another few months unless they change up the battles too. God, I hope not…" Shippo whispered, as Kirara stared up at him, tears forming in her eyes. She quickly shut them. "Kirara, they'll be fine. We're going to get them back. We're going to kill all of his incarnations, and we're going to burn his body, and then burn the ashes. Miroku's not going to take the beads off, and he and Sango won't die for a long time." Shippo said quietly, and kissed her on the lips, just a small peck, but kept his lips pressed against hers for quite some time. It was Kirara who finally pulled away and laid her head against Shippo's chest, yanking at a blanket on the ground, motioning that she wanted to be covered. Shippo smiled widely and covered the two of them up, as Kirara relaxed and sighed, closing her eyes.

"So what is going to happen? How are we to know what memories are now correct, and are wrong? Shippo…this could change so much. Rin and Sesshoumaru could lose some of their children. This is huge. Did you guys take this into consideration?" Kirara asked peacefully, as Shippo shuddered. He would have to be sure to tell Inuyasha to make sure to keep Kirara safe, and teach her to transform to her humanoid form. He wanted her to be happy in case anything turned out differently, and he ended up meeting an early demise.

"We've checked out almost every possible angle. The one we suspect will happen is that we will completely forget everything, because we will have lived an entirely new life. We'll never know anything different…accept for Sesshoumaru, Kagome, and Inuyasha. Maybe Rin and myself if he ever tells us. But I wouldn't ever tell you. I couldn't, Kirara. I'd have to tell you that Sango and Miroku died after only having one child. That…I couldn't do it. I couldn't break your heart. Even if it meant that you and I were not together, I couldn't tell you." Shippo whispered, kissing her once again on the lips softly, as Kirara simply stared at him.

"What else might happen?" She asked, pulling away from the kiss one more. Shippo groaned and looked down at the girl in his arms contently.

"We'll have a blank spot in our memory. Sesshoumaru left that note to himself so he would know. He'd tell Rin. Maybe myself. I still wouldn't tell you. I'm so sorry, Kirara…" He whispered, as he continued. "And the final one is that we'll have two sets of memories. Whether or not we'll be able to keep the two separate is beyond us." Shippo whispered, as tears filled Kirara's eyes.

"Two of Sango's deaths? Two of Miroku's deaths? Two of the twins' deaths? Two of Kiano's deaths? Two of Mikota and Kisho's deaths? Shippo…I can't take it." She said, but Shippo finally silenced the girl with a passionate kiss.

The door swung open, despite the desk in front of it. Sesshoumaru's cold laughter filled the room, and Shippo didn't even care to look. He simply flipped his middle finger up and pointed it in the general direction of the door, keeping one hand on the small of Kirara's back, still kissing her.

"Well, this'll be interesting to explain. Eri's on the phone for you, Shippo." He said coldly, still cracking up.

Shippo's growl filled his throat and vibrated into Kirara's as she giggled and pulled away, and Shippo took the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Shimonu? Baby?" She asked, as Kirara gave him an odd look.

"Shi…monu, you said…" Shippo cut her off with a nod, covering her mouth, listening to the phone.

"Uh, Eri? We broke up a few hours ago. I'm no longer entitled to pet names. I'm sorry that was so harsh." Shippo said quietly, looking into Kirara's eyes, and feeling his 'father's' resting upon his skull.

"Oh. My God. You really meant it." She had started to cry. Shippo shuddered.

"Eri…don't cry…it's nothing to be sad about…you said yourself that things weren't going so great…" Shippo said quietly, but her scream of agony and distress cut him off.

"OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" She cried into the phone, and hung it up. Shippo shuddered and hit the off button, as both Kirara and Sesshoumaru burst from straight, serious faces into spontaneous laughter.

"That's why I didn't allow you to date humans before." Sesshoumaru completed his thoughts and walked out of the room, leaving the talk about mates for later. His two 'children' were together. …wow.

Shippo's eyes slowly slid down Kirara's face, as he caught her eyes, smiling at her. Kirara managed a weak smile back at him, as she giggled nervously.

"Sesshoumaru is going to…" Kirara trailed off as Shippo nodded and pulled her tightly to his chest, and Kirara smiled and closed her eyes, inhaling his scent.

"I know. And I really don't care." Shippo whispered as he kissed Kirara's forehead, smiling at her.

"Finally?" Rin asked quietly, as she looked up at Sesshoumaru. The dog demon simply rolled his eyes and nodded.

"They were kissing. MY FIRST KIDS were kissing. And not just like," Sesshoumaru walked up to Rin and pecked her on the lips for a demonstration. "Not like that kissing. Like… actually kissing." Sesshoumaru whimpered, as Rin laughed loudly, sitting her cup of tea down on the computer table, and escorting her husband and mate over to the bed.

"Just lay down. The initial shock will wear off soon." Rin whispered into her mate's ear, kissing him once softly on the cheek. Sesshoumaru sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but decided against doing so, and simply pulled the girl into his arms.

"This…isn't right. I should be able to force those two apart, shouldn't I? There's a book of demon rules, and if there isn't, I'm writing one, and that's the first rule. That the caretaker gets to force his 'children' out of a relationship. That's the first fucking one." Sesshoumaru growled, as Rin burst into laughter, hugging him as tightly as her small arms would allow.

"Settle down, Inuyasha, it's going to be alright." Rin joked, but Sesshoumaru growled.

"I am not being like my brother." The dog demon growled, and Rin laughed even harder.

"Believe what you will…" She whispered, curling up against his side and closing her eyes, letting her senses rest. Being a full blooded dog demon was slightly annoying at times…too many sounds and scents.

Inuyasha and Kagome walked into the hut silently to find…only Kaede and Shippo? Kagome's eyes widened in question, but Inuyasha already knew what had happened.

"C'mon, Kagome." He whispered, pulling her out of the hut, hoping that neither Kaede or Shippo had woken at their 'trespassing'. Leading the girl down to the nearest end of the forest, he motioned for her to get on his back. Kagome was completely lost. "They got their own hut." He whispered, and smiled at her expression. Kagome looked like she was going to cry.

"Wh-wh-what! WHY!" She said rather loudly, as Inuyasha chuckled and leapt into the forest.

"Nothing that drastic…yet…that I can smell." He said quietly, and slowed down as they came upon a small hut with a dim light shining out of it's one window and through the cracks of the bamboo door cover. Sango's laugh confirmed that they were both still awake. Inuyasha darted into the small hut, laughing at the monk's scared expression.

"Boo." He said dully, as Kagome struggled to get off of his back, and Sango laughed.

"I see we're all on good terms." The slayer said quietly, as Inuyasha nodded, holding Kagome tightly on his back still. Miroku stared in awe.

"Is that a…" Miroku's eyes widened in realization.

"Mate mark? Yes. Is that an engagement ring I spy on your finger, you letch?" He asked instantly, smiling at how quickly he had recovered from that.

"Yes, it is. And that is all that my dearest fiancé and I have done so far. However, I see that Kagome and yourself have taken things a step farther…" The monk's smile shone through the room. Kagome laughed loudly.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, normal demons mate and then mark. Well I'm not a normal demon, now am I?" Inuyasha asked loudly, as Kagome blushed and buried her head in Inuyasha's silver hair. Miroku laughed.

"So you havn't taken Kagome?" Sango screamed at Miroku and slapped him. Kagome didn't see it, but she heard it clearly. She also heard Inuyasha's LOUD growl.

"And so, I do believe that was my answer." The monk laughed, as Inuyasha sat Kagome down quietly.

"Well, well, well. My nose never lies." Inuyasha gave Miroku and Sango a sly look, as Kagome burst into laughter as their shades of blush matched perfectly.

"Don't worry, Kagome, Inuyasha's just being mean." Sango said, as she brushed her fingers through her hair. Kagome giggled.

"Blushes don't lie, Sango." Sango shook her head violently.

"WE HAVN'T DONE THAT YET!" She screamed, as Kagome and Inuyasha both burst into laughter. What a fun night was a head of them.

Kinda short, and it took forever, forever, FOREVER to get out. I know. But I decided to be nice. Love me. Hate me. Molest me with Paris Hilton in football pads. XD Gah. I love small boys in football pads, it's the funniest thing ever. –heart melts- But I'll cry if I get confronted about this A/N by the actual Paris Hilton, preferably when he is in his football pads. But seriously, fanfiction dot net is my safe haven. Mmmhm. Anyway.

Ooh! Quick question: who else finds it hilarious that Inuyasha ends up saying "I love you… damn it." ? I thought it was the funniest thing ever when I wrote it. But then again, I'm a spazz.

Anyways…it's storming…and I still have to type up reviews….Amanda saves now.

REVIEWS! –does odd dance to odd theme song-

Kogasgirl142: I know, don't you just love it? I sure do.

inuhpgirlie: -glomp- AMANDA LOVES RAMEN! -eats happily- I'm so hungry...o.o; And I'll have to talk to you some time. Really, I will. My screen name is fire(underscore)burns(underscore)be(underscore)careful. But not tonight, I expect the power to go out soon. Blegh. But I love the storming, so it's ALL good.

peoplekityo: first off, I thought your user name was "pretty kikyo", because when I read this review originally, I was running on very little sleep. So I was all -claw, hiss, growl, kill-. But now it's all good. AND YOU GIVE ME POCKEY? I love you.

short-tempered: I havn't heard "Holy Toledo" since God only knows when. That made me smile.

Vxy: SO MANY REVIEWS! I love you. So much praise. It makes me feel good. Thankey for that. Aah, there was one review of yours that stood out... -is going through mail box at this moment- hmmm...UBERTASTIC is so a word.

Devouereddarkness: Hehe. I don't remember you reviewing...o.o; And thanks for reading. And THANK YOU for calling me a bastard. Seriously, I havn't been called that in SO LONG. It made me so happy. And that, my dear readers, is sad.

Kaith-kt: Hehehe. They do, they always do.