
This is a Pan/Trunks fanfic. Pan is a shy, friendly girl. Trunks is a lady-loving, extremely handsome, popular guy. Pan is 19 and Trunks is 24. Pan is staying at Capsule Corp when she witnesses something that completely shocks her and turns her and Trunks's relationship upside-down.

Warnings: some swearing and sexual references

Disclaimer: /u I DO NOT own Dragonball, DBZ or DBGT... :(

A Look at love

Chapter 1

Pan woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of screaming and a loud giggle coming from the room next to hers. Pan was staying at Capsule corp for a few weeks while Gohan and Videl went on a second honeymoon. She shuddered in disgust when she heard a loud moan. That was Trunks's room. Trunks was always bringing different girls home in the middle of the night. It had kept her up almost every night that she had been staying there. She peered over at the clock.


"shit", muttered Pan under her breath.

She flew downstairs as not to wake anybody but when she got the kitchen she noticed that Bra was awake.

"Hey Bra, why are you still up?" asked Pan as she went into the refrigerator and starting drinking orange juice straight from the carton.

"Probably the same reason as you" she replied, "Trunks seriously needs to sound-proof his room."

"Yeah" She gave a small laugh, "Just like his father...." Pan froze when she realized what she had just said.

"Hey!" Bra frowned at her.

"Sorry Bra, I forgot."

"It's ok. It's true. Well, I'm going back to bed, are you coming?"

"No thanks, I'm gonna get some training in."

"Ok, 'night Panny!" Bra smiled and made her way up to the third floor where her room was.

Pan sighed. She went outside and flew about 50 yards away from the house. She powered up and began to kick and punch invisible targets. Pan had so far been unable to reach the level of super saiyan, and she was very jealous of Trunks and Goten for being able to do it at such a young age. Pan looked around. She noticed someone else sneaking out the front door. It was the girl that Trunks had in his room. She was thing with straight dark black hair. She reminded her of herself. She got into her car and sped off down the road away from the house. Pan looked up to Trunks's window. She saw that he had left it open. Pan smiled to herself as she saw Trunks sitting at his window. She crept closer to the window and flew right up underneath it just so that Trunks couldn't see her but she could pear up at him.

Trunks wasn't wearing anything but his boxers. He rubbed his eyes and reached into his top dresser drawer beside him. He took out a picture and went to sit on his bed. His eyes looked full of pain and sadness.

"Goodnight, my angel. I love you"

He kissed the picture and placed it back into his dresser. Then he tucked himself in a fell straight to sleep.

Pan was shocked. A million questions and thoughts ran through Pan's head. She fell out of the air and landed on the ground with a soft thud. Trunks? in love? She never saw Trunks as someone who was very emotional. She was never very good friends with him at all. He didn't hang with her like the rest of the group. Who could this girl be?

She had to tell Bra.

Pan knocked on Bra's bedroom door. She heard a whispers coming from inside the room. She knocked again. Bra opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Pan" she said.

"What was that? I hear voices." Pan raised one eyebrow and looked curiously at Bra.

"What voices?" she said. Just then Uub flew up outside Bra's open window. He didn't notice Pan standing in the doorway.

"Bra! I forgot, you left this at my house last night" Uub held up a black, lacy bra. Just then he noticed Pan staring at him. His face turned an odd shade of red.

"Hi, Pan", he said nervously, stuffing the Bra behind his back.

"Pan! Um... Uub was just......well.. i ..." Bra stuttered trying to think of an excuse for Uub being there with her underwear.

"I knew something was going on between you two!", Pan said with a smile.

Bra smiled back.

"Anyways, Bra, I have something to tell you. Uub, can you give us some time to talk?"

"Sure, I was just heading home. Goodnight Pan! Goodnight Bra!" Uub tossed the bra into the room and flew off.

"So, what's up, Panny?"

"It's about Trunks."

"OOOOOOH" Bra said with a sly grin.

"No, it's not about me. I think that he's in love!" Pan then explained in detail everything that she had just witnessed through Trunks's window.

"You're kidding right?" Bra seemed shocked. But then she started laughing.

"Common Pan? You have to be kidding me! My brother would never to anything like that!"

"Fine, if you don't believe me, that's fine!" Pan said in an annoyed voice.

"Wait! I have an idea." Bra smiled. Pan looked at her curiously.

Bra and Pan quietly crept down the stairs and down the hall. When they came to Trunks's room Bra opened the door and slid through and quietly as she could. Pan followed her.

Pan looked at Trunks sleeping. He looked very peaceful. And sexy, too.

Bra slid open his top dresser drawer. She lifted the picture and turned towards Pan.

Bra's eyes widened and her draw dropped.

"Common let me see it!" Pan grabbed for the picture but Bra pulled it away.

"No!" Bra almost shouted, "I mean, I don't think Trunks's would appreciate everyone looking at his stuff"

"Common Bra you looked at it!" She grabbed for it again, "Let me see it!"

Bra was leaning backwards trying to keep the picture away from Pan.

Pan clawed at Bra's hands, trying to make her loosen her grip on the picture.

Just then Trunks turned over in his bed. Both girls were silent. Bra dropped the picture and ran out of the room as fast as she could. Pan just froze trying not to make a sound. She looked down at the ground to the picture.

It was her.

Pan laid in bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours.

"How could Trunks love me? How? Why hadn't he ever said anything??"

Pan didn't know how she felt towards Trunks. She had a boyfriend. Damion. He could never find out.

Author's Note: How did you like it????? This is my first fanfic ever so I hope that it was good! Please Please PLEASE tell me what you think! Review! Give me tips, suggestions, anything!