Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of it's characters.
As Chris lay across his mother's bed, he couldn't help but remember all the happy times he and his brother had spent in that very room as small children. He remembered all the laughs and warm smiles they would share, along with their aunts and their mother. How he missed those days. His heart ached for his brother. Not the evil tyrant that he is now, but as his protector that he had loved so much once upon a time.
Chris slightly smiled to himself as his mind flashed back to the day a few of the jocks at school had decided to rough him up. He wasn't sure if it was the teasing or the sight of his younger brother on the ground that made Wyatt so angry. But his bother was not too pleased, to say the least. Bodies when flying everywhere and hateful words and threats filled the air. There was no way anyone was going to get away with hurting him with Wyatt around. And from that day on, no one so much as looked in Chris's direction for fear of what may happen next. His memory was interrupted by the constant pain coming for his abdomen as well as the cries of his father. Begging him to stay but as much as he wanted to, he knew that it was not an option.
He could feel himself being pulled further and further away. He to tell his father not to cry, that he loved him, and that everything will be alright. He wanted to stay and continue to fight for his family and to be strong when they couldn't. He griped the sheet of his mother's bed, trying desperately to hold on, not wanted to let go of the family he loved and longed for. Chris wished he could tell them everything warn, them about the signs in case he didn't succeed. But the darkness overtook him.
As he drew his final breaths, his remaining thoughts went to his mother and his brother. Oh how he wished that he could see them one last time. Hoping that he accomplished what he had given up so much for. Saving his brother and giving his mother a more peaceful, happier and longer life. She always called him her little hero; he just hoped that he didn't let her down this time.
Chris could fill himself begin to float and the pain began to fade. As he looked down on his grieving father and aunt he silently wished them well and said his final good-bye. But something wasn't right. All of a sudden he felt as if someone was shaking him and willing him to awake. He instantly recognized the voice. "Mom" he whispered.
So what do you think? This is my first fic, so please go easy on me. LOL hope you enjoyed.
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