A/N: It's been a couple of months since the Ron incident. Just thought I'd let you know.

Chapter 9: Truth or Dare

"Hey Ginny."

"Yeah, Mione?"

"Do you want to come over tonight and play truth or dare with Draco and me?"

"Can I bring Harry?"

"But of course."

"Alright, we'll see you then." She started to walk away. "Oh wait, it might help if I knew the time."

"How about just after dinner and if we end up playing late, then you'll just stay the night?"

"That sounds great. I'll tell Harry and we'll be there."

"Alright bye." I went running up to the Heads' tower to tell Draco. "Draco are you here?"

"I'm upstairs still in bed."

"Well, I'm coming to join you."

"Great." I went upstairs to find him not in bed, I then felt an arm wrap around me and I jumped.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, anyway, I came to tell you that later tonight Harry and Ginny are coming over to play truth or dare."

"Sounds like fun, but that will require me to get dressed."


"This doesn't." he leaned over and kissed me. I gasped and he plunged his tongue into my mouth. My hands went up in his hair and we fell on his bed. I never wanted the moment to end, but it did. Knock knock.

"Go away, nobody's home." Draco called out.

"Come on Draco. Open up." It was Blaise.

"How'd you get the password anyway?"

"Asked around."

"Go away."

"I thought you'd like to know that Weaslette's downstairs, crying."

"What!" I hurriedly got up and ran downstairs. "Ginny what's wrong?"

"I went to the Gryffindor Common Room to tell Harry about our date tonight and I saw two people snogging on one of the chairs. I didn't care, you know, it's not my business. I went up to the boy's dorm and saw that Harry wasn't there, I went back downstairs. When I did, I saw…saw…saw…"

"Saw what Ginny?"

"Harry was rolling around on the floor with Cho."



"Oh my God. How could he do something like that? I'm gonna go down there and give him a piece of my mind."

"Don't worry, I already did that, he's in the Hospital Wing."

"What about her?"

"Her too."

"What, you don't leave anything for me. J/k nice job. I just can't believe he would do something like this."

"Neither can I."

"Well, Draco and I still want you to come down. We can still play and who knows, maybe we'll have some hot guy for you to flaunt in Harry's face when he comes out of the Hospital Wing."

"Alright, bye." I went back upstairs. When I reached the door, I stopped and listened.

"She's really hot." Said Blaise.

"Who?" asked Draco.

"Little weaslette."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, I mean she's got a great rack and a perfect body. She's second hottest in the school."

"Who's first?"

"Why, your beloved of course." I chose to walk in at this moment, a plan forming in my head.

"What was that Blaise?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. What was up with weaslette?"

"Harry was cheating on her with Cho."

"Ouch." He said.

"Blaise, we're having a little truth or dare thing tonight. It was going to be me Draco, Ginny and Harry, but obviously Harry is indisposed. So, would you like to join us?"

Blaise looked at Draco and Draco nodded, "Sure."

"Great, we're coming up here right after dinner and most likely staying all night."

"Sounds like fun. I'll be there."

"Great, see you then."

"Bye." He said.

"How much of our conversation did you catch?" Draco asked once Blaise was gone, a worried look on his face.

"Oh, from about she's really hot." As I said this, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, how very Slytherin of you."

"I guess you're rubbing off on me."

"I guess so."

Later That Night

"Hey, Ginny. We're waiting for one person.

"Ok." A few minutes later there was a knock at the portrait.

"Oh, that should be him now." I got up to get it, but saw that Draco was already there and they were whispering together.

Finally Blaise noticed me, "Ok, let's get started."

"You invited him!" Ginny whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry it will be fun." I whispered back. Then louder I said, "Alright, let's get started. I trust everyone knows how to play. I know it's more fun with a lot of people, but I don't want my Common Room trashed. So, let's begin, I'll go first. Draco, truth or dare?"

"Wait." Said Blaise, "I know a spell that will make sure you tell the truth or do the dare."

"Alright. So do it." Blaise cast the spell. "Now I'll say it again, Draco, truth or dare?"


"Alright, do you love me?" I asked really wanting to know the answer.

"Of course I do, with every fiber of my being. No one, not even Volemort could keep me from you."

"Aww, I love you too." I kissed him and said, "Your turn."

"Alright, Blaise, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss wea… Ginny." He changed what he called her when he looked at me.

"What!" both Ginny and Blaise exclaimed.

"You heard me." Draco said, smirking.

"Fine." Blaise leaned over and pecked Ginny on the lips. "There." Ginny just sat there blushing. "Okay Hermione, truth or dare?"


"Do you love Draco?"

"Of course I do. Ginny truth or dare?"

"Truth, I don't trust you with a dare."

"Damn. Anyway, do you think Blaise is cute?"

"Umm… umm… this sucks, yes." Ginny stammered.

"You know what we need? Music and alcohol." Blaise said.

"No." I said.

"Please Mione." Draco begged.

"Only if I can choose the drinks."


"Ok, Armeretta Sour, Apple Pucker, Smirnoff and I guess you can have fire whiskey." The stuff appeared on the coffee table. We all grabbed what we wanted to drink. I then said a spell to make music flow throughout the room. "Let's play. Ginny go."

"Draco, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss… Blaise."

"What!" he yelled.

"It's either that or my back up truth."

"Can I know what it is before I pick it?"

"Hmm… no."

"Well, anything has to be better than that dare. I'll take the truth."

"Ok, do you want to marry Hermione?"

"Very much so. Blaise, truth or dare?"

"Mmm... truth."

"Do you like Hinny?"


"That was blunt." I said.

"Draco, truth or dare?"


"I'm gonna whisper it to you." He leaned forward and whispered something I couldn't understand. All I heard was my name.

"Alright, I'll do it right now. I'm not to drunk considering I haven't had anything to drink yet." He got off the loveseat and ran upstairs. When he came down, he was holing something. He then kneeled in front of me. Oh my God. Oh my God. "Hermione, I love you so much. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we haven't been together that long and I also know that I love you so very much. Hermione Granger, you would make me the happiest man on earth if you would be my wife."

"Of course I will. I love you and I wouldn't dream of anything else." I leaned forward to kiss him, but not before he slipped the ring on my finger.

"Awwww!" Ginny said.

"Can we get back to the game yet?" Blaise asked. Draco and I didn't answer we just continued to snog. We eventually had to stop for air.

"Finally." Both Ginny and Blaise said.

"Oh shut up." I said. "I believe it's your turn Draco."

"Oh, Ginny truth or dare?"

"I'm feeling adventurous. Dare."

"Ok, snog Blaise."

"But… fine." She just crashed her lips down on his and they began to snog. We continued to play till almost midnight and decided to go to bed.

"There's my room and there's the couch. You guys fight it out." I said as I walked up the stairs to Draco's room.