Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy X or anything in it and I don't own anything Square-Enix has created.

Well, this is my first FanFic, but I am used to people not liking my work so I want you to be completely honest in the reviews. Well, enjoy!

Forgetting Yuna

Walking along the gravel road of Besaid Island brought back memories. Walking through the town's entrance reminded me of when I had first visited Besaid Village. Yuna was young and she showed me around Besaid like she knew the place from top to bottom. She introduced me to her friends and her family. I felt wanted, but Keyakku told me not to get too involved with my cousin. After all, I was a different race all together.

It still saddens me, now I cannot see Yuna anymore, and I hate watching Tidus cry. He loves her and now she is gone. The Final Summoning, it killed her, even though she brought The Calm. I too, am sad. I journeyed with Yuna on her pilgrimage and now, after all that hard work, she dies! Now I'll never see her bright calm face again and I will never be soothed by her again. I'll never get to see Tidus and Yuna hug or Tidus's happy face as she says something that makes him laugh

Everything is too painful. If only there had been a way, some way to prevent it all so she wouldn't of died. I just pray that the next summoner to defeat Sin wouldn't meet the same fate.

We entered Besaid that day, to be greeted by a crowd hoping to see Yuna, hoping somewhere in her mass of guardians the young 17 year old was still alive. But she wasn't there. I watched everyone's happy face turn to sad moping frowns and that made Tidus even sadder. I watched him look at his feet and his eyes started to turn glossy, as if he was just about to cry. I miss Yuna; I wish it had never happened.

"Rikku," I heard Wakka call, "You will be alright, won't you?"

I turned to face the orange haired man, who had his arms crossed and was walking towards me. It seemed he wanted to comfort me.

"Yes Wakka. I will just try to forget about it, even though I dearly miss her. I'll look after Tidus."

I sighed and turned to the crying boy. He had been known as a cry baby, but I never thought that. I put my arms around Tidus's shoulders and he grabbed my hand.

"Rikku…" he seemed disappointed.

I thought it was stupid, how he thought I was Yuna come back from the dead.

"She's not coming back. Please Tidus, please get over her. Sure, we are all sad, but I want the normal you back. The one who laughed at all things and was over confident in protecting Yuna. The one Yuna loved," I said and knelt in front of him.

He wiped his eyes. "I am sorry, Rikku. I just really miss her. I could have found a way to prevent it. I just feel it's my entire fault."

"It isn't, you know? It's no ones. Yuna knew this was going to happen, she was ready to face it…please accept it," I said and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

He nodded me off and I took back my hands. I felt like crying. I was about to turn around and head for bed when I just barely heard "I'll try Rikku, I'll try." It just made me feel a whole lot better. I had gotten through to him! But Auron made me come away and leave him alone.

"He needs time to think,' Auron said.

Of course I accepted this; after all they had loved each other, Tidus and Yuna. I disappeared into one of the surrounding tents for sleep. Tidus would join us later and I was expecting him to fall straight asleep, but he didn't.

I was woken up in the middle of the night, shaken awake by Tidus.

"Rikku, Rikku!" he whispered. "We need to talk."

I slowly got out of bed, groaning from sleepiness and followed him out. It was too cold, especially since I was wearing very short shorts and a tank top. He seemed not to feel the cold, and I shivered, wanting to go back inside. We sat down by the temple and Tidus explained his issue, the wind ruffling his blonde hair and getting in his way as he spoke.

"I can't get over her, I can't sleep. Oh, please help me!" he said, almost waking up the entire village of Besaid.

"Shh, ok, ok. I'll help you. Tomorrow morning though, ok?" I yawned.

He nodded, untouched by the sleeping spell and I lumbered back to bed, still very asleep as I walked. Sometimes, morning was the best time to say things.

Tidus hadn't gone to sleep when I woke up that next day. He grabbed my wrist immediately, dragging me to a burnt out house, sitting under some trees that were hiding us from view. It was a good spot to talk.

"I can't forget her," Tidus murmured.

"I know, I know. Just try to think about something happy. Something good that happened that can change it all. Think back," I suggested.

"Well, maybe the time, when I taught Yuna how to whistle and she told me to smile when I am feeling sad. That's happy."

"Yes, it is. Think of something else,"

I watched Tidus rack his memory banks for something. He squinted, thinking, but then burst out laughing hard.

"It's just so funny. I can't stop laughing," he said. "There are so many funny things to remember. I think I just got over her!"

"Well done, then." I said, but deep down I knew he still was sad about her.

I started to get up, but he pulled me down. "Wanna go swimmin'?" he asked.

"Oh boy, swimming!" I said and smiled. Swimming was fun!

I had to get my bikini on the way to the beach and Lulu stopped me on the way.

'Tidus seems happy. What did you do?"

I didn't like it when she asked questions. She dug out the most secret things from you. I was sort of afraid of the punkish woman named Lulu.

"I told him to remember something, I guess," I scratched my head and shrugged.

I just walked right past her, getting changed into my bikini.

"You are hiding something. What is it?" Lulu asked.

She was getting my secrets and I laughed nervously. "Nothing, nothing at all…" I decided to ignore her and ran out of the tent.

She waved a quick goodbye and I found myself stumbling over the Besaid gravel path, watching out for fiends. Tidus was waiting on the rocks, towel in hand, wearing blue swimming trunks. I had a purple bikini on and he smiled when he saw me.

"Swimming takes my mind off things," he said and dived into the water.

I watched him splash in way down below and I bombed in after him. The water was crystal cool and the seaweed was tickling my legs. I dived under and swam around, admiring the beautiful underwater world. It was blue with little colourful fish swimming around, and the seaweed made a great grotto for them. I was about to go explore one when Tidus scared me, grabbing my ankles and pulling me to the surface, causing me to scream. I kicked at Tidus and he just laughed. I guess he really had taken his mind off Yuna.

As I got out getting dry, he grabbed my wrist again.

"Thank you, Rikku. That made it a whole lot better." He smiled.

"Anytime, Tidus," I grinned at him and brought the boy into a hug. He needed some comfort.

Afterwards, we walked back in Besaid, hand in hand.