Snape's Daughter
Chapter 1: Pensive
Draco had the worst summer of his life. His father was thrown in Azkaban and his mother had gone insane qucikly afterwards. Draco had stayed the summer at his Godfather Severus Snape's house, well the smaller one at least. "I refuse to go back! You can't make me!" Draco complained walking into the kitchen.
"I know, you've said it every single day since you arrived here. Look I talked to Dumbledore and we decided that if you wanted to could go to the wizarding school in America." Snape said buttering his toast.
"Can I really? When do I leave?" Draco asked running into the kitchen to face Snape.
"Now their school starts tomorrow. I suggest you get dressed and packed, you're leaving a day early so you can get situated at the school and sorted. I believe the headmistress and one of the head students are going to meet you there to take you around." Draco quickly ate breakfast and ran to his room packing everything he might need for his new school. Once he was packed he went back out to the living room.
"Here's your floo powder you'll be going to Pensive school of Witchcraft and Wizardary. Now if you need anything just remember to owl me." Snape said handing Draco the bad of powder.
"Thanks." Draco said before he disappeared. Once he arrived at Pensive he was greeted by the headmistress.
"Hello you must be Draco Malfoy, I'm Professor Diane the Headmaster of this school. If you could sign this please." Professor Diane handed him a piece of parchment and a quill. " This is how we sort our students, we go by intellegence instead of by the person's attitude. It looks like you are still in Slytherin even at this school. Kimberly should be by soon to show you around. I hope you enjoy staying here." She then turned and left.
"Hi I'm Kim, you must be Draco right? Well truthfully there really isn't anything to show you, Pensive is exactly the same as Hogwarts, right down to the passwords used for the towers. The four founders of Hogwarts also founded Pensive. So you're Slytherin's sex god, I guess it won't be a huge change for you here. If you'll follow me we can get you situated." Kim said leading him down to his room.
"Where are the other beds?" Draco asked looking around the room.
"Well that's the only difference here, every person has a seperate room so they can retreat to privacy and quiet when they need it. Well I'll leave so you can unpack." Kim said heading for the door only to be suprised when the door shut.
"You can stay if you want. I don't mind, so how do you know so much about Hogwarts?" Draco asked starting to unpack.
"My dad's a professor there. Hmm, black silk." Kim said picking up a pair of Draco's boxers, she then went to the bathroom to change. "How do I look?" She asked folding up her pants and only wearing his boxers.
"They suit you, you can keep them if you want I have a bunch." Draco had to admit she looked very hot in his boxers. "So whose your father would I know him?"
"I don't know you might, he's the potions master there. Professor Severus Snape. I usually go and see him over vacation but someone else was staying in my room today, and I needed to brush up on my Defense Against the Dark Arts."
"Sorry about that, Sev's my godChapter 2: First day of class
"Drake wake up, come on now." Kim said shaking him back and forth. "Well be late for lunch if you don't get up!" Kim used her wand to clean him up and pulled him out of bed. Down in the Great Hall Kim and Draco walked down the Slytherin Table.
"So Kim whose that?" Asked another Slytherin.
"This is Draco, he's mine so back off." Kim said sitting down by one of her friends.
"Sorry about that Draco but she's like this schools Pansy. Crystal this is Draco, Draco Crystal. " Kim said introducing them. Truthfully she ment it when she said Draco was hers. " Oh and don't worry about being stuck with girls Brian and Mike should be here soon, they're this schools you and Blaise." Kim tried to explain the best she could.
"Hey is this boy bothering you?" Mike asked coming up from behind her.
"No this is the new student Drake, Drake Mike and Brian. So what class do we have first?" Kim asked resting her head on Draco's shoulder.
"Herbology. I really hate that class." Brain said smirking at Kim.
"You hate every class." Crystal chimed in laughing.
"Kim are you ever going to eat?" Mike asked sitting down infront of her.
"No so don't hold your breath waiting." Kim teased.
"Yeah because you might die before she does." Brian teased.
"Well, I'm going to go Draco and I have a lot of stuff to do." Kim said feeling uncomfortable.
"Yeah and one of them is you." Brain snapped when he noticed Kim take Draco's hand.
"That was out of line Brain and you know it!" Kim yelled storming out of the hall. "Here's your first class I've got to go." Kim snapped leaving Draco alone. Kim didn't notice that Draco decided to follow her instead of going to class. Kim ran to the astronomy tower she always felt safe when she was there. The students were always to lazy to climb the 84 steps to get to the class.
"I can't believe him! Just because I couldn't give him what he wanted he has to say things like that! Oh if he knew who my father was he'd be scared out of his mind." Kim yelled pacing across the room. Brain was always a jerk to her even when they were going out. "I need to get over this eating disorder, but how? Dad would never help me, that's why I'm here in the first place. He couldn't handle me, I make one mistake and all of a sudden can't stand me or look at me anymore." Kim started to cry. She loved her dad more than anything but since her mum died he just couldn't face her. Why can't you look at me anymore? I'm not her please don't hate me. I'm sorry for everything, please Merlin give me my dad back. I promise I'll be better. I don't want to lose him before he can get to love me." Kim fell to her knees crying. Draco had followed her up to the tower but casted a concealment charm on himself. Watching Kim like this was painful for him. He took off the concealment charm, walked up to her and took her in his arms. Kim turned herself around in them and cried on his shoulder.
"Kim what's wrong?" Draco asked once he got her to calm down.
"Nothing Drake please don't look at me like that." Kim said noticing Draco's sad eyes.
"Then tell me because obviously you are upset why didn't you go to class?" He sat down beside her.
"Drake I didn't eat because I havent' in years, I have an eating disorder. I can hide it from my dad because I don't see him often but here it's harder. Plus going to class here is a waste of my time so I do independant study. I've taught myself more than these airheads would ever know. Even before then I knew that the square root of 1,150 is 33.912, and that adding acedoe to an infusion of wormwood can make a sleeping draught so powerful that it's known as the sleeping dead. If most of the people knew half the things I did thier minds would explode. These kids in 7th year are just starting to learn about bezoars. Since my mum died my dad has never said one nice thing to more or anyone else. He can't even look at me anymore and when I got addicted to fairies which is sort of like muggle estacy but stronger my dad didn't even tal to me but sent me here. I just don't know what to do and he was never ready to raise a child. I just want to go home." Kim felt better at getting that out.
"Look you have three weeks left before vacation I'm going to force you to talk to your father no matter what! I love you kim and I'm going to help. Let's get you some food and then you can come back to my room and I'll help you with DADA, and you can catch me up on Arithmacy that way when we go abck to Hogwarts we'll be caught up and even ahead of some of them." Draco took Kim's hand kissed it and took her to his room. He placed his head in the fire and floo'd Dobby.
father. I can help you if you want, and if you're any good at Arthimacy maybe you can help me." Draco said looking around the room.
"So you're DM or Edward I guess that's your middle name Draco Edward Malfoy I like it." Kim said laughing. "Well just to fill you in Pensive and Hogwarts are also different when it comes to education. Here they don't care if you get an education or not, as long as you come and past the tests that's all they really care about. I so want to go to Hogwarts. Well Goodnight, I'll see you for class tomorrow." Kim said leaving the room.