"Nathan come on its Christmas time, come with me. Don't be such a grinch" teased Haley

Look, its good that you want to give back to the community and whatnot. Just don't ask me to join in on the festivities or whatever they call it."

But… started Haley

Christmas isn't important to me okay. My idea of Christmas is staying in, eating junk food and watching football on TV alright. So no parties, no dances, no nothing. You got it?

Haley lets out a huff and goes back to decorating the Christmas tree.

Meanwhile, Lucas comes along.

"So how's the Christmas Nazi doing?" asks Lucas

"I heard that!" yells Haley

"She's acting crazy as usual. Not only does she want me to spend the entire day with a bunch of pain in the ass kids at the orphanage but she has the nerve to ask me to go to dad's annual kiss-ass jamboree also known as a Christmas party.

"So what'd you tell her?"

"No of course. I've gone to that stupid party for as long as I can remember. For once, I'm going to spend my day away from he who shall not me named. If I go, all he'll do is bitch about how I'm throwing my future away by dating Haley and whatever else he yells about whenever I see him. So for once in my life, I won't be going to that party from hell.

Lucas looks at him in pity "Good luck man. Nazi over there is plain scary. She's going to make you go to the party just like she convinced me to go so don't think for even a second that you're going to able to get away. Believe me I tried but its virtually impossible"

If looks could kill, Lucas would be dead by now. By the way Haley's eyes were burning into him, Lucas was sure to be a dead man.

She stomps over to the brothers and says "Nathan, Lucas, make fun of me all you want, but in the end, you'll end up thanking me profusely for what I'm doing and with that she starts to walk away again.

"Damn Christmas Nazi, that'll never happen" Nathan mumbles

Haley swiftly turns around

"What was that?" asks Haley threateningly

"Nothing, Nothing at all" replies Nathan, clearly terrified of his girlfriend

Lucas just laughs in response and once again receives the death glare from Haley.

Lucas gets the same expression of fear that Nathan had had on his face just moments ago.

And so the two brothers cautiously move away from a VERY intimidating Haley James. She may look small but she's as dangerous as a ticking time bomb!