A/N- I love the fan fics where the marauders get sent into the future, but I have not really found one that I liked. I will try and make a good one. I will still keep up with my other fan fic, The Things We Live For, so look out for that one too. There will be NO Peter in this one.

What We All Thought Would Never Happen

Chapter One

What In the World is This?

It was a week after term started. James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius were in the Gryffindor Common Room doing their homework.

"Potter, who did you bribe to get you that Head Boy badge?" Lily asked.

"No one, Evans. Do you think I wanted to be Head Boy? It takes all the fun out of life. Remus was supposed to be Head Boy," James said. He slammed his book shut after finishing the last line. "I'm bored," he declared.

"Great, here comes trouble," Remus said. James shot him a look.

"Padfoot, you up for anything?" James asked, resting his chair on its hind legs.

"You bet. I will do anything to blow off this Divination essay. What did you have in mind, Prongs?" Sirius asked. He waved his wand and banished his books back in to his bag.

"I don't know. Anything," James said.

"Hey, where's Wormtail?" Sirius asked.

"Remedial Potions," Remus murmured. James and Sirius broke into laughing fits.

"Potter, shut it," Lily snapped. James immediately stopped laughing.

"Fine, well I am going to bed. Maybe I will think of something over the night," James said. Sirius nodded.

"Right behind you," he said. He went to pick up his bag, and saw a glimmer of gold next to it. He picked it up with a manic grin. "Look what I found," Sirius said. Remus, Lily and James turned to see that Sirius was holding a time turner.

"Padfoot, don't even think about it," Remus said warningly.

"Come, Moony. Where is your sense of adventure?" Sirius said. He started giving the time turner a lot of turns.

"Stop!" they all screamed. All three tried to stop him at the same time, and in doing so, Sirius dropped the mini hour glass.

"Oh no," Lily said, looking at the broken glass.

"Padfoot, you idiot!" James said. The room started swirling around them. When it came back, nothing had changed. They were still in the same common room as before.

"What happened?" Sirius asked.

"You broke a time turner," Remus said.

"Oh. That is not good," Sirius said.

"Well, no worries. We did not go back in time or anything," James said. Remus shook his head.

"Look at this," he said grimly. He picked up a newspaper from a table. Lily, James and Remus moved in for a closer look. The paper read:

September 8, 1997

A/N- Yes, very short, but only the beginning. Please R & R. I will give you a cookie…