The rain was getting harder as Fred Weasley looked out the window. He normally looked out the window when it rained. He knew exactly why, because of Juliet. He was the girl he met 6 years ago. She had lovely, long brown hair and a beautiful smile. Juliet always laughed at Fred's jokes and she made Fred laugh as well. Then Juliet found out she was pregnant and the rest was history.

George walked into the joke shop and looked at Fred. 'Staring out the window again. Thinking about…I wonder who…Juliet?'

Fred didn't reply he just stared out of the window some more wondering what Juliet was doing.


The rain was the hardest Juliet Turner had ever seen it. She normally looked out the window when it rained. She knew exactly why, because of Fred. She met the boy 6 years ago. He had short, messy red hair and most mischievous smile. Juliet loved to make Fred laugh and she always laughed at his jokes. Then she found out she was pregnant and the rest was history.

Hermione walked into the lounge room and looked at Juliet. 'Staring out the window? There must be something wrong…it's raining and reminding you of that Weasley. Isn't it?'

Juliet didn't reply she just stared out of the window some more wondering what Fred was doing.

'Come on, Julie! Why don't we do something?' Hermione asked, 'Reading? Cooking? Painting? Shopping?'

'I'll paint if I make you happy.' Juliet told Hermione and walked over to her easel. Juliet picked up a pencil and started to sketch out what looked like a face. Fred Weasley's face.

'Why do I even bother?' Hermione asked herself and left the lounge room.


Fred sat in the lounge room of his and George's apartment. He was still thinking about Juliet and when George opened the door and walked in Fred still thought of her.

'Fred, I've decided something.' George said, 'You've gotta get a girlfriend.'

'I'll only have a girlfriend if her first name starts with a J and her last name starts with a T.' Fred said sadly.

'Maybe if you had another girlfriend you'd get over Juliet.' George said.

'I don't want to get over her.' Fred told George and left the room.

I know George is trying to help but I don't want a new girlfriend. I want Juliet. Fred thought as he walked into his bedroom.

His bedroom was the cleanest room in the house. You would swear Petunia Dursley had cleaned it. Fred bent down to the floor and picked up a small box which said (On the front) "FJ 4ever". Fred slowly opened the box and picked up a picture of Juliet and a little girl. It was snowing. Juliet and the little girl were laughing. A piece of snow landed on the little girl's nose and she tired to blow it off unsuccessfully. Fred smiled at the picture. He knew who the little girl was. Her name is Gemma Turner. She had long red-brown hair, freckles and a mischievous smile. Gemma was Fred's daughter. He had met her but that was when she was 1 day old. Now she would be 3 years old.

Fred sighed and took out a piece of parchment and a quill and he started to write a letter.


Juliet took off her coat and flopped onto the lounge of her and Hermione's house. She didn't like winter in England. She had moved to England 11 years ago from Australia. Australia was never as cold as England was. But England was never as hot.

Hermione walked into the house and put her coat up and also flopped onto the lounge.

Juliet heard a tapping coming from one of the windows in the living room. She stood up and opened up the closest window and a brown owl flew in, dropped an envelope and flew out.

'I thought I'd never see an owl in such a hurry.' Juliet said and closed the window.

Hermione picked up the envelope and gave it to Juliet. 'It's for you.' And Hermione handed the letter to Juliet.

Juliet opened the letter and read it. It said:

To Miss Juliet Turner,

We would like to congratulate you on your promotion!…Yes we gave you a promotion. You will need to move into Diagon Alley. Go into the Leaky Cauldron and ask where the apartment for Ms Turner is. In the envelope is a key. We'll see you on Monday at 10:00 am.


Mr Potter.

'We've gotta move!' Juliet exclaimed.

'What?' Hermione asked.

'Harry has given me a promotion and we have to move to Diagon Alley. Am I meant to be happy or sad?' Juliet asked Hermione.

'You're meant to be happy! You get to move to a new place, more money for Gemma and more guys to fall in love with.'

Juliet laughed and pulled out her wand. She waved the wand and all the things Juliet owned went into boxes. Hermione did the same thing as Juliet and all of her things went into boxes.

'I'm not staying in this old place without you.' Hermione said and smiled.

Juliet opened the door to their new apartment. She thought it wouldn't be a nice apartment but it was glamorous. Juliet was by herself so Hermione could say bye to all their neighbours and Gemma could have fun at a birthday party. Juliet put a few boxes on the lounge and walked to the kitchen counter. Before she could walk into the kitchen Harry Potter Apparated into the kitchen.

Juliet jumped and said, 'Harry, you're not meant to be here!'

'Yet I am.' said Harry and smiled, 'Would you like some help bringing up the boxes?'

'Well, I know you're going to use magic so got right ahead!' Juliet said as Harry swished his wand around and boxes came flying into the room.

Harry walked over to Juliet and put his arm over her shoulder, 'Do you like your new apartment?'

'Yeah I like it.' Juliet said and kissed Harry on the cheek, 'It's simply amazing!'

'You'd be jealous if you saw my apartment.'


'Where are Hermione and Gemma?'

'Hermione's saying bye to people and Gemma's at a birthday party. Why?'

Harry looked at Juliet and said, 'I was about to ask if you'd like me to show you around Diagon Alley.'

Juliet smiled and put on her coat, 'Let's go!'


Fred stared out the front window of WWW. It had stopped rain and it was sunny. People were outside walking happily and laughing. Fred told George he was going outside and he walked past a new bookshop called Turner & Potter Books.

Fred knew Harry Potter owned the bookshop but he didn't know why Turner was in the title.


Harry and Juliet turned into Turner & Potter Books. Juliet looked amazed when she saw all the books. Like she'd walked into a library. Juliet stared at all the books trying to find words. Then she turned back to Harry hugged him.

'This is amazing, Harry!' She exclaimed happily, 'I want to buy some books!'

Harry laughed at what Juliet said and then told her; 'You own half this store, Juliet, take all you like!'

They spent an hour in the bookstore. Finally Juliet and Harry came out carrying 6 bags of books each. When they got back to Juliet's apartment Harry dumped the 6 bags he was holding onto the ground and Juliet followed. Then Juliet quickly said good bye to Harry and Disapparated. She was going to pick up Gemma.