Capcom owns Resident Evil a.k.a. BioHazard in Japan. Song is sung by
Leon and
Claire…angst…some Jill and Chris…
are this color…
sighed as she drove Chris, Jill, Leon, Rebecca, Carlos, and Barry home from a
celebration party, for defeating Umbrella. Leon, Rebecca, Barry, and herself,
were the only ones in the car, who weren't drunk.
'Yes, we've
defeated Umbrella, but does defeating something always mean sacrificing lives?' thought Claire, 'Sacrificing loved
ones is one of the risks, wasn't it? But no……I'm too loyal to my family, to
just forget about them.'
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
"Hey, sis! I'm gonna sleep over at Jill's, don't mind, do ya?" asked
"Not at all! It'll be nice to have peace and quiet at the house" said
Claire, putting on one of the smirking grins, but that was only a mask.
"Hey! Can I stay over
your house, Becky?" asked Carlos, in his flirting voice.
"Err…I prefer if you
didn't," replied Rebecca, "My house!" Rebecca quickly got out of the car.
"Bye everyone!" And with that, Rebecca walked into her house, and Claire
drove off.
And I can't help but ask myself how much
I'll let the
fear take the wheel and steer
do I always think about Steve when I'm driving? He has nothing to do with cars
and motorcycles!' thought Claire, 'It reminds me of my old life, fighting zombies, and
meeting new people…'
looked at Claire, sympathetically. Chris had told them, about this guy named
Steve, when Jill had asked about how Claire and Chris met up. He had gotten
over Ada, easily, since he still knew that Claire was important to him…but
would Claire think him the same way, he thought of her?
"Man, what did
they put in the wine?" asked Barry, holding his nose in the air, to avoid the…smelly…breath
of Jill and Chris…who were…um…busy, as we say.
'I should stay
with Claire, got to get through to her…she might do something she won't regret
and how will get a way to stay with her at her house?,' thought Leon.
It's driven me before, and it
seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
"Thanks for
driving me, Claire," said Barry, as he got out of the van, "You and Leon, good
luck with the others." Claire and Leon nodded.
"Knowing the
others, we'll need it," replied Claire, smiling, as Barry closed the door.
'Must be
strong, Redfield. I couldn't forgive myself, to lose these great friends. I
lost people I love, but I won't lose anymore people.' thought Claire, as she drove to Carlos's
But lately I am beginning to find that
I should be the one behind the wheel
"Hey! You just
went past my house!" yelled Carlos.
"You live in a
mall?" asked Leon, raising an eyebrow, "I thought mercenaries would've at least
got a decent paying." Claire sighed.
"I thought you
lived there," said Claire, stopping the car, in front of a apartment.
"Oh yeah!" said
Carlos, stumbling out of the van, "Adios amigos!"
"Yeah, just go to
sleep," advised Claire, "I wouldn't like to have to watch a drunken man."
Carlos shrugged, and entered the building.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be
there with open arms and open eyes.
So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive
"Oh man, how can
they still make out with their breath smelling like that?" asked Leon, opening
his window, making fake gagging noises, as Chris threw his keys at him.
"I was kidding!
Hey, why'd you give me these?"
"Just because I
drank 23 cups of wine, doesn't mean I'm drunk," said Chris.
"But it does
mean, you'll need 1 big fresh mint," mumbled Claire.
Will I choose water over wine and
hold my own and drive?
"Before I was *rudely*
interrupted," continued Chris, "You are going to stay at my house, and watch
Claire, for me. You don't mind, do ya? You can sleep in the guest room."
"What do you
mean, watch ME?" asked Claire.
"After that last
incident with the toothbrush and toothpaste, I can't let you go un-supervised,"
said Chris.
"But that was 12
years ago! I was 10!"
"You tried to
brush my hair with the toothbrush and toothpaste! And then there's the kitchen
incident, you could've killed yourself, last week!"
"How was I
suppose to know? I was sleepwalking!"
"You admit it!"
It's driven me before and it
seems to be the way that everyone else gets around
"Aw, man," said
Leon, shaking his head, but he was really relieved, "Seems like a tough job,
but I'll do it, Chris."
"Calm down, you
siblings!" said Jill, "You almost hit my mailbox!"
"We'll get off
now," said Jill, pulling Chris along, "Bye, you guys! See you tomorrow!" Claire
and Leon waved.
"Does it take
them 50 cups of wine for those two to get drunk?" asked Claire, out loud.
"Do you ever
"I swear Leon.."
"So you plan on
getting Leon and Claire, together, Cupid?" asked Jill, as Chris, fell on the
"Well, maybe it
could make them both happy. They haven't been themselves, for a while, have
they?" said Chris.
"You sure? They
do fight, usually every time they get the chance," said Jill, "But then again,
they might like each other…"
But lately I'm beginning to find
when I drive myself my light is
"$30 that they
hook up by lunch tomorrow," said Chris.
"Chris! How could
you bet on your little sister's personal life?" asked Jill. Chris eyed Jill,
"$50 dollars, we
find them in the same bed, when we pick them up," said Jill.
"If that really
happens, I swear…Kennedy is gonna-"
Chris didn't have
to speak anymore…
*****(20 minutes
later; Redfield Living Room)*****
"Stupid Chris," mumbled
Claire, opening the t.v. Leon grinned,
took his jacket off, and sat on the couch, behind Claire, who sat on the floor.
"So, Claire, how
was that Code Veronica, thing?" asked Leon.
"I thought Chris
told you about that," said Claire, quickly, flipping the channels.
'Damn! Leon
has to ask about that? Now? At this very day? I guess falling in love, with a
person, who wants to know something PERSONAL about you, has some risks, too,' thought Claire.
"I did, but I
want to hear, your version," said Leon.
"It's the same as
Chris's version!" protested Claire, not entirely true, but mostly, yes.
"What about
Would you kill the Queen to crush
the hive?
"What about him?"
"You loved him,
didn't you?" asked Leon.
"Is this really
the time to ask, Leon?" said Claire, sighing.
"Wouldn't you
like to get this question overwith, so I don't have to ask again?" said Leon,
not giving up.
"Okay, maybe I
did, but I'm not really sure, though…but I can say, we were pretty close." Said
Claire, uneasily.
"But how come I
can't see that old Claire? The one that was brave, and never gave up, will I
ever see her again?" asked Leon.
"You don't
understand, Leon!" retorted Claire.
"Yes, I do! Ada
"But did you kill
her? I had to kill Steve!"
"I didn't know
"I know you didn't,
Leon. I just don't want to talk about it…"
"Hey, where is
Sherry, anyway? Haven't seen her in a while." said Claire.
"Staying with her
aunt in Texas." replied Leon.
"I miss her.."
"Hey Claire, can
you keep a secret?" asked Leon.
"Depends on the
secret." said Claire. Leon shrugged.
'It's time…hope
she won't go crazy,' thought
'I hope it's
me…Leon's the only guy, I could ever love,' thought Claire.
"I love…you,
"Really, Leon?"
"Yes, I've loved
you, ever since I met you."
"Yeah?" asked
Leon, expecting her to say, 'Sorry Leon, but I don't feel the same way.' But instead,
she kissed him and pulled away.
"I love you too,
Would you choose water over
hold the wheel and drive?
"What about
"He's been trying
to find me a guy, for weeks."
Desperate? No way. Hey Claire?"
Of course, she
never got to continue, as Leon did the very same thing that Jill did to Chris…
. Don't
blame me! Just my 1st fic…a bit sappy…Maybe a sequel will come…who'd