Title: Trapped

Rate: PG13 –mainly-

Genre: Romance/Humor

Spoiler: None

Couples: NONYAOI – so all of you expecting shounen-ai or shouji-ai, I apologize. These are GENERAL couples: SasuSakuNaruLee, ShikaInoCho, NaruHinaKiba, NejiTenLee



Day 3: "MASH."


The third day of staying in the house had already started out boring; maybe it was because of the sudden two-day-excitement. Even Naruto chose to stay silent watching T.V as he had a bruise on his head and arms. It was already afternoon and most of the shinobis stayed in the living room, while the girls (except Tenten) proceeded upstairs to do whatever they could to entertain themselves.

"Hey!" Ino grinned, "Let's play MASH."

MASH was a game girls usually played to see their future, and in the game it stood for (M – Mansion, A – Apartment, S – Shop, and H – House.) Sakura drew a wry smile and nodded, "Sure, why not." Hinata sat alone in the side and just observed the scene before her. She in her life never played such things, nor did she really do any girl stuff with other girls. The Hyuuga household disliked outsiders and the Hyuuga heir was locked in to be tutored by her sensei.

"Alright, then you can go first." Ino took out a parchment and pencil, she began to scribble on the page with columns such as 'Husband', 'MASH Color' (i.e. house color), 'Job', 'Pet', 'Location', 'Number of Children', and 'Children Name'. "Alright Sakura, first off, who do you want to be your future husband?" There was a quick flash in the blonde's eyes but she turned to look at the piece of paper. "You have to name three."

The kunoichi took a moment to think and she tapped her chin, "Hmm…I guess Naruto…" Surprisingly, Sakura found Naruto less annoying and more getting along then Sasuke. Being in his team for some time now and especially knowing him since the academy, he had a better chance of being her husband anyways. And his affection towards her didn't go unnoticed. The pink-haired girl wanted to laugh as she saw Ino and Hinata's expression. "After that…Sasuke-kun! Then…I guess Shikamaru." She wrinkled her nose as she said this.

Ino shot a secret glance at Sakura and proceeded to write down the list. "Alright…now MASH color."

"Um…" It was difficult to choose. Of course to her, her favorite color was pink, but what about her husband? She'd have to live with her husband and obviously he wouldn't agree to such a girlish color. "White," yes…white. It was so colorless…no one would complain about it. And white was also fancy, representing luxurious and neatness…"And…pink…" 'Sasuke-kun likes blue though,' a voice reminded her. "…then blue…" Why would she have to choose on behalf of Sasuke? 'Maybe because you still like him?' the voice argued and Sakura glared at herself. Her inner self then smirked, 'Why? Would you prefer orange? Naruto likes orange.' No way would she choose such…bright…'ugly'…weird… 'annoying' color!

"Alright, white, pink and blue…what about your future job?"

Future job, Haruno Sakura never thought about this. Though it did occur in her mind that she would become a teacher maybe. It seemed like a good job, and seeing that she couldn't do anything better as a kunoichi. 'Tsunade-sama is teaching me how to become a medical-nin though…maybe that might be something?' the kunoichi thought and grinned, "Ah…Medical-nin…"

"Sakura-san wants to be a medical-nin…?" Hinata's quiet voice was heard and Sakura nodded. "Yeah, I want to help people…" Ino snorted but smiled, "Sure forehead-girl, at least you get to choose what you want to be." The fourteen-year old knew what her blonde friend meant by this – because she had heard once that Yamanaka-san wanted her daughter to inherit the flower shop.

Sakura then looked down at the paper, two more slots under the Job column. What else did she want to be? 'Hunter-nin seemed interesting when Kakashi-sensei explained about it…' the memory of when they traveled to the Wave Country was still etched in her mind. Hunter-nins were like ANBUs, catching missing-nins and S-ranked criminals. 'Though it sounds dangerous…' the girl shuddered. 'But I need excitement in my life!' Duh, she didn't want to be like her sensei and fool with their pupils – having nothing to do so trapped all of them in one house. So Sakura made up her mind: "Eh, why not become a hunter-nin…and teacher as my third choice."

Ino seemed to become interested in Sakura's choice and read off the next category. "Okay, pick three pets."




Sakura adored rabbits and she knew that when she grew up, she would breed them in her garden she would some-day have. Simple enough, they were cute animals and were harmless, wouldn't even hurt a fly. Whether her future husband liked it or not, she would have a rabbit. Her second choice would be a bird. Sakura knew that birds seemed to have represented Konoha for generations now, and she liked the sound of chirping in the morning. "Rabbit…bird…and…" What else was there to choose? Sakura couldn't stand farm animals, nor did she like the barking of dogs…and was glad that Kiba didn't bring his. "I don't think I would want anything else."

Her wheat-blonde friend scribbled down 'none' and turned to what was next. "Location," she read.

"Well…I always wanted to live in the Hidden village of the Mizu Country…" Sakura mumbled as she thought back when Team Seven went to visit a festival there. It was actually to watch over someone and act like body-guards, but things solved right in the middle of the party…so her team and her had some great sight-seeing. "My second choice would be Hochinin Village…" it was a country in the Fire Country, and was almost a neighboring village to Konoha; though there wasn't much ninjas there. "My last choice is of course, Konoha!"

"And I thought you forgot all about living with the rest of us Leaf-shinobis," Ino joked. "How many children do you want?"

"I don't want too many…" Sakura began. "How about…zero…one…or two."

"What? Twenty?" Ino laughed once again and to only be earned with a smack on the shoulders. "That's not funny Ino-pig. That would cause us to be homeless…I would never want more then three." "Aww…" Ino rubbed herself and questioned Sakura's statement, "Why not?"

"Because…just imagine about taking care of them all…I never had any brother or sisters so I think I was pretty lucky. I had baby-sitted some kids when our old Hokage the Third assigned us with D-ranked missions. I had to take care of FIVE kids, and it was so annoying! I mean, they fought and argued…their parents were always on missions so I can understand why their so un-mannered. If I become a medical-nin or something, I won't be able to take care of that many children…so I might as well hire a zoo-keeper…"

The violet-haired girl sitting next to Sakura couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "You're right Sakura-san; too many children can be troublesome."

"Well, I would want at least 3 kids," Ino implied and asked the next question. "Pick three names you would want to name your children."

Now this was a hard question, Sakura thought and concentrated hard on what she would choose. "Well, I always wanted a boy so…Akito would be nice." She waited till Ino wrote that down and she continued on. "Every time I think about having a child…I always thought my son would be like Sasuke-kun…" she blushed at the thought, "Abunai would describe him very well…it would make a great name…"

"Oi, I thought you were over Sasuke-kun," Ino eyed her friend suspiciously. "I am…" 'Sorta.' Sakura smiled innocently, "Anyways, I would also choose Tsukiko for a girl's name…I guess it would come to a time that I would have a girl…that would be a cute name." She made a chibi face and giggled, "Now…isn't that the last choice?"

Ino nodded and turned around, drawing a box. "Now, close your eyes and tell me when to stop." As she looked to see Sakura follow direction, she began to draw a swirl in the box and waited for the one-word command. After a few seconds, Sakura mumbled 'Stop' and Ino halted. She proceeded to count the lines that were in the swirl. "Hm…seven…" She announced and then began to count every seven choices, to cross the seventh off.

M – 1, A – 2, S – 3, H – 4, Shikamaru – 5, Sasuke – 6, Naruto – 7!!! "Aww…poor Naruto," the Yamanaka girl laughed to her self and proceeded to cross out the seventh choices in the MASH List. "Mansion is gone…" Ino could hear Sakura sniff as she said this. "And…white won't be your color…also, sorry Sakura but no rabbit." It had seemed like the things were turning against the pink-haired kunoichi's will but Ino gasped as she crossed out a name in the husband's category. 'No way!' She blinked and then coughed as she faced Sakura.

"Okay…done…here are the results." She coughed a second time and read off from the piece of paper. "You're going to have a blue house - lucky you; you get to become a medical-nin and live in Konoha too. Though, you will have no pet," she stuck out her tongue, "you have two children and one of them will be called Abunai. Your husband…" she paused to only irritate Sakura more, "will be …Sasuke-kun." It felt weird to admit this to her rival, although even she had no more feelings for the raven-head boy.

Sakura and Ino swore they heard a sigh of relief from Hinata, but passed the thought as the pink-haired kunoichi gapped at the information. 'I'm going to marry Sasuke-kun!' Her inner self screamed with joy but Sakura shook her head, outside she felt…contented but not overly happy. Maybe she was growing out of having a crush on Uchiha Sasuke. 'At least it wasn't Shikamaru though.'

"But Sakura, this is just a game. It might not turn true," Ino ruined her fantasy and stood up. "Hinata, wanna go next?" Sakura scowled and sighed, she had almost thought it was fate that this would happen. The Hyuuga girl was about to answer but then there was a rumble downstairs. "—Eh? What's happening down there?" Sakura spoke and rushed out the door, with the others behind her. "I bet Naruto's involved," Ino added and Hinata gave a worried expression. "N-Naruto-kun…?"

-------------------------Downstairs; Living Room

Neji snorted but didn't speak up when Naruto began to start an argument with Sasuke. Everyone was in the living room except Sakura, Ino and Hinata so the boys were yet left alone again – the only person who minded them was Tenten, who stood near the doorway sipping a cup of tea. There was a slight annoyance in her face but she hid it under a mask of 'as-if-bliss' from the tea she was drinking.

"Sasuke-bastard, don't tell me you don't care about Sakura-chan!" The blonde yelled. He was still irked by the thought that his sweet team mate liked Shikamaru. Out of all the boys here why was it him? He wouldn't even give a damn if she liked Kiba – okay, cross that. He WOULD beat the shit out of the dog-boy if Sakura did but still, it wasn't him. It was Shikamaru!

Shikamaru sat down on the couch and just sighed, "Jeeze, how troublesome. I don't even like her." He didn't care that Ino's 'half' best-friend liked him; he was troubled by the thought that Ino was so up-tight about him. The conversation Ino had with her friend last night still replayed in his mind. Did she really mean what she said? She did sound serious when Sakura had asked if she liked him…but still…when they brought up his name, he felt weird… 'Why do I care?' he was right, he didn't need to care about this. Never in his life did he even think about Ino liking him, or him liking anyone. 'Girls are troublesome.'

"I can't like Shikamaru!"

All along, he never knew that he was the one upsetting her. Yesterday passed by as boring as ever, especially when he had asked if she was okay at lunch. Usually Ino would rant at him and say what was wrong, but that time…she didn't even want to talk about it. It felt wrong, though he just passed the idea and told himself that she was a girl and girls were difficult to deal anyways. 'And she says I'm difficult to deal with,' he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Shikamaru!" Naruto narrowed his eyes and sat down with a 'huff'. "I mean, what does she see in you?" The fox-boy was upset it seemed, very upset. He must've really liked her to act this way – even when it was dealing with Shikamaru. "I mean, I've liked her and I've always been there for her!" The fact was true to everyone, and it just made Sasuke close his eyes. Naruto was always obvious about his feelings, and everyone also knew that he liked Sakura a lot.

"Naruto's right!" Lee agreed and heaved a loud sigh. "Why should she like such a person like him when I've always been there for her? The power of youth must stay on my side to catch Sakura's heart…!" The thick-browed boy threw his arms up in a dramatic pose, his eyes flashing. "I will try my best to earn Sakura's love…or else…I will run 500 laps around Konoha when we get out!"

Naruto's vein popped and grew irritated, so he punched Lee on the head to rid his fantasy. "Sakura-chan won't like a thick-brow like you!" He would throw up if she ever fell for him. It was just nasty thinking about it. Lee frowned but had enough confidence to stand up and crossed his arms over his chest, his grin spreading across his face. "Oh, we'll see who she falls for." Was that a threat? Naruto held his fist up, "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" So, it was proven. Naruto could start an argument with anyone here. "Okay, it's a bet!" The fox-boy announced and Lee laughed, "Alright!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and Sasuke snorted silently, "Like she'll fall for any of you."

Naruto and Lee shot their attention to the shinobi who dared to speak up. "Well," Naruto smirked, "She doesn't like you anymore so too bad Sasuke. It's proven that you wouldn't have a chance." Lee snickered and Chouji began to laugh as he ate a bag of potato-chips. It was always fun to listen to these people start an argument – and also fun to see the great Uchiha become aggravated at the blonde.

Sasuke held his silence and glanced away with a 'hmph' like he didn't care one bit. Though, Naruto knew that inside he was bothered…very bothered. "You know Sasuke-bastard; it would be funny to see you try to get a date with Sakura." He stuck his tongue out and laughed, "I bet she would say no to you!" He taunted his team mate and it made the raven-haired ninja bite his lip. Naruto was very annoying today, very annoying. 'Like he could shut up,' Sasuke calmed himself slowly, ignoring his comrade's words. Although, he was bothered by the fact that Naruto could say such things. "Stupid Naruto."

"You know, Sakura would feel bad if you guys were talking about her," Tenten said. She had her last straw plucked away…couldn't these guys talk about anything else? It was boring as hell being here, but she disliked being upstairs as well – knowing that the girls might've cooked something too girlish for their age. Usually she would love to join in with the fun and hang out with the girls, but having her period now made it a big no-no. It was easy at this time to piss her off, make her mad, or drive her crazy. And talking about something she wasn't interested in listening too fitted the category of making her crazy.

"Ah, Sakura-chan's always pays attention to making her self look nice, and she told me once that she liked it when guys talked about her in a good way because it proved that she was attractive, so this is a good thing." Naruto stated, "I mean, she must be glad that me 'n thick-eyes like her so much, ne?" Lee nodded and Tenten sighed in response. "What about Ino and Hinata?"

"Eh…" Shikamaru shrugged, "she's the same thing. I swear - she must be vain staring at herself all day in the mirror." "And she's always in a diet," Chouji included with chips in his mouth. "She says that boys like skinny girls." The memory of the time when they went to the Korean-B.B.Q. together remained in his head as she told him that she had to be skinny so boys would notice her. "She said something about having curves and being slim…"

Some of the boys broke out laughing and Naruto waved his arms in the air. "Well, Sakura-chan is a goddess then. I mean, she was cute two years ago but now, I bet her bra sizes went up!" Who knew Naruto could say such perverted things like this? It made Tenten roll her eyes and wondered if any of the boys paid attention to hers…the thought made her blush. She couldn't even imagine Neji staring at her chest like that! But Lee…he was clinging to her this morning… 'Oh god,' Tenten shook her head furiously.

"Well, if Hinata wore clothes like other kunoichis, she might have some great curves," Kiba coughed shyly. Shino eyed his team mate with a suspicious look. Naruto broke out with a grin and laughed, "I saw Sakura-chan in a bikini!" At the mention of this, a mental image of Sakura enveloped in Sasuke's mind, making him reach up to his nose just in case. It was a shock that she had to pick that type of swimsuit when the team had a mission at the beach. He remembered Naruto drooling and he couldn't help but glance at her a few times. Lee sniffed, "Aww…and I, Lee, didn't get to see her like that? That's not fair! I will one day ask her to go to the beach with me then!"

"Perverts," Tenten muttered.

"But really, Sakura and Ino do have figures for a kunoichi. I'm sure they don't even want to be ninjas, always paying attention to their looks and body…" Shikamaru rubbed his temple, "I mean, they would yell if they broke a nail or something – which is troublesome because then we have to watch over them on missions." Sasuke bobbed his head in agreement, but he knew better that Sakura had potential as a medical-nin.

"Oh, and I thought you guys didn't know how to check a girl out," the only female closed her eyes half-way. These boys were so…she didn't know what word would fit them. Did these guys find girls like Sakura and Ino attractive? Sure, they had a good personality since Tenten knew them for awhile now but all they did was pay attention to their looks and not toward any mission. They dedicated themselves to liking someone then really paying attention to anyone else's feelings. Why did she care? She was different to them. She was stronger than them, if she kept it up; she could be stronger within years and stand next to Hokage-sama. But still…Sakura and Ino had the boys – was she jealous? Tenten shook her head, she wasn't alone. There was Hinata…right? She was shy, but strong. With her bloodline, the timid girl could be stronger then her…it was just the matter of the girl's personality…

"It's just the matter of who has the bigger boobs," Naruto mumbled as he tapped his chin. "I think that Sakura-chan does." "No way!" Kiba rose, "Hinata for sure." "Stupid," Shikamaru muttered, "I think it's the ass that counts."

Tenten blushed as the boys said this; they were examining their kunoichi team mates like this?!

"Ino does have the height though," Chouji insisted.

She couldn't take this anymore, if she was upstairs, would they talk about her like this? Half of her hoped so, and yet the other part of her wanted to smack any of them if they mentioned her. But if they did put in her name once or twice, wouldn't it mean they saw her as a kunoichi and not a tomboy? It was so confusing for the most part, but most of her self concerned about why none of them said anything about her body? Was it because she was there? Even Hinata was brought up…and she never really noticed that Neji's cousin had boobs…that big or anything.

Neji tried to push everything the boys had said out of his head, but although in the outside, he acted calm and collected, in the inside he darted all the dirty thoughts in his mind. God, he never knew Naruto and Kiba could be so…perverted in a way to say such things. He looked up at Tenten and wondered if she wanted to go back upstairs to train or something, but she was either too deep in thought or really listening to all these ninjas talk about their comrades' beauty.

"Sakura is beautiful!"

"Hinata has a waaay better personality then her though!"

"Sakura acts mean because she tries to act hard to get!"

"Ino has nice blonde hair!" Chouji joined in the 'Naruto-Kiba' argument.

"Sakura is the only person who has pink-hair," Sasuke spoke; surprising everyone.

"Yeah!" Naruto and Lee agreed with their fist in the air, smirking. "Wow, Sasuke-bastard actually said something."

The Uchiha didn't know why he had mentioned something about Sakura to them – though it did seem like their conversation was getting amusing; especially concerning Sakura's boob but he knew better on hiding his blush and dirty thoughts. It was interesting though on how Naruto could just talk about this so casually, usually he would whine and complain but this was something…he would at least expect coming out of Kakashi's book Icha Icha Paradise.


"The boys are…having a nice discussion…" Iruka choked up a cough. He never knew that Naruto could ever say such things – even though it concerned about Sakura. "Though I thought they were mature then that…"

"It's because they are mature that they say such things," Juraiya had a smugged expression and laughed. "You know…I really should invite the girls to the hot springs some time…maybe it would help on my next novel of Icha Icha Paradise…" Now that, irked Kurenai and Tsunade, having them punch him in unison on both sides of his head. "Old pervert, their only fourteen!" "But from what the boys are saying," The ero sennin pointed to the T.V, "they must've grown a lot to fulfill into such womanly form…"

"You just saw them now! Their upstairs, don't tell me you didn't notice their body till someone like Naruto brought up a perverted conversation!" Kurenai scowled, "These boys are…"

"…really getting to something interesting," the silver-haired Jounin mused.

"KAKASHI!" The two kunoichis in the room shouted.


Tenten couldn't handle it anymore; the conversation was getting too far. She was about to say something when Naruto snickered, "Hey Neji, you haven't said anything. So lemme ask you something, who do you think here is the hottest?"

"…in girls?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Duh," Shikamaru grunted, "unless you mean Naruto's hot…which I don't believe so."

"Hey! I have been working out ya know!" Naruto defended himself and lifted up his shirt to show his chest. All the boys turned around and gave out "Ugh" and "Eww, we don't need to see!" If it was a girl, they would be perfectly fine and willingly drool but this was a guy, and this was Naruto. Tenten though, blinked a few times and looked down blushing yet again. 'This is living hell, being down here with boys.' She threw her cup of tea at Naruto, and then there was a 'crash', forward a rumble caused when Naruto moved back to dodge the shattered cup.

"Whoa," the blonde sweat dropped. "What was that for?" Everyone turned to look at Tenten and she bit on her lower lip, running upstairs without saying a word. While dashing, she bumped into the rest of the girls, but didn't dare to look at them. She just brushed past them and ran to her room – she couldn't stay here. No way, not around these people. It was bad enough that they were here for one month, but now she had to deal with Naruto and all the other guys…they were…they were disgusting!


"Hey um…" the pink-haired kunoichi looked around to see what had happened. "What's up with Tenten and the loud noise?" Naruto laid sprawled on the floor, his feet apart with shattered pieced of glass on the carpet. "Tenten attacked me…I think." He leaned back with a sigh and wiped the sweat off his forehead. The boys remained silent and Hinata walked over to Naruto, picking up the shards. "Don't m-move Naruto-kun…" she whispered, "It might hurt you."

Ino folded her arms and observed the scene. "Why would she hurt you? What did you guys say?" Almost everyone blushed and shook their heads. "N-nothing," Naruto waved his hands, "I guess she was moody or something…she seemed quiet and then just exploded." Sakura looked at Ino with a 'do-you-think-that's-true?' look and Ino nodded. She mouthed the word 'period' and Sakura understood. Of course, Tenten was to be moody for the next few days so it might've caused such a reaction.

"Alright," they responded and silently, the guys gave out a breath of relief.

"Hey!" Naruto yelped, "Isn't it dinner yet?"

"Naruto, it's 5pm, we do not eat at five." Sakura told him and sat down next to him as Hinata retreated to the kitchen throwing away the broken tea cup. Ino dropped herself on the couch next to Shikamaru and Kiba, yawning. "It's already five? I thought it was earlier…" "Will I wonder what you did upstairs to have time go by so fast," Shikamaru's mouth twitched into an evil smile. She knew what he was getting to and rolled her eyes. Chouji gave her a suspicious look, "What did you guys do upstairs?"

"Nothing!" Ino glared at him, "We just played a game."

"A game," Naruto stated flatly.

"Yes, a game!" Sakura yelled.

"What game?" Kiba asked.

"MASH," the blonde girl replied.

"MASH?" Lee scratched his head, not knowing what it was.

"Like…" Sakura searched a way to explain to them what it was. "Um, it sorta tells your future…"

"Here," Ino passed the paper that was Sakura's MASH result to Lee, having him gap. "SASUKE'S GOING TO BE YOUR HUSBAND?!" The Uchiha boy almost fell down as his name was brought up. "No way," he muttered and grabbed the paper from Lee. Though his name was there, "It's just a game, not true."

"Hopefully not," Naruto remarked and grabbed the parchment from his rival's hand. "Hey, I'm on Sakura's list of husband though!" He grinned, which made Sakura blush slightly. "Well…duh! I had to pick three people…so…I knew you better then anyone else so I thought I would…put you on it…" She hushed herself at the end of the statement, hoping Naruto would figure out the rest. Lee though, whined. "Then why aren't I on the list Sakura-san? Why is this…Shikamaru on the list?" There was a genuine look of jealousy on his face, "And I thought you were over Sasuke?"

She was caught speechless, "Well…you see," she glanced uncomfortably. There was a single glance at Sasuke and she turned the other way. "I…" "Sakura used to like Sasuke, so she put him down because he would fill one of the three spots under the category," Ino explained – knowing that Lee would continue to pry if they didn't have an answer. The girl nodded, "Y-yeah, he was one of my three choices…I just didn't know he would be chosen…"

"Oi, Sakura-chan! Can I play too? I wanna know my future!"

"You know Naruto; it's just a game…" Shikamaru had one of his legs on Ino's lap, making her blush furiously – though he didn't catch on with his action. He just yawned and glanced out the window. "But it might be true though! Although I do disagree about Sakura-chan marrying Sasuke…maybe that was wrong!" Naruto took out a pencil and flipped the paper Sakura used to play MASH on and copied down the categories. "What does MASH mean?"

"Its part of the game…meaning what you will live in…M for Mansion, A for Apartment, S for Shop, and H for House." Hinata shyly answered his question, fidgeting with her fingers. "I'm sure t-that…even though this is a game…it may be something m-more."

"Eh? Maybe…" he smiled and gave the paper to Sakura, "Please play with me---?!"

She couldn't say no, he seemed so happy. Everyone in the room felt happy. Although Tenten wasn't in the room, the living room felt cozy. Day three they were together...and having a good time. She just couldn't spoil the evening, so the sakura blossom nodded with a smile. "Alright Naruto, but just once."

------------------------------------10:00 P.M; Bedroom #1

"Today was so fun!" Naruto waved his arms in the hair, grinning like a fool. Although the morning went by boring, he had a great time with the guys. A light of hope sparked within him; maybe they could really get a long. And then Sakura actually played a game with him – although the choice he had as a wife didn't really please him, it was just a game. He didn't believe and would never allow his Sakura-chan to marry Sasuke, so that was that.

Hinata lied down on the other side of the room, her back facing everyone. The scarlet color on her face was still there since when Sakura announced who Naruto's wife would be. She felt her heart skip a beat and never even caught the phrase he said when the game ended: "Well, it's just a game after." She yawned and felt as if she could sleep in and dream about Naruto. It felt like bliss really, and she even forgot how Tenten was. A few hours ago, the other girl had worried Hinata since she seemed upset when she had run upstairs when the others were approaching down. 'I'll check up on her tomorrow…' That's right; she would make sure of it.

"Sasuke-kun…" Sakura folded her clothes and looked at him. He didn't say anything, but she knew he was listening. "What happened downstairs…with Tenten?"

"Aa…" he leaned against the wall and looked at her with his onyx eyes. He knew she was looking in them, and searching for an answer. It had always been like this…but he knew that she had grown tired of knowing him, and just let it come naturally. "Nothing happened," he reassured her and closed his eyes half-heartedly. It had been a habit for him to sleep up-right…it felt more…safe.

She knew that he wouldn't say any more. It was end of discussion, but inside…she hoped he would say…just a bit more. Her face reflected through the moonlight as it shone through the window, "Good night Sasuke."

---------------------------------10:00 P.M; Bedroom #3

"You left."

"And?" Tenten turned to look at him. He could see a flicker in chakra and he sighed – she was angry. But why though? It wasn't like Naruto or any of them said anything bad about her…hell, they didn't even bring her up. So why was she so angry?

He was leaning at the door way to the bathroom, and he saw that she was about to sleep. It might as well be left as it was. She was acting abnormal though, since the day they had come to this house. She seemed to get more moody, and he knew for one that she was getting her…thing…but she wasn't usual that mad at something so…little. "So…is anything bothering you…? There has to be."

"Oh, you're acting like a know-it-all," Tenten retorted and pulled the blanket over her head.

Woman, he could never understand them.


Author's Note: Day 3 has ended and I was laughing so much by the end of the fic. It was a bit of Tenten-angsty but yeah, things will fall back in place I hope. Maybe then there will be some NejiTen scene. There were actually tons of slight SasuSaku and NaruSaku parts in this chapter, so I actually felt relieved that it was just pro-Sakura. I'm sorry for NaruHina-lovers, I have yet to add any of those scenes unless you meant at the end of this chapter, lol. There were pro-Lee towards Sakura moments also and I guess this fic was mostly for –character-/Sakura, lol. Thank you everyone for making this Fic so great, your encouraging me very well and I'm trying my best to update. Hopefully by the fifth or sixth chapter, I will reach my 3 digits. That's my goal, and I hope you guys help me out D

Review –

IHearVoices – OMG! This is kind of like Laguna Beach, the O.C., or the Real World…in any case, its very good and well written! It's hard to find long, good stories lately! Congrats on being one of the best I've read in a while! lol-I'm such a know-it-all. Sorry!

Update soon!

Aa, you're right…its very hard to find long fictions these days. I try to make my chapters at least 10 pages or so. I'm also picky with the format I write it in – I'm not much of a 'italic-fan' so I don't really use those unless it's for 'flash-back' or anything. And due to my lack of English, my vocabulary is very limited so yeah, with this mark down – I try my best to at least get a good score for my spelling and grammar. But, Microsoft Word doesn't really check any of it, ne? And you know when you write a really long chapter but you don't feel like reading it all over it? I'm like that and at times I skim through the pages and then when I upload it in FF.N, I sudden realize: "Omigosh, I still have spelling errors!! –panic-." Lol, and I really like your stories as well! Update soon, my vote goes for SasuSaku in Day to Day!

n1t3sama – oO. Nice fic! It's really creative of u to make Sakura pretend to like Shikamaru, like it helps along SakuSasu and ShikaIno in a really original way.

To tell you the truth, I never thought about having Sakura pretend to like Shikamaru, lol. But then I skimmed through the list of couples and then I thought: "Why not have ShikaIno be my first victim?" Afterwards, the idea just popped in my head to have Sakura lie to everyone and let the rumors go around the house, just so make Naruto and Lee jealous, and Sasuke to ponder on the fact that Sakura has moved on. I felt evil though, and I wanted to stall the ShikaIno moment so that's why Ino's now "whatever" and forgets the whole fact that her half-best-friend likes her lazy-bum-comrade. I want her to realize that she has feelings for Shikamaru, and then have something dramatic start.

I know…the Ino-issue seems so dramatic more then humor –sigh- but I wanted to story to get a bit serious. Thank you for your review, and thanks for thinking of it as an original way XD

Trapped copyright © 2004 by taiki-kun