A/N: Full summary: Neville Longbottom is dead – but who killed him? Was it the man that everyone suspects, the girl that always slips under the radar, the reluctant messiah of the wizarding world, or…someone else? Slight Blaise/Luna; implied Draco/Ginny.
This is a murder mystery, children (my favorite type of story); takes place early on in the war. That's all I can really tell you without giving everything away, but any confusing plot points will be explained.

Social Darwinism; Prologue


Neville Longbottom, a prominent figure in the field of Herbology, was found dead in his home yesterday. Longbottom was apparently asleep when hit with the Killing Curse. He will be greatly mourned by the community and by his family.

Two days after discovering his corpse, Aurors apprehended Longbottom's killer, who was at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley with a group of friends. The culprit was—"