Disclaimer: This is for the whole fic. I don't own anything from Harry Potter.

A/N: Look don't even ask how I'm going to manage updating all these fics that I'm writing. I just couldn't stop my self from writing this. It's just something that I can let my insanity loose in. In a strangely realistic way. So now, I bring you….

The oh so originally titled confessions of Lily Evans


Friday December 11th

My dorm

7.08 pm

Why does my life have to be so utterly boring? Edith and Nat went missing hours ago. I've looked for them everywhere but I can't find them. Stupid friends. What do they think they're doing, leaving me here anyway?

I think I'm going insane with boredom. I even tried playing chess with myself for a while. It was actually entertaining for a bit. But then the novelty of it all wore off and it was back to the land of the bored (i.e. Hogwarts) for me.

Sigh. I think I'll dance for a bit.

7.20 pm

Bored of dancing. It's no fun on my own.

Where are those two anyway?

7.30 pm

Finally, they've come back.

Now I have my two good friends Edith and Nat to join me in my little world of boredom.


8.11 pm

Went down to the common room to see if we could copy our homework off Kez. Irksomely this happened to be the exact same time that James Potter and his mates decided to set of a stink bomb. Why do boys always insist in being so infuriating? Everyone has to retreat to their dorms until the smell wears off.

We are currently discussing way to seek our revenge.

Here's what we've got so far:

Lily, Nat and Edith's Plans to Seek Revenge on Potter and his Mates

Step 1) Actually think of something…

Um yeah… we're working on it.

8.15 pm

Well we've given up on that plan. Thinking takes too much effort.

We really need to get lives, don't we?

8.17 pm

Ugh! Hungry!

9.30 pm

We decided that the dung bomb smell in the common room must have worn off by now so we went down to see if we could get Peter Pettigrew to tell us how to get into the kitchens.

Ho hum.

Peter's so funny to wind up.

He was just sitting there doing his homework and minding his own business when we sat down net to him and began our interrogation.

Here's how it went:

Me: Hi Peter! (I poked his arm)

Peter: Oh, hi.

Me: How are you Peter? (Poke)

Peter: fine.

Me: Wotcha doing Peter? (Poke poke)

Peter: (getting rather annoyed by now) Homework.

Me: What homework are you doing Peter? (Again, poke)

Peter: Transfiguration.

Me: Where are the kitchens Peter? (poke poke poke)

Sirius: Don't tell 'em Peter!

Me: (Poke) Don't listen to him Peter! You can tell us. We'll keep your funny little secrets.

Sirius: Don't do it Peter!

Edith: Shut up Sirius!

Me: We're not giving up until you tell us Peter! (Poke)

Peter –who I'm sure, was, by then, sick of hearing his own name- promptly realised that resistance was futile and gave up his secret. Then, with another poke, we thanked him and were off.

I don't know who those boys think they are anyway. They don't own the school. Who are they to dictate who can (i.e. them) and can't (i.e. everyone else) use secret passageways and be able to just pop off to the kitchens whenever they feel peckish. And all stuff like that. What, do they think they'll run out of food or something?

Those four boys are undeniably silly.

Anyway, the kitchens were really big, like the size of the great hall. It even had the same tables but there was all plates and junk everywhere and it was filled with house elves. When we stepped in they all came crowding round us asking what we wanted to eat.

Nat was rather embarrassing about the whole thing really. She spoke to the house elves as if they were foreign or something. Only not in another language, I doubt Nat has the brain capacity to speak anything other than English. And even that is pretty shabby. So basically she was talking really loud and really slowly to them. I don't get why, I mean, I know their grammar isn't perfect and they could do with using a few pronouns very now and again. But there was no need to underestimate their understanding of the English language like that.

Anyway, the house elves must have just thought she was nuts (which she is) and brought us what we asked for (chocolate on chips all the way. I don't know why everyone gets all 'eeee' when they see us eating it. It's gorgeous. Unhealthy, yes, but gorgeous all the same).

When we got back to the common room we felt ready for anything.

Even our charms homework.

Problem is we couldn't for the life of us remember what it was that we were supposed to be practicing. And guessing it resulted in disastrous consequences.

I said, "God, Nat, blow up the Common room why don't you?"

I think the people of Gryffindor must be getting pretty sick of the whole retreating to the dorms business.

Nyeh. They'll get over it.

A/N: Well I liked it. I don't know about you though, you're gonna have to review if you wanna read more.