Chapter 1: Savior

Where are those two?' Inu-Yasha thought. He and Kagome had been looking for Sango and Miroku after Sango chased him into the woods for trying to grope her.

SLAP!!!! "HENTIE!!!!"

Sango and Miroku came out to the clearing where Kagome and Inu-Yasha were. Miroku had a huge smile on his face. (Not to mention a huge handprint.)

"If you ever go near my butt ever again I swear I'll cut your hands off and feed them to the birds!" Sango yelled in his ears. That kept him off for a few......minutes.

They started on their way to find a shard of the jewel (after they picked Miroku up, since Sango pumbled him for trying to grope her butt againsigh when will he ever learn?)Inu-yasha picked him up and put him on his back.

Suddenly a huge demon with wings came up behind Kagome and picked her up with its long claws.

"Help!" she cried. Inu-Yasha dropped Miroku and took out the Tetsuaiga. He then lunged at the demon.

"Give her back!" he cried. The demon flew away with her before he could hit it. It flew above a forest. Kagome bit into the demons flesh. The demon screeched in pain and dropped her into the forest and flew away. She hit a lotof treesand lost a lot of blood. When she fell to the ground she got knocked out. Then a figure came towards her.

Mikane slowly walked up to the almost dead girl, she lay unconscious on the ground. She had to do something. So she sent out to find the one person that could help the young girl.

Inu-Yasha had bee runing in the direction the demon went afteer it flew off with Kagome. Sudenly a woman came out to the clearing and blocked his path. She was wearing a long white dress that covered her feet. She had beautiful silver hair that went to the ground. Her eyes were a snow blue. She also held a golden harp in her left hand. The most amazing thing that caught Inu-Yasha's eyes were the long white angel wings that spread out from her back that seemed to reach to the sky.

"I am Mikane and I need your help." she said calmly.

"For what?" Inu-Yasha asked.

"I found a girl who needs you."

"Kagome? Is she ok? how do you know my name?" She sighed and played her harp and he suddenly fell asleep.

"I am sorry but the girl needs your blood to live" she said to the sleeping hanyou.

"Inu-Yasha!" Sango and Miroku called out to see a women float away with Inu-Yasha. She turned. Miroku gasped and took a step back.

It's a gaurdian angel!" he cried, "What are you doing with Inu-Yasha!" He asked

"He will help save the young girl, she is dying and I need him to help her." she answered. She then held Inu-Yasha in one arm and played a tune on her harp and flew away. After they heard the tune Sango & Miroku were both in a daze and didn't know where they were,so they walked back to the village.

When Mikane got back to Kagome she had gotten worse. Mikane took one of her nails and cut Inu-Yasha's wrist. When it started to bleed she opened Kagome's mouth and dripped Inu-Yasha's blood into her cuts. She then set them down more comfortably undera tree.

The next morning Kagome cracked an eye open. She was kind of fuzzy on the day before. Then She was swooped up by a demon, then she fell, then things went blurry. She looked around her, everything looked and sounded a little different. She had a giant bandage around her chest, and she was under a tree. She looked to her left to find Inu-Yasha sleeping on some roots. She slowly got up, she leaned on the tree for support. She was going to rouse Inu-Yasha but he looked so innocent. So she looked for a lake to clean some blood off her arms.

Inu-Yasha heard someone move on his right. He opened an eye to see a person walking away from him. He decided to follow it.

Kagome slowly walked to the lake. She dipped her arms in the water but quickly pulled them out and gasped. She had claws! She looked at her reflection and almost fainted. She had little black doggy ears on the top of her head, she looked at her teeth, she had fangs! She still had her beautiful raven hair, but it was down to her butt. She looked at her eyes, they were a deep amber gold.

" Wh-what happened to me?"

Inu-Yasha continued to stare at the girl at the lake, confused of why she looked shocked when she saw herself. She kept touching her face and ears.

'She didn't know she was a demon?' he asked himself. 'She looks so familiar, but from where.She also smells familiar.'

Then it hit him. It was Kagome! He remembered the day before. Miroku was being a perv, Sango knocked him out, then Kagome was picked up by a demon, and he followed her. Then he met that lady. He got knoked out, but as he was falling he heard her say "I am sorry but the girl needs your blood to live" then he zonked out. She must have brought him here to Kagome. He looked at his wrist, it had a cut.

'She must have given Kagome my blood, and now she's a hanyou. He jumped out of the tree and walked up to Kagome. She was curled up in a ball.

Kagome heard someone coming towards her.

'It smells like Inu-Yasha.'

Shewinced when someone touched her shoulder.

"Kagome?" When she realized who he was she spun around and hugged him. He blushed.Her hair brushed his face

'She smells great! Wait what am I saying!'

She sobbed into his shirt. He rubbed her back to calm her down.(Wouldn't you be a little upset if you turned into a hanyou)

"What happened to me?" She asked him.

"You werehurt and anwoman saved you by giving you my blood." He showed her his wrist.

"But why did she save me?" She asked.

"Because I am your guardian angel." Said a voce behind her. She spun around. There stood the lady in white. "I am Mikane, I help you when you are about to die."

"But why did you use my blood and not yours?" InuYaha asked.

"I read her mind and you were the only thing on it." Kagome. "So I used you. And I am not alowed to use my blood. I have to go now, but try out your new body." Whith that she left.

"Kagome?" Kagome turned to a very worried hanyou. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you for helping saving me." She whispered in his ear. He blushed. When they stood up Kagome gasped. She was an inch taller than before.

"Inu-Yasha I'm taller! I must have gained a year! That must mean I'm 17 now"(I know she was 15 but I think she would still be to young if she was 16) Now she was just an inch shorter than him.

"Lets get back to the hut now to tell the others."