Wizard of Oz part 1- Original fic by MISTER BIG T

This is a rather darker aproach on the storyline of the Wizard of The Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating.

Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had began melting and the water were forming small rivers that danced towars sewers. She pulled her coat closer, she was getting more cold. But she was affraid to return to home, affraid to face her mother.


Ever since the rather unexected death of her husband, Dorothy's mother had began drinking hard time. And if that wouldn't have been enough, she became violent and almost brutal during the times she was drunk.

"Dorothy? Honey, will you go buy me a bottle of whiskey?" she asked as Dorothy had tried to sneak past her to her room.

Dorothy slowly turned to face her mother, who had gotten up.

"But mother, how can I get money for it?" she asked.

Suddenly, Dorothy's mother slapped her.

"Even with your ass! If you come here without my drink, I'll kill you! Do you understand me Dorothy? I WILL KILL YOU!" she yelled to her child.

Dorothy was walking towards the pub, holding her painful cheek. She quickly dried her tears with her gloves, she was already cold enough as she was. Getting into the pub, she smelled the horrible stench of alcohol that greeted her. She hated them. She hated them all.

"Hey, miss, aren't you little too young to drink?" the bartender laughed as he pulled the bottle away from her.

"Please...Give me it, I'll do anything." she begged, trying to hide her cheek.

"Hey, I know boys!" one man suddenly spoke up, standing and continued with "Let's do Dorothy aid! We collect her money for the booze and in return, she strips." as he laughed.

His laugh was answered by other drunkards laughing.

"What? ...But it's cold." Dorothy protested and suddenly placed her arms to cover her.

"Aye, but you want the booze, don't you? So who's willing to pay?" the man laughed.

"I do." one man said and threw a quarter over desk.

He had badly shaven beard and dirty hair and he gazed at Dorothy with mad light in his eyes, that made her shiver and want to run. Soon, other people began giving quarters and soon the money was ready. And Dorothy did her part, she removed her clothes for short period time, took the liquor and quickly got dressed before she was laughed out of the pub.

Bastards. She hated them. She hated them all. Suddenly however, she stopped. She was sure she had heard a small voice. Suddenly, a small dog puppy came behind trashcans and gave her a lick. She giggled. The fur of the dog was beautifully white much like the cold snow.

"I'm Dorothy. Let's be friends." she said to it.

"Why don't you be friends with me too?" a voice suddenly said.

Dorothy turned to see the bearded man next to her, when suddenly he took hold of her pig tails and pulled her towards him.

"Show me how you lick lollipops." he laughed as he was beginning to unzip his pants.

However, then there came a growl. And it wasn't coming from the puppy either.

Both Dorothy and the man stopped and remained quiet.

Another growl.


The two of them had entered their turf. And would not be allowed to exit alive.

Soon two dogs took bite of the man's hand and his chest and as he struggled, Dorothy was able to grab the puppy and make a run for it.

"Aaah! Help me!" she suddenly heard the man yell.

She saw as the man was being torn apart, one dog hanging from his crotch, one from hand, one from throat.

"I hope you die in hell!" she screamed and ran off towards her home.

But a dog had been chasing her. It took hold of her leg and she dropped the bottle. The door opened and her angry mother came and kicked the dog away.

"Little bitch!" she yelled and tried to grab Dorothy, but she was able to run.

She hated her. She hated herself. But now, she had found a friend.


"Master!" screamed a blue haired man as he ran alongs the halls of Emerald castle. "Master, it's the witch! She has returned!" he proclaimed, with a terrified voice.

"What? I was sure she was killed by the destined ages ago." Oz said, getting up on his throne.

He moved over the small crystal and looked deep and saw burned village, where winged humans with monkey like figure were slaying humans.

"So she really has returned." he sighed.


Dorothy walked around the town. She was nearly getting frozen and she laid against a nearby wall, trying to catch her breath.

"I'm so cold..." she coughed.

The puppy between her legs trembled too and snuggled desperately against Dorothy trying to stay alive.

But suddenly... Suddenly, there came a light before Dorothy's eyes. For a terrible moment, she thought she was dead. But then she realized, that the light was calling to her. Reaching towards the light, Dorothy could feel the world beginning to spin as her life would never be the same again.

Loud thud came as she dropped to ground. She looked around, the snow was gone. There were long fields of green grass and beautiful flowers. Again, she thought she had died and went to heaven. But this thought lasted only for a second as the beautiful green grass suddenly began to get red color. Slowly she moved her sight lower and gave a scream. She had dropped straight on top of some old woman, breaking her neck and killing her in an instant.

"YOU!!!! How can you kill the sister of the witch?" one villager gasbed as he saw Dorothy.

"Now our entire city is in danger! She will curse us forever!" another villager said.

A woman nearby began weeping. Dorothy did not know what to say or do.

"I.... I don't know where I am or who you are, but I'm sorry. I came here because of a shining light and..." she started to explain, but she was never able to finnish that sentence as suddenly someone from the gathering crowd yelled "She knows magic! She must be working with the witch! Get her!!".

Before Dorothy could speak for herself, someone hit her on her head hard and everything went black.

To be continued...