Chapter 2

...and the dark-haired girl burst into the room. "Selphie!"

So that was her name. Selphie. She swore silently, her chance gone.

Selphie let out a high-pitched shriek as she jumped two feet in the air. "Rinny! You scared me!"

The other giggled. "Sorry. Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Kinneas are here and they want to meet you before the wedding."

Selphie grinned, her search forgotten. "Coodles! Now I get to find out why Irvy never wants to visit them!"
Grabbing the other girl's hand, she raced out of the room.

She had no idea that she had been about to die seconds before.


The floor vibrated with the pulsing rhythm of the bass, and Squall glanced up uneasily at the apartment at the top of
the stairs. "Irvine, you sure you know this guy?"

"What?" the cowboy shouted back, already racing up the last of the concrete steps.

Zell cupped his gloved hands over his mouth. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE DOING?!?"

Irvine grinned. "Aw, come on guys. Its just a party. Seifer, you with me?"

Seifer saluted casually. "Right behind you, man." He turned to Squall, muttering," We can't let him get too drunk.
If he ruins the wedding cos of a hangover Selphie will murder us."

Squall nodded. "Right. Lets go." They followed Irvine and Zell into the apartment.

That deal between Seifer and Squall was forgotten by the former after the first couple drinks, and Squall was forced to
watch his three friends himself. He wasn't really worried about Irvine, the cowboy could drink quite a lot without
getting the least bit inebriated. Seifer was the same. It was Zell that really needed the watching. He bounced around
from table to table, laughing and joking, taking any drinks offered without questioning the contents. Squall sat on a
chair in the corner, watching the small blonde's antics in growing embarrassment.

"Hey Squally!" he yelled, grinning stupidly. "Try some o' dis stuff, kay? Its great!"

A few girls giggled and pointed as Zell started breakdancing on the table, and Squall put a hand to his forehead in an
utterly useless gesture of defeatism.

Irvine came to the rescue. Not nearly as drunk as his friend, he put an arm about his shoulders, leading him over to
a chair by Squall. "Jus' rest a bit, Zell. Talk to Squall, he's lonely." The tall young man winked. "Right, 'Squally'?"

Zell looked concerned, and he plopped down in the chair. "S'dat right, Squally? Wahdoncha getta drink? S'always makes
me feel better."

Squall glared at Irvine. "Thanks, Kinneas."

He laughed, and tipped his hat. "Think of it as in-house entertainment, Commander. You boys have fun now."

"Hey Irvine!" came Seifer's call from the other end of the room.

Irvine walked towards Seifer's little group, ignoring the lustful eyes of the young women watching him. Squall never
realized how much Irvine had changed. He was completely faithful to his Sefie, and didn't even seem tempted as the
drunken girls approached him, flirting outraegously. All he did was laugh and flash them his killer smile, making
his fanclub practically melt in adoration. Seifer, on the other hand, was definetly not ignoring the crowd of young women
around him. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Yeah, so me an' Kinneas here, we go an' bust these SAM0G things up, see?" Squall smiled. Bragging about Seifer's first
SeeD mission again. It really wasn't much, but it was to Seifer.

"Ooh, you're so brave Seifer!" one girl cried out, latching herself to his arm. Seifer grinned. "I know it, babe."

Squall was lost in his own thoughts for a long while, trying to ignore Zell's sobs as he poured his heart out to his
reluctant Commander. It seemed like minutes, but it was probably hours when he noticed that the party had gotten a
little out of hand. He stood up instantly, grabbing Zell by the shirt collar and pulling him up after him. "Head
downstairs, Dincht. I'll meet you there."

Zell, shaken from his drunken state, nodded obediently and started wobbling out the door. Squall turned his attention
to Seifer and Irvine, and immediately put his hand to his head again for the second time that night.

Irvine had clambered onto the table top, wearing only his jeans and boots. Rotating his pelvis and "Yippe-ki-yi-yay"ing
like a real cowboy, all the girls were in a frenzy. Seifer had rolled onto the floor, laughing hysterically. As Squall
came towards him, Seifer managed to gasp out, "I dared him! He's not that drunk!"

"Whatever," Squall sighed. "Get up, we're leaving." Seifer's green eyes flashed angrily, and he got up, straightening
his trench coat. "Irvine!" Squall's voice was hardly loud, but it had such an impact that the whole group shut up
immediately. "Irvine Kinneas, get your stuff. We're going back to Garden. Now."

Irvine stopped and stared at his friend, his eyes widening as the impact of Squall's words hit him blow by blow.

"You're getting married tomorrow, Kinneas. Do you realize what a fool you're making of yourself? If Selphie were here
to see you now..." Squall paused. "I don't think I have to say more, do I?"

The cowboy shook his head nervously, and took his vest and duster as Seifer handed them to him. Regaining his composure,
he winked at the others. "See ya."

"Bye, Kinneas," a young man grinned, tossing his blonde hair. "Thanks for stopping by. You owe me cleanup duty sometime,
my apartment is a mess."

Irvine laughed. "Whatever, Kerin. If you can catch me, sure." The music had started already, and the party was back to
normal. Squall helped Irvine up as he stumbled.

"Dammit Irvine, just how drunk are you?"

The lanky youth shrugged, adjusting his hat. "Not too. Don't worry, I can handle my liquor. Lets get back 'fore Sefie
throws a fit."

Seifer was silent the whole train ride back, and Squall didn't bother him. The two weren't very close. Despite Seifer's
changes, Squall still didn't feel comfortable around him. Zell had fallen asleep instantly, and Squall glanced at him,
then went to sit on the couch by Irvine. "What went on back there, Kinneas?" he asked his friend softly.

Irvine looked up, startled. Then, embarrassed, he looked away. "Dunno. Can't explain it. Its as if...I was a student
at Galbadia again, an you guys didn't exsist. Forgot all about the morals I had built up durin' the Mission, forgot
about Sefie...jus' plain forgot. I suppose I could blame it on the drinks...if I was drunk."

Squall's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

The cowboy shrugged, scratching the back of his neck in his trademark nervous gesture. "Just what I
said. I wasn't drunk, I knew what I was doin' every second of the time. I'd...forgotten how much of
a reckless ass I was till now. Till back there. I guess being at the party with my friends brought
out the old me." He turned away. "Jus' like...leave me alone, ok? No offense or anythin'."

Squall nodded. He understood more than anyone that sometimes you just needed to think.


It was midnight by the time they got back. Irvine considered going straight to bed, but knew he had to see Selphie.
He hadn't seen her all day, and it felt strange. The two were rarely apart for more than a few hours. Walking quietly
down the halls, he stopped at her door and knocked.

There was a rustling of bedsheets inside, then a pattering of small feet. The door opened, and Selphie stood there
rubbing her eyes, wearing a large t-shirt which Irvine faintly recognized as belonging to him.

Seeing it was him, she let out a cry of delight and dragged him in, slamming the door behind him. Then she promptly flung
herself onto him, clutching him tightly, refusing to let go.

He laughed, enfolding her in his arms as he bent down and kissed her softly. Her vibrant green eyes sparkled, but she put
on a pout just for show. "Where were you?" she demanded.

"Aw, Sefie..." Irvine grinned. "It touches my heart to know you care." He stole another kiss from her and she giggled,
pushing him away.

"Of course I care, you big oaf!" She frowned. "But you didn't answer my question!"

Irvine sighed, putting on an injured air. "My darlin' butterfly doesn't trust me." He paused. "Thats my shirt, by the

She put her hands on her hips in what Irvine thought was the cutest sulk. "Don't change the subject on me, young man!
Besides.." She twirled about seductively, "The shirt fits me so much better than it does you."

Irvine arched an eyebrow, smiling slightly. The "shirt" was more like a long dress on her, but he decided to humour her.
"All right, darlin', I admit it. You look stunning."

She laughed, clapping her hands together in glee. "See, isn't it so much nicer when you agree with me?" Her face took on
a serious tone again. "Now where were you?"

The cowboy ambled over to the bed and stretched out, hands behind his head. "The guys took me out to Deling City. No big
deal, babe. What've you been doin' today?"

Selphie went to sit beside him, curling her knees up to her chest. "Lets see...fixed the flowers...checked over the guest
list..." She smiled slyly. "Met your parents..."

Irvine sat up straight. "What?!?"

She burst into laughter, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a quick kiss. "I've been waiting to see that look on
your face all day! Boy, was it worth it!"

He chuckled, smacking her playfully. "Geez, aren't you the sweetie. So, what'd you think of them?"

Selphie shrugged. "They were nice, actually. Kind of countryish, but now I know where you got your accent from."

Irvine frowned. "I don' have an accent!"

Again, Selphie shrieked with laughter. "Do too, silly! Its a cute accent, though. Goes with the outfit, huh?"

He adjusted his hat, grinning rakishly at her. "Eeyup. Pureblood Galbadian cowboy, through and through."

She smiled softly. "Ain't it the truth. But seriously, Irvy, why don't you like them?"

Irvine stared at her for a moment, at her sweet, innocent face and pure green eyes. At the way she smiled at him, the way
her petite body leaned towards him, the soft white skin showing through her night shirt. He stared at her...and realized
he couldn't tell her. Not all, at any rate. "Its not that I don't like them," he mumbled. "Its just...they don't like me."

Selphie looked confused. "But of course they like you, Irvy! You're their son! Well, adopted, at any rate, but still!
How could anyone not like you?"

Its very easy, angel. And to explain why would break your heart. And I can't risk that. Now that I've finally earned
someone's love and trust, I can't throw it away. It kills me to keep it from you...


Irvine sighed, and turned away. "I'm sorry, Sefie. I'm sorry... He stood up. "Look,'re tired. I'm
gonna go get some sleep, and you should too."

He tried to ignore the disappointment on her face. "But Irvy, I'm not that tired! Please...stay with me?" The way she
looked at was unbearable. He tore his eyes away from her.

"I...I can't, Sefie." What's wrong with you, Kinneas? That was an open invitation right there. She wants you to sleep
with her. What the hell is wrong with you?

His gray-blue eyes pleaded with her silently. Please, Sefie. Let me go before I do something I regret.

Selphie sighed, and nodded. She held out her arms, and almost reluctantly Irvine held her close, kissing her. Then he
broke away and hurried out of the room.

Tears of hurt fell from her naive green eyes.


His room was cold when he got in, and he shrank inside his duster, trying to stay warm. "Geez, somebody broke the heater or
somethin'," he muttered, walking to the window to stare outside at the night sky, glittering with stars. He was angry.
At himself, at everyone. He thought it was because he had changed and no longer fit in with his Galbadian friends. But here
he was again, acting just as he used to. Feeling just like he used to. In Selphie's room before, he knew she hadn't meant
what she said. She had told him time and time again that she was a virgin and wanted to wait till she was married.
Originally, he was fine with that. Selphie wouldn't "go all the way" as she put it, but she was up for other things. But
just then it felt as if his old self, hidden for so long, was struggling to come out. His old self would have taken her word
for it, or maybe not even have waited for her word. Thats why he had gotten out of there so fast. "Dammit!" he cried. "I'm
different now!" His voice echoed through the silent room, taunting him.

Then...something moved. A black shadow formed from the darkness, stepping into the faint starlight shining in through the window.
"Are you, Kinneas? Are you so different now?" The voice was soft and feminine, with a harsh edge to it, and an accent he
recognized as Galbadian. It was a woman. No, a girl. She couldn't have been more than 15. She was tall, almost as tall as
him, with long, thick red hair, certain strands cut to frame her oval face. Her eyes were a deep gray-blue, and her well-formed
mouth was twisted in a sensuous smirk that often was found on Irvine's own face. His blood ran cold when he saw what she was
holding. A gun. "Have you really changed?" she continued, aiming the gun at him casually. "It sounds like you're trying to
convince yourself, Kinneas. You certainly haven't convinced me."

Irvine backed away, smiling nervously. "Call me Irvine."

"Don't move...Irvine," she growled.

Irvine nodded, holding up his hands innocently. "Trust me, I wont. You're the one with the gun."

She kept the weapon at his head. "You knew we would come eventually."

He sighed. "...Yeah. Yeah, I knew."

"Tell me," she cocked her head curiously, her hair falling like rivulets of molten fire about her face. "Did you think you
could escape from us?"

"No," Irvine answered honestly. "I waited for awhile, almost didn't believe you'd come. Almost forgot. Took your sweet time,
didn't you?"

She grinned. "Yep."

Irvine waited for the inevitable, waited for the screaming bullet to pierce his skull...but it never came. He looked at her
closer...was she shaking? She was. Shaking so badly she could barely keep the gun in place.

A memory came to him, so strongly that he almost believed he was there again. Deling City. Presidential Residence. The
night of the parade. The night he tried to kill Sorceress Edea. Leaning against the wall of the clock, clutching the sniper
rifle to his chest, heart pounding. Shaking. Trembling in anxiety and fear. Everything counted on him, on his bullet.
Everything. Shaking...

"Hey," he said softly, trying to get her attention.

She looked at him, biting her lip nervously. "Shut up," she muttered weakly. "I'm gonna pull the trigger, shut up."

"Hey!" He tried again.

"What?" she snapped.

"You're holding the gun wrong. Relax a bit, take a deep breath, and shoot. Always works for me."

She stared at him. "You're trying to confuse me. Its not going to work. I'm gonna shoot."

He nodded. "I know. But could you hurry it up? Its awful waiting to die, if you know what I mean."

She choked on her reply, a single tear falling down her cheek. "Shut up..." Oh, if only he would shut up. The way he was
talking to her, being friendly...she couldn't kill him like this. It would be murder. She laughed bitterly, but the
laughter turned into sobs of confusion. It was murder. It always had been. Murder.

The cowboy winked. "Right. Got it. You need to concentrate. No problem, take your time."

What the fuck is wrong with him? Doesn't he realize he's gonna die? I'm gonna kill him! Why is he smiling like that? I'm
gonna shoot. I'm gonna...he's gonna...die...

She pulled the trigger.