1Hi everyone this is my first fan fiction and it is a TAIORA!

I hope u all enjoy

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, if I did...evilgrin

TAIORA 4EVER!!!!!DOWN WITH SORATO!!!!!!!!!!(no offence i just think that sora and tai were made for eachother so if u don't like Taioras then leave now)

Tai was miserable. He had just lost the love of his life, Sora, to his best friend, Matt, barely a month ago. Kari was helping him through it, like she always had. That's the great thing about his sister, she always had time to help him. He sighed as he was thinking about her because she was giving up more and more of her free time to be with her friends to be with Tai, she never said anything about it, but he could tell. The last thing he want ed to be was a burden to anyone so he started to spend most of his time in the Digital World with his buddy Agumon.

His friends were getting more and more worried about him as he was sometimes not even showing up for school. Noone knew why he was acting like this except for Sora, Kari, and possibly Matt. He didn't blame Matt for any of it or Sora for that matter, as long as she was happy, he was. Then why does it hurt so much he asked himself as he rode on the back of Wargreymon, the mega form of Agumon, through the Digital World.

Saving innocent Digimon from evil kept his mind off of Sora and Matt usually, so he stayed in the Digi-World with his partner fighting evil wherever it showed up. They were on their way back from a particularly difficult battle where five powerful ultimate level Digimon had tried to raid a small Koromon village. They had saved the village, but Wargreymon had taken a few nasty hits and would need a while to recover. It was really late when Tai had gotten home whispering a silent goodnight to his sister whom he had woken up when he landed in the human world, he crawled into bed and let himself drift off into an unrestful sleep...


"TAI!" his sister Kari yelled ",Your gonna be late for school!." as he got up, he was surprised at the time, 6:30, (an:i don't know wut time school starts over there) his first class started at 6:55, so reluctantly, he got up and rushed to get ready. He planned on visiting Agumon after school today to see how he was feeling, his mind had drifted back to the Digital world as he would like nothing better than to go off and live there for the rest of his life. He was jolted out of his thoughts when he walked right into a tree. "Damn!" he swore as he was getting up to dust himself off, "Hey Tai!" he heard as Sora came running up to him concerned, obviously, she had seen what had happened. "Are you okay?" she asked him. "Just fine!" he replied rather harshly and he winced when he saw Sora's hurt expression and just looked down, ashamed of himself. "I'm fine," he said calmly this time, almost apologetically as he masked his frown with a fake smile that Sora saw right through. Before she could say anything he said "Lets get going, we're going to be late for school." As he rushed off, Sora looked and felt kind of sad at the fake smile Tai had given her. "I wish he would tell me what's wrong." Sora thought but was interrupted when Tai yelled back from almost across the park "C'MON! Are you coming or what?!"

hmmm didn't come out like I expected, well this was the first chapter, I hope you guys and gals liked it please read and review give me some oppinions

Till next time cya'll l8er!