Hullo! A first fic here from me Japanese Zombie Hero…just call me Zombie for short!


"Ghost, are we done yet?" a small dark eyed girl whined as she sat with her friend, perched high up on the rafters of a tall building. "I'm bored!" She tossed her long dark brown hair over one shoulder, and swung her feet over the edge, swinging them leisurely.

"Do you have no patience?!" The other girl sighed, her long white hair adorned with a green flame-like streak, swayed softly in the wind. "Do you want to eat tonight or what?"

The smaller of the two merely rolled her eyes. "I don't see why you're so picky about what we eat, anyway!" She held up her hand and inspected her perfectly painted claw like nails. "It's not as though any of them are perfect.."

But the other girl had already turned away from her, a purple tricorn hat pulled down over her face, a white bang hanging over one eye. The left eye, meadow green, but the pupil was dark red instead of the average black, with a crystal blue tear drop marking on the left cheek under it, roamed across the streets 30 stories below them, her enhanced vision picking up every detail.

Finally seeing what she was looking for she scrambled over the edge of the building, and free fell, landing perfectly down the side of the building. She turned her head to the left to see her friend alight gracefully on the ground beside her. Seeing her gaze, the smaller girl grinned and pirouetted on the spot, twirling her hooded cloak around her.

She looked out of the end of the alleyway and saw two men staggering drunkly down the road, holding onto each other for support. She turned sharply and raised an elegant eyebrow at Ghost. "Drunkards?"

Ghost merely nodded, she went and stood in the shadows on the edge of the alleyway, and waited for the young men to come close enough. She reached out and grabbed the one nearest to her, knocking his head sharply against the wall as she yanked him towards her, rendering him unconscious. She ran a finger along the blood trickling down his temple and popped the finger into her mouth, tasting. She surveyed the face before her. 'Not bad looking' she thought to herself, but discarded the thought as she began to feed, sinking the points into the artery in his neck, not letting a single drop of the precious liquid spill. Once she was sated she laid the body on the ground and turned to face her companion. She was playing with her food again.

She had one hand pressed firmly over the boy's mouth, and was running one sharp talon up and down the side of his neck tauntingly. The boy's eyes looked in terror towards Ghost, but they rolled up in his head as he passed out when he felt two razor sharp fangs sink into his neck. Once she had had her fill she dropped the body unceremoniously to the ground and a light giggle escaped past her bloody lips.

She reached up and wiped away the blood running down her chin and licked it off her finger before beaming at her companion. "All finished" she announced.

"Can't you ever eat cleanly Hannah?"


The small dark haired girl in front of him let out a piercing shriek and exploded into a cloud of dust and a faint hissing sound, the dust twinkling and it fell to earth, showering over a tall red haired boy.

The boy pulled his wooden stake back towards himself, and shook his head, causing the sparkling motes to come tumbling down again.

"You look like you're just come out of a Sparkle Motion concert" a deep voice said lazily to his right. He looked sharply at the slate haired boy leaning casually on the wall.

"Shut up Kai, you look no better" he tried to brush the dust off the clothes, "I hate this stuff!"

"Yeah well don't we all? It's part and parcel with the job Tala"

"This is a job?" The red head scoffed "I thought we did this because we chose to? We don't get paid for this"

"Yeah well at least we're doing people a favour, getting rid of creatures like these" He took a drag off the cigarette that had been dangling loosely from his fingers. "I wonder how the others did tonight"

Tala frowned at him disapprovingly, "I don't get it! You kill vampires, and yet you are slowly killing yourself with those things!"

Kai gave a half grin and exhaled, the smoke spiralling up into the night sky, "There's a lot of things you don't get about me, Red"

"True" Tala agreed, brushing the last of the remains from his black shirt. "We should head back now, the sun's coming up. There'll be no more tonight"

"Yeah, may as well" Kai answered, he bent down and picked up a wooden stake from the girl-recently-turned-pile-of-dust on the ground beside his foot. He tucked it into an inside pocket of his jacket.

He looked down at the bodies of two men they had been to late to save, just dropped unceremoniously to the ground once they were finished with. Tala looked at them sadly, he wanted felt sad about it, he wanted to cover them up or something, not just leave them lying on the ground, looking sightlessly upwards with glazed eyes. But he couldn't, not unless he wanted to get involved in the world of crime.

They swept out of the dark alleyway and disappeared down into the sewers of the city.

This was their life. They went out, they fought, they slayed. They were a part of a small group of youths that resided in the heart of the city. The unknown protectors of the people. While they risked their lives, trying to save the lives of the people who didn't even know they existed. They liked to keep it that way.

They were the killers of killers, and yet no one rewarded them for their bravery or courage. This was their life.

They wound their way through the twisting sewer tunnels, neither of them saying a word. Finally reaching their destination, the climbed up a ladder and pushed past the heavy metal slab, into their home.

"Last ones home?" a boys voice tinged with a Scottish accent said loudly.

"What does it look like moron" Tala's quick voice retorted, as she slammed the metal grate home, blocking all access from the sewers.

"Someone's tetchy tonight" the boy answered, the purple eyes sparkling with amusement.

Kai decided to step in before a fight broke out. "Stop it Johnny, we were too late tonight, they had already killed two men"

"Oh" was the only word to tumble past Johnny's lips, "I'm sorry man"

Tala merely grunted and sat down heavily into an old arm chair.

"What did you get tonight?" he asked

"A couple of newbie's that were wandering around on their first night" Johnny answered, he gestured to his team assembled around him, a Chinese boy with knee length black hair bound behind him and amber eyes, a boy with vivid green eyes and red and black hair, and tall pale boy with pale lilac eyes and hair. A few others were lying around the room, snoozing on their assigned pallets.

"You?" the Chinese boy said, walking over to one side of the room and detaching himself from his weaponry.

"Two girls"" Kai said quickly, "Not newborns either, they gave us a run for our money" Before he had chance to say anything further, a new voice entered the room.

"How many tonight guys?" the voice belonged to a small boy with brown hair that covered his eyes and a pair of glasses perched on his nose. He carried a laptop under one arm. He was Kenny, The Chief, the brains of the team. He located the vampires and sent his teams out to find them and destroy them before they caused any harm.

"Five newbie's, Chief" Johnny reported, watching as the boy quickly typed the information into the laptop.

"Two vamps" Tala spoke up, "And two corpses down for the count too"

"That's ok Tala," Chief said softly, "It happens to us all"

"I know" Tala sighed, "but I just can't help but wish I could have done something!"

"Tala" Kai said sternly, "You should be thankful for the fact that two more vampires are off the streets and can't hurt anyone else!"

And with that the slate haired boy walked through to a different room, in order to rest and get some sleep before the next call out the next night.

About five minutes later he was aware of Tala entering the room, and letting out a heavy sigh as he flopped down onto the bed on the opposite side of the room. He smiled to himself as his friend's breathing became deep and steady, as sleep over took him. He slowly let himself drift into slumber, nothing to fear while the sunlight shone.


WAAH! A first chapter from Zombie! well, you like? You hate?


Johnny: SHE GONE INSANE! runs in circles