Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Note: The majority seems to want the suffering to be ended, so I'll go along with that. This is the last chapter. After this, you can kill me, torture me, anything you like. Giving me cookies is also an option. (lol)


Silence in the enormous backyard of the Kaibas. The girl Shizuka Kawai… done speaking. The young man Seto Kaiba… speechless. The branches of the Sakura-trees swayed in the slight breeze and the light pink petals that fell from the Sakura-blossoms, were swept up and carried away to some place far away.

No one knew where, no one seemed to care…

The silence was broken.

"I'm home, Big Brother!"

The door to the backyard swung open with a bang and a happy Mokuba hopped into the garden, followed by an amused Jou and an irritated Anzu. They stopped dead in their tracks when they found the other pair.


"Welcome to my life in America. Today everyone calls me Joseph Wheeler. My closest friends here call me Joey. Yes, I've changed my name. My old one gives me bad memories.

I'm rather content with my new life. I've managed to accomplish so many things here!

First, I've beaten Bandit Keith in a duel and become America's number one duellist. The bastard tried to cheat, but I still wiped the floor out with him.

I graduated from school and I did it quite well if I must say. I finished with top grades and met great people.

And did you know that I own a high quality dance-school? It's called Joey's Dance World. It's the best in Florida. Can you believe it? Me, owner of a damn dance-school!"

I might have said all this… I would have said all this… I would have left Japan, if it wasn't for that day. If it wasn't for that moment. If it wasn't for him…


The group of friends skipped through the halls of the large mansion that Mokuba called home, Mokuba happily chatting to his older friends, purposely ignoring Anzu's deadly glares at him.

"I'm home, Big Brother!" Mokuba called and he barged through the door that led to the garden… only to find Seto Kaiba, who seemed rather out of it, and a teary eyed Shizuka.

They all stopped dead in their tracks, speechless for a moment at the scene they saw before them.

Jou was the one who fist regained his senses. He exploded. "What the fuck have you done to my sister, you bastard!" He wanted to storm towards that bastard and punch his lights out, but he was stopped by Anzu.

"Stop it, Jou!" she said and she grabbed his arm, before he could move and do the young CEO any harm. "You don't know what going on, Jou, and violence won't solve anything. Why won't you ask what's happened?"

Jou yanked his arm away from Anzu's grip. "I know what's happened," he snapped at Anzu. "The bastard made my sister cry." He ran up to Shizuka and grabbed her arm. "Come on, sis. We're out of here."

He started to drag her away, when a voice stopped him.

"Wait Jou!" Seto called out.

Jou stopped. "Don't call me 'Jou', Kaiba. Only my friends may call me that." He showed no mercy, did not even bother to turn around and face Seto, when his voice sliced through the other's heart like an ice blade.

He proceeded to walk away again, when Seto stopped him with his words. "I didn't know you were a coward, Katsuya Jounouchi," he said.

This time Jou did whip his head around. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME." He raged in anger and fury. He let go of Shizuka and his free hands clamped themselves together in shaking fists.

"Coward. You always run away, don't you?" Seto stated, a calm mask quickly placed to cover up his true emotions of turmoil.

"I am NOT a coward, Seto Kaiba," Jou seethed.

"Very well then," Seto said. "I challenge you to a duel." And he brought his deck out.

Jou narrowed his eyes and gave Seto the most hateful glare he could muster. "I accept."

Shizuka wiped her tears away, drying her eyes. Both she and Anzu thought the same: 'Boys will always be boys…'


I won.

That was the first time I won a duel from Seto Kaiba. But… I wasn't proud of that victory. Not proud at all. Because, what person would be proud of a victory that was merely given to them. No true winner relies on gifts.

Victory must be earned.

I did win however. And I did consider myself a true victor that day. Because I won from myself that day.


"You let me win." Jou glared at Seto. "Why?" he demanded.

A light smile covered Seto's lips. "Because you won't accept it."

"You're damn right I won't accept it!" Jou yelled. "I want a rematch!"

"And I won't give you that satisfactory," Seto said, his smile turning into a smirk.

"What!" Jou blazed with anger. "You can't do that!" His whole body shook of anger.

"I can do anything," Seto calmly replied. "Anything to make you stay."

"Wha…?" For a moment Jou forgot his anger. He blinked. "What do you mean?"

Seto picked up his deck and shuffled it. "Anything to make you stay here. Anything to make you stop running away… from me."

He put his deck back in his pocket and slowly made his way towards Jou. He stopped once he stood in front of Jou, only an inch away from him. In a blink of an eye he swung his arms around Jou and pulled the blond closer towards him. One hand came up to touch Jou's golden locks as he pushed Jou's face into his chest.

And Jou?

He was too stupefied to protest.


I won that day.

I stopped running away that day. I stopped running away from Seto that day. I stopped running away from my friends' help that day. And I stopped running from my problems with my father that day.

I never left Japan for America. However…

I did beat up Bandit Keith, when the guy showed up in Japan. I did graduate from school with top grades that rivalled even Seto's. And I do own a high-quality dance school. It's not named Joey's Dance World. It's named Jou's Dance Palace and it's founded by KaibaCorp. And all this time my friends, Yugi, Anzu and Honda supported me until the very end… after I cleared up to them that my money problems had nothing to do with Shizuka's eyesight.

KaibaCorp survived the scandal and is even more popular than ever. Especially after the scandal caused another amazing gay boom in Japan. Seto himself has been announced as Japan's Number One Man and is having more trouble from the press than ever.

The project Dancing Duel Monsters was delayed but did eventually reach the market. The songs that support the game are all sung by Mai Kujaku. She abandoned the world of Duel Monsters, after her singing talent was discovered by an European producer.

Anzu stopped dancing, just like Seto predicted. Instead, she chose to become a top duellist and has since then been training hard with Yugi to become one.

Honda and Otogi never told us if they had a relationship or not. We suspect they had. Hell, we're damn sure that they had something together and are still secretly dating each other. Until this day, they never stopped fighting over my sister, who has decided that feigning ignorance is the best solution there is. My sister is currently studying about eyesight.

We found out about Mokuba's little scheming and match-maker games, but decided not to punish him and instead pretended we never found out about it. He tried to ask my sister out, but she declined. He got over it and instead chose to pick up an old hobby. Peaking at women and getting smacked for it.

My father quit drinking and went to a psychologist. He got over his troubles and I am very grateful for that, because I still love him as he loves me. He decided to start dating my aunt and I wish them both the luck of the world. The best thing about them was that I was able to see Shizuka more often.

My mother and her boyfriend divorced after two years. She decided that marriage was not meant for her and instead decided to look for a descend job to support both herself and my sister. I never made up with my mother, but we got along eventually.

Everything was fine and dandy now. But did that mean the mess in my life had finally been cleaned up? Of course not.


"Why you!" Seto growled. "You broke that priceless ancient vase from Egypt!"

"I told you I was sorry, Seto!" Jou exclaimed, his frustration growing rapidly. Nothing would ever get through that thick ice-skull now would there?

"Not good enough!" he yelled back. "I challenge you to a duel!"

"Wha…? No way!"

"What. Running away from a duel, Katsuya Jounouchi?" Seto taunted and he pulled out his deck.

Jou growled in anger. "I do not run away from any duel. I accept!" He pulled out his own deck. "Dancing Duel Monsters!"

Seto froze. "No," he said.

"Yes," Jou challenged back.

"No, I don't dance!" Seto boomed. He still hated dancing with a passion.

"Yes, you do, liar! I taught you how to dance!" Jou yelled back with an even louder voice.

"Make me!"

Seto ran away up the stairs and Jou sprinted after him. With a dash Seto made it to his room and he burst through the door barging into the bedroom. He swung around in order to close the door but was just a second to late as Jou made a sprint towards him and pushed him hard. Together they tumbled onto the bed Jou on top of Seto.

"Liar…" Jou managed to say between his pants.

"… coward," Seto shot back.



And Seto pulled Jou down towards him, capturing his lips in a tender kiss.