Fear the great disclaimer message!!! This is the disclaimer message!! No seriously :P ugh, well here goes: I do NOT own Halo, or ANY of the Covenant Race names. Neither do I own Master Chief… but please, tell me if you find a shop where they sell him X3…

All character names are mine.

That's it, have fun.

Chapter I – The Different Unggoy

Chakuth wandered the dark purple halls of the High Charity. His nerves raced though his small body, maybe seeking audience with the Prophets at this time wasn't such a good idea. The Jiralhanae in front of the gate gave him the creeps and he wasn't so sure about entering a room filled with holy icons to his faith.

The two giant ape-like monsters suddenly hit the end of their staffs on the ground repetitively and the doors to the room opened. The young Unggoy stared into the room, as the vision of the beautiful outskirts of space came into his view. 'It's beautiful', he thought as his attention was drawn away from the group of Sangheili came by him. They all bore the mark of shame on their chest, heads hung down and chained to each other.

Chakuth didn't notice until he felt several eyes upon him, he blinked a few times and stared at the heretic Sangheili as they were taken away by Jiralhanae guards. He suddenly heard a voice, "Zhetey, make your entrance, the prophets are waiting for you.", the voice was dark and threatening. The Unggoy nodded and ran towards the room as he slowed down before the guards, stared at them for a bit then ran past them, it didn't feel the same…

The Prophet of Truth turned around in his throne, and stared down at the young alien soldier. "You must be Chakuth Zhetey…", he said as he eyed him from his head to his feet.

Chakuth nodded and sat down on his knees, "My great prophets, I have some questions for you and the council…", he started, his high pitched voice echoing through the room, "As the speaker of my kind I am wondering why we haven't been given access to the newer Needler models, the ones we use now are old and sometimes jam up causing painful wound and sometimes casualties…", he added to it as he looked up to the supreme being before him.

"Furthermore I would like to have permission to take my team down to the ring and defend it for the sake of the covenant…".

The prophets stared at each other in slight confusion, never had they heard such brave and daring words from and Unggoy. Most of them simply did what they were told or ran away when the heat was to much for them to handle, they were funny little creatures without much intelligence. But he seemed different…

"Zhetey, I am surprised by your brave deed, by coming to me to ask permission for such small things, you are the first Unggoy ever to do such a thing. Not even your father was like you.", Truth said as he raised his head from Chakuth to the council behind the Unggoy. "I say we grant you the newer Needler models, yet we are not sending you down yet, there are enough troops down on the sacred ring, your assistance is not yet needed.", he added to it and turned away from him.

Chakuth was about to speak more, but decided against it, thinking it might anger the Prophet and the council. Instead he bowed his head, rose and walked out of the room, ignoring all the looks he received from the council's members and the Jiralhanae guarding them. Once outside he sighed, rubbed his hands together and bowed his head down a bit. The sudden laughter startled him, his friend Miph ran from behind a crate towards him. Wrapped his arms around him and squeezed.

"Hey, Hey, how'd it go??" , he asked cheerfully.

"I don't know… It seems they simply don't care much that we're just sitting here, doing nothing… while we're the best Unggoy team there is…", he said as he sighed and sat down on a crate.

"Did you get the needlers for us?", Miph asked.

Chakuth nodded and softly kicked his legs against the crate. "Yeah, they did say I was brave for coming to them myself and ask it personally… I guess usually the Sangheili do these kinds of things for us… Or just don't do it at all…", he said as he jumped off the crate and grabbed his friend's hand. "Well let's just not think about it too much, we're gonna be stuck here for a while, let's get used to it…", he said as he dragged his friend along with him.


Duthaz eyed the Jiralhanae as he got pushed into the cell with 5 other Sangheili. The screaming of the Kig-yar a few cells away annoyed him more then anything, he felt terrible, what did he do to end up in a stinking prison cell with 4 of his best soldiers. He growled loudly as he clutched his long fingers around the prison bars and watched the two guards laugh and walk away.

A younger Sangheili walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Sir, I'm sorry for my incompetence… I should have supported you better then I did…", he spoke softly as more suddenly apologized to the former commander. He stared at his soldiers and sighed, knowing they were done for, never seeing the light of another day, or feel the thrill of battle. He felt betrayed…

"I don't belong here…", he said as he softly placed his head against the bars and closed his eyes, "Unggoy belong here, Unggoy and Kig-yar, they're useless anyway…", he sighed and sat down.


Chakuth pulled his breathing mask off and scratched his head. The freezing air of the methane in the room was a lot better then the ones in the tanks.

Miph did the same and grinned at his friend, "Well, are you thirsty?", he asked.

The young Unggoy shrugged, "I don't know let's just sit down somewhere we'll see afterwards.", he said as he held his oxygen mask under his arm and walked towards a small table.

The room was filled with Unggoy, soldiers and rookies, even Unggoy who weren't employed at all. It was the only place they could be without being laughed at or treated like minors. Miph waved at a pair of Unggoy heading their way, "Look Chakuth, it's Vemeth and Calith, can't believe they're still alive!", he said as he pointed at two Unggoy in red armour.

Chakuth turned his head towards the two Unggoy Majors and smiled faintly, "Hey you two, can't believe you're actually still alive.", he said as he patted Calith's shoulder pads. The older Unggoy smiled at him and grabbed his hand, "It's good to see you Chakuth, how did your audience with the Prophets go?", he asked.

The young Unggoy frowned, "You know about it? How?", he asked as his eyes shifted from Miph back to Calith.

"Are you crazy? Every Unggoy knows that you went to speak for us! You're like a national hero or something!", Calith said as he placed his hands in his side. Chakuth's stare moved back to the table, "I see… Never thought it'd have that much of an impact on them…", he said as his expression went blank.

The sudden tugging to his back made him look back, an infant Unggoy waved with a hose at him, "Sir, do you want a Methane-refill? It's fresh and pure!", he said as he pulled the hose closer. Chakuth nodded and turned back to Calith and Vemeth, "So did the rest of your division make it?", he asked as he heard the hissing of the Methane in his tank.

Vemeth shook his head, "We're the only ones to make it back, they all died out there…", he said and stared at the ground.Calith stared at his friend and sighed, "Yeah… They were good warriors, I'll miss them…", he added to it. Chakuth nodded slightly, "The demon did it?", he asked suddenly.

Vemeth stared at him, a deep stare, "He was there too…", he said as he showed a deep bullet-wound on his arm. The Spec. Op. stared at it, "Shouldn't you let this get treated?!", he asked bewildered as he grabbed his friend's arm and stared at it closely. Vemeth nodded, "Actually I just came back from the infirmary, they said these kinds of wounds need to heal by themselves, I'm glad it wasn't a plasma burn… those are more painful…".

Chakuth nodded slightly and stared at the small windows in the walls, at times it seemed hard to remind himself that he was actually living on an interstellar ship, and those walls he stared at were part of the thick hull the ship had, sometimes it scared him… Calith poked Vemeth softly, whispering, "He's so distant all the time, like he's drifting in his mind all the time. It's peculiar how he stands out above all Unggoy…".

The young Spec. Op. Unggoy rose from the table and placed a paper on the table for the Methane refill. "I'm going to the dorms…", he said as he stared at his three friends, waved a little and walked away, leaving the others puzzled by his mysterious behaviour. "Now I really wonder what's going through his head…", Miph suddenly said, "Well… anyone up for going to the food nipple?", he said as he rose from the table and grinned at the two other Unggoy Majors. Both nodded and walked towards the dispensers.

Chakuth felt his stomach turn as he passed by many Unggoy fighting over nothing, proving themselves idiots. He knew if the Sangheili were not so busy with fighting against the Jiralhanae, they'd kick them in the behinds and tell them to behave like soldiers. He missed the old times, he missed his job too, but he missed his home world most. Unlike most Unggoy his age he wasn't born on a ship, but actually transferred from his planet and selected personally by the council that provided the Covenant with Unggoy.

It gave him a horrible feeling, knowing he might never return to his own planet, but instead he was to rot away at the command of the Prophets who never sent him out. As he slightly closed his eyes and ran into the Unggoy dormitories he immediately ran to his small room. It could fit just about 3 more Unggoy in environment suits, then it'd be full. Even his high rank couldn't afford him a better room…

As he closed the door and sealed it he tapped on a small holo-pad on the wall, filling the room with precious methane. After the room had been completely filled he pulled off his breathing equipment and inhaled the methane in his room, staring out of the circle shaped window.

"I miss you…", he whispered to no-one in particular as he placed his hand on the thick transparent material and finally laid his head to rest against it and closed his eyes…


Duthaz growled, his hands around the neck of a squealing Kig-Yar, "You filthy beast, I demand you, give that back!", he shouted in it's face as he pointed at the disgusting looking piece of food. The smaller alien made a gurgling sound and finally went limp as it's lifeless body sprained over the ground, letting the piece of green nutrient fall. The former commander narrowed his eyes and picked it up, ignoring the stares he received from numerous Kig-Yar and other, in his eyes, low-class races.

As he sat down next to his fellow prisoners he stared at them one by one, "What…?!", he asked as he placed his hands on the table. No response, they were distant and their leader wasn't their leader anymore. Duthaz narrowed his eyes and stared at the food he bothered to steal back from the small Kig-Yar, it didn't look all that good anymore. And his former team mates slipped from his hands, he felt horrid.

After the short meal they were called back to their cells, but the Sangheili commander did not move, he felt there was no reason to move for someone else's calls. Not when you ever had the rank of Commander. A large Jiralhanae walked towards Duthaz and hit him in the head with the hard metal club he carried around.

"Get up, go back to your cell, filthy mongrel.", his deep roaring voice spoke as he stared at the Sangheili forcefully clasping his head.

"Oh… did I hurt you? Here's some more for you, Off to your cell you're going!", the simian alien shouted and forcefully grabbed him by his neck, throwing him over.

Duthaz growled softly and rose from the ground slowly, his pupils narrowed as he stared at the obnoxious creature towering over him. His orange eyes primed into the Jiralhanae's black ones, "You…you'll be hearing from me…", he grunted in a deep voice as he turned around and walked to the prison blocks slowly.


There was a call, a high pitched beeping noise awoke the young Unggoy. He found himself in a strange position on the ground under the window. As he opened his eyes he felt the light of a bright sun burn through his pupils. The human home world looked scorched, explosions filled the atmosphere everywhere and it had been that way for a few days already. Chakuth looked around for his breathing equipment and lifted the Methane tank onto his small body, placing the mask over his head. The beep meant staff meeting, and not just any, it meant he was called by the council personally. What for he didn't understand, he wasn't going to be sent out for a while, then why did they suddenly beep for him personally.

As he drained the methane from his small room he opened the doors and ran out. Along with some other high ranked Unggoy Spec. Ops. he entered the council room . The prophets were in a discussion, the council was restless and it seemed something big was going on if they had beeped him and the highest ranking Spec. Op. Unggoy here. He stared about, he knew a few of them, most were covered in deep scars, some not even healed completely. All the chaotic speaking, arguing and discussing made him uneasy, then to think that he was called personally…

Suddenly there was an uncomfortable silence, Truth hovered forward, "Unggoy leaders, we have some disturbing news for you. The demon has been sighted on earth, we do not know how this has come to be. But your tasks are to eliminate him along with your assigned Jiralhanae Commanders, I have several capable Jiralhanae willing to take one of you, while you select a team of the best Unggoy you can think off. It is a great honour to be selected for this task Unggoy, You must know that being able to kill the demon himself must be a great deal.", he spoke thoughtfully. The Unggoy Commanders stared at each other in confusion, Chakuth just stared at the planet behind the window.

"Dismissed.", it suddenly sounded, as they were guided away by Jiralhanae guards.

"Zhetey…", it suddenly sounded from Truth as he turned around and faced the Earth while the council emptied itself, "Do you see this planet? It's filled with them, those pesky little devils… Your mission is simple, I'm granting you your own team, you will lead them. You can see it as a test to see how good you Unggoy can really be.", he said.

Chakuth stared at him, "Sir?", he asked silently.

Truth turned around and eyed him, "The demon is planning to take me out, I know it… But it is your specific task to kill him before he does so.".

The Unggoy frowned, "But didn't you just send the others away for the same purpose?". The prophet stared outside again and placed a hand on the window, "They won't make it. The Jiralhanae I sent with them are not qualified commanders, I want you to do it Chakuth, because you have so much more potential then any other Unggoy I have ever seen. You must take him out as he boards this ship."

Chakuth felt strange by having just heard that, 'Did he just send the best Unggoy commanders on a suicide mission…?', he thought as he stared at the luminescent floor. The prophet noticed, "Is there something wrong?", he asked suddenly.

The Unggoy's eyes shifted towards Truth, "Not at all…", Chakuth said as he forced a pitiful smile underneath his mask, knowing that he didn't see it anyway.

"Good.", the Prophet of Truth replied, "Well you are now to select your team Zhetey, and pick carefully, there is not to be shifted with other soldiers later.", he said as he signalled his hand towards the Unggoy to leave the room.

Chakuth nodded slightly and stared at the Jiralhanae that suddenly stood next to him, signalling him away. The Unggoy walked, ignoring the huge beast next to him escorting him out. The Sangheili were so much better in what the Jiralhanae did, but he hadn't seen any of them on duty anymore.

It puzzled him, as soon as the giant alien walked back into the council room and had shut the huge doors behind him with a slam, he felt cold. Usually he'd never think of something cold to be necessarily bad, but this cold did feel bad.

As he sighed and walked towards the Unggoy dormitories he felt the bad feeling get colder, 'The best of the best commanders, sent out on a suicide mission just to…'

He stopped. 'Just to what…?', he thought as he narrowed his eyes and stared at the reflective ground.


Hope this was any good Oo; I feel this weird thing about it. Well be sure to tell me if you liked it or if it sucked (: thanks. Hope to post Chapter 2 soon.