Disclaimer: "Oh, if it twere you twould be…tweriffic!"

AN: Yup, this is the last chapter. I'd like to thank everyone who's reviewed and stuck with it until the end. To all those who put the clues together to form a conclusion, I commend you. I've got a few shout-outs so if you'd rather just get to the story skip down past the page break.

Katterree Fengari- The chapter 11 started in the middle of Wanda and Gambit's argument, it is quite possible that she had mentioned it, or that John's a blabbermouth.

ldypebsaby- I absolutely loved your review for chapter 10, it made me laugh to no end.

Ruby631- Although your theory that Wanda is doing this subconsciously I regret to inform you that it is incorrect, although I considered changing the story to work that way for a brief moment because it was such a cool idea.

TheDreamerLady- From what I can tell, you have the distinction of being the first person to guess Toad, even jokingly. And yes, I do kind of follow along what goes on in the comic verse.

Twelve tin drummers greeted Wanda the next morning, standing at attention, waiting to be lead into battle. Wanda smiled as she picked up the note and read the message:

"On the twelfth day of twelve

I have given unto thee

12 Drummers Drumming,

11 Pipers Piping,

10 Lords a Leaping,

9 Ladies Dancing,

8 "Maids a Milking",

7 Swans a Swimming,

6 Geese a Laying,

5 Gold Rings,

4 Calling Birds,

3 French hens,

2 Turtle Doves,

and 1 Partridge Family in a Pear Tree."

"There's no name," Wanda sighed before crumpling the paper in her hand. "There's no name." She tossed it to the floor before putting on her robe, grabbing a few of the tin drummers and heading downstairs where the majority of the Brotherhood members were no doubt celebrating Christmas, possibly opening the few gifts under the tree.

She took a seat next to Fred who was fiddling with a Walkie-Talkie. "Come in Father Goose," he whispered into it, "Little Red Riding Hood has brought the picnic."

"Fred," Todd's voice came through the receiver, "what are you talking about?"

"Just thought I'd use secret agent talk."

"Well, I don't have a clue what you're talking about, it's too early for secret code."

"Wanda's down here in case you're interested."

"No, I'm not," Todd's voice crackled. "If she wants to wish me 'Merry Christmas" she can come find me. Most likely she's too busy looking for Prince Charming. Todd out."

"So, are you still looking for Prince Charming?" Fred watched as Wanda arranged five of the tin drummers on the end table before setting the sixth one in her robe pocket, poking out the top. "You know, he was supposed to give you twice as many as you've got."

"There's another six upstairs."

"Oh, so he wasn't being selfish then."

"Selfish? He's given me plenty, what's a few toy soldiers to him?"

"Because they hold sentimental value to him," Fred offered.

"Wait a minute," Wanda stood up. "Are you telling me, Fred, that you know who gave these to me?"

"Of course I do, those are Todd's toy soldiers. He's got some militiamen in his room with a couple of horse-backed captains and generals."

"Fred, these could be anyone's toy soldiers."

"They could be, but they're not." Fred picked one up and set it in his massive hand. "They're all beat up, see? And if I remember correctly they've got his name written on the soles of their feet."

Wanda snatched the toy from Fred and quickly checked for a name. There, scrawled in black sharpie was written "Todd T." She smiled, noticing the 'd' s were written backward before looking around the room at the other Brotherhood members. "Did you all know," she demanded. Lance muttered something under his breath as Fred tried to explain how Todd had kept it a secret from him but he figured something was up as Todd had gathered up the toy soldiers last night. Pietro just shrugged and gave his usual cocky smile before saying, "it figures it would be him."

Wanda turned to Fred, "Well, where is he?"

"Jack Sprat to Father Goose, what is your location, over?"

"Fred, what are you talking about? I don't think that's the best code name for you."

"Never mind that, where are you?"

"Where do you think I am? I'm outside on the back porch looking at the snow."

"Oh," Fred smiled, watching Wanda dash out of the room, stopping only a moment to hex Pietro's new slippers over to her and sliding her feet inside.

Toad," she yelled, throwing the door open.

"Yes, my Crimson Cutie, I mean, Wanda?"

"You've been doing this?"

"Doing what, because I claim innocence for that weird slime on the bathtub."

"No, this," Wanda tried to hide a small smile as she took the tin drummer out of her pocket and held it out to him.

"Oh, that. Yep, that was me. Who told you?"

"How do you know someone spilled the beans?"

"Because, even if the thought had even entered your mind you would have insisted it must be someone else," he reasoned, "hence your maligning of every guy in Bayville."

"I didn't threaten every boy in Bayville," she sniffed, crossing her arms. "So, why didn't you sign the last note?"

"Because I wasn't expecting anything in the way of a 'thank you' from you anyways."

"Oh. I just have one more question for you. How? Just… how? Where'd you get the money?"

"I called in a favor with that winged millionaire."

"You mean Angel?"


"He owed you a favor," Wanda looked incredulous.

"Okay, fine, he lost a bet. Right after that whole Apocalypse thing went down he mentioned how he was curious how long my tongue was. I told him it was long enough to grab hold of the top of a street lamp. He didn't believe me so I bet him $500."

"Toad, you don't have that much to your name."

"I did after he lost. The ballet tickets I got from him too, since I figured he could get any seat in the house. Bet him if he stuck his tongue to an ice-cold lamp post it wouldn't stick. After a short argument he decided there was no way a poor guy like me would make a bet I'd lose, so he said he would bet it wouldn't stick. The guy obviously has never watched 'A Christmas Story'"

"So, you got a millionaire's tongue stuck to a pole?"

"No, I got a millionaire's butler's tongue stuck to a pole."

Wanda laughed and before she knew what she was doing she wrapped him up in a hug. "Thank you, Todd," she smiled before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But I never said I liked you," she snapped, breaking the embrace. "Meat. Next year I'll get you a nice box of Christmas meat," she said as she stomped back into the house. Todd shook his head before hopping after her.

The End