Boredom was beginning to set in.
"This is such shit." Faith nearly said it aloud, but managed to stop herself. Ever since she'd split from the Sunnydale crowd, she'd had pretty much been lacking in the conversation department.
But she'd be damned if she'd start talking to herself.
Faith needed someone she could hang with; someone she could talk to; someone who just got her.
She needed Angel.
"So, where you headed?" Faith looked to see where the voice was coming from. She had been so absorbed in her memories, that a man had somehow maneuvered himself into the previously vacant bus seat next to her.
Move your middle-aged balding ass outta here, she thought. She managed to restrain herself and said, "L.A."
She really just wanted to be left alone. She was tired and restless and an eight-hour bus ride was not fun in any way you looked at it.
"Looks like its time for a stop," the man said, pointing out the window. Faith looked in the direction he pointed and saw the rest stop just ahead.
"Be careful," he said as he moved to let her pass. "This place is in the middle of nowhere. One wouldn't want to be accidentally left behind." He winked at her.
Faith smiled tightly and made her way off the bus. As she hit the last step, she heard the driver say, "Fifteen minutes folks." Faith was grateful for the break, but hated it at the same time; she just wanted to be there already. The not being able to shake the anxiety thing didn't help either. B used to call it her spidey-sense; and if Faith thought about it, she would swear hers had been on overload since she got on the bus.
Now, she just had to figure out why.
Faith splashed cold water on her face, hating the way the road grime made her feel. She just wanted to take a hot shower and chill, but she would have to wait for that.
She finished up in the bathroom and decided to grab a last minute snack before the bus left. She glanced at the clock and realized she had, at the most, five minutes before that happened.
"Coffee and one of those chocolate donuts?" she asked, "with the nuts all over 'em?" After paying the cashier, she headed back outside.
She was absentmindedly making her way toward the bus when she heard the thumps and groans of a scuffle coming from the side of the building. "Damn it," she muttered. Why had she left her bag on the bus? Faith didn't have a stake on her. Not even berating the fact of how careless she was, Faith threw her coffee and donut in the garbage and walked cautiously to the side of the building.
She peered around the corner and saw the man who had spoken to her on the bus. He was talking with someone she couldn't see. They were keeping themselves just inside the shadows. She managed to pick up on part of their conversation.
"I said I would, didn't I? Give me a minute." The man doubled over in pain. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. But I promised and I'll come through. I know our deal."
Sudden movement caught Faith's attention and then the man was gone.
"Shit!" Faith looked around for anything she could use for a makeshift stake. Out in front was a wooden skid; she kicked the corner and scooped up three pieces of wood. Two went into the waistband of her jeans, the third she kept at her side, and then she quietly stepped around to the back of the building.
"Is this a private party or can anybody join?" she asked.
"I told you!" the man said, obviously relieved.
"So you did," replied the vampire.
"Let me guess," Faith drawled. "This is some kind of trap. He's the Cracker Jack box and I'm the prize?" She paused and glanced at her stake. "Thinkin' you might need a bigger box."
"A smart-mouthed prize," said the vampire. "This could be the most fun I've had in weeks. If you taste…," he said, sniffing the air, "as good as you smell, this is going to be a good night."
Baldy looked between them and then ran. Faith assumed he was going back to the bus. Let him; she'd deal with him later.
"Do you even get how gross that sounds?" Faith didn't wait for him to respond. "Now: the Bonus Round," she said, sizing up her opposition. "I'm guessing Baldy rides that boring bus back and forth, bringing you tasty morsels," she paused, pushing her hair out of her face with her stake. "When did vampires get so lazy? I mean, come on. Waiting in the middle of god-knows-where for a snack? What happened to the thrill of the hunt? The chase?"
The vampire hissed, "What do you know about me, little girl?"
Faith laughed.
The vampire shifted uneasily. "Slayer?"
"Just one of many," Faith said as she leapt. Before he could react, she was behind him, spinning to send the stake in her hand into his heart, and it was over. "But the only one you need to worry about. Asshole"
She heard the bus driver calling out that their fifteen minutes were up. Faith had finished off the vamp just in time. She tossed her remaining stakes in the garbage, noticing ironically that they'd landed on top of her chocolaty donut with nuts.
If she wasn't cranky before, she was definitely cranky now.
Faith ran toward the bus, brushing the dust from her clothes. Her next order of business was her new friend, who was sitting in the back seat. She plopped down next to him. "Remember me?"
He didn't let his shock keep him from trying to get up, but Faith slammed him back down into his seat. "Here's the thing. I don't like vampires," she said quietly, trying not to create a scene." Do you know what I like less than vampires?" He shook his head. "Little worms that help vampires." She dropped her arm around his sagging shoulders and gave him a firm slayer-squeeze. "We have two more hours left on this bus," she said, "and you and I are going to be best pals by the time this trip is over."
They arrived in L.A. in just under two hours and Faith couldn't have been happier. In that short time, she had her new friend converted. She'd found out that he had teamed up with that one vampire and that in itself was a fluke.
He'd been making a routine business trip to L.A. and didn't feel like waiting in line for the bathroom so he decided to go behind the building. That's when he ran into the vampire. Vamp went all 'Grr' on his ass. They struck some demented deal: Baldy supplied the treats, single woman on the bus alone at night and the vampire would let him live. The vamp spun stories finding him, hunting him and killing him. And there you have it, the start of their demented partnership.
Faith had set him straight. Convinced him that most of what the vampire had told him was fiction. But since she was a slayer, she did have special powers and if he didn't stick to the straight and narrow, she would track him down and take him out herself.
He believed her.
"I'm corporeal. Not going to complain about it. Bloody wanker," Spike mumbled the last part under his breath. "I don't care how I got here. Why should you?"
"Spike, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm glad you're back," Angel said. "We need to find out why you're here. You died… again. And you're back…. Again. If it's not to just piss me off, then why? If anyone deserves an answer it's me." Angel sat down behind his desk.
"Maybe you haven't repented yet. Maybe I'm part of your torment, one of those crosses you have to bear," Spike said, not amused. "Besides, there's nowhere else I want to be at the moment."
Angel opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by the phone. "What is it Harmony?" Angel's eyebrows shot up, "Really? Send her in," he said standing up.
"What now?" Spike heard the door open and was surprised to see Faith standing there.
"Hey," she said, stopping dead in her tracks when she noticed him. "Spike?" She turned towards Angel. "That's Spike."
Angel sat back down behind his desk. "Don't remind me."
"Faith," Spike said, obviously enjoying the moment.
"You're dead. Well, not dead, but you were dead. Well, undead, and then dead. I was there. Up in flames, closed the hellmouth."
Spike watched as she walked up closer to inspect him. "You're not wrong, pet. It's all true. But I'm back. As for the 'why' I couldn't tell you. As a matter of fact," Spike sat on Angel's desk, "Peaches and I were just talking about the exact same thing."
Faith's eyebrows raised. "Peaches?"
"Never mind," Angel said, rising to give Faith a hug.
Spike watched Angel reach out, hesitate, and then cross his arms in front of him.
"What brings you here? Everything okay? Something wrong?" Angel asked, obviously concerned.
"What a touching moment. Mr. Standoffish at his best," Spike muttered.
"It's all good. Not so much action anymore. Most of the gang is overseas, somewhere. Got bored. Figured I'd hang with you for a while," Faith said, shrugging.
Spike knew Angel was about to respond to her, but Spike didn't care, he had enough of the ponce for one day. "That would be bloody great, having our very own slayer. I'm sure the Wolfram and Hart boys would think that's just… peachy… innit… Peaches?"
Angel started towards him.
Spike stood up laughing. "Don't worry, I'm leaving." Turning towards Faith said, "See you later, Slayer." Then realizing what he said, Spike smiled, nodded his head, and left.