Hi! It's me again. Sorry for the wait, but I tend to be a very lazy writer. All I've done during summer vacation so far was sit in front of the tv and play video games. ; (Note: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Rocks!)

This chappie is for my beta-reader, Lyn! I LOVE you! gives her homemade cookies

Did anybody read The Artemis Fowl Files? It's great!

Chapter 3

Of Old and New Acquaintances

Saia turned and grinned at her. "Does it really matter? Goblins are a weaker branch of "fairy" kind. Now their cousins, Gremlins, are another matter entirely." He cocked his head to one side as if thinking, "They're very troubling, hard to beat."

Holly stared at him in a mixture of astonishment and confusion. Seemingly giving up on him, she rounded on Artemis. She pointed her gun, a Neutrino 2000, straight at his chest.

"If he's not going to answer anything, then you're going to speak." Her voice was firm and steady, just like her hands.

"I don't have to answer anything." Artemis's smirk did nothing to soothe the situation. "We haven't done anything wrong, other than protect ourselves against those that wish us harm. You don't have a right to question us."

Root took out one of his cigars and lit it as Foaly backed away from the escalating tension between Artemis and Holly.

"Actually, Fowl, you may not have done anything wrong yet, but we have reason to believe that you are going to be up to something and that's reason enough to question you." Root looked up and locked eyes with Artemis.

Artemis leaned back against the wall, not breaking eye contact. "And what reason is that?"

Root walked closer to Artemis, while signaling Holly to lower her weapon. "The fact that you're with him." Commander Root jerked his thumb towards Saia, who was cleaning up the mess that the goblins' corpses had left.

Saia looked up from his cleaning to stare at Julius Root. "Huh?"

Artemis stood straighter. "What does Saia have to do with anything?"

Foaly cautiously crept forward. "I think it's time to tell them why we came here. I have a compact disc that you should see."

"That would be acceptable." Artemis began to head out of the room.

Holly finally holstered her gun and began to follow him, but not without a warning. "One wrong move Fowl, and you'll live to regret it."

Artemis just smiled.

Fowl Manor,

Computer Room; Five Minutes Later

Foaly stared in amazement at the impressive array of technology contained within the room.

"Do you like it?" Artemis asked.

"For a Mud Man, this is impressive. It's on the verge of fairy technological intelligence."

"Of course it is." Artemis replied as he walked into the room. "Most of this is based on the LEP equipment that I obtained from you."

Root let out a soft growl when he heard this. "Unbelievable," he mumbled, "a Mud Man using fairy technology? One of our worst nightmares is coming true."

"Come on, it's not that bad." Saia smiled at Root.

The fairy commander just rolled his eyes.

Saia ignored this and went up to stand next to Foaly. "So, what're we gonna see?"

"It's a section of video from our prison surveillance cameras," Foaly explained. "This is what made us seek you out."

"But I thought you were here to see Artemis."

Foaly shook his head, "No, our mission was to protect you and find out more about what's going on. Artemis being involved is just a coincidence. You'll understand once you see this."

"Ok." Saia plopped himself down on a chair and began to spin around as Foaly loaded the video.

Holly stared in perplexity at Saia's child-like antics. "How did he manage to defeat all those goblins so quickly?"

"I wouldn't underestimate Saia, Short. He has a tendency to surprise people," Artemis said without turning to look at her. He quickly glanced at Root. "I would prefer it if you put that out while in the computer lab. The smoke will damage my equipment."

Julius didn't say anything as he put the cigar out. After all, he was used to not smoking near equipment.

Foaly turned around. "Ready everyone?"

Hearing no complaints, he pressed play.

Fowl Manor,

Computer Room; A Few Minutes Later

"So he is back." Artemis murmured. "This isn't good."

Saia had stopped spinning in the chair, a serious look on his face. "But what does he want with me?"

Holly turned to stare at them, "You know who that is? How?"

"I knew him, a long time ago," Artemis told them. "Devin was an old adversary of mine."

"I thought we were the first fairies that you had come in contact with," accused Root.

Artemis avoided looking at Root's eyes. "In this lifetime, yes, I had never come in contact with a fairy. It doesn't matter though, Devin isn't a fairy."

"Then what is he?"

"An Estel."

"I knew I heard that name before!" Foaly burst out, unaware of the shocked looks on Root's and Holly's faces. "He was the only Estel leader that the fairies managed to kill without heavy losses."

Foaly paused to rethink that comment, "Wait, shouldn't he be dead then?"

Saia shook his head and said, "Devin was one of the few Estel that had enough power to be reincarnated if he was to suddenly die. That's why we sealed him away instead of killing him."

"We? What do you mean by we?" Holly asked Saia suspiciously.

Saia just slyly smiled. "How do think I managed to kill those goblins so quickly?"

Roots eyes widened in realization. He rounded on Artemis, face beginning to turn red with anger. "What are you planning!"

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm planning something, Julius?"

"There is no way that you and Heart being together during this time is a coincidence."

"Actually, it is," Saia pointed out. "I just met Artemis Fowl."

Root was silenced. Foaly, on the other hand, looked as if he just had an epiphany.

"But you knew Artemis in his past life, didn't you?" the centaur softly said.

"Foaly, you shouldn't get such silly ideas," Holly admonished him. "Fowl is just a normal Mud…." She trailed off at the looks on Saia's and Artemis's faces.

"How'd you figure it out?" Saia asked Foaly.

Foaly grinned. "Artemis slipped. He said that we were the first fairies that he'd seen in 'this lifetime' that implied that he was reincarnated. I did a study of Estels during school and they tend to flock together. So, I just put two and two together and poof I'm right."

Artemis sighed. "This still doesn't tell us what Devin is up to. All that I've managed to find out is that it has something to do with 'the Staff of Chaos.'"

A soft gasp escaped from Foaly's lips. "This isn't good…"


And there's another chapter! Sorry that it's shorter than the others, but I wanted to post something soon. I have to go back to deciding on whether or not I should read the new Artemis Fowl book or not.


raggedymarie: Don't worry, I'll be getting to the "m" part soon!

JJ CJ: Here's what you asked for: more!

Wolflady: Thanx for lovin' it so much!

Nocena T. Calamus: Yeah, I must admit, the orig. version sucked! I was really young when I wrote it, about 9 or so. Thanks a lot for your support! I hope I can keep everyone IC….

Generally Maz: You know…now that I think about it, it does sound nasty. O.O

Bride-of-lister: For the future!

Nieni Springs is too lazy to s…: True, it would be a little weird. I'm still wondering if I should do that pairing. It would be interesting…

Anon.: A little.

marsnmonkey: Nope, don't take drugs.

Megan: Thanx for loving my fic!

Identity99: Saia is defiantly going to be making mistakes later on. I think if a character is too perfect, the conflict will loose some of its intensity. Foaly/Root might be a little distracting…hmmm…I have to think on this…..

Rhauth: I'll try, but I'm a very slow writer.

Sushi-tomodachi: I updated, and you should too! I want to know what happens, you left us at such a cliff-hanger! (Note: A Mary-Sue is a character that's too perfect. Usually they're original characters.)

Geminidragon: I'm glad you loved it!

TrunkZy: Holly and Artemis fighting like a married couple…I am SO going to do that later! Thanks for the idea!

Deity: Yeah, doing that pairing is going to be tough if I decide to do it. Saia is adorkable, isn't he?