Hi. This is another fanfic that I plan to make HUGE!! LOL OK NOT THAT GOOD BUT a FAIR amount of interest. I know people these days haven't been reading a lot of SPY types of fanfics, I have gotten a few requests of writing one, so here I am… with a COMPLETE UNDERCOVER spy fanfic up my sleeves just waiting to let out!! ENJOY!!!

Title: The Enemy Spy

Summary: Trained to hate. Trained too destroy. He has no emotions what so ever. He gives is whole life to his job…to be a Top Spy. But, on his latest mission he encounters a girl who seems oddly familiar. But the thing is she's the enemy. Will he figure out who she is on time? Or destroy her?

Rating: R

Genre: Romance/Tragedy

Aging: Majority of Females, 18 ---- Majority of Males, 21

--- Prologue

A little six-year old girl was found coughing out blood in the middle of the forest behind the mansion in the middle of nowhere. The butler had heard wheezing from the forest and had walked in there to find a little girl with tattered cloths and messy pigtails coughing her heart out.

The question had been asked, "What's wrong little girl?"

The girl looked up tears staining her delicate face. "My…my… my home was burned down…" she said as she threw up blood and food again.

The butler had pity in his eyes. "What happened?"

"Some…some people came saying they wanted some jewel and said if my mommy didn't give it to him he'd kill us all."

The butler picked up the little kid and started to walk her back to the mansion. "Go on…" he urged.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and wiped her mouth to get the taste of blood out of there.

"My mommy pushed me into laundry hamper and stuffed her aprons on me. The man killed her. They found me and tried to slap me but I ran. I knocked into a tree and than I started throwing up. Then you found me."

The butler stroked her hair as he took her inside. There he placed her on the kitchen counter and pried off her dirty cloths. By then a little boy at the age of nine and his mother walked in.

"WEI!!!" The woman shrieked to find him taking the cloth off a little child. The butler looked at the woman with solemn eyes.

"This little girl,' he started, 'had lost her family to our men. We had sent our men to the Ayamato family for their Emerald Jewel. Her family died and she barely managed to escape."

The woman's eyes grew softer as she walked towards the whimpering girl. "Do you want to take a shower and eat?"

The girl nodded vigorously. The woman smiled as she lifted the girl off the counter and carried her to the nearest bathroom.

"Syaoran, go play with your cousins and Wei get, the bath ready."

The butler presumed to be Wei left and the little boy presumed to be Syaoran had a little protest and left.

The woman was wearing a long white dress that had long black flared sleeves. She pulled up her sleeves and tied her hair into a bun she lifted her dress so that now she was on her knees. She put the little girl into the bathtub. Wei looked surprised.

"Ma'am, the only person you give a bath to is Syaoran only because he was younger and didn't let us touch him. Why her?"

The woman smiled a she scrubbed the girl's back. "I have a feeling she'll be very important to us someday."

That left Wei pondering.

After that shower, the girl was put into form fitting cloths. She was wearing a light yellow sleeveless summer dress. She had matching little sandals with a sunflower on it for decoration and she had a headband on her shoulder length hair.

The woman led her to the kitchen and placed her on the chair. The boy joined them in a little while sitting the chair opposite from them. Wei placed cookies and two glasses of milk on the table.

The Woman moved one glass towards Syaoran and the other towards the girl.

The girl looked up at her for a sign of reassurance.

The woman smiled. The girl took this as a good sign and bit into a cookie. The chocolate chips melted in her mouth. She drank her milk, it was bubbling in her mouth.

Suddenly a few men ran into the kitchen.

"Miss Yelan!! We've retrieved the emerald!!" Suddenly the man saw the girl eating cookies. His face-hardened. "What is she doing here? She is the daughter of Ayamato."

The lady, presumed to be Yelan glared at the man. "So what if she is the daughter of Ayamato? She's just a child. And from now on she is the latest member of this organization and she'll train with my Son, Syaoran and become a top spy…"

The girl looked up at Yelan, only understanding a few words. Syaoran stared at the girl.

'Pretty eyes.' His mind commented before he jumped and went to train with his sword.

"What is your name?" Yelan asked in a comforting way.

The girl gulped, a chocolate chip getting stuck in her throat. She chugged down a glass of milk.

Suddenly an alarm rang. Yelan looked pissed off. "Wait dear I have to go check on something. Wei, take her to Syaoran."

Yelan rushed off looking pissed and worried. Wei held the girl's hand and led her, the back meadow opposite of where the forest was.

Syaoran was thrusting a small sword all over, cutting down targets. Syaoran looked at her and frowned.

"Wei, why'd you bring her here?" He inquired.

Syaoran was a small boy, cute and unruly brown hair and piercing Amber eyes. He had an average height for a 9 year old but if you looked closely, you could see he was forming nice muscles.

Wei looked down at Syaoran. Wei wasn't all that old but old enough to hold some wisdom of the world. "Your mother instructed." He said as he peered through his black-rimmed glasses.

Syaoran groaned. "Ok, what ever. Leave please." He muttered.

Wei nodded as he left.

The girl stood there, shuffling from foot to foot. That pissed the hell out of Syaoran so he handed her two sticks that resembled daggers.

She looked at him.

"It's plastic you can mess around with them."

The girl held the hard, rough plastic handles and started swinging them wildly. Syaoran stared at her form the corner of his eyes.

'Pathetic.' He thought as he cut down a tree branch.

Suddenly he felt something whiz by his ear. He saw the plastic dagger lodged into the tree he had cut down. He looked around and found the girl with one dagger in her hands.

"What you do that FOR??" He roared.

The girl smiled. "My daddy taught me how to use daggers. 'Cept he used wood sticks instead. I can do a lot of little things with dagger type thingies…"

Syaoran glared at her. "Let's see than!!!" He roared as he handed her a pair of REAL daggers.

The girl looked frightened. "Daddy said never to use real daggers."

Syaoran got ticked off. "Well girl, your dad's not here to tell you what to do, so suck up and fight me."

The girl got a fresh batch of tears well up in her eyes. She sank to the ground crying. Syaoran didn't seem to give a care so he continued to train.

Yelan appeared beside the girl and lifted her into her arms. "Syaoran, what'd you do??"

Syaoran stared at his mother. "She didn't fight me."

Yelan glared at her son. "She's younger than you by the looks of it. I hardly think she'd be able to fight you. Right sweetie? How old are you?"

The girl looked at the kind woman. "6." She sniffled.

Yelan glared at her son yet again. "See, 6."

"So? I knew how to fight since I was 4."

"You're a Li that's why."

Syaoran shrugged as he continued. "She said she could use daggers."

Yelan stared at the girl. "You can?"

She shook her head. "Not daggers miss. My daddy taught me how to use wooden sticks the size of daggers. And than that boy let me use plastic daggers."

Syaoran glared at her. "Not the full story. I told her to fight me using real daggers. I wouldn't have hurt her, but she said her dad said she couldn't. I told her that her dad's gone and she started bailing."

Yelan looked stressed. "Listen, she's only 6, she just escaped an ambush by our own men she's just as stressed as I am. She obviously doesn't want to believe her dad's gone."

The girl started to protest. "But my dad isn't gone. He said he would bring bread and milk."

Syaoran sighed. "Ma, Toshi killed Ayamato in the store and kind a Brain Flashed the rest. Nobody can remember a single thing now."

Yelan sighed. "Let's go inside."

Syaoran stood his ground. "No, not until she fights me."

Yelan couldn't handle the pressure so she let them fight only with plastic.

"Ready…" Yelan said. "1…2…3…GO!!

Syaoran charged with his sword, the girl dodged by inches. She threw the plastic dagger towards Syaoran and started to run behind him.

Syaoran ducked as she lunged into the air and caught the dagger. Syaoran took this opportunity to thrust the plastic sword into her tummy causing her to giggle and let her weapons fall.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" Yelan asked with amusement.

"Daddy, he said that little girls like me should know when to defend her self. Daddy was nice he let me use his sticks."

"Sticks?" Syaoran asked.

Yelan smiled. "She means daggers. Not real ones. So she has talent does she…? Hmmm… she could be use to his feeble Organization."

Syaoran glared at them both before resuming his training.

"Sweetie, what's your name?" Yelan asked.

The girl put the plastic on the table and sat on Yelan's lap.

"My name is…"

The anticipation of the girl's name was killing Yelan. I mean such a cute girl would have a cute name right?

"Sakura Ayamato…"

Ohhh… Yes Prologues are usually short but this is just to get everything started. The first chapter, you'll under stand everything!! I promise!!

The first chapter will be called, Memories. Here is a brief preview.


Sakura giggled as she stashed her friend's sword into the hall closet. "What Syaoran to fast for you?"


Sakura laughed. "You know Syaoran, it seems like it was yesterday we fought over who got use the sword and who got to use the daggers."

Syaoran, forgetting this whole incident laughed. "Yea, you always wanted the sword."

"Only because it was green!!"

"So? Green is my colour, pink is yours."

Sakura pouted, "Just because I like Pink doesn't mean I can't like green."

Syaoran chuckled. "Actually Sakura yes it does."

Sakura frowned. "You're such a pain Syaoran Li!!"

Syaoran laughed. "If I remember correctly, a few years pack it was I that was calling you the pain!!"

Sakura stuck her tongue out and smiled. "I guess you won't be getting your sword back any time soon."

Syaoran instantly lost his smile.

Hope you like that little preview!!! I promise things will be getting interesting. And this is the ONLY time I'm doing a preview!! Only because I never to Prologues!! So, fanfic sound interesting?

Lub u,
