Artheph's Note: Yeah, so I had this crazed, messed up ending for this one, but Crysthur persuaded me to not be…so crazed and messed up. Instead, I thought of a semi-corny little thing. Eh, it's doable. If you really wanna read my other ending, which even weirded me out, feel free to drop a note in a review. +D Notice my pathetic attempt to get more people to review. /is ashamed with self/ Anyway, enjoy! Oh by the way, Crysthur and I are on spring break (FINALLY!), so hopefully we'll get TONS more writing done. Tons, as in dusting off all our dusty old stories and making them bright and shiny and ready to post!

He was standing in the open-air train station, feeling like he was waiting for something important to happen. And out of the blue, she appeared in the crowd before him. She was looking towards the train schedule on their left, but he could only catch glimpses of her white skin and green eyes through the torrent of pink hair.

He blindly ran, in hopes of reaching her.

"Sakura! Wait!"

She didn't turn at the sound of his voice.

In his rush, he didn't see the man coming at him. They collided, and he took his eyes off her for a few to help the other stand up. When he looked back up, she was gone, like a phantom image.

As he turned around, he caught random sights of pink hair, pale skin, and green eyes. It was impossible that she could be everywhere at the same time. His vision was fooling him; yet, he couldn't shut his eyes to block it out. He had to find her.

He suddenly saw her across the platform. Her skirt fluttered around her legs. Her hair, moving with the breeze, covered her pale visage. He couldn't see her green eyes.

He cautiously started to cross the platform, but a train came rushing by. He had to wait.

In the gap between the last two cars, he saw her again. She was turning towards him. He was about to eagerly call out for her when he saw her eyes.

Her red eyes with three black commas swirling into a perpetual circle.

Sasuke, shaken from his dream, gasped for air as he sat up.

"Sasuke-kun, are you alright?"

Reassuring hands rubbed his tense shoulders.

"It's okay. Itachi's gone."

Yeah, that's right.

Naruto had killed him.

Yeah, that's right.

Naruto had robbed Sasuke of his oh so craved revenge.

Yeah, that's right.

Sasuke pressed his fist into the mattress.

Her hands stopped as she whispered in his ear, "Come on, we should get some more sleep before he wakes up."

Yeah, that's right.

Even though Sasuke didn't get the thrilling, dramatic battle he had dreamed of when he was younger, and even though Itachi's eyes still haunted him at night, he liked to think he had, in a way, foiled his brother's plan.

He glanced to the dresser on his right. On top sat two photographs, framed in mahogany wood. One was the famed picture of Team 7 in their youthful genin days. The other was of Sakura and their baby boy, whose smiling green eyes made Sasuke forget those fiery red ones that haunted him not so long ago.