Harry Potter and the Legend of Link

Disclaimer: Howdy all. This is my second fan fiction. (First is currently Link of Middle Earth. PLEASE READ!) Anywho, I don't usually do Harry Potter fics but I am very bored and I had this idea for a while now. Anywho! This is a Humor/Adventure/(I guess) Parody! So please enjoy and review! Because if you don't review, you will only cause the apocalypse to happen sooner and it will be entirely your fault!!! Jk! Please enjoy!!! (P.S. I don't own Harry Potter or Zelda)

Chapter One...Harry's New found love...

Harry Potter was stretched out on his bed when he heard a large ruckus coming from down stairs. He groaned as he lifted himself off the bed and when to the door.

"Petunia!!! Where's my coat?!"

"In the closet Vernon! Ikle-Diddykins! You're going to need a coat too! It's raining outside! Get an umbrella too Dudders!"

'Awwww…how cute…' thought Harry sarcastically.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked as Uncle Vernon's plum face appeared from behind the closet.

"We're going on a trip while you stay at Ms. Figg's until you leave for your freak school and leave us be!!!" said Uncle Vernon shrewdly as his face turned to a putrid shade of magenta.

Harry remembered when the dementor a few years back had attacked him and Dudley, and when Harry drove it away, Ms. Figg found them and ranted on and on about Dedilus Diggle leaving his post and how one of her cats had warned her about what was happening. Just to give his uncle the satisfaction he was looking for, he acted as if he despised the old woman when in fact he thought she was quite nice, but a bit batty for a squib.

"Why can't I just come along, her house smells like bad cabbage!!!"

"You will stay there, and hope one of her cats won't eat your bloody bird!" Uncle Vernon looked up at his room as he heard a large amount of screeching. "CAN'T YOU SHUT THAT FLUFF OF CHICKEN FEATHERS UP?!!!!!"

"She's not a fluff of chicken feathers and she just got back from getting me a letter from one of my friends!" Harry said irritably.

"Vernon! We need to go!!!" said Petunia hurriedly, "or we'll miss the plane!!!"

"You better not talk one word to Ms. Figg about your…condition!!!" yelled Uncle Vernon as he threw his bag over his shoulder and threw open the door, but paused and added. "She'll be her in an hour! And you better not touch one thing in this house until then!!!"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." He replied in monotone. Uncle Vernon nodded curtly and stomped out the door. Petunia clip clopped her horse-like face after him, and then Dudley said his good bye via elbowing Harry into the opposite wall and slamming the door.

Harry headed straight to the N64 and found that Dudley only had one game in it, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. He turned it on to see a blonde haired elf looking teenager galloping on a chestnut horse across a plain in front of a castle town. He pressed the start button and found that Dudley seemed to have given up trying to find the sword. Within the first thirty minutes of playing he already got annoyed with a fairy named Navi that followed the main character around. He found a strategy guide and found that his name was Link. Obviously he didn't mind her.

A few hours later…

Harry had used the strategy guide to get all the way to the water temple. He was currently fighting Morpha, he saved the game status knowing he pulled this system out of storage knowing Dudley would never play this game again no matter what. Dudley was currently hooked on the game Halo 2 on X Box. Harry didn't see what was so great about killing aliens in first person shooter. He found it quite confusing to tell the truth. He like Zelda a lot more, there was some very funny parts to it.

Harry realized Ms.Figg hadn't come yet. He saved the game, turned it off, unplugged it, and put it in his room. (Yeah…technically he stole it, or "borrowing without the intent of returning.") Just as he got everything set and ready to go to Ms.Figg's house, he heard the bell ring throughout the house.

"Coming!" Yelled Harry pulling his trunk to the door, he looked through the eyehole, and it was Ms. Figg huffing severely. Harry opened the door to be greeted by his old neighbor. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"I'm fine dear!" she puffed. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." He said, but added as he remembered the N64, "I've got to get something first! Do you have a TV?"

"Yes," she answered question in her tone. "Why?"

"Be right back!" Harry said as he ran up stairs.

Well, I might as well remind you that I will write Link and Harry's parts separate until Link goes into the wizarding world. It will get funnier when Link is introduced in the next chappie!!! So tell me how maybe I could throw Link into the home land of Harry Potter! Please review as I told you before! Must I repeat my warning of the apocalypse?! Damn!!!! REVIEW NOW OR RISK DEATH!!!! Jk!

