Best Friend..
A/N:..Okay..I'm sorry about my horrid spelling mistakes in the last chapters..I really am trying!XD ya go.
Chapter4:Just a dream
Kagome hung out with Miroku the rest of the day, which is a long time I might add so Kouga got bored spying on them and left home.
The sun was starting to set and Kagome got up from the bench she was seated on, "Miroku, I think we should head home now."
He nodded and asked, "What should we do with the apparel?" He pointed to his clothes.
"Lets get undressed, and once we are home, hide your garments in your dog house."She replied and he did as she said.
They reached their homes, clothes in snouts and paws tired of their travels. Miroku hid his clothes in his house as told and Kagome hid hers inside her own dog house which was not as new as Miroku's, and thus she stayed there all night.
Kouga woke up with a smile across his face. It was all just a stupid dream. No mysterious naked broad under his covers today. Well, except for Ayame of course but she isn't mysterious at all, easy to read and that's how he liked his women.
Kouga stood up and stretched his arms heaven ward. He walked to the window and pulled back the shudders. Basking in the sun light he looked down and his back yard and saw...A naked body on his lawn. He blinked ,walked back to his bed and got in under the sheets.
"Wait..." Kouga stood back up and ran to the window, "GAHHHHH!"
His hands twitched as he looked down at what seemingly looked like that one chick in his bed yesterday. He turned around to see Ayame still sleeping peacefully in their bed.
'I have to get rid of her.' he thought and scurried silently to his dresser. Once dressed he wobbled down the stairs trying his hardest to be quiet and not wake his slumbering partner.
He reached the back door and walked furtively outside and twoards the intruder.
Few feet from his target he leaned over and attempted to snatch her up but she rolled on her side and he missed.
"Damn," He cursed and the figure's ears twitched. Kouga's eyes widened was that humanly possible? He gulped and leaned in to try again but suddenly her eyes bulged open!
Kagome was resting peacefully on the grass when startlingly, "Damn," she thought she heard her master's voice , her ears flicked a bit. She kept her eyes shut but when she felt he was coming near her once more. They opened and she saw the one thing she wanted most, look down at her.
"Master!" She squealed and leapt up to hug him dearly.
"Oof!" Was Kouga's muffled cry as bear skin touched is entire body.His hands flew front wrads to push her off but landed on her breasts.
"" Kouga's brain told him to continue to push and get her off but his hands ignored its demands and stayed put.
"Um...Master." Kagome looked down at his fingers which were still twitching from before, "Should I put the clothes on?"
Kouga blinked at the sound of her voice. He looked up at her face, "Uh...yeah."
She moved from atop of Kouga to crawl into her dog house to retrieve her-which was borrowed from Sango- clothing. While he sat on the grass blushing furiously.
Once she was finished getting dressed Kagome felt a tight grip on her upper arm. She looked at Kouga who was standing beside her , "Yes master?"
"Get out!" He proceeded to push her out the back gate but she stood where was. And let me tell you, It's pretty hard trying to kick out a strong, 5'9" ,141 lb. woman out of your yard.
"Pardon?" she asked.
"You heard what I said. I want you out! Out of my bed, out of my house, out of my yard, out of my life!"
Kagome's chin quivered.
"Aw...Don't cry." Kouga pout his hand to his forehead not knowing that someone was waking in the house, coming down the stairs and opening the back door.
"Honey?" Ayame came out into the yard, "What are you doing out here."
"Ayame!" Kouga quickly spun around; Kagome hiding behind him.
She pulled on the strings of her robe, "Why aren't you inside?" She asked, then looked at him directly, "What are you hiding?"
"Nothing..." Kouga smiled nervously.
"Master..." Kagome whispered, "Why am I hiding?"
"Kouga. Is there someone behind you?" Ayame asked.
"Don't lie."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are!" Ayame finnally screamed, her patience now non-existent.
She stomped up to kouga, strands of chestnut locks falling out of her bun and onto her shoulders. Her arm reached behind Kouga and pulled Kagome into view, "And who is this?"
"No one."
"Don't lie."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are God damn it!...We've been through this before. Now...Tell me the fucking truth. Are you cheating on me? Is that it? Is she some whore you picked up on the streets?" Ayame yelled into his face while she pointed an angry finger in Kagome's direction.
"I... I... I..." Kouga stuttered.
"I'm his friend!" Kagome's lie broke into the tense situation, "We went to the school together. I'm here visiting my why not visit old pal buddies?"
"Is this true?" Ayame's cold glare landed on Kouga.
"Uh..Yeah..." Kouga nodded, "This is my old friend from Ohio...When I used to live there."
"Ohio?" Ayame's face looked puzzled.
"Yep ...Remember I told you already, about when my father got a job in Ohio so I had to move from California to Ohio." Kouga insisted.
"Okay then.." Ayame's temper cooled down and she turned to kagome, "Sorry about that,Why don't you come inside?"
"Yes!" Kagome smiled and Kouga slapped his forehead, this was going to be a long day.
Whew..all you can see, I have fun looking for different ways to say clothes earlier in the chapter..Thesauruses are fun.