Nyaaaaaa………..sorry everyone for putting this up so late…..my friends wouldn't stop bugging me to put it up, but here it is….enjoy?

The months went by as they had the first few days. I would wake up before the sun rose at the old hag's footsteps coming toward the so called room I had in the attic and do every single chore in the household from dawn to dusk except for the cooking. Lady Mioki once put me in charge of cooking duty as well but I had never cooked a single day before in my short life nor watched anyone else do so. As soon as I began, the chaos had already started. I blew up a bag of bread in the microwave that needed defrosting broke practically every dish I got my clumsy, sweaty hands on, burned the napkins that happened to be right next to the stove, did a "magic trick" on the vegetables turning them coal black, blew apart the small ham that was in the oven, burned my only t-shirt at the edge of the sleeve, and accidentally tripped on my shoelaces, flinging the burned and might I add hot vegetables into the original cooks face. I did happen to make something that looked similar to a stew, but as soon as it was served there was an entire dinning room full of sick people throwing up all over the somewhat clean floors. And we all happen to know who had to clean it up. Let's just say that that was not a good experience and one that would hopefully never be repeating itself.

So, I do every chore in the household from dawn to dusk except for cooking and I barely get to eat a bite due to the fact that there happens to be a boy named Kai….or was it Rai? Anyway, as soon as I do finish those chores, I track all the way back up to the highest room in the house where all I have to look forward to is an angry old hag that beats me relentlessly before I go to bed and tells me how worthless I am and how I'm such a burden to her. I didn't mind that much really, it didn't seem to hurt anymore. As I slept on the floor with large navy blue eyes staring at the beautiful night sky, thinking to myself as I tried to fall asleep. Were Lady Mioki's beatings becoming less and less painful, or was I just used to the pain?

I awoke at the same time I had everyday before and listened for those footsteps before I actually got up. . ……….. ….. Complete silence. No angry footsteps. No loud, frustrated voice. No insane face appearing in my room, looking at me as if I were trash. Nothing but beautiful silence. I ended up falling to sleep again and awoke a second time at the sound of cheerful birds singing to the beautiful day as the sun began to rise. Strange, I never woke up this late. Did something happen to Lady Mioko?

At that moment the door opened and there at the door appeared the hateful woman. She was in a beautifully clean blue church dress, her tan skin looking as if it were the first time it had ever truly been cleaned, dark brown hair neatly tied back in a bun, and a smile upon her face that clearly did not fit her.

"M-my Lady Mioki, are you feeling alright this morning?" I asked shyly, afraid to get slapped for daring to ask a question.

Her smile grew; even a few slight giggles escaped her lips, running shivers down my back. "Why, little Alfeegi-kun, I'm quite fine, dear. Thank you for asking."

Ok, either she had gone completely insane or had taken a little too much of the wrong medicine.

"hehe, now what's with the staring? Oh yes. I'd like you to try something on for me" In her hands, the large woman held clothing that looked as if they would fit me. I stared for a bit longer, checking if it was an imposter of something from the demon tribe, then grabbed the outfit and ran behind some boxes for a bit of privacy. I walked back toward her as soon as I was done changing, wearing a silk white, long sleeved button up dress shirt and a lovely pair of navy blue pants along with a brand new pair of tennis shoes. New clothes and acting strangely polite, this couldn't be the cruel woman. I stared up at her again with determination to prove that she was a fraud.

She smiled once again down at me and softly spoke more kind words out of red painted lips. "You look adorable. Now, go wash up. The only showers in the whole building are next to my room." I ran as far away from her as possible. This woman scared me more than the angry witch did.

An hour and a half had passed as I scrubbed desperately at my skin, trying to clean it if by only a little. I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom in the new clothes, my aquamarine hair tied neatly in a braid. I walked around for what seemed like ever in search for Lady Mioki. When I finally found her, she was waiting patiently, staring at the two large oak doors that led to the outside world that I hadn't seen in six months. Grey eyes turned toward my direction as that odd smile showed itself once again.

"I've been waiting for you Alfeegi. You look absolutely wonderful."

I gulped loudly. "Lady M-mioki? W-why are you being so…….nice to me?" I shut my eyes and placed my arms over my head defensively as if expecting punishment. She bent down and stared grey eyes into my own blue ones. "If anyone asks you anything about your life here, tell them that I have been extremely kind, the food is wonderful, you have a fabulous room, and life couldn't be better. If you don't, I won't be so kind and merciful."

What? Why would anyone ask……?

The two large doors behind me opened suddenly practically making me jump out of my skin. The next thing I knew, I was being hugged from behind as someone mumbled words into my hair.

"N-nani!" My arms and feet moved violently as I tried to free myself from the strong arms that were holding me. Before I knew I knew it, the arms were gone and I was face forward on the ground.

"Heh, not to graceful are you?"

I turned around to glare at the one who said those words only to stop. A tall, smiling man with amber eyes, fancy clothing and brown hair with red tints at the ends stood before me. I pointed a small finer at the man accusingly and stared, mouth open.

"I….it's………………….. small one, R-U-W-A-L-K. And how are you this very fine day?" I felt a tad bit uncomfortable as his amber eyes looked my body over carefully from my shoes to the tip of my hair, searching for anything that wasn't suppose to be there.

Lady Mioki stood before me drawing his attention away from me. "He is quite fine, thank you. Does he look as if he's not?"

"No, he looks perfectly fine…." Worried eyes stared at the small fraction of my face you could see around Lady Mioki's large waists. "Buuuuuuuuut, I think I would like to ask him a few questions." He smiled lightly at me with gentle eye. "Would you like to have lunch with me, Alfeegi?"

"Uh……s-sure?" Ruwalk grinned widely, and then grabbed my hand before looking back at Lady Mioki again. "Lady Mioki, if it's alright with you, the questions I direct to Alfeegi I want to be answered by Alfeegi, not you." It was that guy from before, the one who put me here. Why should I be frightened of him? Maybe it was just the odd glares I saw on Lady Mioki's face as I walked out of the building with the Dragon.

-An hour later-

Ok, it's decided, this man is an idiot. For a whole stupid hour, I have obediently followed him around these streets searching for any place that would possibly sell food and yet I find myself tired, lost, and hungry, sitting on the curb as he helplessly asked every person in sight for directions.

"Really, can you possibly explain to me how a moron such as yourself got the rank of Dragon Officer?" I groaned as I clutched my growling stomach, trying to quiet it.

He grunted as he sat down beside me. "If you think you can find a restaurant, by all means lead the way. You know, we can always go back to that hot dog stand."

"I would rather eat food that is eatable."

-10 minutes later-

"See? Food."

There we stood before a perfectly decent restaurant with a creative sing and neat decorations embedded into the wood. He smiled for about the millionth time that day and patted my head which annoyed me beyond words.

"Heh, well you did a good job little Feegi-kun!"

I stared up at him with innocent eyes. "My name is Alfeegi, sir. A-L-F-E-E-G-I."

Our table was on the far side of the building, the farthest away from the door. I was surprised he was still going to get me something to eat, even after the way I had spoke to him, acting like a spoiled child. To him it probably didn't seem all that great, fried chicken and white rice with rolls for a side dish, but to me it was heaven. I hadn't eaten anything as wonderful as this since the death of my parents and my extremely small and skinny body could probably prove just that. As soon as our food was at the table, I smiled for the first time in months as I stuffed the wonderful gift into my mouth.

"So…" Ruwalk asked after his first bite of the rice. "How do you like life there?" "Well…" I thought for a moment to find the right words to reply with.

'If you don't, I won't be so kind and merciful.'

I faked a bright smile and stared up into amber eyes. "Lady Mioki is extremely kind and the food is absolutely wonderful. I have a fabulous room and life couldn't be better!" I felt sick, having to lie. But, isn't my own well being worth anything whatsoever? I once again stared into amber orbs as they stared back, searching for a lie in my eyes.

His worried smile was a bit hard to understand, but I smiled kindly to assure him that all was fine.

"Well, if you're certain…." He said, closing his eyes as he drank his drink.

"Have you visited my sister recently?"

Gross. His eyes opened quickly and he spit out whatever it was he was drinking all the way across the table where I happened to be sitting. Disgusting, sickening,… whatever word you wanted to use for the situation.

"Well, have you?" Those stupid eyes of his again looked into mine pitifully. I wish he would answer my question and stop staring at me.


"Is she ok?"

"………………………" He looked at the table, his cup, a fork, the waitress, anything but me. I waited for a while until his eyes sparkled and the smile appeared once again.

"Hey, how about some ice-cream? Kids like ice-cream, right?"

I sighed, knowing my question was not going to get answered before I was dragged off in search for an ice-cream stand.

The day passed quickly and the night sky was already filled with stars by the time we arrived at the shelter. Mr. Ruwalk had to speak with Lady Mioki, so I just wondered around aimlessly until I finally decided to go to bed. Unfortunately, on the way to the attic I walked right by Lady Mioki's room and over heard there conversation.

Ruwalk sat in the small chair that sat in front of Lady Mioki's large oak desk. He looked much more worried than he had during the day, Lady Mioki having the same expression on her round face. Both stared at each other until Ruwalk decided to speak first.

"My Lady Mioki, it appears that Alfeegi enjoys it here……or at least that's what he tells me."

A crooked, ugly smile appeared on her fat lips. "Really? Well that's no surprise; he's treated with a lot of care. But you see, due to his odd………appearance, the other children constantly make fun of hi and will sometimes injure him when I am not around. Of course, if you raise the pay I receive for caring for him, I can assure his safety."

I felt like I was going to throw up. She was paid to take care of me….no one cared here, I was only a toy they used to gain money. I was told to lie so she would get more money….No one cared, not even the dragons. They paid these cold-hearted people to watch over me so they wouldn't have to do it themselves. I was nothing to them or anyone else. Did………..did no one care anymore?

I felt tears run down my cheeks as I tried desperately to hold in the sobs that were dieing to be let out. If no one wanted me………….than why should I stay here anymore?

Ruwalk smiled slightly. " My lady, I'm sure you do a wonderful job. But…..I think I would rather take Alfeegi back to the castle with me instead." Ruwalk stood before the fat woman could protest and walked out of the room. A whole night was spent looking through out the building but no blue haired boy was found.

Only the front door wide open and nobody in sight for miles.

M'k….sorry for the long wait and all for those who were waiting………I feel sick, I'm gonna go to bed now….. see how much I care? I wrote it up even though I feel like I'm gonna faint. Well, happy labor day all. Oh, yeah. I think I changed what they looked like a bit, so sorry.