The Return of the Long Lost Melody
by Pokesqrt
PART 1 Vegeta's Fiancee'

[Finally, my wedding day.] thought Bulma as she twirled around
in her beautiful new wedding gown. Her hair was at its nicest
and Bulma had bathed three times that morning. [I'm finally
going to get married to the man I love.] She spun around and blew
a kiss to the mirror. [Perfect!]

Bulma walked down the isle to the arms of her future husband,
Vegeta. He had a scowl on his face but Bulma knew that deep inside,
he was the happiest man in the whole universe. Yeah, he wasn't
the one to propose. It was actually Bulma who started the whole
marriage thing but Vegeta agreed. Yeah, maybe it was just for the
children they had but somewhere deep inside, he had feelings for
her. On that day, they were finally husband and wife.

A woman with long, violet hair is travelling in her spaceship.
Two big logs with a blue character on one and a red character on
the other are on each of her sides. A younger, blue haired girl is
playing with a child about 2 years old. The blue haired girl
looks just as old as the violet haired one but just a little younger.
It's hard to tell because on their planet, they don't age and are
everlasting. The violet haired girl would be long dead by now if
she were and Earthling. She is about 28O years old. The blue haired
one is her sister who is about 13O years old. The younger boy
she is playing with is her sister's child. He is about 1O years old.
Their journey is to Earth, to find the older sister's fiance' and
her child's father.

It has been just a few days since Bulma's wedding. The couple
didn't seem that they were very close but they cared for each other.
They still lived at Capsule Corp. It would have been really strange
if Vegeta was like a regular family man with a warm house, a good
wife and two kids. It wasn't Vegeta's style. But now, he DID have
some responsibilities.

Finally, the spaceship arrives on Earth. It doesn't land where
the father is. It lands at an old friend's house. A group of
people go out to greet the family.
"Tenchi!" the violet haired girl cried out.
"Aeka! Sasami!" shouted Tenchi. "It's been such a long time."
"I know." said Aeka, the violet haired one.
"Wow! You've grown, Sasami." said Tenchi.
"Thank you, Tenchi!" replied Sasami, the blue haired one.
"So, you've back, princess." said Ryoko, coming out of nowhere.
"I see you're still here, Ryoko." said Aeka.
"Of course. Me and Tenchi are married!"
"What the..."
"It's not true, Aeka!" said Tenchi. "I'm not married to anyone!"
"Well...I'll believe you."
"That's all you say? 'I believe you'?" asked Ryoko in surprise.
"What else should I do? Listen to a dirty liar like you?"
"At least I'm not as dirty as YOU!" Aeka scowled but did nothing.
"And when it almost felt like the good old days..." Tenchi sighed.
"So why are you here?" asked Kiyone.
"Well, I wanted to see you all again...except you, Ryoko."
"I'm so really glad to see you, Aeka!" Mihoshi said, hugging Aeka.
"Will you please let go of me?" Aeka said. Tenchi and Kiyone
pulled Mihoshi off Aeka. Then Tenchi noticed the little boy.
"Hey, Aeka, who's that?" Tenchi asked. Aeka pulled the little boy
into view. He had black hair and red-violet eyes.
"This is Asahi." Aeka said.
"Who is he?" asked Washu.
"Well...everybody, meet my son."

"I can't believe you have a child, Aeka." said Nobuyuki.
"Well, I do. I didn't even think I would ever have one...not
unless, of course, I was married."
"YOU'RE MARRIED TOO?!" everyone asked.
"No, no! I was just saying!"
"So who's the father, Aeka?" asked Mihoshi.
"Well...I really would be more comfortable keeping it as a secret."
"It better not be my Tenchi." said Ryoko. Aeka growled at her.
"Might it be Prince Vegeta?" Washu suggested. Aeka blushed.
"Ha! It IS Vegeta!" accused Ryoko.
"Eh...alright. It IS him."
"YOU AND VEGETA HAVE A SON?!" everyone asked.
"Guys, I think we should give Aeka a break." said Tenchi.
"Well, Aeka, now that you've gotten someone else, I can have
Tenchi all to myself." said Ryoko.
"Mommy, when are we going to see daddy?" Asahi asked in his tiny
voice. Aeka looked at her son in a strange look.
"Asahi, why don't you play with Ryo-Ohki with me?" asked Sasami.
"Ok-ee, Auntie Sasami!" Asahi said, going outside to play. Aeka
"So, you went here to tell Vegeta that he had a son." Tenchi said.
"Yes." Aeka said softly. "I simply won't let my child be
fatherless. I just can't."
"Why don't we all visit them!" said Washu. "Like a reunion...if
it's OK with you, Aeka."
"Well...why not?"

The gang arrived at Capsule Corp. using the dimensional doorway.
"It looks the same as it was ten years ago..." said Washu.
They went to the door and knocked. Mrs. Briefs opened it.
"Is that really you?" she asked, in awe.
"Little Washu with her little friends!" said Washu. Mrs. Briefs
invited them inside and Dr. Briefs came in.
"Little Washu!" he said.
"Dr. Briefs! It's nice to see you again!" Washu said.
"You're all here, I see."
The two scientists disappeared, as usual, talking about science.
The rest pursuaded Aeka to talk to Vegeta. They searched everywhere
"Hey! He must be here!" called out Mihoshi. They dragged Aeka and
knocked on the door and hid. Bulma answered the door.
"Oh, Aeka!" she said. "What brings you here?"
" have knocked wrong door."
"If you're looking for Vegeta, he's in here." Aeka followed Bulma
inside to Vegeta. Vegeta was working out in a gym.
"Vegeta, you have a visitor." Bulma said and she went out. Vegeta
looked up and immediately stopped what he was doing and stood up.
"Lord you still remember me?"
"The...the princess of Jurai?" Aeka nodded.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"I cannot believe you! I come here and all you say is 'what do you
"What's the big deal?" Aeka lifted her cape to reveal a little boy.
"Who is he?"
"My son."
"Why should I care?" Aeka looked sad. Tears were coming to her eyes.
"Because he's your son, too..." she said.
"Are you crazy, woman?!"
"He IS your son and you know it!"
"Why would I have a child with YOU?"
"Because you loved me!"
"I never did and never will!"
"What's wrong, Vegeta? Don't you remember at all that night when
you told me you loved me? And the day you said my name..."
"I don't remember anything as proposterous as THAT!"
Aeka stood silent. How could he say that the best time of her
whole entire life was proposterous? How could he say that he couldn't
have a child with her if he said he loved her.
"Don't you even remember that I'm your fiancee'?" she asked.
"I used to have one." Vegeta said. Aeka thought that he DID
"Now, we're married."
"When did that happen?"
"Three days ago."
"I never remember getting married to you yet."
"What's wrong with you, woman? Bulma is my wife!"
Aeka stepped back. She was in so much disbelief. She gave this
man a chance to find out if he truly loved her and now, he's married
to someone else? She grabbed her son's hand. Before she turned away,
Asahi piped up.
"Mommy, is that daddy?" he asked. Vegeta stared at the little boy.
"I don't know anymore, Asahi. Ask him." Aeka said. Asahi jerked
his hand away from his mother's hand and ran to Vegeta.
"Are you my daddy?" he asked with lots of hope in his eyes.
Vegeta didn't know what to do. He just crossed his arms and turned
his head away. Aeka went towards Asahi and took his hand.
"Let's go, Asahi." she said. "I don't think he wants to be your
"Daddy! Daddy!" Asahi said as they were leaving. Vegeta looked
at the direction they left.
[My son.]

Sasami used the dimensional doorway to go to Gohan's house. She
knocked on the door of a small, round house. Chichi, Gohan's mother
opened the door.
"Hello. How may I help you?" she asked. Sasami bowed.
"I'm Sasami!" Sasami said.
"Sasami? It's so good to see you again!" said Chichi.
"Same here! Is Gohan still here?"
"Yes. I'm sure he'll be so glad to see you. Gohan!"
"Coming, mom!" said Gohan from his room. Then he came out and
immediately recognized Sasami.

Sasami and Gohan were by a river, fishing.
"This is the first time I've ever been fishing." Sasami said.
"You'll have lots of fun!" said Gohan.

"AH!" Sasami said. "I got one!" The fishing pole looked like it
was going to break so Gohan helped her. But still, they couldn't
get it. Then Gohan dove in the water and came out with a big
giant fish at the end of Sasami's pole. He brought it in.
"Well, I guess we'll have to let the others go now." said Sasami.
They threw the other smaller fishes back into the river.
"You're really good at this." said Gohan.
"Really?" asked Sasami. Gohan nodded.
"Gohan?" Sasami asked.
"What is it, Sasami?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Do a girlfriend?"
"You do?"
"Yeah. I guess you could put it that way."
"Um...who is it?"
"Her name's Videl."
"Oh, I see."
"Is there something wrong?"
"N-No! Nothing at all!" Sasami clutched her pocket.
[How could you forget?] she thought.

Tenchi and the gang stayed in the shed. It was still the same.
It had the garden and the house. Nothing changed. The only thing
that changed was the tree that had died years ago. A new tree grew.
The Jurai Royal Teardrop flowers were still there.
"Look at these, Asahi." said Aeka. "They are the Jurai Royal
"They don't look like water." said Asahi.
"They aren't really teardrops. That's what they named these
"They're really pretty, mommy."
"Whenever someone from the royal family or an important tree dies,
these flowers are put around them."
"Why don't I see them?"
"Because the Jurain Royal family has everlasting life. They
neither die or grow to their old age."
"Why are they here?"
"Well, it was because an old tree that used to be here died."
"Do you like them?"
"I thought so."
"Mommy, why were you fighting with daddy?"
"Oh Asahi. Well, it was because he doesn't want to be your daddy."
"Why? I won't be bad."
"It's not you, Asahi. It's because he's very stubborn."
"What's that?"
"Stubborn? It means that they don't listen to other people very
"Where's Auntie Sasami?"
"You ask too many questions, Asahi!"