A/N: Yes, if you did/or did not notice or you're confused as hell. I recently changed the title of the story to: "Words of a Thief." I'm not really good at reading over my own work at all. It's like how you're in class and your teacher reads over your paper right in front of you. Yea, I hate that. But, I read over my last chapter and when Garnet said, "You can never trust the words of a thief..." I was like, "Now that should be the title! Instead of Change in Heart." To be honest that was a stupid title and this new one applies to the story much better, doctha think?

But, anyways! Back to my last chapter. Thank you so much for reviewing! I didn't get 4 reviews. I got 11! Can you believe that? 11?Actually/technically, I got 7 reviews for my last chapter and 4 reviews for chappy one and/or 2. But, I did say, "If I get...say 4 more reviews for this chappy, I'll update as soon as I can..." Look, I even specified it! Lol. But I don't care. It wasn't all for my last chapter, but they were reviews! So, I updated anyways. Thanks for reviewing guys! Here's your update.

(But first!...)

Replies to Reviews:

RefugeOfSouls: Lol I had this published ages ago. Around the time, I was finishing up the sequel for "High School." I posted the 2 chaps sometime during Christmas I think and left it alone ever since u.u; But yea, I just realized what a confusing spiders web I put myself in when I published my last chapter. I got so many questions to answer and I really gotta make sure my chaps are just right, so that they make some sense. It's gonna be really hard to write this story, but with faithful and supportive reviewers such as yourself, I shall accomplish the unacclomplishable! (If that's a word u.u;) Thank you!

Wolfeyes88: Lol Zidane will always be flirty. Every ff9 story has to have pervy Zidane somewhere in there. :) Aaah, you'll soon know what I'm talking about if you keep reading! (or maybe I should put that: If I keep updating ;;)

Ravyn Crescent: Still love you!

Ryan: Thank you! I'm glad you feel that way! Thanks for reviewing!

NenotokiKumori: Why thank you! I've been improving on my grammar a bit lately and it's nice to know that someone notices the improvements. Thank you for reviewing! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Rose Mage: Tantalus having a crush on Garnet...? Ditching her..? Wow, never thought of that. You must really know what you want in your stories :) Thanks for reviewing, you're the one who saved this story from being recycled!

ChiBiEmI: Wow, did you really? I'm so very honored! I didn't think my chapters were that good. But thank you for your support.

I got an e-mail early Sunday morning that said, answering reviews in chapters isn't allowed anymore. And whoever does it will be "punished." Whatever that means from a mechanical robot. I dunno if you guys got the e-mail too and I dunno if I believe it or not. This is how we'll prove em wrong or right! I just did it! If I don't update for a while, then you'll know that I was "punished" by a robot. We'll see what happens...

♣Fight, Fight, Fight!♣


"We'll see about that..." Zidane said taking a step closer.

The wizard smiled and flew backwards through the window, using the deck of the ship as a battle field.

"Garnet are you ok?" Zidane said rushing over to her and helped wipe the glass from her clothes and face.

She had a small cut on her arm from the glass, but she knew it wasn't a big deal.

"Yes, I am fine. Please be careful." She smiled weakly.

He nodded confidently and jumped through the broken window left by the wizard.

Garnet felt fear rise through her body. What if they didn't make it? What if the wizard destroyed the ship and the air ship crashed? She couldn't imagine dieing in such an awful way. It was getting harder for her to concentrate on steering the ship.

Zidane slowly pulled his dagger from his pocket; not feeling so confident taking the wizard on by himself. But, he knew that he could stay alive long enough for his friends to help him.

"Need some help?" Zidane turned around and saw all of Tantalus standing behind him.

Zidane smirked and nodded as they ran up from behind him and got into fight stance.

"No one will stop me from doing my mission," he put his hands together in a strange way, "no one..." A giant fire flared in his hand and blew Cinna and Marcus away.

"Guys!" Zidane shouted and ran to the side of the ship, hoping that they were still there. Cinna was holding on the edge of the ship, with Marcus hanging on by a thread on his foot.

"Guys, are you ok?" Zidane said kneeling down on his knee to help them up.

Cinna looked like a tick ready to pop. His face bright red, and it looked like he was holding a bunch of food in his mouth.

"Nurrr...I don't think I can hold on much longer...Errrr...!" Cinna grumbled with a waterfall of sweat falling from his face.

Zidane pulled harder and faster. "C'mon guys, I don't think they can hold him any longer." He said, worried about the rest of his comrades fighting the wizard by themselves.

"Cinna if you let go, I swear I'll burn that doll you sleep with every night..." Marcus muttered, squeezing the hell out of Cinna's ankle.

"Geez, don't say that. You know I have nightmares when I sleep alone...!" He squeezed his eyes shut as if he were imagining that he were at a different place.

Zidane managed to give one final tug, and lifted them back onboard the ship.

"Thanks Zidane, you're a real pal." Marcus gave him a hard pat on the back.

"No problem, you guy would've done the same for me. But we really need to get back to the battle now." He said taking off. Marcus and Cinna nodded and tagged along.

From the looks of it, the battle was pretty much over. Benero and his brothers were, from the looks of it, unconscious on the ground. Most of them were either on the ground not making any movements, or the ones who were standing were about to fall face down with the others. He saw Blank still fighting. He could tell by the way he was standing that he couldn't keep fighting the wizard this way.

"Ok you slime ball, now it's your turn...!" He jumped with his dagger in his hands, trying to stab the wizard right in its ugly face. Of course the wizard dodged it with his staff. The two were face to face, glaring at each other with a bunch of lighting bolting all around them. It was beginning to get out of control. Zidane did a back flip to make space before he got electrocuted. The wizard chuckled at his coward ness. "Afraid of a little lightning are we?" He pointed his arms in front of his body and put his hands together. Zidane assumed that he was chanting some spell when he threw a giant ball of lighting in Zidanes direction. Zidane rolled to the other side dodging it just by an inch. When he got back up he saw Cinna sneaking up behind it. 'Cinna...no...!'

"Aaaarrrr!" Cinna screamed trying to whack the wizard in the head with his favorite and only hammer. The wizard turned around quickly and blew Cinna away once again with a spell. 'Aw crap.' Zidane thought. "Marcus!" He shouted getting up. Marcus nodded and ran as fast as he could before Cinna flew off the ship. Luckily Marcus caught him by his hammer that he was hanging onto. "Oh, why me?" Cinna whined.

"I'm tired of playing games with you thieves, my mission is to bring back the princess, dead or alive ( great game :)and I'm going to fulfill my mission. No one is going to stop me." It transported itself back into the engine room. Garnet gasped in complete fright. Zidane got right to his feet and ran to Garnet. The wizard attempted to grab Garnet by the neck, but Blank swung his huge sword, almost cutting off Garnets head if she didn't duck, and sliced off the wizards right hand.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggg! Aaaahhh!" It went out of control and the sky turned as black as oil. ( A/N: Hmm doesn't oil change into all these rainbow colors along the road? So then, it really wouldn't be all that dark, now would it? Or is that gas..? Hmm)

Zidane quickly helped Garnet and kept distance from the screaming wizard.

"That's it..." It grumbled. "I'm tired of playing games..." He began to summon up a last and final spell. "Time to die!"

Then out of nowhere a short thing with a huge brown pointy hat appeared before them. No one could even see its face.

"Huh? Who is he?" Zidane blurted out confused.

The little black mage closed its eyes and used its black magic to blow the wizard into millions of black waltz pieces. Everyone just froze there wide eyed, not knowing what to say. Still confused where the hell the wizard disappeared to and how it disappeared. The small black mage turned around with its hands behind its back and said, "Um are you all ok?" There was no answer. Zidane let go of Garnets shoulders and slowly walked over the little hero.

"Hi there, where'd you come from?" It looked no older than nine years old.

"I was on board the whole time. I was captured with all the other black mages in the village but I managed to get away and sneak onto your airship. You guys looked like you needed some help so...um I..."

"A strong lil' fellow aren't ya? That was amazing! You got a lot power for a little guy. If you didn't show up when you did, then we probably would've all been dead right now!" Zidane gave the mage a couple pats on the back. It blushed and a smile appeared on its dark face.

"Thank you Mr uhhh..."

"Call me Zidane kid." He added with a smirk before he went off to see if everyone was ok. Blank and Garnet couldn't help but stare at the mage. It looked no older than seven. Maybe it would blast them away too if they weren't careful.

"Garnet they're going to close the gate on us! Hurry!" Zidane shouted from the deck of the ship. Garnet nodded and grabbed hold of the wheel again.

This was it... She thought. She took a deep breathe and swallowed down the knot in her throat.

Everyone on board grabbed hold of each other or onto the ship.

"Oh yea I forgot to ask you what your name is!" Zidane yelled so that the mage could hear him over the loud gusts of wind.

The mage looked surprised that he would care about something like that right now. He held on tighter to the edge of the stairway.

"Vivi...Vivi Ornitier." (A/N: Lol, doesn't that remind you of "Harry...Harry Potter" : P)

"Ok then Vivi, you wanna tag along with us? We're goin' to Lindbulm and I can show you a hell of a good time."

Vivi could barley speak right now; not only was he scared to death the ship wouldn't make it before the gates closed but, he could barley keep his mouth and eyes opened from the wind hitting him in the face. How could this Zidane guy be so confident that they would make it through before it was too late?

"Umm, sure. That would be nice." Vivi muttered.

"What?" Zidane shouted a second before the ship had scraped against the sides of the gates. Parts of the ship flew everywhere almost hitting Vivi in the face. He blushed when Zidane grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the way before the sharp wood crashed into his face. Everyone's body on the ship was shaking like crazy. Zidane honestly thought that this was kinda fun, however Vivi thought Zidane was crazy when he said, "Kinda fun, isn't it?"

What am I getting myself into to...?

A/N: I don't understand this! I don't understand why I have so many reviews for this story. I'm serious, it makes absolutely no sense to me. You guys actually like this kind stuff? Well, I never expected to get so many reviews, you guys have made me a VERY happy camper and a writer too :P

Yes yes, I know, I haven't updated in over 2 weeks...hmm maybe I should say 4. Well, my birthday was on Monday so a birthday present that you all can give me is not being mad at me for not updating in so long! and possibly a nice review. Which you guys were planning on anyways, so that shouldn't be too hard right...? ;;

I don't know when I'll update guys. But I promise as soon as an idea pops in my head about what to do in this story, I'll put it in my documents. Now, don't get mad at me cuz last time I said I would update as soon as I could after 4 reviews. I'm playing it safe this time and saying that I'll have my work in my documents and every other day I'll add some stuff to it. Yea, this chapter has been sitting unedited in my documents for...I don't even know how long --;

But, you all have a lovely day. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, (It's ok if you didn't too, cuz I'm not so taken back with it either) and I hope school is going well for you all.
