A/N:Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everyone!!! Look I've made another ff9 fic!! I'm so freakin' excited about this one!! You have no idea. But wow, I've started two stories, haven't even finished either of them and I'm already starting a new one. ::sighs:: but, oh well! I hope all my former and hopefully, some new ff9 readers will enjoy my new fic as or more than my last one. But, actually....I don't think any ff9 fics I make could EVER replace my last one. To be honest, I'm still super depressed over my last one ending ::sniff sniff:: but the end of one thing, is the start of another, right? This is kinda the same story line, except I spiced it up or changed it around a little...or maybe a lot, I dunno, you guys decide what I did with it. Oh, and I simply won't allow flames for the first couple of chapters of this new story. For a lot of stories, the first couple of chapters kinda always suck. So, if ya don't like it, wait for me to update a few more times and then you can tell me whether you like it then or not, ok? Ok, I think we have a understanding here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy...any of those numbers

Something you should know!!! (aka: Warning!): Ok, Garnet's gonna be kinda bitchy in the beginning, I don't even like the way she's acting, but she later becomes...less bitchy. So, if it pisses you off just...deal with it, it'll later come to an end.

"Home.... Sweet Home"


The princess of Alexandria, pressed her small fingers across her face, as she glanced at herself in the long lengthen mirror standing in front of her.

"Today...." She said lightly under her breath. But she was interrupted by two loud knocks on the door.

"Come in"

Two midget clowns came running through the door. The red one doing cartwheels and the other, a blue face painted one, doing very horrible back flips. When they were both done with their performances, they each bowed before Garnet.

"Happy 16th birthday princess!"

"Princess, happy16th birthday!"

"Thank you..." She said rather coldly.

"You're mother would like you present downstairs very soon!"

" Very soon, you're mother would like you present downstairs!"

The blue clown was named Zorn and the red, was Thorn. They were the queens jesters, who constantly repeated each others lines, only one would say the line backwards. Garnet hated when they were around. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Ok, please tell my mother that I will be down in a couple of minutes, I need to finish getting ready"

"Yes, you're highness!" They both said and left the room.

"I wonder what I will get for this year...maybe some more jewelry....or another suitor"

She reached for her necklace that was laying out on her dresser and put it up over her head. It was her favorite necklace, she had it ever since she was litte. It was titled "The Falcon Claw" It was very important to the Alexandria family, if she were away from home, all she would have to do was show her necklace and people who automatically know that she was and where she came from.

After she applied her makeup and proceeded downstairs to the big "surprise party" that she wasn't suppose to know about. Her mother was in her throne with Steiner and Beatrix both standing by her. Garnet lifted her dress a little, so that she could walk and approached her mother.

"Garnet dear, why didn't you wear your other necklace?" She looked as if she were uncomfortable or something.

Garnet put her hand over the claw to cover it.

"I uhh...wanted to"

"That necklace makes that dress look just awful. You're always wearing that necklace as if you have no others, go put on the diamond one I got you" She said and fanned herself with her fancy fan.

Garnet lowered her eyes to the ground.

"And make it quick, the show will start any minute"

"Yes mother"

Garnet ran back to her room almost tripping on her heels. When she got there it was dead silent. She couldn't even remember the last time it was this quiet. Usually she would hear Steiner screaming at the Pluto Knights or something. She shrugged and opened her jewelry box. The necklace was there...but she didn't grab it, she simply stared it. "You're always wearing that necklace as if you have no others" She squeezed her fists in anger.

"Mother...she's always telling me what to do and how to act. Like I can't take care of myself"

She looked at her reflection shown in her diamond necklace as her face reflected a grin.

"I know what I'll do" She said and went to her closet. Her eyes examined what was there. Nothing but dresses and gowns. She scooted the hangers as far as they could go and revealed a pink and white hood. She hadn't seen it in ages, last time she wore it, was when she was sneaking out of the castle. (which was what she was doing again)

When she was done changing out of her dress, she grabbed all of her necklaces and stuffed them in her pocket, except her Falcon Claw, which she was still wearing. She slowly turned off the light and closed the curtains in her room and closed the squeaky door behind her.

She took a breath and ran to the stairs on the other end of the hall. She didn't know what happened, but she bumped into something...it hurt too. When she opened her eyes there was this....boy standing there. Garnet put her hand over her pocket where the necklaces were dangling. What if mother sent him because she was taking so long? She tried to hide her face so that he would just think that she was someone else, but then he said...

"Have we met before?" The boy said examining her face, under her hood. (A/N: you guys remember this part, right? I changed it around a little, didn't want to make it the exact same dialogue as the game, because that's just boring)

Garnet shook her head.

"No, I do not know you, but I must go now" She began to make her way down the stairs for a second time, but he put his arm in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"I've always dreamed of meeting you here, won't you tell me your name beautiful?"

Garnet felt herself panic. Did he really know who she was, or was he just stalling? Either way, she had to leave as soon as possible.


"Hey Zidane, what's going on up there?" A boy in a suit of armor shouted running up the stairs.

"I must go!" Garnet managed to run past the boy that was in her way and jump over the other one that was with him.

On her way down she heard: "Who the hell was that?" "That was the princess come on!"

"So they were after me" She said and slid down a pole that led to the basement.

"Hey come back here!" The boy yelled. Garnet glanced behind her shoulder, it was only the boy that she was talking to at the stairs. She caught a quick glimpse of his face. He would be kinda cute, if his face wasn't so dirty and if he didn't smell so bad. She ran down the hallway keeping her hand on her pocket, hoping that the necklaces would wouldn't fall out. If he saw her with all of her necklaces, then he would definitely think she was a thief. He was chasing after her like crazy now, with each corner she turned he caught more and more up with her. She didn't know if she had it in her to run anymore. Up ahead, was a door, it was the only place she could go to lose him. She grabbed the knob and quickly opened it locking it behind her. Too bad, but the lock was very old and rusty. It obviously wouldn't hold after he rammed at it a few times. She took off, only to hear pounding against the door.

Bu when she began to run, she bumped into someone again. What a bad day she was having, she thought. She didn't really bother to see who she bumped into this time, but the girl sure had a funny accent and talked like she wasn't around here.

"Whut in tarnation! What is going on here?"

Garnet, bowed and said sorry, but the girl just kept talking.

"Please ma'am, I'm in a terrible hurry"

"Oh is that so? Well, I'm gettin' ready for my bug openin', so I'm "in a terrible hurry" as well. You should really watch where ya goin' darlin'"

"Pardon me again, but I must go"

She ran down the stairs quickly before the boy would catch up with her again. He almost did, but the girl that was just yelling at he, started to yell at him too. She wondered who that women was, she had never seen her before. Maybe she worked in the play and that's what she meant by her "big opening." When she reached downstairs, she used this chance to catch her breath and behind her stood the boy. She had her back turned to him, and it was silent for a while; except for her breathing. She turned around to face him and settle this once and for all.

"Ok, what is it you want?"

"What?" The boy said. He looked surprise as if no one had ever asked him such a question.

"Why do you keep chasing me?"

His face was very dirty and sweaty, and she had also never seen him before either; nor had she ever seen the boy that was with him earlier. And they probably all knew each other too, there must have been some connection.

"Well uh..."

"Do not tell me you wish to chase me just for your own pleasure, because this is not my idea of "fun"

The boy chuckled and then got on one knee on the ground, putting his right arm across his chest.

"Your majesty, please come with me. I will take you away from the castle and you will be able to do as you wish. Me and my band of thieves, "Tantalus" are here to take you where your heart desires"

Garnet raised her eyebrows in shock of his response.

"So, you are here to kidnap me?"

She stared down hard at him as he was still on the ground bowing to her.

"Well, if you put it in such a "unpleasant" way, yes" He stood and wiped some sweat from his face.

"Hmph! Tell me one reason why I would go with someone like you and your friends?"

"Well, why not your highness? I don't know if the rumors are true or not, but they say that you are a rich snob and very spoiled and selfish. I think it's because you are lonely and spend all day in the castle. Come with me, and have the time of your life.." He offered his hand to her and smiled.

Garnet coldly stared down at it. He was wearing the Pluto Knights uniform, but he had put it on very sloppily. How in the world did he get a Pluto Knights suit of armor in his possession? And why was he wearing it in the first place? She shook her head and stared back down at his hand, which was still waiting for hers.

"You highness..?" He said, noticing the long silence.

She squeezed her fists and slapped him across the face, leaving a burning print on his right cheek.

"Who do you think I am? Why in the world would I willingly give myself to a band of thieves and leave everything I have now? What could you possibly know about being lonely? I am plenty happy being here and soon, my mother will hand over the crown to me and I will rule Alexandria. I do not need help from a mere thief"

The boy simply took his hand and laid it on his cheek, where she had slapped him. He rubbed it and then grinned.

"Wow, I've been slapped, punched and even jumped on by girls, but none hurt as much as that, from someone so beautiful..." He reached in his pocket and revealed a bottle and sprayed it into Garnet's face.

Garnet covered her face with her hands, but was too late to block the liquid from getting inside her and making her drowsy easily and she dosed off. The last thing she felt being, the boy kissing her cheek and whispering something very sweet into her ear.


A/N:Yaaayyy!!! I'm done with the first new chapter of my new story. So was I right or what? Garnet was a total B-I-T-C-H! I even wrote a little scene of me beating the crap outta her, just to calm my nerves. But then again, I'm the one who made her like that, huh? Well, if you guys are just feeling completely outraged with this story, you're gonna have to wait!! Remember, I won't allow ANY flames!! But, you could always, make/draw/write out a scene where you're killing Garnet for all the things she had done and said.

But, overall Garnet's new attitude, did ya like it? It feels kinda weird writing a story only about Garnet. Ya know, from her point of view all the time, gets kinda boring after a while! Maybe, I'll do it from Zidane's point of view or something. Between me and you.....I thought it was extremely boring...lemme know if you guys feel the same. Oh wait! You guys can't because there is a NO FLAME policy! Bwahahahahahahahaha!! ::puts the sign on story:: Sorry flamers! hehe

Well, I made another2nd chapter for you guys to read, so you wouldn't be bored silly reading the first one over and over, waiting my lousy 10 week updating u.u; Funny thing, I actually wrote the 2nd chapter first and was planning on making that one the first chapter. But it was WAY too short and more boring (if you guys click over the next chapter you'll see what I'm talking about) You'll read it and you'll literally say: "No way, that hyper idiot was planning on making this the first chapter" But anyways, Thanks to all of you who are reading this right now, go on the next chappy!!!