Riks gasped. Her throat was on fire. She couldn't breathe.

Faces appeared before her but as soon as she started to see their features they were whisked away before appearing again, taunting Riks as she struggled to comprehend. Her head seared with agonizing pain as she moved her limbs.

The ground was being annoying, why won't it stay still? She couldn't walk properly if it didn't stay still, she didn't even feel like walking at all, she could hardly breathe to walk. The air was buzzing, the heat pushing against her clammy, paled face. Her legs crumbled underneath her, but there was an arm around her waist and she gave a cry, lashing out around her; but they held on, more arms, and she was held down, her cries dying away to groans as she slumped down. The heat of the bodies next to hers made her struggle and scream. Their voices were echoing in her pounding head.

"…WHAT'S WRONG-WRONG-WRong-wrong-wrong…"



"Stop moving Riks! What's going on?"

"Her fever's getting higher," said Sally. "I've never seen anything like this." She stirred a small cauldron, putting in a sachet that smelt of bitter herbs.

Siana wiped the sweat from the girl's forehead. Her friend lying on the examinationtable was gasping- her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, eyes rolling beneath their dark lids. Convulsions of shivers violently ran through her body, jerking her head.

Eyes teary, Siana looked away from her and got a face full of the pungent liquid Sally had prepared.

"Did she eat something? Was she sick before?"

"No, she was fine."

Sally frowned. She swirled the thick liquid, then passed it to the younger girl. "Give her some of this- only small spoonfuls."

"Okay…" Holding her breath, Siana put a spoonful near her friend's mouth, but Riks muttered agitatedly turning her head from side to side. A lump formed in the back of her throat as she watched the sweat drip off her pallid face. She tried again, hesitating to put her other hand on her thin lips, pushing her mouth open-

A sudden whirring sound made Sally spin and gasp, her pupils mere dots against the whites of her eyes, nearly dropping the Essence of Breath she was holding. Siana shrieked as a shriveled grey hand lashed out across her face and smacked the wooden spoon out of her hand.

"You silly girl! You would have killed her!"

Sally edged away from the deteriorated figure, whose pink eyes were veiled behind darks shades that did nothing for his large protruding head and uncolored lips that were curled between a sneer and look of disgust.


Thankyou so much to everyone who's reviewed, you've really kept me going and I will try very hard to finish very soon! I've got so many more stories to write, but I won't be unfaithful to those who have added this to their favs. It will be hard since I'm year 11 this year (OMG I'm old!). Thanks everyone! PS this was very short, but its taken me weeks to get right!