Hey everyone, sorry for the wait. I kind of forgot about posting new updates for this fic. Anyway, I hope you like this one. Its the chapter I had most fun writing. And please leave me comments. Also, as a judge at the Tangled Web Awards, I'd like to encourage you guys to go and nominate your fave OTH fics. Thanks soo much for the replies and keep them coming since they encourage me to write more!

I held her in my arms while she sobbed for the longest time. She cried until she has no tears left, and then she stopped. I could see that she was exhausted, her once twinkling eyes seemed empty now. It broke my heart to see her in pain. Seeing her in such as helpless state had a peculiar effect on me. For some reason, I began to feel angry. Angry at the world for making me such a miserable life and angry at myself for not helping Haley sooner. I decided that I was sick of hiding my feelings, sick of letting other run my life, and most of all, sick of being depressed all the time. It was time for change and I would start by cheering up Haley and by convincing her that my love was for real.


"Come on" said Nathan

"What! Where?" asked Haley

"I don't know, just away from here. Today is a day of new beginnings. Aren't you sick being sad all the time? Don't you want things to change? Don't you want to be happy again? I sure as hell do."

"Yeah I do, I'm tired of being being miserable" replied Haley

"Great! Come on! Forget about your problems and for once lets do the things that make us happy instead of worrying about what others will think,"

Nathan is overly excited, grabs Haley's arm and starts to run

"Nate where are we going? Are you sure you're okay? Do you want to go and lie down or something?

"No I'm fine" replied Nathan somewhat impatiently

"Nathan where are we going? You're acting crazy!"

"Come on, stop worrying, just trust me okay!"

Nathan begins running faster and faster, he feels happier than he's felt in the longest time. Suddenly he comes to an abrupt rest, sending Haley flying in the process.

"Gee thanks Nathan. Thanks for dropping me in the mud like that. That really makes me the happy. Speaking of which, why are we standing, or in my case, sitting in an empty park in the middle of stormy weather?"

"Don't you get it? It's the park! I was at my happiest when I was playing in the park. Don't you remember how it was back then? Back when we could play in the park for hours and hours without a care in the world? Don't you want to get that feeling back? Forget about your problems and for once lets be ten year olds again!"

"I still think you're acting a little nutty, but what the heck, lets pretend to be kids again. I know our fun will be short lived, but at least I can fondly look upon it years from now, as one sweet memory."

And so they played. They played on the swings, the monkey bars, the slides, and on anything and everything they could get their hands on. And while they played, all worries, all sorrows, and all pain were momentarily forgotten. They were just two kids taking advantage of life's little pleasures. By then the two kids were free from all fears, inhibitions and insecurities. For the first time in a long time, they revealed their true forms.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but no one ever mentioned that eyes are too, for the intensity in their eyes were a clear indication of just how much they loved each other. After many a years, these two lovers finally proclaimed their love for each other. And the beauty of the whole exchange was that not a single word had been uttered, and yet all that was need to be said had be said just by looking in each other's eyes.

And so they set about enjoying themselves and their newly formed relationship. If you think about it, the whole situation was completely absurd and yet the two lovers wouldn't trade these few moments of glory for the world. They spent hours and hours playing in the rain, completely unaware of what was happening in the world outside of the two of them. Realization hit them the moment they heard thunder and noticed that it was getting dark and that a storm was on its way. Not ready to face reality yet, the two lovers set about on a new adventure, on that could be held indoors, away from the storm.

Not ready to face reality yet, the two lovers set about on a new adventure, on that could be held indoors, away from the storm.