A/N: Hello! Beloved reviewers! Really missed you guys. If you saw my profile you know that my computer got a virus. If you doesn't, you know it now. It was really hard stay so long without my computer and mostly without Word. I missed writing like hell. But once I'm back, here is chapter 20. I really hope you'll like it. We have some sad moments, a flashback and a hope. I'm almost finishing chapter 21 and as soon as I finish it I'll send it to Laura. By the way, I wanna thank Laura (ProFfESseR) for beta-read this fanfiction. Even when she is busy and having final papers to make, she reserves some time to this story. So I really am grateful for that. And also I want to thank all of you guys who reviewed last chapter, and for who didn't review it but is reading it anyway. And I really am sorry for taking that long. It isn't my fault, though. I'm going to let you read the story now. Have fun reading and pretty please, review.


Chapter 20 – Jess' effect.

That night, Lorelai was in the living room watching TV when Rory came home. Lorelai turned the television off and glanced at Rory. Rory half smiled and dropped her bag on the floor.

— Hey, hon'.

— Hi, mom.— Rory said quietly, sitting down next to her.

— Hum... do you wanna eat something? — Lorelai asked, but Rory shook her head.

— Nah, I had dinner already. — Lorelai frowned — Dad made me burgers, fries, bacon ... he didn't even made me eat any vegetables... — she replied quietly. Lorelai nodded.

— Do you want to talk? — Lorelai stared at her piercingly.

— Look, mom. This is all your choice. I understand that you have rights, that you can do with your life whatever you want. I can't make or change your decisions. So I guess this talk is a waste of time.

— No, Rory. It is not a waste of time. You can tell me how you feel. — Lorelai tried.

— Mom. — Rory took Lorelai's hands in hers — I'll back you up on your decisions. I want what is the best for you. Honestly, I think that the best for you is to stay with dad. But if you don't think that... you're the grown up here. You can make your own choices.

— You're more grown up than me. — Lorelai half smiled.

— Sadly it's truth. — Rory kissed her cheek — I am going to take a shower and then I'm going to my bedroom. Yell if you need me.

— Okay, have fun with your reading, hon'. — Lorelai kissed Rory's forehead and turned the TV on again.


Later that night, Lorelai was lying in bed. She was about to turn of the light, when she glanced at a portrait. She took it in her hands and saw a picture of Rory swimming in the plastic pool that they had set in the backyard. Luke was kneeled down next to it, smiling at Rory. Lorelai smiled, Rory looked so little. Now she was a teenager. Time passed so quickly, but the memory was still fresh.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Flashback x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

— Lorelai what are you doing? — Luke asked. Lorelai looked at him questioningly.

— Putting water inside the pool. I know you think that it's safer for Rory if there's no water in it, so she can't drown or something. But trust me, it's necessary. —Luke rolled his eyes.

— Lorelai I am asking why you're putting water in the bucket first, and then throw the water inside the pool. It would be so much easier if get the hose.

— I know, Lukey. But the hose isn't long enough, it won't reach the pool. — she said.

— Then you just have to move the pool closer to the hose. — he said tiredly. Lorelai's eyes widened.

— This is a good idea. — she smiled at him and pecked his lips — You're very smart, you know. — she winked at him.

— Thank you, I guess. But I still think it is not a good idea.

— Luke, for the last time, she won't drown!— Lorelai exclaimed, losing her patience.

— I know Lorelai. Really, Rory can't drown in a pool with a 30 cm water level. I just think it isn't appropriate for her to expose herself like this in the middle of the garden.

— Luke, she isn't exposing herself. She is wearing a bathing suit. Besides, she's nine! She has nothing to expose!

— But... — Lorelai cut him off.

— Honey, you have to stop that. It's really cute when a little boy comes too close to her and you put on your angry face. I love that you want to protect her. But you are being overprotective right now. And hon, tháts not a good thing, trust me. — Lorelai kissed his cheek — Just chill, okay?

Luke nodded and went to move the pool. Lorelai smiled at him and went inside to check what Rory was doing. She entered Rory's room and saw her daughter dressed in her pink bathing suit and lay on her bed reading a book.

— Hey, sweetie.

— Hi, mom. — Rory put her book aside — So, did you finish it? — Lorelai stood in silence and Rory sighed heavily — You know, it is almost ten, I won't be able to swim anymore.

— Come on, Rory. You know this is silly.

— No it's not. You shouldn't stay in the sun after 10. Not until after 4. — Rory told her dramatically.

— Rory, it is a one day thing.

— One day is enough, mom.

— So, you're saying that I wasted my time setting up the pool? — Lorelai asked annoyed.

— No. After 4, I'll get into the pool.

— It is no fun after 4.

— Why mom?

— Because there is no sun. — Rory rolled her eyes.

— Excuse me? Then how do you call that yellow thingy that's above us until 6 every day?

— 'The dull sun'. The 'cool sun' stays only until 4. — Lorelai persisted.

— Well, 'the cool sun' can get me cancer. So I am making friends with the dull one.

— Only because you're dull, just like him.

— Thank you, mom. — Rory said sarcastically.

— Rory, you can get in now! — Luke yelled from the garden.

— Luke! Come here! — Lorelai shouted back. Rory stared at her and saw the mischievous grin she had on her face.

— What? — he asked when he got there.

— Rory said she won't get into the pool.

— Rory are you kidding me?

— But daddy... — she started but Luke cut he off.

— No way. I had to listen to your mother complaining about how difficult it is to set up the pool. I told her "Lorelai, let me do this". And she came with the " Men are not the strong once" talk and decided she could do it by herself. Now, I am tired, I am sweating and this won't be for nothing. So, you're going inside that pool, you hear me?

Luke picked Rory up from the bed and carried her towards the gardens. Both of the girls looked at him puzzled. Luke threw Rory into the pool carefully and smiled at her

— You're going to stay in there. — he said kneeling next to the pool.

— A perfect Kodak moment.

Lorelai went inside to get her camera. She made Rory and Luke pose for a thousands pictures. Then, when they were tired of it, she pouted and sat on a chair near of the pool. Luke went inside and grabbed two beers, one for him and one for Lorelai, and a Coke for Rory. They sat together for a good hour, talking and having fun. Then Rory said it was enough and she didn't want to take risks. Lorelai rolled her eyes and was about to start arguing with Rory again, when Luke said that it was okay and Rory could come back after 4. Lorelai pouted again but agreed when Luke said he'd make them lunch. He was about to go inside when Lorelai stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He frowned as she pulled him close.

Luke smiled at her and caressed her cheek with his free hand. Lorelai took off his cap and ran her hand through his hair. Then she leaned in and kissed him sweetly. After, when they pulled apart, Lorelai hugged him tightly.

— I love you. — she whispered.

— Back at you. — he replied and kissed her again.

— And I love both of you. — Rory said and came closer to them.

They let Rory into the hug and stood there for awhile. Luke kissed Rory's forehead while Lorelai rubbed her hair.

— We love you too, Rory. — Luke assured her.

— More than you can ever imagine. — Lorelai agreed with him.

— We're the perfect family, you know? — Rory told them.

— A little bit crazy... — Lorelai started.

— A way too stubborn... — Luke continued.

— But still perfect. — Rory completed.

Lorelai kissed Luke one last time and the trio went inside. They had lunch and later watched a movie. At 4 o clock they went back in to the garden. Lorelai said that she could try to be friend with the dull sun.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x End of the Flashback x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

She sighed lightly and put the portrait back on the nightstand. She finally turned the light off and closed her eyes. It took her a long time before she fell asleep though. She was used to have Luke's chest as pillow, his fingers entwined on hers, his body against hers. Suddenly, she felt so empty.


It is amazing how things can go wrong when your life is already a mess. Luke was standing in front of an old lady who couldn't decide if she'd want a grapefruit or not. And he needed to take and make everyone's order because Ceaser called sick. But if that wasn't enough, Liz picked the perfect timing to show up with Jess.

— Hi, big bro'! — she exclaimed and ran towards him to hug him.

— Hi, Liz.— he hugged her back shortly — Take a seat and I'll be with you as soon as I can.

— Sorry, Luke. But I don't have time right now. I'm already running late. How do I look? — she twirled.

— Great. — He answered not paying much attention.

— Okay, okay. Jess is... — she looked around — sitting on a stool over. I'll promise he'll behave. I told him I'll take away his books if he doesn't, so. Then, I guess it will be alright. Are you sure you can look after him?

— I already told you, Liz. And I am going to take care of him very well, I do have a daughter, you know?

— I have no doubts about that. 'Kay, gotta go. Bye. — she kissed his cheek and went talk to Jess.

— Bye... — he looked back at the old lady — So...?

— I don't want it. Can I check the menu, please? — Luke sighed heavily and handed her a menu.

Luke took some more orders and refilled the mugs. He knew he had to go talk to Jess but he needed to finish his work first. When he finally had the time to breath, he walked towards the counter. He looked around and there was no sign of Jess. Frowning, he went upstairs but there was no Jess either. He also searched on the storage room, the kitchen and the downstairs restrooms. He inhaled and exhaled a couple of times. He just told Liz he'd take good care of her son and in less than 10 minutes he loses the boy.

Luke tried to think off a few places where Jess could be. He decided to go to the book store first, so he left the diner and his customers behind.

Luke searched for him everywhere, town square, around the lake, every store in town but Jess was nowhere to be found. Then, he finally realized that he wasn't searching the most obvious place. He walked towards the door and stood still. He put his hand in his pocket and felt the key... but he no longer lived there... well, it was an emergency.

— Lorelai! — he yelled while he entered the living room — Lorelai!

Lorelai jumped up from her chair when she heard her name. Luke startled her when he yelled all of the sudden. When she was able to move again she ran into the living room, panicked.

— What happened to Rory? — she asked.

— Rory? Did something happen to Rory? — he asked, not understanding.

— I don't know. Didn't you come here to tell me that something happened to her? — she asked. Luke frowned and shook his head.

— No, Jess is missing.

— Jess? — it was Lorelai's turn to frown.

— Yeah, you know him. Medium height, dark hair, he's quite a genius. Our nephew... my nephew... I don't know. He is missing. I can't find him anywhere. — Luke said urgently.

— I know who my nephew is. — they shared in each other's eyes for a few seconds. — I just don't know why you can't find him. I mean, why are you looking for him anyway?

— Liz let him with me. She asked me to take care of him 'cause she has an appointment... — Lorelai cut him off.

— A date? — Luke half smiled remembering what he had said to his sister before.

— No, a real appointment. But anyway, I wasn't looking at him for 5 minutes and now he is gone.

— Okay, Luke. Calm down. He can't be missing in Stars Hollow, okay? He knows the town perfectly well, he won't get in trouble. — Lorelai tried to calm him down.

— He sure will. When I find him I'll kill him. — Luke exclaimed madly.

— You won't kill anyone. Now, sit down and try to think, okay? — Lorelai pointed towards the couch. Luke nodded and both of them sat down. — Now, tell me what happened.

— Liz came into the diner and we had a quick conversation because she was running late. She told me that Jess was sitting on a stool. She left and I went to take a few orders, refilling a few mugs and when I was going talk to him he was nowhere to be found.

— You waited that long before talking to him?— Lorelai asked and Luke rolled his eyes.

— I am sorry for not thinking that he would leave the dinner. I certainly would have gone to talk to him if I knew he'd go to somewhere without asking me first. — he said dryly.

— Okay, sorry. But, he has to be somewhere in town. He knows his way around town, but he doesn't know the other towns. He's a smart kid, he wouldn't go somewhere he doesn't know anyone. So, if we search for him, we're going to find him. Maybe he is even back to the diner already. — Luke gave her a pointedly look — Okay, maybe he is not. Now, let's go! — they stood up and walked towards the door in silence.

When they reached the street, they each went in a different direction. Lorelai was going right and Luke was going left. Luke looked at her walking away and called her name.

— Lorelai!

— Yeah? — she turned around to look at him.

— Thank you, really!— he yelled back.

— No problem. Just try not to freak out, okay?

— It's very weird hearing that from you. — he smiled at her and she smiled back. They remained standing in the middle of the street until Luke looked down and shook his head. Then, he turned around and walked away.



Jess was searching for Rory but there was so many kids on the playground that he couldn't find her. When he was sure nobody was seeing him he climbed the fence and entered the school's playground. Once inside he walked towards a group of kids playing some ballgame.

— Hey, do you know Rory Gilmore? — he asked a blonde boy.

— Yeah. She is over there. — he pointed to a corner where Rory was sitting next to Lane.

— Thanks. — Jess said and went talk to Rory — Hey, Rory. — he said when he got there.

Rory looked up at him and smiled when she realized it was her beloved cousin, Jess. She stood up and hugged him tightly. She was so happy to see him. They hadn't talked in awhile and she really needed him now. Besides, she really liked her Aunt Liz.

— Jess! What are you doing here?

— Jeez, nice to see you too, Rory. — Jess replied dryly.

— Hey, the hug shows that I am happy that you're here. I am just curious. You didn't tell me you were come to Stars Hollow.

— Well, my mother talked to Uncle Luke and he said he'd look after of me. Didn't he tell you or to Aunt Lorelai? — Jess looked at her questioningly. Rory looked down.

— They are separated now. Long story. — she told him and Jess looked at he puzzled.

— Are you serious?

— Why would she kid about such a thing? — Lane asked. She'd never liked Jess. She didn't know why exactly. She just knew he was trouble and she didn't want to get in trouble.

— Hey Lane. Didn't saw you there. — he lied. She rolled his eyes.

— That's because invisibility pills just wore off. — she smiled at him ironically. He laughed slightly.

— Whatever. — he shrugged. They kept standing in silence for awhile. Rory was looking down, Lane was eating her apple, thinking about how bad things were for Rory and Jess and not knowing what to do. But Jess needed to cheer Rory up — Hey, I've got an idea! How about we go outside?— he asked animated.

— Outside? — Rory frowned.

— Yeah, outside. Like not inside. — he said matter-of-factly.

— Really? I guess I can hire you to be my personal dictionary. And no, I am not going outside.

— Why? I know that this town isn't very cool but it's better than school.

— Jess, this town is cool. And I want to stay here, I have classes to attend. I can't go.

— Of course you can. It won't kill you if you skip school one day. Besides I need someone to entertainment me. Come on, Rory! You won't leave your favorite cousin hanging around the town all alone right? While he has absolutely nothing to do? — he showed her his puppy face. Rory sighed.

— Okay. I am coming with you. But we have to be back here before the classes are over.

— No problem cousin. — he winked at her and grabbed her by the hand.

— You aren't really going, are you? — Lane asked in disbelief.

— Yeah. You wanna come with us? — Rory asked.

— No! My mom would kill me! Your mom will kill you if she finds out! Come on, Rory. Everyone is going to know you skipped school.

— Only if you tell them. And I know you won't. — Rory kissed Lane's cheek — Bye Lane.

— Yeah, bye bye Lane. — Jess waved with his free hand.

— Bye. — Lane murmured watching how they walked away — Rory! Rory! Wait. We have this English test today! — she yelled, but Rory didn't listen.


Luke was standing in front of the gazebo waiting for Lorelai. Maybe she found Jess. When he saw her walking towards him alone he lost all of his hopes. Jess had gone to another town. Because it was impossible for him to be here without being found.

— Nothing? — Lorelai asked already knowing the answer.

— No. Lorelai. I guess he went to another town. There's no other explanation! — Lorelai placed her hand on his shoulder.

— Honey, calm down, okay. We're going to find him and we'll laugh about it later.

— I doubt that. — he said grumpily.

— Let's search around town once more. If we can't find him we're going to call the police and we'll go to Hartford or New York, or Alaska, I don't know. We're going to find him, wherever he is, Luke. I promise.

— Thanks. — he said and went on his way.

Lorelai sat down on one of the steps and watched him walk away. She needed to calm down as well. She sighed lightly. Things were going so confused.


— So... it's the best place around here? — Jess asked entering the book store along with Rory.

— Yeah. — Rory nodded — Hey, Andrew. — she greeted the man and he greeted her back.

— Definitely, very cool. So, what is the last book you've read?

— The Wizard of Oz.

— Again?

— It makes me feel closer to dad.— she confided.

— Oh... so, things are pretty bad, aren't they? — they sat down on the floor, with their backs against a shelf.

— Yeah. It hurts, Jess. To see them so miserable... first they lost the baby and now they are losing themselves. I feel so sorry for them. — she leaned her head against his shoulder.

— You have to think more about yourself, Rory. What they are doing is hurting you and they don't give a damn.

— That's not true, Jess. They want what's best for me. I know that. They just can't think about me all the time. — Rory interjected.

— No Rory, this thing here is huge. They should have talked to you first. They can't just make a decision like that.

— What's done, is done, Jess. — Jess kissed the top of her head.

— Rory, you know that you're my cousin and that I want what's best for you. I am just saying this, because I can see how miserable you are.

— Thanks. — she told him sweetly.

— For what? — he asked, raising his eyebrow.

— Worrying about me. — they sat in silence for a few seconds — I just wish that things went back to the way they were. I miss my old life.

— I know you do, and you'll have it back.

— I doubt that. — she said pessimistically.

— I promise you, Rory. — he caressed her hair and let her cry.



Lorelai entered the market looking for Jess, just like she did only minutes before. She was starting to lose hope. Where did this kid go? Of course she loved her nephew, but he always got himself in trouble. And he always found a way to make her go crazy. She left the market and looked through the diner's window. He didn't came back. The only place she hadn't checked twice was the book store.

Lorelai crossed the street and turned left, then she opened the door to the book store.

— Hi again, Andrew. — Lorelai smiled at him, trying not to show her nervousness.

— Hey Lorelai. Hey, if it's Rory you're looking for, she's over there. — Andrew pointed to the aisle where Rory and Jess were sitting.

Lorelai stared at him, frowning. How could Rory be there? She had classes. Did she skip school? Lorelai shook her head. Rory would never skip school. Her teacher probably had an emergency and she had to go home or something. Lorelai thanked Andrew and walked to the aisle where her daughter was quietly. When she heard a boy's voice, she hid behind a shelf. She didn't recognized the voice at once, but she soon realized it was Jess' voice. Lorelai opened her mouth, in shock. What were they doing?

Lorelai was about to show herself because she hates to eavesdrop, but changed her mind when she heard Rory say "I just wish that things went back to the way they were. I miss my old life."

Trying not to make any sound, Lorelai walked towards the door, not even saying "goodbye" to Andrew. She walked to the square and sat down on one of the benches. Lorelai ran her hand through her hair. She looked down and felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Trying to maintain control she inhaled and exhaled several times. But it didn't work, the tears kept coming.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up. There was Luke, standing in front of her, concern visible in his expression.

— What's wrong? Is Jess hurt?— he asked urgently.

— He is fine. He is in the book store with Rory. — she said between sobs. Luke focused his eyes on a tear that was rolling down Lorelai's face. He sat down next to her.

— Why are you crying, Lorelai? — he took her hand in his.

Lorelai threw her arms around his neck and rested her head on top of it. Luke kissed her forehead.

— I... just heard Rory.. and I... Do you think that I...

— Luke! What's your problem, man? You can't just leave the diner without supervision. That way, if I leave without paying you'll want to sue me or something. — a man said, he was clearly pissed off.

— Look, I have to get back to the diner. But we can talk later if you want. — he offered, half smiling — Can you yell at Jess for me? — Lorelai nodded and returned his smile. Luke gave her another small smile

— I'm here, Lorelai. You know that.

Luke stood up. Lorelai watched him walking away. She would have asked him if she is doing everything wrong. But he had more to do. She was losing chance after chance. Before she stood up she looked at him entering the diner, and she couldn't help but kept crying.


Lorelai dried her tears a few minutes later and entered the book store again. She went straight towards the aisle where Rory and Jess were and pretended she didn't see Rory's puffy red eyes.

— Rory why aren't you in school? And Jess are you crazy? Luke and I have been looking for you for over an hour! You can't just disappear without warning us! — she exclaimed.

— Well, if I tell you where I am going first, then I wouldn't be disappearing. — he said matter-of-factly.

— Jess, it is no time for jokes! — Lorelai said getting angry. Jess looked at her annoyed.

— Sorry, Aunt Lorelai. — he smiled innocently — I won't disappear again without warning you. — he mocked.

— You're grounded Jess. — she said firmly. But soon she regretted what she said. She sounded just like her mother.

— No, I am not. I am staying with my uncle. Only he can ground me.

— Jess, please. — Rory warned him.

— I am your aunt Jess. I can ground you.

— No, you can't! You aren't the queen of the world Lorelai! You're not my mom! You're not even my aunt anymore! You can't pretend that everything is the same! — he shouted angrily.Lorelai looked at him petrified.

— What are you talking about? — she asked.

— You're hurting Rory! Can't you see that? Look at her! She's not fine. She's not okay! She is far from that! She just told me she wanted her life back! You've ruined everything! — he yelled.

— Shut up! — Lorelai demanded.

— You can't tell me to shut up!

— Jess, stop it! Please. — Rory pleaded, almost crying.

— Rory, if you don't want to tell her the truth, that's your problem. But I can tell her whatever I want.

— Jess, come with me.— Lorelai said quietly. Jess looked at her confused. Wasn't she about to burst?

— Where? — he asked, not screaming anymore.

But she didn't say a word. She walked towards the door and opened it while she remained silent. Once outside, she walked towards the diner and entered. Jess and Rory followed her, sharing confused and cautious glances.

— Luke! — Lorelai called him. A minute later he appeared from the kitchen and looked at her.

— Lorelai are you okay? — he asked concerned.

— Stay with them. — she pointed towards Jess and Rory and left without saying a word.


— So, Andrew told me like 30 seconds ago that Lorelai and Luke are officially separated. — Miss Paty told Babette sadly.

— It can't be true, Patty. It's Lorelai and Luke. They fight once in awhile, but they are meant to be together. They belong together. They can't be apart. — Babette reasoned.

— I know but it's truth. Jess is in town and he was yelling at Lorelai inside the bookstore that Rory is miserable and that she's ruined.. . — Miss Patty stopped talking when she saw Lorelai passing by — Lorelai, dear. How are you? — she faked a smile.

— Don't. — Lorelai raised her hand in the air and kept walking.


Once inside her house, Lorelai laid down on the couch, resting her head on the arm rest and closed her eyes. She wanted to think if the decisions she made were wrong. But she fell asleep within five minutes because of many sleepless nights. Then, a few hours later the phone rang and woke her up. She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. Why didn't the world realize that she wanted to think?

— I'm trying to think, so stop bugging me. — she said angrily.

— Hum... Thinking is always good, I guess .— the woman on the other side of the line said.

— Good we agree. Now, whoever you are, can you call me back later?

— I'm sorry, Mrs. Gilmore-Danes, but this is important. I'm positive you want to hear what I have to say.

— I don't want to buy anything if that's what you are calling for. — Lorelai was about to hang up.

— No, I'm sorry. I'm Mrs. Weston from Rory's school. Your daughter's school, I mean.

— I know what you meant. Look, if there is an urgent parents meeting or something, I'm sorry but I can't go.

— Mrs. Gilmore, I can see you are busy... thinking. But it's about Rory. She skipped school today.

— Rory doesn't skip school. — Lorelai said, straightening herself.

— Yeah, we know. But Rory skipped school today. And I've discussed it with the other teachers and we all think it's weird. Rory is our best student and we all love her, she's an amazing girl.

— Yes, she is. — Lorelai smiled.

— She failed her English test. She held a really bad presentation on her science project, she isn't paying attention in class and today she skipped her classes. Is something wrong with Rory? — the woman asked sweetly.

Lorelai stood in silence, letting the words sink in, trying to understand what the woman had just told her. She never thought a teacher would call her to say Rory wasn't doing okay in class, and definitely not to tell her that Rory skipped classes. She felt so horrible for letting that happen. She was the reason that Rory was doing so bad.

— Mrs. Gilmore?

— She's fine. — Lorelai said when she remembering all the times Rory said she was fine, when she wasn't. At all.

— So... are you going to do something about it? — the woman asked, not knowing what to say anymore. This was the last reaction she expected from Lorelai.

— I'm definitely going to do something. — and with that Lorelai hung up and threw the telephone away.

She certainly was going to do something, and she would do it as soon as she could get herself to leave.


Lorelai entered Doose's market and was surprised to see Jess there. She couldn't believe he had disappeared without warning again. Even when he told her he wouldn't.

— Jess, what about your promise? — she murmured, when she was close to him. Jess looked at her angrily and paid for his groceries. — Jess, I am talking to you! — she said once they were already outside and Jess still hadn't said a word.

— Why do you care? I mean, why do you pretend you care? You don't care. So stop, please. — he kept walking. Lorelai grabbed him by the arm and made him stop.

— I care about you, Jess. Why do you think I don't?

— You don't even care about your own daughter and your own husband. Why would you care about me? — he asked, raising his voice.

— I care about Rory more than I care about myself, I care about Luke and I care about you! You know that!—she said hurt.

— If you do really care, then why are you doing this to them? And to me? — he asked forcefully, trying hard not to cry.

— Doing what, Jess? What am I doing to them that reflects on you?

— You know it! You've ruined everything! — he yelled just like he yelled earlier.

— It's not all my fault, you know? No, you don't know! You just stand there yelling at me and you put all the blame on me! But it's not all my fault!

— It is your fault.— he repeated.

— No, it isn't.

— It is! You were supposed to stay together forever, you were supposed to be the perfect family forever! You were! And I hate you for ruining it! — he shouted, finally letting his tears go. Lorelai looked down and saw his wet eyes. There were times when she forgot that he was just a kid. — I hate this town, it's unbelievably boring but when mom makes me come here I feel happy because I can finally spend some time with a family. I don't have a family. I love my mom but she isn't the best mom ever. She was not ready to have me. I think she never should have reproduced but she did. And she's not good at it. She thinks I am happy when she buys me a book, but I'm not. She knows I like books because I am always around them. It's the only thing she knows about me. We don't sit down and talk like you and Rory do, or like Rory and Uncle Luke do. So when I come here, you sit down to talk with me and Rory. Uncle Luke lets me help him in the diner and we spend time together. During the evening we all sit down and have dinner together. You are the only part of family that I ever had.

— And now you don't have it anymore. — Lorelai completed and wiped away a tear. Jess stood in silence — Jess? — she called him quietly and he looked up at her. — I'm sorry. I didn't meant to...— she said looking down, she just couldn't face him.

— It's just that... if it was only me I would try and deal with it. But Uncle Luke is feeling horrible and Rory... Rory is even worse than him, than me...

— I'll fix it, Jess. — she finally faced him.

— You will? — he asked hopefully.

— I promise. And I am better with promises than you are. — she smiled at him. He smiled back at her.

— It was Uncle Luke who asked me to buy this stuff.

— So, I guess we are both good with promises. — she placed her arm around his shoulders — Hey, can you stay home alone with Rory?

— Sure. And if I want to disappear, I'll leave you a note. — he mocked.

— It would be better if you just stayed inside. — she shrugged.

— Like not outside? — he mocked again. Lorelai looked at him questioningly.

— Why don't you write a dictionary or something?— she asked, starting to walk along with him.

— Like mother. like daughter. Like daughter, like mother.


Lorelai and Jess entered the diner and they saw Rory sitting on one of the stools, drinking a soda and Luke cleaning the tables. Luke looked up when he heard the bell ring and was surprised to see Lorelai and Jess together. Lorelai had an arm draped around Jess' shoulders. That was definitely a weird picture under the circumstances.

— Hey Rory, let's go home. — Jess said, grabbing her by the hand.

— Why? — she asked confused.

— Because I am asking you to come with me. — and while dragging Rory out of the diner with him, Jess left.

— Hey, Jess! — Luke yelled trying to stop them, but Jess kept walking.

— What is wrong with that kid? — Luke asked more to himself than to Lorelai.

— I told him to take Rory home.

— And why didn't you do that yourself? — he asked confused. Lorelai came closer to him, where only a chair separated the space between the two of them.

— Luke, I need to talk to you. — she said anxiously and Luke faced her without knowing what to do. He could see by the look on her face that that conversation was important and that it could change everything. He just didn't knew if it was for better or for worse.


Review, pleasssssssssssse!