A/N: I changed this chapter once more, trying to correct some more errors. Though, there still are some of them. I know the firsts 3 chapters are pretty lame and I can't do much. But if you have nothing to do, keep reading. It gets better after the fourth chapter. It has like a year and a half since I wrote this chapter and I sucked back then. Now I'm a better writer and after the fourth chapter the story is beta-read. So, please keep reading.

Disclaimer: The characters belongs to WB or whatever they are named now. I'm not sure if they still belongs to ASP since she's out now. But the thing is that I don't own them. Sad, but true.

Chapter 1 – When "daddy" isn't a good word.

Lorelai sat on one of the counter's stools, Rory running sat down next to her. Lorelai looked at her daughter and smiled. She's so smart, only 7 years, but smart, Lorelai thought. She was pride of herself for the great job she was doing, the great job they were doing. Luke appeared 2 minutes later and Lorelai smiled to him.

— Hi hon'!— she said in a sexy tone.

— Mommy, what's wrong with your voice?— Rory asked laughing.

— Lorelai, please! I have a job here! It's the lunch rush, so what you want?— Luke asked rolling his eyes.

— Cranky!— she exclaimed. Luke looked at her, and it was her time to roll her eyes— Ok, I want a cheeseburger, fries, bacon, eggs, pancakes, apple pie, peach pie, chocolate pie and a new, sweetie, loving, tender husb... boyfriend. — Lorelai freezed. Did she almost called him her husband? Sure thing that they were sharing a life, that they were living together, but call him her husband would freak him out. She made her best to act as normal as possible.

Luke get closer of her and kissed her softly. Lorelai closed her eyes and grinned through the kiss. It's the life everyone asked for, she had an amazing daughter, an amazing husband, no an amazing boyfriend, no. An amazing partner.

— Now, seriously, what do you want?

— One more kiss.— she smiled.

— Mom!— Rory yelled— I'm starving, and I really want to come back home to finish reading Alice in the Wonderland, so please Lu, bring us cheeseburgers, fries, bacon, and loads and loads of coffee.

— You listened her, coffee, coffee, coffee!

— Lorelai! Are you really telling me that? Will we have to discuss this again? She's a kid!— Luke exclaimed.

— Daddy! Coffee! Fries! Book!— Lorelai stopped for a second, that little girl could cause so many damage, so many times she told her, to doesn't call him like that. Lorelai turned around, and looked inside her daughter sweet eyes.

— Hon, what we talked? Huh? Don't call him "daddy", 'cause he isn't your father. Christopher is your daddy, you remember him. Tall, thin, call you once in awhile, come in holidays— Lorelai said, nervously. Luke just stood watching that scene. He really loves the sweet way Rory calls him her "daddy". He's her daddy. He's there for her. Always. And Christopher just comes in celebration days. But he understand that he doesn't comes everyday, because he has a work. And secretly, Luke liked to don't have him around this much.

After that, Luke brought some food, and later the girls went home. On Saturdays, Lorelai doesn't work, so she and Rory could spend some time together. And it was special to Lorelai, during the weekdays she'd go to the Inn, Rory to school and after school, she'd go to Lane's house, with Mrs. Kim taking care of her. So in the night they go home and watch TV along Luke and go to bed. An exhaustive routine, but unfortunately it would stay like that for a while.


7:30 p.m.

— Food!— Luke screamed entering Lorelai's house.

— God bless you!— Lorelai exclaimed, helping him with the bags. Once they were in the kitchen she kissed him deeply.— Oh boy! Honey! So how was your day?

— Like a hell!— he went to the living room and sat on couch, Lorelai followed him— And you? What my girls did?

— Oh, a read 5 pages in one hour. Isn't that amazing?— Rory said grinning, and jumped in Luke's lap. Lorelai smiled watching the scene. Then, the doorbell ringed.

Lorelai grabbed the keys and walked towards the door.

— Hey Lor!— Lorelai became pale, what the hell was he doing there?

— Chris? What are you doing here? Is today a holiday and everybody forgot to warn me?— Lorelai said sarcastically.

— Very funny, Lor! But I guess I deserve that. But how are you doing? And where's my girl?— Christopher said smiling. Lorelai was astonished.

— Who is it, Lorelai?— Luke screamed from the living room.

— Mommy come! The movie will start!

— Wait a minute, hon. I'll be there in a sec.— Lorelai answered.

— Lorelai what happened?— Luke asked, walking towards the door. Luke finally saw him, and his face wasn't the most happier.