Title: Fantasy
Disclaimer: Not mine, but if I could have Spike I would return him relatively undamaged.
Notes: I just had the question of what would Spike do if he was given an option of another's love. Yes okay so it took steps in the direction that hard core fans hate 'another character' but hey I can't see Spike getting down and dirty with anyone else on the cast but Buffy. NC-17 rating again but hey I like so who cares? No idea where the title came from.
This can't be happening. Spike thought morosely, staring into his drink, the fifth of the evening. "This isn't happening!"
"What isn't?" asked a voice.
Spike's head snapped up,
"You muttered into your drink 'This isn't happening' and I wondered what," the woman sitting next to him replied.
Spike groaned. He hadn't meant to say it out loud.
"Nothing," he muttered.
"Mmm course," she nodded.
"Oh shut up," Spike snarled, without much conviction.
"Really put a lot into that didn't you?" the woman grinned and spun on her barstool to face him. "Come on I know you didn't mean to say that but you've been staring at all your drinks like you're gonna kill something, so clearly you need to talk."
"Piss off," Spike growled.
She shook her head,
"I know men aren't the ones to talk but, come on, talking to a stranger might help."
"I said piss off," Spike changed for an instance into his vampire visage in a hope to get this irritating woman to go away or at least shut up.
The woman didn't even blink so Spike did it for her. They were sitting in a human bar in Sunnydale because Spike could no longer frequent the demon ones and therefore he hadn't expected her to know about vampires.
"Got kicked out of Willy's as well huh?" she asked.
Spike regarded her for a moment before nodding curtly,
"Yeah the bloody idiots."
The woman smiled at his tone before introducing herself as Asara.
Asara knew his history but did not comment on it.
"What are you then?" Spike asked.
She cocked her on one side, studying the vampire,
"A shape shifter, but not of the lycanthrope type."
Spike shrugged, it meant little to him what she was. Asara bought Spike another drink when he'd finished his and he starting talking to her but he never answered her initial question. They covered a range of topics before Spike called a halt to the evening, needing to get back to his crypt before sunrise.
"See you tomorrow?" Asara asked, hope colouring her words, as they walked outside.
Spike paused, studying her face before a corner of his mouth jerked slightly,
Next evening, different bar.
"No way," Asara shook her head.
"Chicken," Spike grinned.
"Alright!" Asara stood up straighter from where she was leaning against the bar. "How much would it take for you for you to pull another man in here now?"
"Phhhhh," Spike snorted before frowning. "Depends on what he looks like."
"A decent looking one," Asara eyed the passing crowd.
"What constitutes a 'pull'?" Spike asked.
"A full on kiss," Asara replied.
"A tenner," Spike answered.
"Ok you're on!" Asara grinned.
"How you are you going to find me one? He has to be gay already otherwise my fee rises," Spike told her.
"Easy. Women have in built sensors when it comes to men," Asara sipped her drink before pointing at a man. "Him."
"You said decent!" Spike exclaimed.
Asara sniggered,
"Yeah, yeah."
Asara pointed out five more, which Spike all turned down.
"Grrr you're impossible!" Asara growled. "Last chance to earn a tenner. Him!"
Spike glanced at the new offering before nodding slowly,
"He'll do."
"Thank god!" Asara sighed before pulling Spike off his stool. "Get going."
Spike glared at her before straightening his duster and sauntering over to the man at whom he flirted shamelessly. Asara grinned, watching him get the guy's attention and then interest. Spike knew what he was doing Asara gave that and it wasn't long before she knew she would have to cough up the money. She watched the man lean over and capture Spike's lips to which Spike responded fully. Asara swallowed as she caught sight of tongues and she sat down, completely turn on by the sight.
Spike pulled away to view the dazed man's face and grinned. He still had it in him.
"Later," he said before walking back over to Asara.
She was gaping at him, almost drooling. Spike raised an eyebrow and thought,
Clearly she's not a clean cut lady.
Asara snapped her mouth shut so quickly she hurt her teeth then she dug her wallet out of her pocket. Fishing out the dollar bill she handed it to Spike who smiled happily before stuffing it into his duster.
"Pleasure doing business with you luv," he said, reaching out and snagging his drink off the bar.
"Really? Well it certainly looked like you enjoyed it," Asara commented offhandedly.
"So did you," Spike told Asara her expression had been very readable.
Asara flushed and buried her head in her drink causing Spike to chuckle.
"Your turn pet. Go flirt."
"Gonna pay me?" she asked, teasing.
"Nope," Spike grinned.
"Ummm no then," Asara shook her head.
"Scared?" Spike teased.
Asara looked at him before shrugging,
"A little, but really I don't know how to flirt. I can't say it comes naturally."
Spike looked utterly surprised,
"Well we're going to have to work on that."
"We are?" Asara looked taken aback.
"I think you'd be a big hit," Spike told her.
"And why's that?"
"Cause you aren't exactly not attractive," Spike informed Asara.
Asara was torn between embarrassment and surprise at the compliment but she didn't even think about the next thing said. It leapt from her mouth before she processed what it meant.
"You gonna teach me?"
"Most definitely," Spike grinned.
Asara swallowed audibly before smiling tentatively,
Spike paused, thinking about it,
"We go back to mine and I teach you some moves that turn men on."
"I… er…" Asara finished her drink, trying to think of something to say.
Spike downed the remainder of his whiskey, jumped off his stool and caught the corner of her sleeve, tugging. Asara stared at him before surrendering to his demands and she following him to his crypt. Spike spent the rest of the evening and early morning pushing Asara around, teaching her how to stand, what to say, when to touch a man and where. Asara dissolved into fits of hysterical giggles when Spike swapped roles with her and tried to be a woman. He retaliated by tickling her, which changed the giggles into full blown laughter and both of them caught it when Asara tickled Spike back.
"Enough!" Asara had screamed, pushing him away whilst she'd tried to catch her breath. "I'm going to be going now!"
"Aawww," Spike wined.
She grinned at the pathetic tone, pulling on her leather coat and tugging the door open. Spike caught her arm,
"When can I see you again?"
"I'll come back," she promised.
And so she did. Asara came round many times and both of them enjoyed the time spent in each other company. She often turned up as the sun was setting so they could get the full evening out to kill demons. Spike discovered Asara loved the hunt as much as he did and could hold her own with skill and grace. Months passed and the pair became well tuned to each other, turning their moves into synchronised dances.
One evening saw the pair fighting four, grey Crasicley demons who stood seven feet tall with a reach to match.
"I hate these buggers," Spike yelled when one sliced his forehead open.
Asara agreed with him as she slammed into her two, pushing them to the ground. Pulling her axe out of its sheath on her back she swung it in an arc that cleaved the demons heads from their bodies. Twirling she turned to face the on going fight with Spike and the remaining Crasicley. She learnt long ago not to interfere when Spike was engaged in battle. He liked to finish off his own enemies without help and, Asara admitted to herself, it gave her time to study Spike when he wasn't looking and therefore wouldn't notice. Spike swept the demons legs out from under him and Asara knew the fight was over. She turned her hand over to inspect the deep cut running across her palm as Spike advanced towards her.
"You ok luv?" he asked.
"Yeah," she glanced at the wound on his head. "As much as you are."
Spike fingered the cut, wincing.
"We can get that fixed at mine since your crypt has no medical facilities," she cleaned the blade on her axe before putting it away.
"That's cause I don't need them," Spike answered.
"Uh huh," Asara nodded. "That's why you're blinking so quickly to keep the blood out of your eyes."
Spike loftily lifted his nose to ignore her comment and it made her smile.
"Come on Big Bad. Let's get us sorted," Asara linked arms with Spike and the pair walked out the abandoned warehouse towards Asara's house.
Half and hour later and the pair were bandaged up and relaxing in Asara's kitchen. She had even provided Spike with a mug of warmed blood, which Spike had been surprised by as he hadn't been there enough times before to notice she kept blood in her fridge. Asara was standing with her back to a counter watching Spike talk about something but she'd completely blanked what. She'd gradually lost her brain that evening as she'd watched Spike do the most boring, average things that had taken on a whole new meaning. When Spike had sipped at his blood and come away with some on his lip her mouth had gone dry, then he'd licked it away and Asara had been forced to grab the counter in support. Even the way he was sitting in the chair, displaying the toned muscles in his arms and chest, was turning Asara on. She was hoping Spike wasn't aware of anything unusual.
Get a grip girl. What the hell has got into you this evening? she thought.
Spike was becoming gradually aware Asara wasn't really hearing him and that she was all tense. He could see it in her shoulders and arms. Standing, which produced a small jump out of Asara, he placed his now empty mug in the sink and turned to Asara, crossing his arms.
She almost swallowed her tongue at that.
"Spike…er… How long before sun comes up?" she asked to fill the silence.
"Bout two hours," Spike answered. "What to get rid of me?"
"No!" Asara exclaimed quickly before realising how it had sounded. "Er no. Stay as long as possi… you want."
Spike caught the slip and took a step closer. Leaning in he watched the way her eyes widened and he could hear the increase in her heart beat. Now he could smell the arousal on her. Raising an eyebrow he smiled and said,
"So Asara what do you want to do now?"
She squeaked and received a vast number of visuals from her brain. Shutting her eyes she strove for control but couldn't stop herself answering Spike,
"I can think of a lot more things that require physical exertion if you're up to it."
"Oh I'm definitely up for it," Spike replied, moving so his arms went around either side of Asara to rest on the counter. What the hell is bringing this on? And why am I so keen to see this through?
Asara was now flushed, her breathing heavy as she struggled for control over her erring body which wanted more than anything to throw itself at Spike. She was losing.
"Oh really? Got to say you don't feel up to it," Asara answered, referring to the small distance separating them. Oh shit! Shut up! She shut her eyes.
Spike watched her do that before leaning in. Asara's eyes flew open.
"Christ!" she swore before biting her lip. Asara was now very aware that she wasn't the only one in the room aroused by the proceedings.
"Asara, luv you do realise you're flirting with me," Spike told her, grinning at his achievement. "Quite successfully."
Asara fidgeted before stopping as she became aware all she was achieving was the movement of her hips against Spike's erection. Shit that felt good! Spike swallowed to maintain his control at that.
"What is this all about pet?" Spike asked when he could speak.
"I don't know," Asara whispered. "I can't control myself… I keep imagining us doing things…. Crap… then I say stuff out loud without meaning to."
"Doing things?" Spike wasn't going to let this go. "I know you watch me when you think I won't notice. I know you want me. I can smell it."
"No… don't…please…" she shook her head.
Spike tilted his mouth towards Asara's ear and began to suggest ideas of what they could be doing with their time and bodies. Asara shuddered in response to his words, clinging to the last bit of her sanity.
"…run my tongue…"
Asara's hands flew up to his chest to push him away.
Asara let out a strangled cry and her nails dug into Spike's chest, head falling back which caused Spike to stop talking. He wanted to know what word had brought out that cry and so he began to repeat them slowly in between licking at her exposed throat. Each word and lick brought out a soft moan until he hit upon the word which brought out a louder whimper and jerk of her body. Spike said it again and again, drawing her out. Asara lost her sanity then and let go. He slid his arms up her back holding her to him as he repeated the sacred word, sometimes whispering it, sometimes hissing it. Asara struggled to bring her head up so she could see Spike and one glance at his desire filled eyes pushed her over the edge. She climaxed and howled his name, hips bucking against the hardness of his body. Spike held her to him, revealing in the sensation that he'd made her come with only a word. God this girl's responsive!
Asara was still twitching in his arms and he frowned as she made a gurgling noise in her throat, head buried in his shoulder.
"Asara? Pet?" Spike pulled back to see her face.
Half her face seemed to run down her neck as her body shifted in and out of itself. Spike pulled even further back and Asara caught herself on the counter, breath loud in the silence.
"What the hell…?" Spike stopped when something cracked.
"Spike help me," Asara ground out. She could feel her whole body shift at different times into other body parts that should never be associated with each other.
"What is going on?" Spike was more than confused.
"Too early… not now… wrong," Asara slipped a bit and Spike caught her.
"Start at the beginning," Spike told her, trying to stay calm.
"Females of my kind have mating cycles…" Asara's breath hitched as she struggled for control. "We seek out a male to mate with for life and…" pause as her jaw disappeared then reappeared. "Not meant to happen until we reach 500. I'm only just over 300."
"There's something else isn't there?" Spike sensed something missing.
"Females die, torn apart by their own bodies," Asara confessed.
"You chose me," Spike said quietly.
"Yes… no… I shouldn't be doing this now. Will you help me?" Asara looked into Spike's eyes, then screamed wordlessly.
"Whoa!" Spike lost his balance as Asara's body jumped and twitched and they collapse to the floor. Cradling her to his chest he could hear her grind her teeth together and under that a mutter,
"Luv," Spike began but got no response. "Asara."
She looked up.
"What do you need?" he asked.
She stared at him and he nodded. Asara hissed,
"Blood, flesh…something alive."
Her hand jerked and Spike caught sight of three monstrous claws instead of the normal five digits.
Do I want to let her rip into me? Spike thought, knowing even he would find it excruciating and there would be no way to turn it to pleasure.
Spike silently held out his arm to her and Asara shook her head.
"I'm holding on to the last bit of control if I do thak ic wkonc ccokcmakc…" Asara trailed off as her throat disappeared, taking with it her voice.
"Do it," Spike told her, his tone brooking no argument.
Asara snarled, lips raised, before her new hand sliced into Spike's forearm. He hissed in pain, vamping out and was surprised when the pain got no worse. Somehow, from somewhere, Asara had found the control to stop herself from ripping Spike's arm off and she was frozen, eyes locked on the blood running from the gashes.
Both jumped and skittered apart slightly when the door banged open to admit Asara's friends and housemates. All were shape shifters, but none were family and none truly trusted, or liked Spike. Asara's best friend tore her from Spike and wrapped herself around the shaking body. Spike was hassled out the way, face changing back to its human planes, no one taking any notice of his arm until Spike stood shakily and came face to face with Yimila.
"Get out vampire," she hissed, low and menacingly.
Spike nodded, too shocked to fight before turning and picking up his duster. Pulling it on he walked towards the still open door but stopped when a shaky voice called his name.
"Spike," Asara pushed herself out of the mass of bodies.
Spike turned to her, saying nothing.
"Will you think about it?" she asked.
Spike nodded and Asara smiled before blacking out. The group surged around her, doing what shape shifters did best communicating silently with looks and smells. Spike slipped out and shut the door after himself.
Spike walked quickly to get back to his crypt before sunrise. He could feel it itching across his skin, making him twitchy and extremely alert. If Spike hurried, his mind was running flat out but it kept battering itself against the problems running round his brain.
"Bloody hell! Why?" Spike muttered, slamming his hands into the crypt door, flinging it open. It opened so fast that it pinged off the wall behind it and slammed shut with a loud crash.
Why now? He'd spent much, make that all, of his undead life with someone; Dru, Angelus, random women who caught his eye, hell even Harmony. Spike hated being alone, he admitted that, but now he was caught between two women.
Spike pulled off his duster and dropped into his chair. Make that three, but Harm doesn't really count. Harmony was just a shag and not a particularly exciting one at that. No the real problem cropped up when he compared the Slayer and the shifter. Realising he loved the Slayer was a relatively new occurrence but he was still trying to deign it.
Spike, picking at the dried blood on his arm, shifted in his chair, suddenly uncomfortable when he remembered his reaction to the dreams. Trying to forget the tiny blonde whose skill he grudgingly admired, her sharp tongue, often directed at him, Spike had recently been drinking himself into oblivion or attempting to. That thought brought him on to Asara. She had stopped him doing that that evening and every evening after that and kept him company when the Slayer and her Scoobies rejected him. She didn't care he was a vampire, that his cold, dead body housed a demon, that he couldn't bite people. Spike frowned. She wouldn't care if I could.
Asara was just as much a demon as he was. He knew she'd killed and eaten humans before; she just didn't do it frequently because she said they tasted boring. Spike grinned at that. Asara had spirit and he got a kick out of being in her company, sometimes literally when they had training spats. Not to mention that she'd saved his butt a couple of times, namely from humans or demons with grudges. She didn't hold it over him like the Slayer would because she was his friend. Spike's eyes bugged at that thought. Had he really found a friend, a kindred spirit? Spike felt a warmth spreading in his chest and frowning he squashed it. He still had the question of helping Asara out to deal with. He could quite happily shag her because, as he had told her, she was attractive and Spike didn't even mind the mating for life thing. He and Dru had been monogamous for a hundred years, or at least he had been so he had it in him and just because Asara was going to be honourable didn't mean he had to be. And why the hell hadn't he liked that idea?
No the only problem Spike had with the idea of getting horizontal that'll do for starters with Asara was he'd never seen her true form. He wasn't stupid enough to think that the tall, leggy, blonde was 'natural'. From her desires for meat and blood and the fact that she kept blood in her fridge and those claws! Spike could hazard a good guess that the real Asara would have well developed fangs and claws. Could he deal with the base creature? Spike couldn't answer that question until he'd seen it…her but if he could cope…?
"Bloody hell," Spike muttered again, heaving himself from the seat.
Asara had been secured in her bed, still unconscious whilst her friends yipped unhappily. Asara's best friend, Juidon, was also the area's shape shifter specialist and she was extremely concerned about what was happening. Knowing Asara was in fragile state Juidon had attempted to usher the rest out of her room but had received stiff opposition from the others.
"No!" Yimila said vehemently.
"Yim please," Juidon pleaded.
"No she has a point," Esster'd came forward and laid a hand on Juidon's arm. "Tell us why we should leave her."
Juidon looked round at the six pairs of eyes and sighed,
"At the moment Asara is very precariously balanced. She could wake up and her body might demand its right to claim someone. Do you want her to do that to you and then regret it because she doesn't see any of us that way?"
The heads shook and Juidon continued,
"We could all smell what happened in the kitchen. Asara can't control herself."
"That's true," Esster'd nodded.
"There's no way she'd do that with a vampire if she could manage with what she's feeling," Yimila curled her lip in disgust. Some of the others nodded in agreement.
Juidon looked at them and sighed mentally. If this was going to end the way she thought it was then they would need to get over their hatred for the vampire and get over it quickly.
"He might come back," Juidon said.
"He won't get to Asara!" Yimila hissed.
"We may have no alternatives. If he does turn up there are things I need to talk to him about so don't just throw him out," Juidon warned.
The group murmured and shifted restlessly but agreed.
"Now will you leave?" Juidon asked.
"Alright," Yimila agreed.
"What about you?" asked a quiet voice.
"Casve I know you're worried but she'll be ok. I promise," Juidon looked at the youngster.
The sad face nodded.
"I'm going to stay until she wakes up," Juidon told them and the rest filed out quietly. Juidon knelt beside the bed and took Asara's hand.
Asara had actually come round whilst Juidon was explaining and she'd attempted to open her eyes only to find them getting a close up of the pillow.
Weird. she thought before realising her eyes had slipped round to the back of her head, not that she'd been put face down on the bed.
Reduced to listening Asara had heard Juidon's comments about the kitchen and then Yimila's obvious revulsion at the idea. It hurt her to think that her choice may hurt her friends, her family for they were all she had but she couldn't think of any alternative and she didn't want to either. She heard the others leave and felt Juidon take her hand, as her eyes slipped back round to where they were suppose to be.
"I know you heard that," Juidon said quietly.
Asara opened her eyes and smiled weakly,
"Never could fool you."
Juidon smiled back before gaining the courage to ask the questions that needed to be asked.
"What happened?"
Asara told her, being more specific as the evening had worn on. She got to the moment when Spike had begun to suggest things, found that word and she had smiled, surprising Juidon.
"Asara? Why?"
"I knew deep down that I could probably stop him, should stop him but I didn't want to. It was wonderful Jui. I never thought… If I could play the evening out again it would be the same," Asara squeezed her friend's hand gently.
Juidon eyed her. She knew that Asara liked Spike but she never thought it would ever go this far or that he could ever mean as much to Asara as he clearly did.
"You know why I'm worried Asara," Juidon told her, determined to get her feelings out in the open. Her friend nodded, listening. "You know that he may not come back and even if he does he may not like you. He will want to see you properly Asara and you know it. It will drain you badly to force a change at this point and I won't be able to help you if he rejects you."
"I know," Asara said softly. "I have accepted what is to come. Don't blame yourself."
Juidon bowed her head, fighting her tears. Asara touched her hair, comforting without words until Juidon rallied herself again.
"You know what I'm going to say," she warned. "What you did was very dangerous. He dominated the first encounter and did something only truly intimate pairs are supposed to be able to do."
"We're doing it all backwards aren't we?" Asara smiled.
"Yes and you know you must lead to next encounter when he's with you," Juidon instructed.
"I know. My body is telling me I must… must see him in action under my command," Asara nodded. "When?"
"He'll come back," Juidon crossed her fingers. "In action? What we talking about here?"
Asara grinned slyly.
"Hand or blow job?" Juidon asked, knowing where this was going.
"Oh I think maybe both," Asara replied.
Juidon grinned, shook her head and whispered,
"Poor vampire."
"No telling the others, not yet. I want to," Asara caught her hand as she stood.
Juidon nodded. She knew Asara meant both alternatives. Asara was trapped between actually death and death as a lover and Juidon didn't ever want to know what that was like.
"Rest if you can," Juidon said, shutting the door as she left.
Asara winced as a particularly painful change rippled though her. Rest wasn't a real option.
Juidon avoided the others and wondered into the basement to think. Asara's life was hanging in the balance. She was to be judged by a vampire. Juidon wrinkled her nose and knew she'd have to get over her prejudices if this was going to be going down. Bad pun, she thought, pacing the room.
Even if Spike was a vampire he was a good match for Asara so much so she couldn't think of a single person, shifter or otherwise, that would be better suited for her. Being the shifter specialist had brought her into contact with a lot of different people and there were few Asara would like, let alone even consider mating with.
Asara had a tempestuous temperament but she also had her quiet moments, in which she liked nothing better than silence and just to be held. She was loyal to the point of stupidity but didn't let her dominating streak rule her or others. To match her she couldn't have a submissive partner or a dominating one. Juidon grinned, she probably end up strangling both. No she needed herself mirrored in another, male if we go with her preferences and that brought her onto Spike.
Outward appearance was a sham. A cocky exterior to hide his real emotions, but it did break occasionally. Juidon had seen anger, hatred, caring, a quiet thoughtfulness, possessiveness a mile wide, loyalty and she'd only seen Spike about five times. The Master vampire was an odd package and he seemed so much at odds with life that he didn't look like he'd ever fit.
So much like Asara! They even dress the same! No taste. Juidon thought, frowning before snapping back to more important matters. It looks like they're stuck with each other if Spike decides to do this. If Spike was so much like Asara and she'd fallen for him then it wouldn't a great leap in intelligence or faith to presume the same back. Except the Slayer complicates matters, Juidon recalled Asara telling her about the conversation she'd had with the depressed Spike.
Which will he choose?
"Slayer I need…"
"Oh god Spike just go away and leave me alone," Buffy moaned. Having had a hard day she was in no mood for anytime spent around Spike.
"Listen to me damn it!" Spike hissed, grabbing her arms.
"Let go!" Buffy snapped, pushing him away.
"I've got to ask you something," Spike tried to control his mounting temper.
"And the answer is no, not now, not ever," Buffy glared at Spike, arms crossed.
Spike ground his teeth together. He knew this wasn't going to be easy but the Slayer was in such a mood this afternoon.
"This could change your life luv and mine!" Spike tried to show Buffy how serious he was.
"Nothing you have to offer me could do that!" Buffy snorted. "Except maybe your timely demise!"
"Not even love?" Spike asked quietly.
"Spike what are you yammering about? Wait I don't even want to know. Just go away or instead I think I can cope if you stay there," with that she turned and left.
Spike resisted the urge to step after. Stepping into the sunlight and ending his existence in a fiery ball was not what he'd planned for the day. Sighing Spike slouched against the wall behind him. This is not going well.
The Slayer hadn't even listened to him and somehow that made his decision both easier and harder. Easier because he knew that Asara listened to him and wanted him, harder because the Slayer still didn't understand and he didn't know what she truly felt. Am I deluding myself here?
"Bloody wanker," Spike muttered to himself, pulling out a cigarette. So that leaves me in the same place as before! Fucking brilliant!
With no answer from the Slayer that left the other woman and he still had to know what she looked like, what she felt like. Spike grinned. Oh he knew that already. With that thought urging him on he turned and descended into the sewers, knowing the back way into Asara's
Juidon smelt him coming and stood, partially hidden in the shadows to watch him push the grate, which covered their sewer access, away. She watched him pull himself into the basement and straighten out before he tensed and sniffed the air.
"I know you're in here," he's said calmly. Clearly he knew this wasn't going to be a simple matter of popping in and getting on with business.
Juidon stepped out of the shadows and confronted the vampire.
"Spike I know why you're here and while I don't exactly get the best feelings about this I know it's Asara's choice," Juidon sighed before muttering, "only choice."
Spike caught that and realised just how desperate the situation was.
"How is she?" he asked softly.
Juidon's head jerked. She'd expected him to say a lot of things but not that.
"Weak and fading. Look Spike I know you need to see her in her true form but understand this. If you reject her afterwards she will fade a lot quicker than she would otherwise and…" Juidon paused. "I might be able to contain my grief, my rage but the others would be out after your blood." Juidon smiled a jerky smile. "They still might if you take up with her."
"Caught between being torn to pieces and torn to pieces. How fantastic!" Spike said sarcastically.
Juidon grinned suddenly,
"Oh no the pack wouldn't get you if you take Asara as your mate. She'd defend you to the last. You've no idea how strong the bond is."
"I think I do. A Sire and Childe…." Spike was interrupted when Juidon shook her head. "No. Multiply take bond by about a hundred and you're still not close."
Spike sighed, running his hands through his hair.
Juidon surveyed him both smiling softly in the darkness,
"Go to her. She needs you."
Spike nodded and walked up the stairs, opened the door and stepped through. He just caught Juidon's last comment,
"I hope you slept well. You're going to need it you lucky vamp."
Spike grinned, hoping that meant what he thought it did. Whoa slow down mate. One thing at a time. Stop imagining her calling out your name when she's in your arms.
Stepping through to the hall and about to climb the stairs he was accosted by an angry whirlwind of Yimila.
"Have you spoken to Juidon?" she asked.
"Yes I…" Spike was grabbed and hauled back.
"Then get out! Now!" she hissed.
"I came to see Asara," Spike wrenched his duster out of her grip.
"Not while I'm here!" Yimila growled, face shifting to reveal an impressive set of teeth.
Bet they all work too, Spike thought as he vamped out, growling in return.
"Yimila! Spike!" Juidon's voice snapped and both yellow sets of eyes turned to find the rest of the pack staring at them.
"I have to go to Asara!" Spike put on foot on the stair and nearly got his hand bitten off. "Piss off!"
Yimila didn't answer but Spike could see she was working herself up to pounce.
"Juidon!" he hissed, hoping to get some aid.
"No Spike you're on your own. I'll stop Yimila at Asara's door but you have to get there," Juidon couldn't get involved, pack protocol prevented it.
"Fuck!" Spike swore low in his throat before diving out of the way of the enraged shifter. Knowing coming to blows with Yimila could lay him up for weeks he dodged her next charge and used her momentum to slam her into a wall. Using all the speed he was blessed with Spike hurtled up the stairs, Yimila close on his heels and noticing only one door was closed he guessed and hoped it was Asara's. Pitching headfirst at the door he grabbed the handle and shoved it open merely to be flatten by Yimila. She growled low in her throat and Spike knew he was about to have something chewed off.
Suddenly another growl pierced the air, but it came from directly in front of him. Looking up Spike saw Asara and then he blinked and did a double take.
"Get off him now!" her voice, low and rasping like sandpaper.
Yimila rumbled in her chest and flattened her ears. Asara answered with a snarl and Spike watched as a change come over her. Her body flowed round her and abruptly he knew this is what the real Asara looked like and to be honest he was impressed. Most shifters, in his opinion, were too hairy and not much to look at. Asara was different.
Asara had a light covering of black hair over her body but it hid nothing of her strong, muscled but still evidently female body and she rested on all fours. Her jaw was elongated, revealing, as Spike had guessed, an even more impressive set of gnashers than Yimila's and the three curling claws were back, making the total twelve. Her ears closely resembled a horse's but they were, at the moment, tucked close to her skull as she displayed threatened Yimila. Spike was surprised to note her eyes were still blue and he opened his mouth,
That's all he got out before Yimila dug her claws into his back and he hissed low, lips drawn back. Asara stopped displaying and went very, very still. Yimila froze before she began grovelling and backing away from Spike and into the surrounding pack. Spike was stationary on the floor too, knowing he was in a very bad place physically. He knew that the pack around him had no Alpha because they were all to close but seeing that action from Asara and subsequent reaction by Yimila he knew that Asara could claim it if she wanted.
"Spike," Asara growled and Spike was surprised she could talk at all round her mouthful.
He looked at her,
"Yes?" His voiced sounded hoarse.
"Get behind me now," she commanded.
Spike managed an undignified scramble to put himself firmly behind Asara and in the room. Juidon approached Asara carefully before yipping at her. Asara relaxed a bit and yipped back prior to closing the door on the pack and turning to Spike.
"Here I am. What do you think?" she asked.
"Honestly you're scary as hell," Spike confessed, face sliding back to its human planes.
Asara shifted uncomfortably and Spike had never seen such an unusual display from a powerful being.
"But," Spike said as he dropped to his knees in front of Asara. "I know what it cost you to do that and I'm very grateful. I like you. I like the tall blonde who 'can't' flirt, I like the woman who fights like a possessed demon and I like the powerful shifter in front of me now."
If it was possible for a shape shifter to blush Asara managed to turn her black fur even darker before her body melted back into her human form.
"I'm glad. I like all of you too," and with that she collapsed.
"Bloody hell!" Spike swore as he caught her. "Asara? Come on pet, you're scaring me."
He felt for a pulse and was relieved to find one. Rocking her in his arms he waited for her to regain consciousness, knowing Asara was extremely drained after her performance that had been all to save him. Asara groaned and stirred. Spike waited until she began moving properly before asking,
"How you doing pet?"
"Ugh. Don't ask me to do that again. Not sure I can even manage the whole get to bed to sleep thing," Asara moaned, tired beyond belief.
"Do you need a pick-me-up?" Spike watched Asara raise her head.
"Be nice. I'd ask you to get something from the fridge but you're not leaving me," Asara told him firmly.
"On the whole account of being ripped to shreds," Spike glanced at the door.
"Oh they won't touch you now. No I meant that I didn't want you to leave me here… alone… without you," Asara stuttered.
"Oh. Oh!" Spike caught on and a grin spilt his face.
"If you don't mind…I mean if you came to tell me it's the Slayer you want I…I'd understand," Asara bit her lip.
"Holy shit girl!" Spike swore, cradling Asara into a sitting position. "Do you not listen? I said I like you!"
"You like Buffy too," Asara pointed out.
"Forget her! I have. Do you need to hear me say it? I want you more than the Slayer. I want to be here with you not with her," Spike resisted the urge to shake her.
"I…" Asara opened her mouth, shocked.
"Now about that pick-me-up," Spike balanced Asara on his legs and stripped off his duster and t-shirt.
"Spike?" Asara squeaked.
Spike picked up Asara's hand, having noted the claws were still slightly present as long, sharp nails, and he sliced open his wrist.
"Spike?" Asara squeaked again, swallowing as the scent of blood hit her.
"Feed. Go on," Spike held his wrist to her mouth.
Asara eyed the bloody wrist, Spike and then the wrist before she flicked out her tongue to catch a falling drop. Spike tensed then hissed as Asara's tongue licked over his wrist, ignoring the cut for the moment as she clean off the excess blood. With Spike watching her intently Asara fixed her mouth over the wound and sucked. The blood tasted powerful and Asara knew that too much would have her addicted. Pulling back she heard Spike moan slightly and she flicked her eyes to him and their gazes met and locked. Asara didn't look away as she lowered her mouth back down to his wrist and licked the cut with a long slow stroke. Spike moaned quietly then louder as Asara did it again before hissing with pleasure when she sucked hard on the gash. Spike's eyes to roll back in their sockets as she continued to worry at the edges but before long the vampire's healing ability meant no more blood flowed to the surface.
"Well I can say I feel a lot better," Asara commented.
"So do I," Spike answered and Asara caught the husky edge to his voice.
She became exceedingly aware she was naked because she couldn't change with clothes intact. Asara wiggled and then became exceedingly aware of how aroused Spike was.
Spike had begun to get hard when Asara's tongue had first touched his wrist and when she wriggled like that he dug his fingers into the carpet.
"Luv we know there was another reason why I came here," Spike told her, gradually becoming aware that she was naked and sitting on his growing erection. Ok so he had noticed she was naked before but he'd been preoccupied with getting her better. Now he wanted to make it better, for all concerned.
Asara looked at him, saw desire filled eyes and heat came flooding back through her. Control!
"Before I lose it," Asara panted. "Tell me I'm not gonna force you into a relationship you don't want. I'd rather die than do that to you."
Spike's answer was to kiss her. It was a gentle, ghost of a kiss and he pulled back only to find Asara chasing him for more. When their lips met again there was nothing gentle about it. A passion burned in each of them and each touch made the flames burn brighter, hungry for each other. Spike ran his tongue over her bottom lip and Asara moaned, opening her mouth to him. Spike shuddered at the touch of her tongue against his and then she did something that made him cry out and unintentionally break the kiss.
"What the hell?" Spike asked, gasping for unneeded breath.
Asara stuck her tongue to reveal a fork. Spike hissed and was kissing her again, hands buried in her hair. She did what he had silently asked for and ran her tongue down each side of his simultaneously and Spike tried to climb into her mouth. Asara sat sideways in his lap but that didn't stop her trying to press herself closer to him, running her hands down his back. When her fingers encountered his jeans they hadn't hesitated in dipping below the waistline and Spike's hips had jerked appreciatively. She broke the kiss and Spike whimpered slightly before realising that Asara was gesturing to the bed. He growled and picked her up. Depositing her on the bed he made as if to join her but she'd stopped him.
"I want to see you," she's said, voice low.
Spike hadn't hesitated but his fingers had fumbled with the button and zipper. Calm, control. You're a Master vampire… whose thoughts go out the window when confronted by that! He stared at Asara whose gaze was locked on Spike's crotch, all inhibitions gone. She watched as the tight jeans had slid down over his narrow hips, muscular legs to pool at his feet. He toed off his boots and stepped out of the jeans.
"Oh yeah," Asara had murmured before he hand reached out the hard, jutting flesh.
Spike groaned as her fingers gently grazed over the tip of his penis. Asara liked the noise and so did it again, this time coming away with pre-cum on her fingers. Without thinking her fingers had gone to her mouth and Spike growled, low and hard when she'd sucked her fingers clean. He grabbed her and pulled her up for a searing kiss. She let her mouth be plundered as she rubbed herself against Spike, making him moan into the kiss, then this time he broke away.
"Stop it!" he'd hissed. "Or we won't finish this."
Asara wrapped a hand around him and Spike had closed his eyes.
"But you like it. I know you want it. You want it bad," Asara whispered, moving her hand down the length of his shaft.
Spike thrust into her hand and his hands curled into fists, nails digging into palms. Asara directed him onto the bed so he was lying on his back and she was between his legs, having never let go of him. She tested out the soft spots seeing what touches brought out which noises and she particularly liked the moan, buck and twitch that came when she fisted him hard and tugged on his balls. Once he tried to take control again but she simple evaded his hands and began to up the touching.
Spike was soon gasping out meaningless phrases, "…please, yes, like that, Asara…" His hands had grasped fistfuls of the sheets and came off the mattress at every touch, which suddenly disappeared.
"Asara?" he lifted his head in time to see all of his cock disappear into her mouth. He bucked wildly as heat engulfed him and he felt the forked tongue caress him.
"Oh god Asara!" he cried as she ran her teeth over him.
"More?" she whispered.
"Yes!" Spike begged.
Asara licked the slit before taking him in again and this time she deep throated him and began convulsive swallowing. Spike cried out, back bowing, feet braced on the bed as the heat seemed to close in even tighter, then she brushed the line between sac and anus. He came with a primitive howl, thrusting deeply into her mouth. Asara didn't choke and she swallowed every last of drop of cum before rising and kissing him. Spike tasted himself in her mouth and broke free with a possessive embrace that had Asara pinned to the bed with his head buried between neck and shoulder.
"Now we're even," she whispered in his ear.
Spike growled and pulled his head up,
"Where the hell did you learn half that stuff?"
"Been around long enough to see much of it in real life. I just wasn't involved," Asara shrugged.
"I hate to think what you'll be like with practice," Asara raised an eyebrow at his statement and he buried his head back into her neck, where he muttered something else.
"What?" Asara asked.
"You heard," he told her.
"Maybe. Say it again, just so we're clear," she grinned.
"I said you have a bloody talented tongue," Spike nipped at her neck.
"So do you. You used yours with such…" Asara shuddered.
"I love that word," he told her, kissing her softly.
"Mmmmm I think I do to," she murmured afterwards before yawning. "Sorry"
"Don't be," Spike rolled off her and pulled her into his chest so he could wrap an arm round her waist and bury his face back into her neck. "Sleep."
"Night Spike," she murmured.
"Night my little shifter," Spike kissed her softly.
Asara smiled at the pet name and whispered,
"Love you."
She closed her eyes and drifted off. Spike lifted his head and whispered back,
"Love you too."
He nestled back down and missed the smile on Asara's face. She had heard him.